What perks have saved you the most?

Me personally its a tossup between left behind and iron will
Without question, Kindred and Bond.
Edit: also, the fear of DS
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I had the DS killer fear happen alot and with unbreakable has saved me alot when i run the two
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DS and DH when it works hands down.
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That's... That's just DS/UB...
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honestly lithe it's so good when you are SOL in a bad position
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I’d have to say Bond. Especially with Open Handed. It just gives so much useful info even when it’s not giving info, such as knowing that a chase isn’t even remotely close to me, through knowing a survivor is running my direction and likely has the killer on their tail and I need to get the hell out of there.
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Iron Will, Lithe, Dead Hard, Self Care.
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Unbreakable and surprisingly, Blood Warden. I love the aspects of surprise for BW, the look on they're faces when they realize they're stuffed. I love getting back up with unbreakable near the gates, feels like a saw style twist to me, though it probably looks nothing like it.
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Iron Will, I think it's probably the perk that saves most people in Dead By Daylight, those thousands of times you've been a metre from the killer, or on the other side of a wall to a killer, injured... one moan would give it all away.
IronWill is the strongest perk in DBD, hands down.
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Stake Out.
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Resilience....hands down. There have been times where it was the only reason I was able to open the exit gate before the killer got to me.
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Spine chill and Iron will.
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Detective's Hunch, getting rid of Devour Hope and NOED.
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As solo Q, my must have is Bond/Kindred/Open handed. In a micro perspective it doesn’t supply the umph of a ds/adrenaline/unbreakabill, but macro it provides so much value over time.
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For survivor: Pharmacy and Botany Knowledge. Loot a box, get a green medkit. Thats a free fast heal, plus 1/3 with botany.
Killer: Surge
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Bond 100%. I could not be without it.
Borrowed Time and fear of DS (even though I never run it) would be second.
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Try using claudettes empathy
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Spine Chill and Iron Will.
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Assurvivor: Kindred, Iron Will, Self-Care and Spine Chill (or Dead Hard, if in SWF) significantly improve quality of my games.
As killer: Stridor, Bamboozle, Pop and BBQ.
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Spine Chill and Kindred. Especially if I'm playing late and tired, I'm less alert. So if I'm derping away on a gen and SC lights up, I'm able to snap out of it.
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Not me specifically but BT has saved many many lives for me. I almost never go into a match without BT for fear of unsafe saves.
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Iron Will, hands down. It's the one perk I always have in my builds.
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Spine Chill has warned me the killer is approaching countless times, it also tells me when the killer has given up chase or, that they are nearby and chasing someone else as it, goes on and off repeatedly. It also helps me vault faster in a chase. Spine Chill is the best survivor perk.
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-saving matches: Discordance.
-saving my nerves: Iron maiden and Mad Grit. Without them I would have maybe turn sometimes really mad^^.
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Tenacity which I seldom use now but it has saved me so much from getting hooked. So often killer downs me and just goes after someone else for 10 seconds and that is enough because he will look in wrong places for me. Even just when opening a locker or breaking a pallet I have managed to disappear several times. Also many times I have got to hatch before killer because of this perk or forcing killer to pick me up when going for exit gate while still having DS.
As killer Discordance and old Ruin.
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Infectious Fright has saved me soo many times with killer’s fleeing after the down to pursue a nearby survivor, as I get picked up by another.
Inner Strength has benefited me, mostly
Also Wake Up, as killer’s aren’t always expecting to have to patrol exit gates even quicker.
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Spine Chill.
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Have, but I still prefer Bond because it’s always active. It can still kinda tell me where a chase is once the injured icon pops up but I don’t see who that is within my aura reading range.
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In terms of killer perks definitely save the best for last
It has helped me out immensely when survivors are grouped up
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Devour hope has saved my bacon more times than I can count. Nothing like a genrush squad getting slapped down by a sudden instadown.
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as killer POP, saved my cheeks more times that i can count.
as Survivor? i guess Dead hard (When it works) and DS end game.
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DS and BT every single time, I would throw SC in there but its not on the level of those two when not playing stealth killers
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I doubt many will share this but probably tenacity.
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probably dead hard and iron will
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If I'm being honest, those days when I was still learning the game and ran Urban Evasion for like 6 months religiously. The amount of times I broke ankles just by doing a quick crouch walk away from my scratch mark trail to throw a killer off when they don't have line of sight
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Balanced landing saved me more times that I could believe it. It's incredible like no killer expect you to have it and many times it bought me enough time for my team.
On the other hand, I always use kindred on solo q, and it gives me all the info I need for my next move. So I can't ever take it off.