Definition: Hold the Game Hostage (What It Isn't)

So I was watching a friend of mine play Freddy. He calls his build "One Perk" Freddy as he put a lot of stuff into the End Game, and plays the rest of the match with effectively with just one Perk. He pulled Haddonfield, and proceed to fight what was clearly a SWF kind of group (at least some of them must have been judging by the perfect coordination). The Survivors promptly 3-Gen'd themselves with Freddy centered on the Myer's House (one Gen upstairs), another Gen right across the street (on the street) and the last Gen in the house directly across from the Myer's place (upstairs). He could patrol these rather rapidly and easily.

Well they made a few attempts to get one, but he wittled them down. The last two split up. A Bill went to a far away basement at the end of the street (where the hatch was) and proceeded to make a lot of noise on purpose. Clearly the plan was for him to go to the noise, the Cheryl (Nurse Skin) would work the last Gen and run out at the other end, and he would go out the Hatch. It didn't work out for them as my friend purposely ignored all the noise at first, understanding the idea. He just kept up his patrols. After enough time had passed and they didn't do the noise rapid fire anymore, he slipped over to the Bill and hooked him. Then he slammed the hatch shut. Naturally, the way they had been split up he couldn't get back to the Cheryl to prevent her from getting the gate open in the EGC. Naturally she waited to tea-bag him (stay Classy whomever you are).

My buddy gave her a GG and naturally got profanity, salt, and insults in return. Apparently, defending a 3-Gen is now "taking the game hostage" according to this insane Cheryl. If you are reading this... NO it isn't.


  • ya i agree with you i don't know what that cheryl was on but whatever it was it was alot of it

  • catnip18
    catnip18 Member Posts: 149

    Outside body blocking a last survivor somewhere they cant move I dont believe freddy can take the game hostage. Possibly using his snares to prevent exit gates opening but im unsure if that'd work (sitting behind a survivor and keep laying snares so they scream and cant open it without attacking them)

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    The initial scream from triggering the snare would interrupt the Survivor but Freddy cannot place a new snare until the previous one finishes it's animation and disappears, then waiting for the newly placed snare to fully set up to trigger.

  • catnip18
    catnip18 Member Posts: 149

    The doctor can do it with his shock so im guessing freddy's snare animation is just a bit longer than that?

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    The way I understand it... holding the game hostage is doing something that prevents the other team from making progress on their win condition in a way that also does not progress yours.

    Your friend was not holding the game hostage. Did he stop them from doing generators? Yes. Did he do so in a way that didn't get him closer to winning? Obviously not because he killed two survivors before the Bill tried the distraction play and eventually got him too. The Cheryl was wrong.

  • moimv
    moimv Member Posts: 12

    Once i was playing as killer and the survivors 3gen themselves. I 4k because of this and in the endgame chat they told me that i was "camping the gens"...

    Some people dont understand how f you are in a 3 gen.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Prime example of taking the game hostage is Myers (could be any killer, really... jus witnessed this firsthand with someone playing stealthily w Myers, as he’s easily sneaky) standing in the doorway directly behind the last remaining survivor on Hawkins who is repairing the isolation room gen. If he doesn’t move or DC, it forces the survivor to DC or wait it out. Game lasted 50min until he finally hooked the Dwight.

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    IIRC I usually got about 3-4 Snares to trigger before the Survivor opened the gate. (shinnanagins with the last Survivor after closing hatch) so not really, about like ~5 seconds between scream.

  • catnip18
    catnip18 Member Posts: 149

    Ok so yea, then the only way to hold game hostage is to body block

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    That's not holding the game hostage. If your friend had proceeded to do nothing but patrol gens and hit whomever got close, I'm fairly certain that would be, as is stealthing without attempting objectives and bodyblocking every remaining survivor into one place with no EGC or bleed-out.