To survivors mains

How do I make the game fun for you? Seriously. I love playing killer, and I've been diving into survivor just to learn how to play against good survivors, but I really want to know, what makes the game fun and challenging for you?

Obviously, no tunneling or slugging (but if I suspect you have DS, I aint going for you).


  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I'm not a survivor main, I'm a killer main that is playing survivor kinda a lot now because of not worrying.

    I like not caring and doing stupid builds in red rank, recently I started using pebble and head on on almost every build, you'd be surprised seeing most killers fall for the pebble, that is what makes it fun for me, and challenging well, I rarely use exhaustion perks except head on but it is challenging when you have to rely on yourself more than in perks and since I mostly play solo I really don't care what my teammates are doing, I just want to outplay killers.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I don't have it unlocked yet, I moved a few months ago from console and now I'm on pc.

    I'm sorry you are going through stuff like that, if you are on console I can understand 100% what you are going through with msgs, all I can say is turn them off, it's not worth having them on while playing this game.

  • Perfectnomad
    Perfectnomad Member Posts: 89

    I love being killer. I love making the game fun. When survivors have 0 chance in a chase *looks like LF* it just feels dumb.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Well, some of them seem to have fun gen rushing you to death and then in the end chat, making fun of you.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    I could say the same about survivor. My favourite matches is when they are willing to actually play the game, interact with the killer, loop, hide and seek etc etc etc.

    If they just want to gen rush and escape is just disappointing.

  • Amundii
    Amundii Member Posts: 12

    I honestly don't mind being tunnled or not I end up just forgetting about that game and still having fun in the end just you do you man personally getting chased is all I need to have fun in the game

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yeah, I keep playing to find more of these matches. Part of the reason that I am about to try and drop my rank by quite a bit.

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    Personally, I have fun when I'm focusing exclusively on an archive challenge that isn't something I normally do, and can run a build to support myself to get the mission. I love the lore, and much prefer collecting it to just mindless "gens gens gens, loop loop loop, unhook, gens, loop, DS, adrenaline, gate,"

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    As I said in other threads, these days I'm actually playing with 0 effort and just chilling, just to derank a bit.

    It's hilarious, because the moment I reach rank 5 or 6 again, I start seeing variety and more fun matches. When I hit Red ranks the fun ends, it's a curse.

  • Killer: breathes

    Survivors: "This is not fun"

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Honestly maybe it's your avatar but the only thing I can personally ask for right now is not facing Legion. I'll even deal with Freddy for the small nuance of calling that fake freddy teleport bluff or clearing an area of traps or knowing when to wake up as an injured survivor so you can use trapped up loops... When you go against Legion the game is basically just looping an M1 killer while constantly being hurt... which can be hard or easy depending on how smart the killer manages zoning but in the end is just 1 dimensional and extremely tiring for me.

    It also doesn't help that Legion is #1 on my encounter list when playing survivor

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've got a mate who almost never plays, and only plays with me. Those rank 20 games are the best. Can't stand the barrage of rank 1 killers and 3-8 survivors that I'm in on my actual account.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Just play the game and acknowledge (but still feel free to exploit) any unfair advantages. That's all I ask of anyone - and it's the reason I find those "competitive" players so annoying most of the time. Bringing in all the OP stuff AND pretending you worked for it? Yeah...

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    What makes a game fun to me?

    • Not being tunnelled, camped, proxied on hook
    • Not being moried
    • Not dying because BS hits / dogsh*t servers / VPN killer
    • Not getting hit an hour after I vault a window (exaggeration yeah, but fr tho)
    • Getting teammates who don't go down in less than 5 seconds
    • Getting teammates who don't get off a gen at the slight sound of the TR, even when the killer's clearly on someone else
    • Not getting Deathslinger or Spirit
  • Perfectnomad
    Perfectnomad Member Posts: 89
  • Slasherwave
    Slasherwave Member Posts: 9

    The chase is the most fun part of the game. Getting into a good chase that isn't over in 10 seconds, getting to test your looping skills and try out tricks you've learned is so much fun. I started out as a killer main, but I'm very much a survivor main these days because I generally have more fun as survivor now.

    What makes the game unfun, obviously, is getting camped or tunneled, and most survivors will answer that way. I understand why killers do it though. What also isn't appreciated is having fun in chase with the killer for half the game, only to be rewarded with a mori off first hook. I'll take the camp and tunnel over that any day aha.

    Anyways, that was a long way of saying, as long as you're not playing in a way to intentionally make the game unfun for survivors, then you're good and they're probably having fun too.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    It's all about weighing the pressure and skill of the survivors. If they are challenging you then, play hard. If you are outclassing them and still have four gens up, you can afford to be playful.

    Some killers just go all out no matter what, 5 gens, slugging, DC's, no remorse. Those games feel one sided and crappy.

  • KurburBing
    KurburBing Member Posts: 36

    While I’m not a survivor main, I do my best to give survivors who are struggling or getting too much of my attention, as much breathing room as possible. As someone who hates being stressed as a killer, I also understand that there are times where survivor is extremely intense. If I see people running into walls or using dead hard too early, losing their edge with evasion, I’ll hit them once then leave them alone and find someone else.

    Sometimes people even take notice of this and give me some mutual respect in return. I don’t really think there’s a better experience in this game then having survivors trust you with their play experience, and just play more relaxed. Gens slow down, and I’ve even had an experience pre-endgame phase where this meg was so happy with how I played, she would not leave, I can’t remember how many I had killed before her, but she literally wanted me to kill her. I thought it was pretty kind so I downed her and dropped her through the exit gate to show I appreciate the gesture. Got a “):” message right after though lol. I’ve had my share of red rank seasons as killer but those matches where everyone is on the same wavelength are just the best.

    I feel that kind of sportsmanship would really fix a lot of concerns revolving around how much fun each side is to play.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I have nothing useful to add other than imma go meme around as killer for a bit now. I'm sure the survivors would thank you. I thank you.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    I play both sides and tbh I think it's different for everyone what makes a match fun. For survivors I think being able to mindgame killers is fun. But for killers some things are the same through all of them but some have unique things that make it fun or not fun to play against survivors as them. The obvious one for killers is not playing against swf. For me personally on xbox not receiving death threats or any other kind of insult after literally most matches would be nice. I don't know why but I see more hate messages after a match from survivors then killers but maybe that's just me. But I think some good sportsmanship would make games feel a lot better.

    However while it is nice to do things to make games fun. Don't force people to do it. If someone doesn't play in a fun way for you don't message them saying what they did wrong.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Fun is highly subjective - I guess fair would be a better term. If you are obviously trashing the survivors there is no need to go try hard on them. I'm not afraid of DS when I kill either - I have even picked up poor slobs who happened to get nailed by me right after unhook, just to test for DS, then toss them back on the ground when they don't have it to go after someone else.

    I try to be fair - and that's all they want is a fair chance to play the match. Not get mori'ed off the first hook, tunneled into oblivion, or camped.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    As long as no one is tunneled or camped, I enjoy the game. (If we're in Endgame, it's a different story of course)

    But that's it. I don't care about dying, I don't care about getting mori'd late in the game (as long as it's not immediately off first hook).

    I (and I'm sure most survivors) just want to be able to play the game and have our teammates play the game. Like, even if I'm not the one being camped, if someone else is getting face camped, that makes the game boring because I either have to die to save them or I just hold m1 on a generator and leave the match with like 12k points

  • Leovanni
    Leovanni Member Posts: 52

    That's pretty much it. Don't tunnel, don't camp, don't slug more than 1 person and create an impossible to win situation (and by that I mean essentially camping two-three slugs).

    Also games where the last person is allowed to escape immediately nullifies any rage me and my friends feel from a bad game. Not like you need two pips per game.

    As a killer myself, I also try to add games to the game. Try to do psyche out looping at the sacrifice of gens, do weird builds or place weird limitations (double iridescent oni with sloppy and thatna, no death hooks unless everyone is injured and has two hooks is my favorite). I like showing off my prowess while allowing them to show off their skills, makes any sacs feel way more worth it and I get a lot of friend requests doing that too (from survivors).

  • WalkingNurse
    WalkingNurse Member Posts: 22

    This is usually how I play as killer... It's too taxing to take serious all the time and I think it's way more fun to do stuff that is either memey/ridiculous, genuinely DGAFing about your kill count.

    Ill totally throw tantrums for those really close missed hits, insidious camp items with Franklin's (amazing fun by the way), let them snoot boop, if they motion "no" and point I'll leave etc. Some of the off the wall stuff you are able to do is down right hilarious at times, same with survivor. I thought I was the only one who appreciates that kind of thing

  • Mochii
    Mochii Member Posts: 2

    As a survivor main, I love a killer that gives me a good scare or a playful/memey killer.

    I don't know why, but for me it's super fun to get scared, looking around and suddenly seeing a killer come out of nowhere or a killer stalking me always shocks me and gives me a good laugh afterwards.

    As for playful/memey killers, it's such a great feeling to finally play against a killer after being camped, tunneled, slugged and mori'd. I usually play survivor with a friend or two and to everyone who sometimes plays more playful/memey, thank you. My friends and I always laugh and smile, it doesn't matter if we die, we have fun during the match and after we're more relaxed than ever. It sucks going up against sweaty killers so seeing some change brightens up our day.

    Seriously, to every killer who plays playful/memey sometimes or decides to scare the living ######### out of people, thanks for not being a sweaty killer, thanks for brightening peoples day and thank you for making this game really enjoyable.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Well I know a crazy man build of NM TEN UN with a combo of IW it's the you can't hear me or catch me slug build since surprisingly NM AND UB combo and TEN means you can crawl far away healing faster

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Just dont use obviously broken stuff. No moris, no stridor spirit, no iri infantry huntress, things like that. But this goes both ways, so you can also say no ds unbreakable, no blendette, no keys, things like that. I just want to play a fair game and those types of things make it incredibly one sided. Haddonfield is my least favorite map on both sides, for that reason. I don't like having an unfair advantage or disadvantage.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's more about how my teammates are, they are the ones that can ruin everything. But tunneling is not fun, or when killer is Legion or Doctor. Otherwise just play the game and I think if you have fun as killer the survivors also have fun.

  • ReZ_Snip3rYT
    ReZ_Snip3rYT Member Posts: 5

    I play both sides I agree it can be pressure on killers to feel bad or not or survivors to feel bad or not a good game to me is one where there is no noed or slug or thrilling tremors and moris but it's not like you have to listen do whatever you want I don't really care when I'm survivor I play a little toxic then and there but sometimes its good to treat a survivor poor or nice to give them the free win.

  • rileybazan115
    rileybazan115 Member Posts: 12

    Thanks for wanting to make the game for everyone. The only thing I could think to make it more that what your already doing is to try crazy builds. Otzdarva always features very interesting killer builds you can check him out for some ideas

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    The most fun I've ever had playing this game was when we decided to not do any gens and hide. We were all Claudette on Yamaoka and one of us brought Distraction. The killer was Bubba and I can't remember how many times he just walked right past me hiding in bamboo. Eventually we started doing some gens and he killed three of us. Messaged him after the game, "Fun?" His reply, "Had a blast, glad only one of you had pebbles or I would have lost my #########."

  • MisterGein213
    MisterGein213 Member Posts: 31

    The intensity of being chased. I love the rush of trying to loop and escape the killer. Love avoiding hits by the skin of my teeth.

  • Azyara
    Azyara Member Posts: 1

    The other night my fiance and I got together with 2 more friend in a SWF match up and over discord we concocted a plan to make ourselves do a conga line and just spam crouches in a line across the map. The first match we ran into Demo and he absolutely loved it. He wiggled around and got in line behind me (I was last) and he just kept nodding his head. After the match he said in chat "people like you are what makes this game fun" and we kept going for a while. We broke a hag who just d/c after like 2 minutes. We had another hag after, at this point we were all Claudette's dressed exactly the same even down to item, we offered up a of our items after the conga line and even retrieved all the items from chests to sacrifice to the Hag. Everything was straight shenanigans till we ran into a Mikey who was ruthless to us lol but can't even blame him, he brought Scratched Mirror Into Hawkins Lab by his choice and he had a group of conga line Claudette's lol

    Overall we just try to do objectives, be silly and laugh it all off <3

    And when I play as Killer which is rare, i like to be a friendly killer. Bonk me with those pallets and if you get stuck on that weird part of the hill I'll only slug you down so I can pick you up and move you then you can wiggle off. <3

  • PurgeTheHeretic
    PurgeTheHeretic Member Posts: 20

    I have been a survivor main for a few years, the only thing that gets old is camping a hooked survivor. I run Kindred all the time because it is so prevalent.

    I understand if there are survivors circling the area and you are hunting them, that is on the survivor players, but just standing there while the other three so generators until the survivor gives up the ghost is dull and costs everyone points and excitement.

  • mustboop
    mustboop Member Posts: 2

    Honestly I don't even mind if I die at by end of the game as long as I had fun. Obviously the easy ones have been said, no tunneling, slugging (at least not the whole team just to secure a win), camping, mori off first hook, and ######### like that.

    The most fun parts are the chases, trying to get cool saves, taking hits for teammates, idk I guess the whole team part already makes survivor more fun than killer to me. When killers don't take the game as serious, like I get it you want your points and kills, but its not really fun or rewarding for anyone when everyone dies in the first 3 minutes of the game.

    I had a really fun deathslinger game where he had everyone either on death hook or at least hooked, and I had gotten away from him somehow each time. So when I realized we 3 genned ourselves I decided to take the agro anytime someone was getting chased so they could get the last gen done. Only two of us made it out and barely, but that game was SO fun because even though he was kinda tryharding he didn't do the annoying ######### like tunneling and camping, even at the end with the last person hooked, he came to chase us out of the gate instead of slugging and trying to kill us as well.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, when EVERYONE can play the game (more than 2 mins of it) and EVERYONE gets good points because pressure was spread evenly and the survs worked together and the killer wasn't a dick, it's fun for me, even if I die or even if all the survs die.

  • bangbison
    bangbison Member Posts: 104

    Funny bc I can’t tell who has DS fr

    playing killer. I like when Miller isn’t killer at death hook. Everyone on 2nd/3rd hook. Gives everyone a chance to get some bp and have a decent chase.

  • I completely agree with Jyn_Mojito! Seeing a killer throw a tantrum from a missed hit or even a moon walking killer lightens things up. Especially because I personally always see tunneling,camping try hard killers. (From survivor to killer.)

  • tespellman7
    tespellman7 Member Posts: 8

    Biggest issue as a survivor main is the campers... at least in my experience.