Of course it's still not fixed and I got stuck. The killer was an Oni and instead of helping me out, he hit me and used me as blood refuel since I can't heal while stuck. And I couldn't disconnect cause I'd get a penalty.
If you know it is a thing, then why are you going near it?
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That's an exploit, I probably would have reported him. Doubt anything would happen but the placebo effect is nice lol
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Sometimes you can't avoid it. I had it happen to me against a Myer's. The rock literally sucked me into the spot as I was being chased by it. He then proceeded to leave me there the entire match as he killed everyone else. Fun match.
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Lmfao. But least we got new cosmetics. Right? RIGHT!?!?!?!?!
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After falling for this for the second time, i asked myself if am I not the stupid one! Kkkkk
But OMG they will fix it soon I hope.
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happen to me or to another survivor I was on hook and this nea got stuck try help me off hook but she did make it up that hill.
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I believe devs have stated it will be fixed in the next update.
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Yes my time is precious so kindly cut the attitude.
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How does it work? I've been actively avoiding them unless absolutely necessary. Had to free a few players as killer and let them wiggle free/give a headstart or else I feel like a scrub.
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It sucked me in the second time. First time it was against a Deathslinger and he actively tried to get me out. I hadn't known about the glitch then. But the second time (with Oni) I completely forgot and was running to get my teammate off the hook. When you're pressured for time, you don't think about things like that.
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Y'all have to understand that the team that works on cosmetics for the game isn't the same team that fixes bugs
Try asking an artist how to fix a glitch
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From my understanding, the rock to the right (facing the opening to the hill) if you run around the side and run along the right rock right before the opening, you get stuck. You can't heal, you can't point, you can't do anything cause it shakes you very lightly back and forth constantly so you can't do a thing but spin.
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It sucks you in like a vortex.
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Oh man that sucks. I try to avoid them in chases anyway so I don't tend to try to run too close to them.
Guess I'll be staying strictly to the left side if I need to go up one.
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Had a survivor get stuck on a rock on macmillan's. Didn't notice until I'd killed the other three. Saw they were stuck so I downed them, picked them up and gave them hatch.
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Yeah I've been seeing killers give hatch to the ones who got stuck which is nice. Of that ever happens while I'm killer I'd do the same.
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What do you want the killer to do pick you up, he doesn’t want to be stuck either. Just try to avoid the rock I know it sucks.
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Killers don't get stuck I believe. Just survivors.
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The only stupid one here is you. I clearly am not trying to get a DC penalty, so why would I DC when they should just fix their game? I'm not going to waste my offering, item and add-ons. Now run along kid.
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"Just don't go near the rock bro, git gud"
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Technically you can heal, I did. But another survivor tried to rescue me and ended up stuck too. She healed me and I her. The killer found us ( the last 2) she disconnected and I let him hit my character twice to fall down (which I really couldn't stop it). He picked me up and let me wiggle free (thumbs up for this awesome gamer... Some people suck at giving grace).
I ended up escaping. They stood there to watch me leave. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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You know what else is still not fix sound do you know for how long killer ask for a fix almost a years do you know when the killer will get that fix probably never lucky for the pc player you can use a third party program for the issue but the console player need to endure that kind of crap
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good news, it's being fixed tomorrow at 11am est, as confirmed by the developers themselves.
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Thank God. Tomorrow we'll get a new killer, survivor, updated maps, updated gens, and bug fixes. Awesome.
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And new bugs as well, isn't it glorious :D?
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I actually got stuck in it playing as Demo, and thankfully I was able to place a portal down and traverse.
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Normally if I see a survivor stuck in the rock, I drop him on the ground and go to find another survivor for the teammates heal him but if he is the typical m1 player I do not see in the whole game I hang him on the hook.
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Funny story....I ran a wraith around for a very good little while, 1 person already dead and when I finally went down and hooked I saw one teammate was finishing one of the last 2 gens and the other was across the map standing in one spot teabagging. The one that finished the gen came and unhooked me then got downed themselves but they were dead on hook. I see on bond that other person was still in that back corner doing nothing. I literally thought they were camping hatch which really pissed me off. I was able to lose wraith and he found the other person, downed them and hooked them. I wanted to give them the same treatment they gave me so I went over to where they were hooked and just started teabagging the ######### out of them right in front of the hook. I literally did it till wraith came back and downed me. I didn’t give a ######### about dying that game just as long as I was able to give them that teabag I assumed they were giving me while I was hooked. Endgame chat I found out they were stuck and some obscenities were thrown my way. All I could do was hang my head and leave. Facepalm for real on my part. I seriously thought they were BM’ing me.
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In the heat of a chase it’s easy to overlook it. Also on certain maps you may not even be aware that you are next to “the” hill. It doesn’t always look the same.