Legion is the best killer.....

....for new players to learn starting out. And it is all because of his power! Hear me out.
Playing killer is divided into 2 parts. All killers are similar in the overall 4v1 gen protection game. How killers play against the 1v1 largely determines the viability of that killer. I acknowledge that there are other aspects but overall, how good a killer is in the chase is one of the most important criteria.
But wait. Legion is a horrible killer in a chase, how can you say hes the best? Read on my friends and i shall enlighten the masses.
So Legion's power is non-lethal. Its used mainly for tracking. More on that later. Because of this, he relies on mindgaming at loops and just plain out playing the survivors. Mindgaming is a fundamental skill needed by all killers. Legion, necessitating this skill, forces players to improve in this area more than any other killer. (Except maybe wraith)
Learning to do well with Legion, teaches skills that carryover to every other killer.
Also, tracking. Killer instinct helps you know where to go once you get the down. No instinct notifications? You know you need to book it to another area. See all the heartbeats, you know to prioritize the area. Plus he comes with discordance. With enough games you know where spawn points are for survivors. Yes you can use it with other killers but it's Legion's perk.
Finally his Frenzy. You can run across the map like a budget Billy in short bursts. The stuns suck but they kind of make sense. I mean we all know millennials are lazy so running wears them out. /s
Now mobility is good but Legion's speed comes at a price. He loses the ability to see scratch marks and blood. Not good, however, much like spirit, it forces you to use the information in the environment to track. Crows and sounds. Learning to not stare at the ground helps you to not miss that flash of a toolbox behind a tree.
Tl:Dr - Legion's whole kit is so basic it forces the player to learn fundamentals that actually improve gameplay, rather than reliance on perks, powers, add ons, etc.
I feel like Wraith is actually better for this (and he is stealthy, so it'll be easier for newer players) but yes, the core of what you said is 100% correct. Legion is basic enough that you really have to be a god-tier player to use him against good Survivors, therefore, he is a great Killer to start out with.
My only issue is that playing Legion at low ranks is basically a free win. I know many people DC as soon as they see Deep Wounds and even if they don't, it is super easy to win because of how much they will try to heal.
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Legion is also a good killer to get people into the game. He/She teaches you game sense, where people will hide, or how to use powers effectively. Plus Legion has great skins and a great cosplay community.
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I feel like GF (I've talked about him a lot this past week) is the hardest beginner character for new survs. Since hes so simple most new players can get the hang of him quick, and his best counter is awareness, which is something new survivors don't normally have. So what I normally see is an instant exposed followed by a down. Bonus point is that because hes licensed hes less likely to be seen by new players, making matches against him rare and thus making it harder to get a feel for how one plays.
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The stealth aspect is why I put him as the 2nd best new player killer. I just think learning how to get that first hit without being able to sneak up is important for most of the killers.
And really any killer at low ranks is going to dominate except maybe nurse. True Legion seems like a DC magnet but nothing really to do about that.
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Spirit was the first killer I played. I wanted to quit after that. (I hadn't even watched someone play her before)
Actually found playing M1 Billy to be pretty rewarding. I couldn't get the hang of the chainsaw. Still can't! Partly because there's no practice mode... but I digress. Myers was also pretty good to learn with. You could sneak up on survivors pretty easily (especially at the lower ranks) and do decent.
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I actually started with OG Freddy. Had zero idea what i was doing. Good old days!
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I like to see legion as a "simple" killer to learn the game, but a "hard" killer to master.
As you said, the issue with legion is that you can't kill with your power. So you HAVE TO mind game, and sometimes that's hard.
Sometimes you have to play legion in a similar way that you'd play wraith. Hit and run. You leave all injured and then you try to surprise them while they are healing and out of position.
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True, but it can be diffcult for some players to mindgame at first, which is why I generally recommend Wraith. With Legion, you are almost forced to mindgame. I think your suggest is good, but as soon as you get to Green Ranks, people are gonna start actually attempting to loop.
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I still think legion needs a little more threat tbh. Still my favorite killer though. I agree, he’s very beginner friendly.
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No, absolutely not, Wraith is one of the worst killers to play if you're new and don't know what you're doing. Survivors will run away because you won't be coming from an unexpected angle, you won't use good add-ons as you won't have any unlocked, and you'll be forced to use his horrible teachables.
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As someone who mains gf, legion, and wraith, all I can say is ;-;
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I don't know. I don't see frenzy as a travel abilitie anymore, since they got this huge stun on top of it.
I mean, a stun was always there, but in the past the stun was much shorter and only on this way, frenzy had make really sense as a travel abilitie.
If you are today unlucky, you maybe need frenzy at your arrival at some gen, or what ever and then you can't use it because of this 2h stun.
But besides that - yeah Legion is since the rework much more beginner friendly. Still I think, Trapper is a better one to start with. With this killer, new killers are even more forced to learn the m1 gameplay as with the Legion, because that's what he mainly does besides laying sometimes a trap.
Edit: With that I don't like to say that Legion is a perfect killer. Far from it, but even as a killer that can't use anymore his full potential, he can be still good for newbies, even better as before imo.
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Personally I think the doctor is a good/easy killer to start out with.
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I think you are overestimating new Survivors. Wraith isn't good at high ranks without add-ons, but he dominates low ranks since he is difficult to see and moves faster than normal when cloaked.
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I mean in terms of cosmetics yeah kinda, otherwise, eh debatable
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Old Legion was better for new players in my opinion since he was easy to get hits with even if he was non lethal.
In the current meta I'd say Freddy is the easiest killer for new players. He has high mobility with his teleport as well as good anti loop mechanics and his small stature throws even good survivors off. 😅
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Its not about ease of playing. Its about learning mechanics. Freddy and doc both have ways of making chases easier. A few games as doc and you don't have to worry about windows or pallets. And snare Freddy is brainless.
That's the whole point. Get good with legion and almost all other killers get easier to play. Except nurse. Nothing but hacking makes her easier!
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I mean, you right on the Nurse part. She makes me motion sick :(
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Yeah sorry, I didn't actually play Wraith at low ranks, I mostly played Myers, Pig, and Legion. I am however now a Wraith main because in games I seem to really like characters with the ability to sneak around unnoticed and get an advantage, this is why I also main Spy in TF2.
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How is Wraith at the higher ranks? I hover around green/purple (I avoid red ranks) and really like him. What's some good Perk builds for him? I already know Windstorm for add-ons.
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I started on the beta of this game and was pushed out by toxic lobby's, but that was beta/year one. I recently picked it back up on my PS4 with GF, and it completely changed my view of the game.... He was a cake walk at low rank and got more difficult at hight KR but I'm currently a steady KR 9 and that's good for me. He was a great starter and fundamentally reshaped the way I saw this game. And because it gave me a fresh outlook on DBD I've maxed like 10 killers and four or 5 survivers. A little long but I love GF and I deff recommend him to new players or returning just to learn the basics; like spawns and looping... When to break a pallet or go around. The one draw back is getting to accustomed to the crouch and Nightstalker with a zero TR can have learning new killers tricky, but not impossible.
GF 4 life.... Rant over
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I also feel the power is not built for new players and even with the new MM it won't be long tell you hit a wall of matches that know how to work a wraith. It takes some understanding of the game to enjoy the wraith... IMO. I'm only a rank 9 killer but the killer i have the most trouble with is prolly the wraith... The Dr. Is arguably a better choice then wraith for a new killer, arguably.
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I agree with that... But with the new MM and cross play if you're new you're more likely to match at a low time amount spent on a killer, vs time on a survivor. But that can also mean you could be KR 20, PL 1, and still MM with a rank 1 surviver that has maybe only played a SV a couple times... So to new players you want a Killer that can teach you the M1 of the game but also apply pressure on survivors be them new or old players.... The main thing when considering a new player is the MM and the cross play lobby's.
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Yeah, them and Myers are solid starter killers. Legion is also not as bad as a lot of people think (they're not that strong, but they can chew through pallets and snowball harder than most killers, which is also an important fundamental).
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the best kiler to learn the game is Wraith, why? because he has nothing going for him, yes he has his cloak mode but then you have to earn the down by playing the loop, so you actually learn how to play tiles and mindgames, i always suggest that killer for new people.... also his cloak mode is very strong agaisnt new survivors since they dont understand properly his power and how to counter it, so is gonna give lots of fun.
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I disagree as someone whose a Legion main. If you play to much Legion you get used to having everyone injured in chase. Also running iridescent button and enduring you get used to an easy pallet counter that you don't get with other killers...
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My favorite build for Wraith is Pop for regressing gens, Corrupt for the early game, Brutal for breaking pallets, and STBFL for chases. I also run usually a yellow or green windstorm add-on and the bone clapper.
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Legions whole power is having the ability to INJURE everyone quickly. The problem is once people are injured your just an M1 killer that only needs 1 hit to down your targets. While this isnt bad per say the major flaw is you have nothing base kit that let's you deal with loops.
A survivor who is good at looping can run you around the map generously dropping pallets and you most likely won't catch them until 1 gen is left. This is why Enduring and Spirit Fury are incredibly good on Legion.
I'm not saying Legion is bad or anything, I play them all the time at rank 1, but I do think killers like Doctor or Wraith are better for new players for the most part.
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You're welcome, there are certainly better builds but I like this one. If you like, you can swap out STBFL with Make Your Choice if you remember to drop your chase and go look for the unhooker, wraith can get the down easier than other killers because of his stealth. I just don't run it because I never remember to drop my chase and go for the person that unhooked.
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I would suggest tier 2 myers.
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While everything you said is right. Surivors that understand how to loop wont go down easily and wraith can do all of this except. Killer instinct but theres 2 addons that works similar. The gen one and aura of surivors. And speed theres windstorm. On top of that wraith can easily down an obviously surivor
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Yeah, I'm fairly bad at that myself. That, and for some reason since crossplay, I can't get far enough away for MYC to proc before some idiot goes for a rapid unhook. Though I might finally be able to with Windstorm. 🤣
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I started with Susie, I was scared at first because I lost a lot of games in the beginning with Legion. I just played a game and I admit that the failure lies in the fear of losing, I learned to counter the fear. Now I can lose but I can also win, Legion is very annoying because you have to stitch yourself up before you can heal, imagine how much time survivors lose... With the right anti gen and heal perks you have red rank survivors who find themselves overwhelmed.
You must cuter them with your power, as much as possible... never hit a survivor before being within reach, because of the surviving perks. And then he can also avoid it, you have to disturb him!
Ps: Sadistic butcher perk work with the power Legion ?