Blood Warden and Remember Me rework concept

CalamityJane Member Posts: 487
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

So Freddy's perks are all pretty terrible. Blood Warden and Remember Me haven't been touched by anyone for the better part of years. End Game Collapse was a massive nerf for Remember Me, which lost max stacks and max duration, where Blood Warden became more commonly countered by 99ing exit gates as it has the added benefit of not activating EGC.

Both of these perks are entirely irrelevant in today's game. Remember Me has a very niche effect which, even when it is maxed out, is unlikely to impact the outcome of the match. It also relies on the obsession being dead as 1/4 survivors gets to ignore the perk entirely. It's also considerably worse on killers with powers that help them get hits, as it requires basic attacks. Blood Warden is countered in 99% of matches, even when not present.

So, in order to make them both more relevant, here's my concept for reworks.

Blood Warden.

As soon as an exit gate is opened, Blood Warden is activated. Once per match, when an exit gate is opened, the Entity will block both exit gates for 40/50/60 seconds. Survivor auras are revealed while standing in an exit gate.

Rather than requiring a hook once the gate is open, the gates will be blocked as soon as either is opened, at the start of the EGC.

How is this better? Rather than 99ing being the be all and end all of how to play exit gates, it would now be risky to leave gates 99ed. If a survivor were rescued and all 4 ran to the gate bodyblocking, opened it, and went to leave, they could find themselves trapped by Blood Warden. This surprise and horror would match the original intent of Blood Warden. This would also remove the rare occurence that a killer can activate Blood Warden with less than 60 seconds left of EGC, guaranteeing that everyone left in the match is dead with no counterplay.

Remember Me.

You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time you hit your obsession with a basic attack, you increase the opening time of exit gates by 4 seconds up to a maximum of 8/12/16 seconds. While an exit gate is not being opened by a survivor, it will automatically and immediately start to regress at 25% of the opening speed.

Firstly, the main effect of Remember Me should apply to ALL survivors. This means that as killer you no longer run the risk of a perk that is simply accidentally ignored by having the right survivor on the exit gate. This would also pressure survivors to open the exit gates as soon as they realise Remember Me is in effect, as not doing so would run the risk that when they need to be opened they may have regressed a couple of seconds and cause you to die trying to open them.

Post edited by CalamityJane on


  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    As cool as this sounds, and it does sound like a good idea to me, it will never happen. The devs want the game to be over once the final gen is done unless you already had the survivors in a really bad spot. It's why they won't add regression to 99ing the gates to being with, they want it to be the point where the survivors win and you lose, it's also why Remember Me was nerfed to being with. There was a post somewhere down the line saying Remember Me was nerfed to give the final survivor a chance to open the gates should the killer close the hatch but that is not true they will die no matter what if you have remember me stacks. It's a nice concept but the devs don't want the endgame, in any form, to be a detriment to survivors.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I think Blood Wardens kinds of ok against overly altruistic survivors in the egc.

    Remember be though honestly used to be one of my most used perks but the obsession change that allowed players to basically choose who becomes the new obsession combined with the timer nerf on it killed the perk for me. I'd like to see a change.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    Yeah I know, we always hear the reason for buffing mechanics for survivors (like hatch being allowed with 0 gens) is because "there should never be a point in the game where anyone feels like they don't have any chance to win," but when it comes to the killer side it's "nah get #########, have 3 people bodyblocking you and a primed gate ready to go."

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I think Blood Warden would be fine if they changed the switches for the exit gates. Just make it so you can't 99% then anymore.

  • Clonedhorror
    Clonedhorror Member Posts: 11

    I am a Freddy main and I use both Blood Warden and Remember Me. I find both perks to be just fine as they are. With Blood Warden I have slugged a survivor near the gate slapped the gate open as a killer then bring the slugged survivor to a hook preferably the obsession but I take who I can get. IF they get their friend off the hook they try immediately for a gate which to their surprise is blocked by the Entity. Remember Me has gotten me way too many hooks just by giving me those few extra seconds to get there and help me trigger my Blood Warden. Survivors who encounter this usually don't know what to do when this happens so like Corrupt Intervention they stay in the gate. Lo and behold I see them thanks to the all mighty Blood Warden and can slug or chase off the survivors there. by the time they get to the other gate its already too late for them to open it so they either hail Mary the open gate of just get sacced to EGC. Blood Warden and Remember Me don't see a lot of play to you because they aren't "good" in the current meta so they just don't show up. I also use both perks on Caleb (Deathslinger) with great results.

    Being totally honest I don't ever make it to the gates opening in most of my games. I either get my 4k or a 3k with hatch when they need one gen left. I effectively play one perk Freddy most games I play with him. I believe they are actually underrated as perks because of the hive mind meta.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The switch of this Gate open another Gate. This sounds like a good idea for a Perk.

    Talk to Op:

    I think Blood warden is high risk, and high reward if make it into your plan. I have a few times where Blood warden activated while EGC is roughly 30sec left. Eventhough, all of Killer's act would be obvious he's having BW.

    Your Blood warden is a good surprise though, I also like it.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    It is rare but hilarious when BW goes off. I had a bad match as trapper on Oni's map. Gates are open and 2 people left. I down one and I hook him with like 30 seconds left. I let them rescue him and I chase them to the gate. I don't even bother to swing. They get to the gate and realize they are already dead. I just stood there until the Entity took them. In the chat they laughed and said that was awesome.

  • DurkaDurka
    DurkaDurka Member Posts: 29

    I hear you, but it could deactivate when only one survivor is left. Or gain more stacks if more survivors are left, and fewer if fewer etc. I think I like the idea of the perk adding a regression element.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Both good changes.

    Still think Blood Warden should add 15 seconds for any subsequent hooks as well.

    Remember Me should also allow gate switches to regress if not worked on.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited September 2020

    @EvilJoshy I have that moment recorded

    Me too, Trapper main.

    When EGC down to 50% bar(full speed), other 3 at the Gate. While Dwight is injured (I was looking for him because easy target), suddenly he from injured to healthy. I knew he still in the map just healed himself because afraided of taken down while running to the Gate. And suddenly he stepped on a trap. I walked to him (hearing other 3 running behind me). Hook him, then I act like I miss hitting Dwight but hitting other 3.

  • This new Blood Warden is better. It's not a specific use perk, which is good.

    But the Remember Me is just "meh". Endgame perks have to be extremely impactful in order to be used, since is the time where the killer is at it's weakest. The reason why NOED is an ok perk is because it's very strong when activates and I don't see that with Remember Me. Maybe giving a secondary effect throughout the whole match or buffing the hell out these extra exit gate seconds would make it good.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796

    I like both concepts and I think they'd be just fine balance wise. This was refreshing, OP! Cheers.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796

    Where is this narrative coming from? If the devs wanted the game to be over and survivors to win once the last gen was done, endgame perks wouldn't be in the game. Remember Me was probably nerfed because 50 seconds to open an exit gate is an absurdly long amount of time. It's not because they don't care about killers and just want survivors to win. If they wanted to nerf perks for that reason, why wouldn't they nerf NOED, which survivors have been complaining about forever? I have no problem with NOED, but wouldn't it be the obvious target if those were the devs' motives?

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    You think it would be too edge case if Blood Warden was: "After all five generators are complete, but before the exit gates are opened, hooking a survivor will block the exit gate switches for 40/50/60 seconds"?

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I actually kind of like them, I run them since no one ever suspects them. Its so much fun to see how a survivor reacts when the door gets blocked in they're face.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    Personally I enjoy how Blood Warden is an active perk rather than a reactive perk, and it can punish overconfident Survivors for remaining within the realm when they should have escaped.

    Neat idea for Remember Me, I made a suggestion myself if you mind looking into my discussions for it.

    On an unrelated note, why is it my perk buff/rework suggestions are hard to gain attention but others get it right away? I hate this because this curse follows me around in all forms of media 😅 no matter my voice someone else can repeat my idea and get the message out on a wider apsect. Feels well... not wanted man lol.

    Sorry for the sudden sad bit, but your ideas are interesting to look into. I don't agree with Blood Warden but fancy Remember Me and really, you should keep sharing more ideas in the hopes of seeing them implemented some day 🙂


  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    The killer opening the gate is a surrender button, not a strategy. In almost all cases, it means anyone currently downed or hooked is now picked up or unhooked, and they're going to the other gate which was also 99ed, while you're at this open one like a chump who cannot physically get to them without them escaping. The only very rare edge case is that you can down someone near a gate, open it, then hook them. In which case survivors can wait out BW and being so close to the gate, you cannot do anything about BT guaranteeing an escape.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    You go up to it and hold r1, or the base gen button on other consoles or pc.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    It gives you extra time to do things. Also egc is to prevent hostage situations, not to give free pressure.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    Yes, but we're not talking about hostage situations, we're talking about perks that are meant to make the EGC threatening. If you have to go and open a gate for yourself, the game is already over and that perk isn't doing #########.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2020

    Honestly... I dislike the blood warden change. Everyone uses bloodwarden to block the gates as quickly as they can and maybe get another person. This is a mistake and a waste of bloodwarden. Getting what I call a perfect bloodwarden is challenging, rewarding and your idea will take that away from me. Other people posted it already, though it seems like they performed it accidentally, but a perfect bloodwarden is when you block the exit at the right time during the end game collapse so the bloodwarden lasts longer than the remaining time in the match and all four survivors die to the egc. I practiced doing this and have figured out the method for pulling it off perfectly. The caveat is that it does depend on what the survivors decide to do. Pulling it off is hands down some of the most blood pumping dbd gameplay I have ever had. So please don't change bloodwarden.

    Also, I would add that good survivors will still 99 exit gates as it provides more time for saves regardless of bloodwarden.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    Honestly I see a "perfect blood warden" as you put it as a complete cheese and poor design. Getting one hook at the right time should not guarantee that everyone in the game is now dead no matter what happens.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Then you don't understand at all. You are putting everything on the line. The entire game hinges on that one moment at the end of the match. It is very hard to keep 4 rank 1s in a game when they know they should leave. You say it's cheese but the survivors thank me for such a good game when it's over. Maybe actually try to do what I suggested before you just dismiss it. I doubt you can though.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    It's not hard to slug at least one person for 60 seconds, nor is it hard to keep people in a game. Survivors are usually overeager to kee everyone alive at any cost. I've done it before.

    And yes, I'm sure everyone literally stood up and applauded when you cheesed them to death.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    Really interesting concepts.

    I always thought it would be interesting if either Remember Me or a new perk would have stacks towards reducing the EGC timer. That with your or even the current Blood Warden would be wild.

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    Like the blood wardern idea would give the perk more vaule and would be a very useful perk to add to a build. The current version is very bad and gives very little value so this change would be awesome

    Not sure on Remeber me would prefer it to boost timer to 30 seconds and remove the obession immunity or ideally change it where non obession survivors takes 30 seconds to open but obession takes 60 seconds that would make it intresting