Why can't Pyramid Head set trails around objectives?

Not sure if this was a shadownerf or something he previously could do but his trails already disappear after one second if he tries to set them up around gens or in front of the exit gates.
What's the deal with that? Doesn't the killer already have enough problems with his slow and predictable ranged attack, why take this little bit of map control away from him?
No nerf, has been like that since release. Maybe the trail vanishes sooner now, I wouldn't know, but placing them right beside gens or hooks was never possible.
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Rank 20 hand holding.
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His power isn't really slow if you're good at him, they don't let you set trails because Torment is very powerful if used correctly, cages can be used to make survivors split up with one of 2 at those locations injured if used after a hook or it can make them go to a complete dead side of the map with nothing to do there, you can quick mori a death hook survivor, and torment's infliction itself literally shows you a survivor's location, and where they are going. You can't set trenches at objectives or hooks so that survivors can actually navigate outside of chase if they pay attention. Trenches are not map control, they are used later on for help in chase or to find someone who isn't paying attention, in jungle gyms it can turn into I'm All Ears, which can be comboed into his power, if you're good you'll get a free hit just like that. Pyramid is fine as he is, he doesn't need trenches at objectives to perform well if you know what you're doing.
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My guess is because you wouldn't be crouching over the trail if you're in the animation of fixing a gen, opening an exit and whatnot. So you either get tormented or avoid the area for 75(?) seconds or however long the trails last.
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Because that would be useful and good.
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Because that wouldn't be fair, as survivors wouldn't be able to do anything without stepping into PH's goo. You still can place it around hooks, gens and gates, but it always way more useful to put it in the loops, pallets and windows, where survivors won't be able to crouch, because they either get a hit or get tormented. Seems good enough for me, don't see in what world it should be nerfed or buffed.
And his ranged attack is neither slow, nor predictable, if you are facing a good Pyramid. Good Pyramid has none problems with his attack. Plus, torment doesn't give you any actual map control against non-potatoes, who watch their step. It's just a way to kill them faster instead of putting 'em of third hook and also avoid grasp saves and hook-related perks (like Decisive and Deliverance). This thread feels like whining.
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Because that would be free torment or free hit or free slowdown.
When PH approaches survivors they would have to run away and get tormented, crouch and get hit or simply wait for the trail to go away, but they last long enough that PH would set them up again before that.
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Because his power must be useless, like all. The Trapper can do it, Freddy, Hag.. but not him.🤗
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Hi as a devoted pyramid head main rn let me tell you that everyone saying he's weak/useless you're all wrong, he's actually incredibly powerful if you've learned him halfway decent and him being able to torment objectives would be very very very very strong.
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Because interacting with an objective will make you get tormented (you’re no longer crouching), so the only way to avoid it would be to not do the thing. If you place trails down next to hooked survivors or at a three gen you would be guaranteed to get people tormented which could be a bit silly considering how strong the effect can be.
This has always been the case I believe (trails disappearing near objectives). Just place your trails down at an entry/exit point near the objective and you can get them with it anyway.
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You can crouch up to an objective and work on it with a Hag trap there, why would torment be any different?
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Because it's not like a hag or trapper where you can actually deactivate their traps/power. Seems pretty fair to me.
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It is different, I remember trying to crouch over to a gen and working on it when PH was newly released and I got tormented. Might have been the PTB? Either way, it definitely worked that way because I remember I assumed it would work like Hag’s traps, like you said, and it didn’t.
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It's BS in my eyes. Sometimes i don't even intend to place them near an objective and they dissapear because of a random hook.
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1: Deactivating a trap is also taking the risk of saying "I'm here".
2 : if the trap is deactivated, you just have to reactivate it... what happening you you will never win the game with the trapper if you are the only survivor !
3 : the executioner's trap doesn't last long... and to avoid it you just have to squat (really scary wow)
4 : with this killer I feel the cucumber (I understand myself) !🤗
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You dont have to activate a trap to deactivate it... you just have to press m1 on a trapper's and use a flashlight on hag's.
Also getting caught in any of those 2 doesn't stop you from using perks after being hooked/caged. Trails are way stronger than any of those if actually activated.
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because that'd be BS?
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Deactivating the trap (Trapper) necessarily reveals your position...
The trap of the Hag ? Destroying the trap is also to signal that its trap is destroyed. Just look at the aura of its trap to know that it has been destroyed and the survivor is finished! And still it is necessary to have a flashlight at that moment...
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That would be useful, and people would whine about it.
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Useful? Incredibly strong, providing free tracking on gens without needing perks and making 3 gens/EGC aknist unwinnable.
Trust me, PH doesn't need this. He's pretty damn strong.
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There may be a case for stairs, but not objectives. He is in a good place already.
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If they just make it like if you click M1 on gens doesn't count for triggering killer instinct would be ok.
Because you can crouch and not be detected.
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Considering his absolutely busted chase potential and ability to create a ######### ton of pressure through cages, he doesn't need the built-in stall. If you really wanna torment objectives just do it outside the range.