DS is Useless

Yea you heard the title DS is useless and it don't protect you from be tunnel and I even don't use DS because that is a greedy perk and it piss killers off like me and it useless well best example I can give you is go and watch tofu recent oni video where he got 3 DS and still didn't stop him from getting those three survivors in a min so my question about DS does it really protect you from tunnel because what show in the video it didn't and mostly I don't slug I would just eat the DS so I don't need to worry about it in the end game so yea what is your thoughts.
Nice bait mate
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I run it on survivor, because I tired to be tunneled in 2 of 3 games. I never bait killers but for some reason they often really like to tunnel me.
As Killer I may eat ds if I have time for that. I don't tunnel on pupose, but sometimes survivors with ds act like they have 9 lives. In that case I show them they not as safe as they think. But if it is end game I most likely would not risk to eat ds.
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Yeah, PGTW is also useless - why does it regress 25%, when it should regress all 100%? And BBQ too - who even needs those double BP? smh
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What i hate the most about DS that they taunt me when they go to the locker and expect me to eat it and I will do it so I can tunnel them and punish them for wasting my time and for playing on that child style like if you have DS then let it happen don't act salty and thinking it will protect you.
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Pop is the only best gen regression perk in the game and I wish it get a buff for 50% too and BBQ well everyone use it just to see where everyone is at but is not necessary if you familiar with maps and if you use whisper or thinker then you fine but BBQ is a must need on some killers like Freddy.
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My thought is that you should put some points and separate sentences in your text. Besides that you should inform yourself about what it means as a killer to lose pressure and then rethink.
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I never understand this act. If you hop in locker you actually saving my time downing and picking you up. And on top of that you waste your ds.
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My friend I always like to piss killers off without never using DS and I sometimes escape or die but do I get mad no and why because it funny I like to have a laughs sometimes so when I do I don't care but when I do I just get upset but other than that it always funny to me and I enjoy it and that is what fun is to me.
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See thank you we all hate it and when the time come to Nerf it then they all be crying as babies that they are and if they wanna use ds then use it on a necessary time not right away on second time you get grab fast because you will waste it right.
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DS is not useless. As Save the best for last addict I need to be DS'd at least once in a match to get a different obsession to keep my 8 precious stacks AND hitting my former obsession. :-)
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If you killed obsession with 8 stacks you don't need new obsession.
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To do that I'd have to hit my obsession what will cost me stacks again. Except my obsession is friendly enough to hop in a locker so I could grab 'er out of it.
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And if you don't hop into the locker, your DS will disappear by the time killer downs and picks you up. By getting into the locker, on the other hand, you increase the chance of getting use of your perk, stunning killer and getting into a more safe loop (and getting use of it might be crucial if you are on your death hook). Maybe it not always works, but it is a smart thing to do. Also, if the killer is very afraid of the DS and you know it, you can just bait it, even if you don't have the perk. That way you'll get killer off your ass in no time, without any actual effort made.
Don't tell me that you actually think that DS is useless and it's not just another s**tpost lmao
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There is some scenarios to have 8 stacks. If your obsession is injured and you get 8 stacks before he get healed you may hit him and lose 2 stacks. You may gain 2 stacks while he on the ground or while he dying. But even if you get 6-7 stacks and dead obsession, there is pretty much no reason to have another obsession because your hits already fast af.
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DS is so usefull you get a benifit for it even if you don't have it equiped.
As long as there is an obsession the killer will most likely play around DS. Regardless of you having it or not
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I believe the reason ds dosent get off half as much is because good killers are conditioned to accept its in play or risk wasting there time. Trust me if ds was useless "tunneling" would be more common. The only time a killer will ever risk ds is if the situation is bad and there desperate. Which is why you force the perk.
People will argue hoping in a locker is a waste of ds its not. In many circumstances it can open up saves or buy precious seconds to finish a gen if an incoming pop empowered killer is coming.
I personally dislike it being used as an offense perk used to push high progression gens but I acknowledge it needs to exist. I'd mess with the perks timer or create conditions that turn off the perk. Maybe the perk timer reduces to 0 the second you touch a gen.
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"DS isn't anti-tunnel."
You are right. The killer just continues to tunnel me anyways.
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Not for cocky survivors.
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Well use it on necessary time because if you use it on a locker on me i will tunnel you and then it become useless.
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Just stop and watch tofu video for proof it is a useless perk if you use it right away and not at end game.
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Thank you the second person who agree with me DS still will not save you enough to escape because it can go in two way one is it will piss killer off like me that will make you tunnel you because I hate DS and is boring and best part I wanna punish you for using a greedy perk and second I be fine sometimes if you use the DS is a correct way not in a greedy way but in the end it don't save you because you still will get caught so what the point or you get slug then what it useless right so like I say slug or get caught it will become useless.
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Splish Splash
Your opinion is trash
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DS is only useful in endgame. If it gets used early-mid game then it’s useless.
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"Some people don't use this perk properly, so this perk is useless" - that's basically what you're saying. It's like saying that Pop is a useless perk, just because a killer who uses it doesn't know how to kick gens. Or saying that Hunted Grounds is useless, just because a killer who uses it can't manage to find survivors, while the oneshot effect is applied. DS isn't useless. It's situational. Not the same thing. The very opposite.
Just like Unbreakable. There will be lots of games, where you won't even have to use it, and it will feel like a waste of perk slot. But in some games the whole squad will be slugged and even one Unbreakable, used in a smart way, can change the game pacing TREMENDOUSLY. Just like one DS stun can change a very lot. These perks aren't called "Meta" just because entitled killers find them annoying. They are called "Meta", because they can ruin killer's momentum, thus changing the outcome of the match in the end.
"watch tofu video" Which video? He doesn't have a video called "decisive strike is useless". Is your proof - John Cena? Because I can't see it.
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Yea that what i say and people don't listen to me.
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True and watch the recent one that had oni on and title don't say ds useless but it show that is useless.