Can you name the TOP surv main with insane god-like LOOPING skills?

I wanna learn the hardest part to master in DBD ....
so I can keep the killer behind the whole match and not being even wounded?
Thanks in advance
Best Answer
Ussylis, ayrun, the jrm, jaee. In that order.
When it comes to looping I suggest running no perks and most importantly knowing when to throw the pallet down. The only way I can give you like a full run down of what I know is in like a party chat on xboxnor discord.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
Why would you wanna run no perks, I feel like perks like Windows of Opportunity, Spine Chill, Resilience, Iron Will would really help with juking the killer and looping them 🤔
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You become to reliant on vault build you never really polished your skill you had the speed make you cocky. WoO helps learn maps but take that off. Iron will is cool later but I still think learning to loop just start out with no perks.
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Mulder is a very calm russian streamer on twitch who plays both roles and hes godlike on each side. I haven't seen anyone run killer like he does, its fascinating. So id recommend him. He doesnt explains his actions really but you can still learn by observing.
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Each person is different, you can learn some tricks by seeing others playing or read it elsewhere, but each person has their own playstyle. You should create your own based on your experience.
Take the tip from @azame and play no perks and record each match. Analyse your decisions that you considered bad and see what you've done wrong. This game is all about good and bad decisions, so the more you learn from your mistakes the better you get.
You will only improve by playing constantly AND analyzing your matches. If you just play bad and go to the next match without seeing what you've done wrong, you will never improve. We make decisions based on our experience in any game we play, so the more you learn about your mistakes, the better your decisions will be.
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That's fair wglf is doesnt help anything
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Ayrun, the jrm, no0b3 and maybe pudders or whatver his name was
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Ayrun is an amazing survivor especially when he is with his team or friends...some of the most optimal, coordinated stuff ive seen PERSONALLY.
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Ayrun cool but hes pretty average. He got destroyed by dowsey as huntress lol.
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I want to learn his 360 and tech lol
But yeah he is decent but not godlike
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I can do the ayrun tech on console really isnt hard. Just practice but 360s I'd say dont worry about it and learn to loop optimally.
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I am the best looper in this game at least from what i have experienced. Also a friend of mine is better then almost every streamer you can find.
But streamer/youtube.. well Fungoose is pretty good. So is Zubat or Ayrun.
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You say that like Dowseys a bad killer. He is a very good variety killer main who commentates in hexys tournament's..guess who also participates in those? Ayrun so he has definetly see how he plays enough to probably reliably counter it.
Not everyone is going all out every single game, most the time the actual good survivors are memeing or using random builds. He's (Ayrun) definetly not average.
It would be like saying fungoose or otzdarva is average because they got destroyed by (x) survivors one time/multiple times.
Tldr; just cause someone beats you in a game doesnt somehow negate your skill. Otherwise everyone is just "average".
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Theres alot of good survivors tho. Interesting to see how optimal they are in games.
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To be honest, the best survivor in DBD probably doesn't even stream.
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zubat is probably the best survivor in this game imo but i would just play killer if you want to learn to loop just play killer probably the best way to learn
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Because it's common sense... If you can loop the killer with no perks, imagine what you'd do with good perks. Every person practices looping with no perks, that I know at least. It's literally common sense.
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Zubat, Fungoose
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If you want to learn the hardest thing in DBD, learn to loop as the Killer. Survivors mostly just react to what the killer does - that's actually the basic principle of looping. Killers, on the other hand, initiate almost every mindgame, which the survivor just has to not fall for.
Or better yet, learn Hag. That is probably the hardest thing in DBD, since it's always on you to lose even against a full party with flashlights and batteries.
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I'm saying hes average because he has terrible pallet efficiency and plays like the randos in my game. You dont gotta go all out to loop.
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thanks every one for the answers, I will take a look at your youtube channels and try to be better at looping~
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Tru3ta1ent is easily within the top 1%. There's no such thing as 100% perfect looping, but he comes extremely close. It's a shame everyone shits on him.
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This right here lol and they probably don't even come to the forums
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Zubat, Fungoose, tru3. In that order.
By watching them you get good and analytical commentary instead of "LOL I can't believe that worked, someone is BOOOOSTED, get wrecked [insert killer], s/he's so bad LOL" etc.
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I enjoy @longlivmac . He is perhaps not quite as polished as some more well known streamers.
But his vibes are good, streams just feel like a party, and the chat is like family!
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Noob3, aryun , fungoose
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Some of the lesser known competitive players who stream are absurdly good loopers when they're locked in and not just focusing on chat. JTrain212, HamdanX, Bryan_S, VeryTrackDisco, SuperAaronNova, Freakill1999 to name a few
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Fungoose is probably the best survivor and killer player I've ever seen.
He streams on twitch and uploads to youtube regularly. A highly educational and friendly person to watch as well.
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I agree. He does annoy me and I think he is a good killer and nothing more but as far as looping goes he is better than just about anyone else i've seen.
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Otz and Puppers are very good.
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Yeah Fungoose is very good but sometimes it's so boring to watch his streams when he only plays with his 3/4-man premade and they rush the gens in 5 minutes and two of his team are kinda toxic every now and then. He also plays with the same build all the time. Like it would be a lot more entertaining if they weren't so sweaty all the time and there was more interaction and situations with the killer.
His killer play is much more interesting but he plays too little killer nowadays.
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Them doing the gens is sweaty? Should he go find the killer and clicky clicky at him? I'm confused what you'd want him to do instead of gens.
He goes out of his way to do totems and open chests.
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Ummm no. I don't know how you interpret my comment like I wanted him to go clicky clicky. I said that it would be interesting to see different builds.
And he and his team certainly don't go out of their way to do totems. They get hit with noed all the time because they just rush the gens instead of cleansing.
And my main point was that it's just boring to watch them crush killers in minutes and it's a shame he doesn't play more killer.
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"Ummm no. I don't know how you interpret my comment like I wanted him to go clicky clicky. I said that it would be interesting to see different builds."
I interpreted that because there's nothing else left to do. Your comment on different builds was unrelated to your reference of wanting him to do something other than gens.
"And he and his team certainly don't go out of their way to do totems. They get hit with noed all the time because they just rush the gens instead of cleansing."
Any time he sees a totem he cleanses it. Saying he should literally walk around the map looking for dull totems is telling him to play dumb. You're asking for someone you can watch to improve your game play and then being critical of him making the best play choices.
"And my main point was that it's just boring to watch them crush killers in minutes and it's a shame he doesn't play more killer."
I get what your saying and I'd like him to play more killer as well, but your comment runs counter to your posts original intent.
You want someone that can show you how to play well. The way he is playing is how you play well. To play less "boring" is asking him not to play smart, which is the main reason you'd want to watch him in the first place. The boring play style is generally the most efficient play style.
I suppose if your topic was "looking for the most fun survivor to watch that also does decently well at the same time", I would agree with you more.
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Best survivors from what I've personally seen are Cope, Usyliss and Fungoose.
Cope is an amazing survivor. Nothing fancy. Just very good looping. I highly recommend him.
Usyliss is very good too. Although he hasn't made much content lately. He does try to do unique plays so he is good to watch in that aspect. Overall though, very good survivor.
Fungoose is also a great survivor. He knows how to loop and counter mindgame well. However lately he has played a lot of swf, and he plays on AU servers so I dont know how many top killers there are (no offense) compared to Eu and Na.
Honorable mentions are Ayrun, Zubat, and OhTofu.
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Playing smart and doing different builds do not exclude each other. Zubat and tru3 do this all the time (and that's why I watch more of them). I was telling what would make his content better and we all have different opinions about that. Fortunately there is a lot of different streamers.
When a killer is getting crushed and not getting much hooks at all (like in most of his matches), then a team as good as his certainly has time to scout the map for totems. That is a smart and more secure play, since it prevents noed and prevents one or two teammates dying because of it.
This topic was about looping and he is one of the best at that. That doesn't mean he's perfect and not allowed to be criticized in other parts of the game, so no, my comment expressing my opinion about what would make his content better does not counter my first comment's original intent, which was to recommend a good looper.
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Tru3 isnt a bad survivor he definitely isnt top percent. He lacks camera control and pallet efficiency. You should be looking to him if you want to be good at all killers.
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Sadly he's pretty toxic.
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Tbh with the amount of survivor Fungoose has been playing I'd say he's a better survivor than Killer now. He only plays killer for YT videos now makes me sad. But no doubt Fungoose is one of the best survivors out there.
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Im not talking about that but he can be from time to time. Im just talking about skill. I wont deny his bms from time to time (tbh i dont know how frequent it is i dont watch his streams).
Oh yeah I used to watch fungoose alot bc i loved how he explained what he did and how big brained he is for each killer. I watch him less now bc i dont get that from him much anymore but hes still a great survivor too! Makes me sad as well. Also whaddup pretty sure ive seen ur name in a few different streams.
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I'k how to loop optimally, I forgot how to do a good 360'. And never actually learnt hi tech
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If you can loop optimally just practice it on the side.
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I can't believe you guys are that much wrong... truetalent is not pro looper at all! honestly! he is pretty good at killer but still just good at looping
Once I faced one guy name "BANSHEE" as a Claudette... anyone here was that player? he looped the 4ss out of my Bubba
I reckon Ayron is pretty good looper because he looks constantly to the BACK, matter that True for sure did not learn yet, but not God-mode
Some lessons I am learning:
- Huntress is the best to practice the looping skills
- Do NOT waste unnecessarily a pallet unless you are JUST about to get caught
- Go back to looping areas that still have pallets (deployed or not)
- squeeze to the maximum the hut and other potential looping areas
- equip the right perks like Iron Will
- memorize all the maps to know where are the pallets and safe loops
- do 360 insanely (some PC players use allegal macros and PS4 players can do it easily)
- escape from a loop when the killer is doubtfull and start again in a new place
The REAL difficulty of looping is making prompt decisions (like in 0,1 seconds) in REAL TIME, you gotta have GREAT reflexes
I know everyone in this forum hates Och*do but he is pretty good to learn how to loop properly
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I never said he was pro I said he was good. Well not even good average survivor. Tru3 is a killer main. Sure he can handle some loops he just isnt like people like Ussylis.
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Im checking right now that Ussylis guy ... he seems pretty close to god-like so it is a good material to continue, thanks
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Ussylis is definitely the best survivors I've seen. I have improved watching him and added some of the tricks ive learned to my own arsenal.
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For killer I would say Otz, not Tru3, but Tru3 along with Zubat are the top loopers in my book.
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No he