Looking for some genuine tips
So I keep not getting hooked when a teammate dies and I wanna know what’re some good tips to take hooks and keep your team alive a while longer without sacrificing yourself. I wanna eat hooks but not die immediately.
Lead the killer as far away from any pressure as you can before getting downed.
Its a really simple mindset that goes a long way, and some killers will flat out just drop the chase entirely if they realize whats going on. Leading chases to areas with no gens, the opposite corner of the map from other hooked survivors/a 3 gen, these types of things ruin killer pressure and make your down much more worth it. Best part is, when they hook you, you're on the other side of the map from previously mentioned pressure, so they have to either let you get unhooked for free, or allow the other survivors to build more pressure easily.
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My point of view is that it’s unwise to intentionally take a hook. I’ll take a protection hit to help break off a chase with someone else...if I think I can also get away.
Remember, the killer isn’t a bot, and isn’t under any obligation to give you a 2nd or 3rd chance. There’s always the very real possibility of your first hook being your death hook, and it’s perfectly within the game rules for things to play out that way.
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and if the other survivors are dropping like flies, its pretty clear they're not going to get any pressure vs the killer. sometimes being able to distract the killer for the reset can save the game that bad teammates would otherwise ruin.
I'd rather take a 1-2 minute chase to save the game than end up in a hatch situation because everyone else died before i could get 2-3 gens done.
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Yeah, I try to get far from anything of value to killer as possible but they always seem to just leave and let a free hook happen if anyone has the balls. Too many scaredy cat survs in solo q.
Yeah. I try to treat every Hook like it’s my last. Can’t trust solo q teammates for the simplest things. Tbh, I let them die if I have to. Don’t wanna risk it if I really have to. I do try and take hits for those dead on hook but if killer continues chase not much I can do to stop it and let them just gunnel someone else out. I just wanna make the game last as long as possible to maybe get a chance to escape with as many people as possible. Tbh. If it comes to it and there’s 2 of us left I’ll left them die. Maybe u feel bad but I don’t worry so much in game.
Yeah. I like bringing life back into the game. If I can get everyone else out I will. Some time it’s just not worth risking my own skin for someone else who’s just gonna go down and die anyway. I’d rather get my own time with the killer than die for someone who doesn’t deserve it.