yes, i do actually overheat as hillbilly

i'd just like to say that im probably one of the handful of people on the planet that still main hillbilly and play him skillfully

please stop saying "oh i never overheat, its not even noticeable"

if youre playing billy effectively and using your chainsaw, you will overheat at least once in almost everygame without the yellow overheat addon.

just to clarify, i never m1 unless the survivor is already injured, which is the most optimal and fun way to play billy. please dont try to say you never overheat if you only use your saw for map control anyways.

secondly, even if he actually did never overheat, it still is so unneccesary and just stupid. the visual design changes are still terrible, and he now has like 3 addons that even do slightly anything and arent just gimmicks.

hillbilly is unfun to play now for no reason, and it will be like that for the rest of time. its sad, but dont try to stomp on billys grave and say nothings changed.



  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Most of that never over heat stuff came from before they re-nerfed him to make "overheating" visible since no one was overheating when it went live for the first time (Since the outcry from PTB). They have still reverted it to 3.5 which is enough to cause some overheats now in normal play if you don't run the addon... most of this forum doesn't play any nuanced killers or even killers at all so they haven't noticed

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Notice I added a caveat to include "Killer Mains" who just play Freddy, Spirit, Legion, etc. Not saying they don't have their place but I can count on one hand the number of Nurse Mains there are on these forums

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    The overheat was nonexistent in 4.1.1 so in 4.1.2 they added a sneaky hot fix that brought it back. So depending on who you are talking to or been watching they may have not played Billy since 4.1.1

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Ngl, I have overheated, and usually do, I chainsaw everyone even injured survivors, I hate that dumb mechanic.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    it takes half your overheat to cross the map so you essentially have 2 saws before you overheat

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395
    edited September 2020

    I don't think overheat is really a problem basekit, but holy ######### it's awful with engravings, engravings should reduce heat gained 100%, most fun skillful addons become the most unfun to use cause of this

    Edit: To clarify, I think it's a truly terrible addition and makes billy way less fun just managing it, top 3 worst things they've done this year atleast, as well as the fact I don't think it serves a purpose, I just don't think actually overheating the saw is very likely with basekit

    Post edited by Xpljesus on
  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, I'm going to be this thread's "that guy" and say that the overheat mechanic was made for people like you.

    If people like you actually used your hammer more often, then people would be more accepting of Hillbilly or at least hate him less. You will also have a very sharp drop in overheat issues. Just saying.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Let me guess: constantly screaming around the map, never taking a break between chainsaws?

    That's the only time I ever overheat. Other than that, completely fine.

  • timbologna
    timbologna Member Posts: 348

    First time playing him post update and I was like wait I can't use my power? No other killer has their power disabled for two minutes.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Ok, yes positioning is a thing, but as I have said in so many other threads, there are commonly games where at least 3 generators are in "unsafe" areas, and a power SHOULD NOT REPLACE A WEAPON.

    And you know what's unfun? Having someone rev their chainsaw for a full minute because they don't want to commit to an actual chase!

    I'm GLAD that Billy is now in the dirt in the eyes of a lot of people because they were bandwagoning on easy street! There. I said it.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    His power is easy to dodge/counter. If your doing an unsafe gen and get insta downed then thats your fault.

    Myers, bubba, billy, oni ect all have the option to instadown you if your caught working on an unsafe gen.

    And idk what billys you been playing but i dont know any skilled billys who hold their chainsaw for a full minute, maybe a couple seconds to get into position on a loop for a curve but no ones just holds his chainsaw.

    If your talking about to prevent a camping billy then okay but honestly if someone wants to camp there just going to use bubba as he takes zero skill to face camp and its impossible to miss both targets.

    People complaining about missing his charge time addons were billys riding on easy street.

    The billys who are complaining about this jank over heat mechanic are majority good billys

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    If you're only going for saws, that's your fault. If you only use his saw for a clear insta down or to gain distance then the overhear mechanic shouldn't bother you at all. Old billy took no skill and was no fun to play against. Insta down power, no cooldown, covers distance incredibly fast, he was just too much reward for no skill, especially those fiveheads who just rev until they're on you. That's just annoying. I'd accept a out of place chainsaw I didn't see coming over a douche getting up on me to get a quick insta down.

    I went against a billy today who played like that. Tried to keep holding rev so he could insta down me. I ran him around 1 small loop and a T wall next to it. I had 2 pallets. I stayed there with him long enough for my team to do 3 gens till he decided to peal off from me. I kept punishing him for trying to only chainsaw me and made him run into the wall like 5 times, hugging that loop CLOSE. He was also rank 1. You guys need to learn to adapt and only use your chainsaw for skillfully calculated hits or distance coverage. Stop whining cause you want your easy no skill killer back. Appreciate that they're making the game more interesting.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    How is it my fault if the game only has those left? I also find it easier to dodge now than before, but there are still some GENEROUS hitboxes with that thing.

    Yes, all those killers do have insta-downs, but at least Oni, Ghostface and Myers have to actually do something to achieve them. Not just exist.

    Full minute is an exaggeration, but it's the constant revving through loops or the rev and down then rev again around the corner. Xbox, Aus Sydney area if you must know. Literal tirade of them when I first hit purple before the Ruin rework. 95% of my games were against him then and it was a nightmare.

    All campers are something to be addressed. I don't care if they claim tactics, if you're not doing something like kicking a generator or pallet, then moving on should be what the killer does.

    So many people who claimed that Billy was dead have now moved to Spirit, they are the people that I have indeed called the bandwagoners. True mains stick with them even after a slight tweak. Hell, I stuck with Pig even after the EGC nerf!

    No, I don't believe that "good" Billies were the only complainers. There would have been some indeed, but everyone who used the saw to bypass the two health states, like the OP, contributed to the problem that lead us to the Overheat mechanic. Yes it does suck for some of them, but if we're honest, he was way too easy to pick up and do well with.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    so your advice is not use your power to cut down chase times, yikes

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    bro your literally saying dont use your power to end chases quick

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Don't RELY on your power for downs.

    What I am saying, as I always have, is don't replace your weapon with your power, quit playing on easy mode and learn the game LIKE THE REST OF US.

    If you are going to misinterpret my statements, please make it somewhat believable. I have been over this argument about Hillbilly several times and my opinion will forever remain unchanged at this point, since I have faced so many Hillbillies, and especially ones who rely on the old insta-saw add-ons.

    At least now Overheat will make people think about when to use their power more than just "see survivor, rev saw".

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    someone has clearly never versed a good surv as billy

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    The version before that hotfix that increased the overheat never actually made me overheat. Since that 'fix' you can easily overheat just using your chainsaw for mobility.

    It feels like they're kneecapping high tiers with good mobility with this and the Nurse change. That said the Nurse one definitely had less effect.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Sorry but Billy does have to learn the game like the "Rest of them"? He doesn't ignore loops, in fact he probably has to respect them the most out of any killer apart from maybe Wraith and other killers that have weak chase powers. You're not playing a different game like hag or spirit, you're playing the same way as every normal killer, the only difference is you go fast and kill dumb people who make mistakes faster. Idk how much hexy you had to watch to get that idea but geez.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah, Hexy has some pretty wack opinions for someone who has been around for as long as he has. Like Nurse being low tier and clown being high.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    The only Hillbilly I've seen the past 1-2 months is myself, and I suck as him A LOT. He was my main before the update, but now that's a lost cause.

  • Schinsly
    Schinsly Member Posts: 176

    what are you on!?!! hillbilly is known as like one of the only killers with any depth . I sucked at billy when i first picked him up and im still always improving every game. and GENEROUS HITBOXES? I know for a fact youve never played billy man, this is ridiculous. (happened to me yesterday, happens regularly too)

    i seriously cannot tell if youre trolling.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842
    edited September 2020

    I mean "like everyone else" in regards to survivors having two health states and fighting through that. And who?

    Edit: wrong reply. This was meant for @ALostPuppy

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    DEPTH? HILLBILLY? What are YOU on? All you have to do is chainsaw and sprint! And generous hitboxes as in rhere have been games I could fit Clown in comfortably between me and that saw!

    For the record, I HAVE played Hillbilly to see what all the fuss was about. Most boring killer I have played so far. Get your facts in order.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    "Fighting through" two health states? I mean, yeah him and Bubba can instadown at will but that's because they have nothing to help them in a chase except mindgaming with the chainsaw, Billy more than Bubba. There's a reason why so many Billy players run enduring, spirit fury etc. Because they need to be aggressive in a chase and they don't have anything to help slow survivors down or shut down loops like demo, Huntress, Spirit, Hag, Nurse, pyramid head, clown, get the point. But what Billy DOES have is great mobility, which is why good killers won't run slowdown perks on him because frankly they're overkill and not needed, they can run other more fun perks and perks that help him in a chase because like I said, he's not very good at it compared to most other M1 killers

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I would argue that ANY killer needs to be aggressive in a chase, with the exception of Huntress. Doesn't mean that I'll be slapping Enduring/Spirit Fury on my Pig any time soon.

    My biggest complaint about Hillbilly is just the alarming regularity of which Hillbillies just throw around their saw for an instant down, with zero real requirements. At least if someone like Ghostface gets a stalk on me, I know that in most cases I could have been more alert. Hillbilly has none of that for me, even now that I can start dodging saws more regularly.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    Well, my brother is main Hillbilly and he never overheat addon-less. There are times where it's not wise to use your chainsaw. You know? If you used it just because it was easier to stump in a wall and then using the chainsaw again that's on you. Is not about survivors "forcing" you, it's about you knowing when it's wise to use your chainsaw and when it's not.

    Look, even myself who I am a bad billy and used his M2 all the time for practice never overheated, and that's because I took small times where I re-position myself.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Nah man I disagree you must be bad at surv if you think old Billy was fun except insta saw.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Nothing of what you said related to anything I just said.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You are essentially saying old billy took no skill, you sidnt enjoy reversing him, and the overheat was necessary.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I would have been in favor of changes to Billy that affected his movement speed while in cooldown or affected the shape of the hit detection zone so that backrevs are harder to hit, but the devs went and did this.

    But the worst part about all of the changes is the sound design -- the overheating sounds, the roar, the tinny chainsaw revving, the sound of Billy hitting an obstacle-- everything. I can neither take Billy seriously when facing him nor when playing as him.

    My understanding of the people who like Billy the way he is now is that they play the game without much regard for atmosphere (tension, apprehension, power, etc. whose existence matter to some and doesn't affect others) and are extremely focused on A. bursts of novelty and B. maximum effectiveness, and while I do not think this perspective on the is wrong, feedback should always be taken from a broader group, particularly with the inclusion of more casual individuals who play Billy to have fun through playing the killer without the need to be the best at the meta (even if they happen to be). Many of the more prominent streamers find themselves playing the game in search of one specific event throughout all of their playtime rather than being challenged by different killers, survivors, and playstyles sporadically throughout all of their games. Most of what I see and hear are signs of boredom, a lack of tension, a lack of investment in a particular trial (eg. the d/c epidemic), a lack of greater goals in terms of leveling characters (made too easy because the developers can't figure out how to deal with the number of perks in their game), and immense frustration with hits, fake hits, auto-aim (aim dressing), latency, lag, hackers, campers, sluggers, survivors that use keys, killers that use moris, teabagging, flashlights, toolboxes, gen speeds, slowdown perks, and everything else under the sun (or moon because DbD lel).

    This game is a hotbed of frustration with no decisive signs of improvement coming from the developers (I'm not letting go of that clown comment the balance team head made or of the Civ VI comment by Cote) and significantly more signs of disconnection from the majority of players who regularly experience the game's successes and failures. When the developer's plans to concretely change the foundations of code, internet, and visuals on which the game runs and breathes coincide with the community's desires, the playerbase loves to assume that correlation implies causation when nothing would imply that other than the PR team.

    Tangent aside,

    I don't like Hillbilly rn. He's significantly less enjoyable than previously both as survivor as as killer.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    From your words exactly it sounds like you had no problem looping and dodging billy and what did the over heat mechanic even do?

    Maybe prevent billy from spending more time missing saws on you?

    Its stupid it really only punishes billys who arent the best with his chainsaw. A good billy is going to get you 9 times out of 10 first or second saw.

    The over heat mechanic doesnt really effect the way you travel the map as even if it over heats while sprinting youll just keep going anyway.

    It forces billys to become more millys if you arent the best at curves.

    While billys saw is strong and an instadown i think most billy mains will agree that the most enjoyment comes from landing a sick nasty curve on an over confident survivor who gets greedy at the loop.

    We play billy because of the curves not because its just a strong instadown.

    The over heat mechanic just prevents you from attempting more curves at a loop, cause if its a good billy hes going to get you before it over heats the majority of the time. You can still down 3 survivors with the saw before itll over heat so snow balling isnt a problem.

    Besides nothing is better than having a billy chase you the whole game trying to land curves that he thinks he can but really cant.

    Rip billy

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    i dont feel like billy was easy to pick up and learn at learn not his curves.

    I feel like the time wasted attempting to land mutiple saws at a loop makes up for the bypassed 2 hits.

    If you played vs billy enough you would learn how long he would have to rev his saw before it would land and just had to time your dodge to it.

    He definitely needed addon reworked but the over heat mechanic is just stupid.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    the nerfs are fine before the nerf was just making read after read after read without no punishment for bily, and you didnt get any reward for reading him, now is more balanced. also barely affects him unless you are really trying way too hard with the chainsaw wich is extremeley annoying having a billy with his chainsaw reved to 99 till he eventually can get you, taht was stupid tbh, but even more crack and insta saw addons those are gone for good.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    The OP saying that not using M1 as Hillbilly is the most optimal way to play is so wrong it hurts. What makes a good Hillbilly good is knowing when to M1 or M2 in specific situations, relying on one or the other just proves you need more experience with the killer.

    I'm not even a great Hillbilly cause I haven't mained him in years and I can 3-4k most matches, and I've yet to overheat once. The Chainsaws main strength is the mobility it provides, the potential for 1hitko is a bonus if you can make it work.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Eh, I have played a lot of billy since he got changed, he is possibly my third main just behind GODemo and Deathslinger. No, overheat still is not noticeable.

    I have read a lot of people in this thread saying "i cant curve anymore" like ######### do you mean, you can still curve perfectly at every loop, overheat does nothing to stop that, but if you curve and miss in the same loop 3 times you are obviously going to overheat, you need to learn to use your chainsaw effectively, especially on a high skill ceiling killer.

    To put things simply: If you are using your chainsaw for everything and missing, then, yes, you are going to overheat. For newbies I recommend the punctured muffler and air filter, training wheels if you still have not learned how to curve and use your chainsaw to attack properly.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    it's still see survivor- rev saw, only now it is so slow and the maps have been littered with so many pallets and windows that they will always reach safety before you can do anything.

    Billy is dead, and removing his ability to use the saw at loops was the nail in the coffin.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I had a bad game at first, but being a console player certainly helped learn how to curve the chainsaw.

    There are a lot of Billy players who just go for the saw anyway. Yes, it takes longer but feels far worse.

    Back when I did verse loads of Billies, they all had various charge add-ons. And most of them went for a point of basically body-blocking before actually using the saw. His arms extended THROUGH my character model at that time.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I seriously don't get it, how is it that the overheat "removes" the ability to use saw at loops?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Again, if people didn't rely on the damn thing, we wouldn't be in this mess. Hillbilly players only have themselves to blame.

    You also don't have it anywhere near as bad as Pig. I have not seen a single buff to her in all my play and I still play her. Adapt, overcome and survive

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    What do KILLER QUEUE TIMES have to do with any of this?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You're joking, right? Here people go again ASSUMING anything about me!

  • AceOfSpades1773
    AceOfSpades1773 Member Posts: 74

    Well I'm sorry to tell you, I still main Billy after his nerf and have yet to overheat. But to be fair, I don't use his chainsaw probably as much as you do. I've barely noticed a difference in how his chainsaw works since the nerf, really. I still have fun with him and get 4ks consistently.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Oh, believe me, I hate Bubba more. I just don't go there much because he has nothing else and is an uncommon killer.

    I don't hate Leatherface, or his inclusion in the game, but I hate his power and what it represents in the game.