A question for console survivors.

I'm not sure why but it seems 4/5 times when I play with or against console survivors one or more just straight up DC like they could be first hook and they get downed then just DC leaving the rest of us to finish by our self's I see all this crap with PC killers being toxic but you're no better when you leave your teammates because you get downed.
No console players want to play PC killers outside of delusional ones and people who only play the game in SWF. Hopefully it goes on and on until something is done.
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ive got to be honest, im sick of all these posts because i play this game consistantly everyday for 5 to 8 hours and see survivors and killers from both pc and console. ive even had legacy players dc. aswell as this ive seen posts before crossplay was even added moaning about dcs and that was talkin about just pc. its just annoying.
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I don't know percentages of each console or PC that are responsible for DC, but I can say as a PS4 user I notice it with particular killers (Huntress, Ghostface).
I also PERSONALLY have had to DC due to fps issues. There have been times during match my survivor can't come out of crouch after working on gen.
So it might not be a particular console specific mindset, but rather a specific console ISSUE OR EXPERIENCE that is causing DC. Just a thought.
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Its not that I just say this out of the blue like I said just about every game I play I get a DC and it was only from a console player. Not saying it does not happen with PC players just it happens a lot more when im playing with console. I can see someone doing it if they get tunneled to death hook but they get in a chase get downed then just DC. If it was like when they are stuck from the buggy hills or they are unable to do something thats fine but when they are active and get chased then DC thats a problem.
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Then why have crossplay on? And don't say "because we get lobby's faster" because if so then I expect that you would stay for the entire game not for the first 5 mins till you get downed.
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Because we want to play with PS4 and Switch not PC. Oh and the loss of our OWN playerbase when crossplay is turned off is sure nice.
Crossplay is a joke. It benefits nobody but PC users really. Anybody playing solo survivor just gets screwed over harder than before.
BHVR forced us to play with PC or have even longer wait times tf knda BS is that? Then we can't even participate in the end game chats.
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Xbox gamer here. DCs used to never happen. They were so rare, and I played this game for hours. I honestly think the DCs are coming from PS4 and Switch players. That, or I was lucky as heck.
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I do wish other crossplayers could talk to us but other then that you can play against PC players and win I've seen it happen just because we are on another platform does not mean you can no longer win we are hard to play against yes but just giving up does not help any one. If cross play was really that bad then you would have your player base back but it seems most console players enjoy it or we would not see so many.
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I played a PS4 Doc game and 3/4 survivors DC’d...Can’t tell who they were due to the globe icon, but they weren’t PS4 players.
DC’s happen on all platforms
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That's fair to say but i'm not just saying PS4 like 90% of the resent dc's have been crossplay that's why I say console i'm not sure what platform but it is not PC
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You have a permanent advantage in performance and controls. That alone is unfair and it can never be fixed. EVER.
I bought a console game. I don't want to have to learn to play with mouse and keyboard even if we get support for it later.
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Performance maybe but controls? there is a difference sure but you have access to everything control wise same as us just because you have a controller does not mean you cant do the same things as us you can do gens, vault windows, drop pallets same as us.
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I have been playing console for years and of course all the streamers are PC players. I have always noticed how much better and SMOOTH the movement can be on PC. Survivors hug the loops MUCH more efficient and the same with killers. PC Killers can fake a direction with such swiftness it nearly looks like a single action. This of course has come into play when going against PC survivors as a console killer now. The PC players are on a different level with the way they move its so much more efficient they fake vaults so much better etc.
This is due to the fact a PC player is using more of their physical ability to manipulate the controls .Its simple really. A PC player is using their entire right hand to focus their camera movement and a console player is using just their thumb. A PC player is using however many fingers to control everything else but again the console person is using their OTHER thumb. 2 thumbs Versus a hand and several fingers.
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I really don't get where this "controller is actually an advantage for survivor" nonsnese came from. In no way is the joystick an advantage when its still controlled by ONE thumb as opposed to multiple fingers on a keyboard. Probably just PC players filling the air with it so try to hide the advantage they hold.
You can see this clear as day that PC survivors have better movement than console players do.
I've been playing on xbox since 2017 and if I play halfways serious I am a rank 1 killer. When get 4 rank 1 PC players its like I am playing the game pro or something. Console is the minor leagues and PC is the major leagues. They are SO MUCH better.
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I've only played on pc and I've only ever used a controller. It's not impossible to play against pc killers. It's just going to take getting used to.
The problem with the entire DBD community is every time there's any sort of change that requires adjusting of play style they respond by throwing temper tantrums. This same thing happened when new Freddy came out. There was a massive wave of DC's. I thought there were supposed to be DC penalties buy I guess they turned them off when they introduced full crossplay?
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I've been stuck crouching plenty of times on my Xbox. Vaulting or Dwighting fix it for me.
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I made a rank 1 PC Nurse DC today because he couldn’t down me during a chase. I’m playing on PS4. Not all of us are incapable of playing with PC players lol.
The Nurse who was streaming was also accusing me of cheating as obviously that was the only reason he got outplayed.
I was also with a Legacy Dwight today and was expecting him to really outplay me, but he got hooked twice and I escaped all 3 of the chases I got into. He also escaped the match with 15k and I had 28k. Console definitely has issues with optimisation but it doesn’t make me unable to play and play well.
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Exactly they are making it out to seem like its totally unplayable against PC. I does not matter what you use so what we get WASD all the buttens you need are right next to your fingers as well. and about us having headphones I know for a fact PS4/Xbox you can connect headphones that are just as good as ours.
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Addendum: Joystick is better for precision, but WASD is better for things like strafing in a first person shooter. So for other games, you have to decide what advantage you want.
In dbd, it doesn't really matter.
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The major difference is playing as killer on a console. We all have to deal with the same maps, bugs, and perks, but it is in this role that the frame drops hurt so bad. Please please please if you're on PC borrow a friend's PS4 or whatever and give it a go as a killer.
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Trust me I understand how bad killer is for console but this entire discussion is about survivors. A console killer going against PC survivors I get how that can be unfair because as killer you cant do all the things having a mouse lets us do, but survivor it doesn't really matter the only thing that PC can do better is move the camera faster.
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I play on the PC with a controller and headphones most of the time because I enjoy sitting back in my chair. I've found the only disadvantage I have versus using the keyboard is it is harder to 360 a killer. Not impossible but harder. I still usually get slaughtered by rank 1 killers but not always.
The streamers use high end PCs so yes their videos will always look good. Not all PC players have such high end PCs.
I too have noticed that about 25% of games with console players result in a DC. It's more of a whatever now I've come to expect it.
I can say that as a terrible rank 18 killer I now get matches immediately against legit same rank survivors so at least now I can do the rift challenges. Granted I don't do the killing ones and I spend the match doing the challenge then I wait at the exit gate and open it as soon as the last get pops but at least it's fun now! Challenge done, everyone escapes, I'm not having red rank PC survivors and I only wait a minute to get a match versus 20+ minutes pre crossplay. So for all the DCing it's worth it to me.
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I'm sick of these posts constantly generalizing platforms. Just shut up and deal with it or turn off cross play if you think that's an issue
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No, I'm the same. Unless we're both on the Aus Sydney servers.
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The whole headphone argument made me confused as almost everybody I know on PS4 plays with a headset? Especially on multiplayer games. How do people think console players talk to each other without a headset? lol.
At the end of the day, most of the ‘skill’ in this game comes from being able to predict what people are going to do and mind game, which I don’t have a problem with. I’ve never once felt inferior since having crossplay enabled.
The only negative thing I’ve noticed is that when I go against a PC killer I will experience more frame drops when new status effects are applied, which can be troublesome but it hasn’t screwed me over yet, so it’s all good.
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To counter this, I’m a PS4 player and I’m seeing more DC’s now from people with globes next to their name. I know for a fact a lot of them have been PC players because it’s sometimes really obvious with the usernames they have. The rest are either XBOX or Switch.
I suppose the point I’m making is that every platform is experiencing DC’s.
Also, I’ve been running into a lot of TTV survivors and killers since crossplay. It’s really fun being able to watch my matches back and see things from somebody else’s perspective. Although one guy was shouting abuse at us because none of us replied with “GG” even though we were on console and couldn’t see the chat... 🤦🏻♀️😂
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Console players DC, PC players DC. That's why i want penalties back. ASAP.
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Nope, I live nowhere near Australia.
I mean, I'm not saying Xbox players don't DC, I'm just saying, from my personal experience, they seem to do it less. But like I said, I could just be extremely lucky.
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Yeah, nah. I've had more DC's come from other platforms, so I'm in the same boat as CheeseAnton and they have said that they're basically on the orher side of the planet.
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There’s nothing to “yeah, nah” about, as the DC’s I’ve been experiencing have also been from different platforms. So it can’t be an issue solely with PS4 as that’s my platform and the DC’s in my games have globes next to their usernames. 🤷🏻♀️
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It might not be XBOX players, but from my own personal experience, the DC’s I get as survivor and killer have globes next to their usernames, which means they’re not playing on PS4. So my point was and still is, that DC’s are effecting and coming from multiple platforms. It’s not just one platform that’s the issue and without us having any actual data to prove which platform somebody is from, it’s all just unnecessary finger pointing.
I’m seeing more DC’s now because I’m playing with a wider variety of players. It’s to be expected. No platform is worse than another. They all have their fair share of sore losers.
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I'm seeing everyone DC on every platform in every role in myriad situations. People DC at the drop of a hat and some have more meritorious reasons for doing so. I sometimes understand the pain and don't take it personally and move on. I have experienced The Killer DC right after two gens pop and Survivors right after a down. I actually don't miss the penalty, I understand why people want to leave at times.
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So you stream sniped a baby Nurse and that proves something? Lol okay.
How would you even feel comfortable typing that out. If a rank 1 Nurse CANT get you. There is something suspect.
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Where did I say I stream sniped anybody? The killer had their twitch as their username and I watched the match later that night. 🤦🏻♀️
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You didn't need to say it.
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You’re clearly just looking for an argument and I’m not going to give you one. I’ve explained how I knew the person was streaming and sniping was not involved. So have a good night. 💚
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My guess is that it is PC players, because it is easier to yank out an Ethernet cable than whatever a console can do. DC's were extremely rare for me before cross-play and became way more common after.
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I really don't know. It does nothing but screw over the rest of the players. If you are gonna depip, may as well try to help the others out before you do. Online games get taken way too seriously. Unless the devs are paying you to escape every match or 4k every match it doesn't matter. Lol. Just play.