The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Balance feedback - Doctor

The Doctor is far too OP with his passive that is the only killer to have a completely unremoveable effect. Possibly slow the tier cooldown and have a snap out of it mini game for each tier until removed.

At least don't inflict madness just bc you are in his terror radius. It should only be inflicted by an active shock treatment. 


  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    He is a high mid tier killer… far from being OP.
    Ask some people who player longer than you for advice how to play against him, before you ask for unnecessary nerfs that would completely ruin a killer.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    His passive is bad, you just need to crouch or use lockers to counter it. There's a reason there are no Doctors that rely on his terror radius in high ranks.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    I don't really have a problem with him. He makes stealth really hard, but this game isn't really about stealth like it used to be, so...yeah. He's not really a problem.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    Hide in a locker.
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Lol this is either bait or a new/bad Survivor.

    If this isn't an attempt bait and you are new/bad at Survivor, then Doctor is really easy to counter.

    1. Hiding in lockers stops your Madness from increasing.
    2. Skill checks are really easy to hit, even with Madness active.
    3. I'm pretty sure crouching slows your Madness gain.
    4. You can also dodge his Shock Therapy pretty easily.
  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @rajuncajun715 said:
    The Doctor is far too OP with his passive that is the only killer to have a completely unremoveable effect. Possibly slow the tier cooldown and have a snap out of it mini game for each tier until removed.

    At least don't inflict madness just bc you are in his terror radius. It should only be inflicted by an active shock treatment. 

    The dr is far from op. Its mostly just annoying that a handful of killers just randomly shock everywhere to find someone and not actually look for them, but I guess that is there play style. Although the sound he makes when hit with a pallet is quite concerning. lol maybe make it sound a little less "pedo" sounding.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    alright, back to the basics then:
    there is 3 cathegories of killers in this game:
    1. Hunters (Hillbilly, Nurse, Huntress, Shape (tier 2 + 3), Clown, Spirit)
    2. Defenders (Trapper, Hag, Cannibal)
    3. Trackers (Wraith, Shape (tier 1), Freddy, Doctor)
    4. Pig (no idea where to put her tbh)

    every one of these cathegorys has its ups and downs:
    Hunters: good: hunting; bad: tracking
    Defenders: good: defense; bad: tracking + hunting outside the are they defend
    Trackers: good: tracking; bad: hunting

    you see? the doc, as a tracker, has it easy to find you, but cant really do much against loops. the docs power also requires a lot of skill to be used effectively in a chase, due to the stun duration only being 2.5 seconds after a succesfull hit with the shocktherapy. the madness itself will only affect unexperienced players, since it screws with your skillchecks (33% chance on a random skillcheck at tier 1, 66% at tier 2 and 99% at tier 3). the other symptoms (add-ons) can be easily countered out too: fake heartbeat? - look at the ground for the static field. fake red dot? look behind you. longer phantom doc duration? touch them. fake pallets? remember which you used and dont trust dropped pallets. exhausted in tier 3? snap out of it (its an very rare only, so you wont encounter that often).
    you see? everything the doc does can be easily countered out by some skill.
    doc is far from being OP, so please get some experience, before you come here and try to nerf him.

  • Blood_Coil_Viper
    Blood_Coil_Viper Member Posts: 199
    Doctor? OP? I can think of a few killers who are way stronger at high level play.. as can most people. 
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    It's funny how it's always people with less than 10 post that make those kind of thread.
    I have a theory, they are all the same person and it's just an elaborate prank

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    It was expected by the developers that The Doctor was going to break stealth and the game/meta when he was introduced. They didn’t realize how strong looping was, and that made him significantly less viable. Therefore, he was never really balanced around stealth because for most players, stealth didn’t matter. The stalth-countering part of his power consequently does not scale with hours played and the rank of survivors. It’s unfortunate, but stealth at low ranks isn’t interesting enough to be important enough for consideration by the developers.

    I wish you the best of luck in improvement!
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @rajuncajun715 said:
    The Doctor is far too OP with his passive that is the only killer to have a completely unremoveable effect. Possibly slow the tier cooldown and have a snap out of it mini game for each tier until removed.

    At least don't inflict madness just bc you are in his terror radius. It should only be inflicted by an active shock treatment. 

    And yet he is one of the worse killers.

    I recommend playing him yourself and ranking up a bit and you will realize why

  • Marvel
    Marvel Member Posts: 149

    The doctor is not OP but his passive is really annoying and no fun to play against especially with aura extension perks on smaller maps. Have you played vs doctor on the game? It's just awful and frustrating.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    being able to snap out of tier 1 and 2 would be a buff for doc...

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited October 2018

    Doctor is just annoying but not really strong. He can slow down the game but he can't really kill you that easly like other killers. His shock therapy has really low range without addons and he relies on it very much to catch a survivor otherwise it is just a normal chase.../he is also slow in treatment mode/