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Should Ebony Mori be nerfed?

Minaaa Member Posts: 60

Should Ebony Mori be nerfed? 84 votes

16% 14 votes
60% 51 votes
Hmmmmm maybe
22% 19 votes


  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2020

    If they get "reworked" it's going to end up being a nerf.

    Not like it needs a buff.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    Yes, and don't forget keys.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    Not while there is a trophy for killing all 4 survivors.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,770

    Moris as a whole just need a touchup, my thoughts was no more secret so the survivors know exactly how fierce they should play to stand a chance and add a purple mori that allows killing deathhook survivors

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    They need to nerf moris and keys at the same exact time. Honestly I feel like the game would be in a better place if they just straight up deleted them both imo. Making it so moris can only happen with devour/rancor, and hatch escapes can only happen as the last surv. That would remove so much frustration for the entire playerbase

    But with that said... yellow moris should be basekit. Because that's just fun and it has almost 0 impact on the actual match. Ivory and Ebony should get deleted though, as with all keys/addons that can open hatch imo

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I've posted this before, but bascially Yellow Moris are useless (if you down the last survivor the probability is really high that you'll be able to kill them just by hooking them or letting them bleed out. The Yellow Mori adds pretty much no value.) The Green Mori is fine as is, one kill one hook early is a nice benefit but not overpowering. And the Red Mori is too swingy, getting more than one person killed one hook early is a potentially devastating momentum swing.

    So my suggestion is:

    Yellow Mori - Lets you kill any survivor that you've hooked twice (aka on death hook). Similar to Pyramid Head's Final Judgment. It's better than the current version but still not as good as the Green.

    Green Mori - Lets you kill one survivor that you've hooked once (no change)

    Red Mori - Both of the above. Lets you kill one survivor that you've hooked once and any survivor that you've hooked twice. It's not as powerful as the current version but still better than Green and it still lets you get the mori animation multiple times.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732

    Yes. I'd honestly rather both moris and keys were deleted completely but we know it's not happening so.

    I feel like the green mori is so much more awful to play against than the ebony one though. Because with the ebony mori, killers usually know once they've hooked a survivor, they're dead the next time they down them, and since this effect is "cumulative" in a sense (because it affects every survivor in the trial), there's no rush to mori right away. Most ebony moriers don't tunnel you right away after your first hook to mori you. Green moriers, on the other hand...

  • ScaryCat
    ScaryCat Member Posts: 49

    Ebony Mori does need a rework (a nerf), I feel. I main survivors, so this may be a one-sided opinion, as I don't know how easy/hard it is for killers to play. But from my experience, Ebony Mori appears in half of my matches, and those matches always end very quickly - either because survivors DC to avoid the Mori, or because everybody is dead in five minutes. I've never won a single match against Ebony Mori, and that makes me sort of give up when I see it at the beginning of the match.

    For people who don't know what an opinion means, I'd like you to save the trouble of saying "a Mori is easy to counter, you are just a bad player!"

    But yeah, even really good survivors I know seem to struggle with it.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,903
    edited September 2020

    "It would make them completely useless"

    Yes! Good! Moris are pretty much the only offerings that don't have almost no impact on the match. You can stack oaks or salty lips or something and make them useful in a niche build, but that's about it. Even if you use an offering to pick a favorable map, that offering doesn't actually impact the match itself. Meanwhile, the Ebony Mori is the single strongest inventory element in the entire game and it's in the offering slot. As in, not only is it wildly OP on its own, but it can be paired with a killer's best perks and add-ons. That makes absolutely no sense. It really should be nerfed to the point of not being very useful, for example, making it activate after 2 hooks instead of 1.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,903

    Moris >>> keys. People keep trying to make an equivalence between them, but they really aren't at all the same.

    If keys were as strong as moris, they'd be in the offering slot instead of the item slot, and they'd allow survivors to escape through the hatch once they finish a gen. Survivors could still bring toolboxes with BNPs because the key would be in the offering slot. Sound like fun?

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    Nerfed to second or death-hook.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    And people still act like both aren't OP in the same way and shouldn't be brought up together. Moris are definitely stronger overall, but both keys and moris help the team achieve they're objective far easier than they should.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Yeah, they definitely should. Tbh I never use moris as killer because they're just kind of boring. I do once in a great while if I'm in a bad mood or if I want to see a killer's mori because I've never seen it before (I'm behind on some of the killers since I took a long break from the game). But they're boring to play with and against.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,903

    They both are OP in the same way that a thunderstorm and a hurricane are both bad weather. Keys don't bother me as killer, since most matches they're irrelevant and even when they do get used they're just impacting the very end of the match; most of the match plays out normally, but you just end up with a 3k instead of a 4k. Occasionally you'll see 2 or 3 escape and occasionally those escapes come in matches survivors weren't going to win, but both at once is rare in my experience. When I pull that off as survivor it's usually in matches we were going to win anyway, and it rarely happens to me as killer.

    Meanwhile, green and pink moris are relevant in nearly every match they're burned in. From the moment your first teammate gets Mori'd as survivor, that match is over unless the killer is a potato. And, unlike keys, you're still stuck there playing it out instead of getting to requeue. Survivors can do almost nothing to counter green and pink Moris. They are going to get used and the killer is going to either 4k or 3k + hatch unless they're bad or matchmaking screws them. On the other hand, killers have a wide variety of counters to keys: tunneling, Franklin's, Moris, keeping gens down so that the hatch only spawns for the last survivor, etc.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    You make it sound like I didn't say "moris are definitely stronger overall". Of course everything you said is correct, however what other survivor items do you know of that let 2-3 kills escape without getting all gens done?

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    reworked for sure.

    nerfed? not quite.

    maybe once everyones been hooked at least once the killing can comence

  • ArcticWolf
    ArcticWolf Member Posts: 44

    My friends and i said maybe 2 hooks instead of 1 but everyone being hooked before would be nice so tunnelers cant kill everyone after 1 hook and that person gets 2k points

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,903

    I agree too, keys are strong. I still think medkits are the strongest survivor item, but keys are close behind. I just don't love that keys always come up when someone calls for a Mori nerf. I don't think there's really any reason for that association to exist. I wouldn't be opposed to keys being changed a bit if it makes the community happy, but I don't personally think they're broken as is.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I disagree, I think keys are far in a way better than any other item, not only do they let survivors escape they come with they're own host of other buffs. I believe the the association should exist, because they are both things that should be changed that cause the same problem. I see where your coming from though.

  • ArcticWolf
    ArcticWolf Member Posts: 44

    I dont know how you can change keys unless you remove them or make it a couple seconds to open the hatch

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    rework that don't make them useless.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,903

    That's one idea. You could also just make the hatch spawn at a different time, make the hatch close automatically once someone goes through it to prevent one key from saving multiple survivors, etc.

  • illuminaegi
    illuminaegi Member Posts: 32

    Tbh I just wanna see an Ebony Mori rework. I'm chill with the other two. (Though I will admit, Green letting yoh kill someone immediately off hook is p nasty.)

  • VoidAether
    VoidAether Member Posts: 15

    I wouldn't nerf it just make it rarer to get out of the bloodweb