When are they going to fix that damn rock glitch?

I just had a match where I got stuck on that damn rock while evading the killer, the killer knew I was there but was being greedy bullying the console players, eventually I had enough and just dc'ed.
Upcoming update it is suppose to be fixed
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Please let this be true
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Find out the 8th! In custom!
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When the next chapter releases.
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Maybs as soon as another “stuck glitch” emerges to take its place.
I do kno that whenever they free it up from the stuckiness, I’m totally gonna t-bag all over that rock!😄
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these are right who it really fix it who knows.
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They confirmed that the hill glitch fix patch will be pushed along with the next chapter on 8th.
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I hope they fix it soon, just had a game where two players, including myself got trapped in the spot, and the clown completely ignored us and tunneled the other two players. I don't blame Ming from disconnecting. I somehow was able to get out when the slugged Nea crawled over to me for a heal so we were able to get out, but yeah, reported that guy for exploiting that bug. Real shame.
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That hill can spawn next to jungle gyms and such, or maybe you're using BL, so you hug the hill to save distance and then bam, you're stuck.