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General Discussions

Let's talk about Tunneling

Okay, so i'm probably going to make more threads like this, explaining why topics that are... controversial to say the least; are not as bad as you think. Let's start.

Tunneling is something that I get complaints about matchly. But 95% of the time, i'm not thinking, "HeHe i'll tunnel you haha" It's just a decision I make based on the status of survivors. I'm not tunneling, i'm making a choice that anyone with an IQ over 10 would make.

It is NOT tunneling if I hit you off hook and your rescuer is healthy.

It is NOT tunneling if I ignore an injured survivor on first hook to go after a survivor on death hook, especially if only a couple of gens are left.

It is NOT tunneling if I am in range to hit you and there is another survivor nearby.

It IS tunneling if I go after you after you get unhooked off your first hook if your rescuer is injured and been hooked twice.

It IS tunneling if I go after you knowing you have an exhaustion perk ready yet choose you over another survivor.

It IS tunneling if I waste to much time chasing you.

It is NOT tunneling if you get to use DS in the match.

It is NOT tunneling if I hit you.

It is NOT tunneling if I have bbq and go after you even though you aren't revealed by it.

And obviously, It IS tunneling if I ignore every other survivor for the sole purpose of landing a hit on you.

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  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited September 2020

    It's also not tunneling if your teammates absolutely refuse to engage at all, leaving your injured butt to my devices. In so many matches some Blendette will slink out of the shadows for 2 seconds to do an unsafe unhook, and then sprint burst away, knowing it would be meaningless to chase her without wasting a ton of time. Sometimes it's better for your entire team if you just take a hit and engage, even if you're not a great looper. Doubly true with unhooks. You being on the hook (or in most cases, just injured) is so much better than your teammate being outright dead.

    And if the match ends and you're dead on your first hook, you might be proud that it took that long to catch you, but would the match have gone differently if you went out and kept the killer busy to save someone else from a death hook? Everyone escaping on last hook is definitely better than you dying on first hook.

    Of course, there are circumstances to consider, context is everything. Sometimes your teammates are potatoes and you might determine it's best to just stay out of harm's way until you get a shot at the hatch, but even in matches where that isn't the case I see a lot of people scared to get in chases or even take a hit. I can't hit you in real life! I promise it doesn't hurt the person behind the chair!

  • Member Posts: 832

    Yes but it might as well because the person behind the chair is likely going to hurt the one behind the screen.

    All jokes about your spelling aside, i agree with you.

  • Member Posts: 515

    lvery true

  • I really wish you had said, ā€œWho really cares?ā€.

  • As someone who original was a survivor main and now has transitioned to killer main I agree with a lot of this, however for the enjoyment of all players I do change my play style a bit. For example:

    When I have someone hooked I will go out of my way to let them get unhooked, so they can actually play.

    I also make it a point not to go directly for the recently unhooked survivor until I have hit and/or hooked another one

    Its important to acknowledge that I mostly play in a way that'll let all players have the opportunity to enjoy the game even if it is detrimental to a win, and at times has lead to zero kills.

    These rules don't always apply however, when I'm down to one gen with no kills I may decide not to follows these because for my own enjoyment I want at least one kill.

    To summarize I agree with what you say on a tactical perspective, it all makes sense for a win, but when it comes to the enjoyment of all players I choose to play a little differently.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, yeah sure it is tactically superior, but for some people, like me, the respect of those around me is worth more than any win. Do I want to win? Yeah! But I'm not in the business for screwing people over for something like seeing 4 skulls at the end of the game.

    If I was playing for a cash prize, then sure. Getting that injured guy with an RBT suddenly looks a bit more appealing. But I'm not. I'm playing for fun. And to test the survivors and their resolve.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    You can win a game with tunneling, you can lose a game with tunneling. In the end it always depends on the surv calibers you verse.

    The definition was strechted massively in the last years tho. For me tunneling means focusing on just 1 surv till he/she's dead.

  • Member Posts: 4,186

    I would object about the definition of tunneling. It originally stems from the term tunnel vision and was meant for killer to focus on one survivor from healthy to death hook not paying any attention to any other survivor.

    This also is meant in his point about chasing to long. Having tunnel vision for one survivor disregarding the state of the round and ignoring any chance to win just to kill this specific survivor is the original meaning of tunneling.

    Nowadays the term is used for any play involving a recently hooked survivor. Even if one survivor would unhook the other three and they get instantly smacked back down all three would accuse the killer of tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 832
  • Member Posts: 832

    I clearly need to explain some things. This isn't directed at you, its just a general statement.

    Why would I waste time going for a healthy survivor when a free down is right in front of me? It makes no logical sense.

    For wasting time chasing, I meant that in the scenario where I know i'm wasting my time and that gens are going to fly, but for some reason i'm prioritizing one kill.

    Yes, the DS thing was a joke.

  • Member Posts: 268

    I don't even need to finish reading this to know that it is tunneling in all the reasons you give, but keep telling yourself what you want to hear.

  • Member Posts: 806

    Good. Now, make a thread about camping. That seems to be misunderstood, too.

  • Member Posts: 832

    I was planning to make the next one about genrushing, but okay.

  • Member Posts: 444

    But it may hurt some egos luckily not everyone has them inflated too much so not many will pop

  • Member Posts: 1,776

    It is NOT camping if I'm circling the hook. It's called 'patrolling'.

    There, you're welcome.

  • Member Posts: 785

    All of that it's true.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    I usually slug a survivor if they've been unhooked recently just because I feel bad for them, but sometimes I don't have a choice but to "tunnel" them because their teammates are all immersed.

    I'm not running MYC but I've had games where survivors will go for a save and then duck into hiding, leaving the person they rescued to be found. Last time this happened, they actually started doing stuff AFTER the first survivor died (and I did not even pick that survivor up fast enough to risk DS, so they had plenty of time).

  • Member Posts: 31

    There was this clown that was definitely tunneling when I was in swf (only one other person). I had to follow behind and body block the killer and he still wouldn't hit me, also he has thanata, so it made no sense to tunnel, especially if people were trying to take protection hits. Pretty much at all times there was one person on a gen and the other 2 protecting this one survivor, which is not how it's supposed to be. He would not stop chasing this guy for the life of him. Luckily we all escaped, I got a breakout save, and when he was on death hook, the gate was open and he ds'd out. Just doesn't make sense to me why there are people like this. Anyway that's the story of the most frustrating game I've had as survivor

    Also can't count the number of times I save someone with bt active and they sprint burst away, leaving me to die

  • Member Posts: 113

    Killer mains who rely on the crutch that is tunneling simply lack the skill to do otherwise.

    I stopped tunneling quite some time ago. Forcing myself to improve skill and adopt better strategies has made posts like this just embarrassing to see.

    More victories (3K or more on most matches) and way more BP (50K+ BP per match on average) have made the switch way worth it.

    I don't ALWAYS get 4K, but more BP is worth it.

    Honestly, if you feel you ABSOLUTELY NEED 4K to the point where you MUST tunnel and forgo more BP then you are probably just compensating for something IRL.

  • Member Posts: 613

    Devs improved some survivor perks against tunneling/camping and even if u get hit pretty quickly on the hook have a protection hit.

    In contrast gen rush not has any change.

  • Member Posts: 468

    Tunneling is just a derogatory term certain indivuals invented to describe a killer going for a survivor who was unsafely unhooked or did not make themselves scarce before the killer returned to the hook if not in another chase already.

    If you unhook unsafely without BT or DS then I will punish you for it.

    If you heal under the hook and I return I will punish you for it.

    If you taunt me after an unhook, I will slug you to keep pressure and waste your DS.

    Its the nature of the game, as a killer I will do everything in my power to maintain control of the game once I start applying pressure. If thats removing a player from the game quickly because they or their teammates play badly/cocky then so be it.

  • Member Posts: 16

    if i,if i, if i, if you, if you .. bla bla blah ... this discussion is lame and so old just stop it

  • Member Posts: 21

    On this subject of tunneling will we ever see a rework to ds to make it anti tunnel and not just get outta jail free card or not? If ruin needs a rework because it was hurting new players and was overused we should see something similar for ds no? Because I love seeing the defense that I tunneled because I had to eat a ds but I chased and downed 2 other people in 60 seconds so obviously not but ds still activates.

  • Member Posts: 832
    edited September 2020

    So how about contributing something meaningful to the conversation? If you despise my style of writing that much, why not suggest a better one? I'm fine with hate as long as it's actual criticism and not somebody like you.

    Please give actual feedback.

    And all things considered, i'm pretty sure you liked your own comment.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Would a lion get **** from antelopes if it attacked the already wounded animal in a herd multiple times?


    Killers kill šŸ˜‰

    As annoying as it is, killers have to kill.

  • Member Posts: 13

    The only tunneling I would have an issue with is a killer that deliberately ignores the other survivors. Others if the killer keeps running across the same survivor, it happens.

    I feel the same about killers that stare at the survivor on the hook the entire time. Not the most efficient strategy and not what I like to do as killer. But I see it as a legit strategy and when I am the one on the hook I wish I could tell the others to let me hang and just do gens as I drag out my death as long as possible.

  • Member Posts: 7
  • Member Posts: 3

    Okay.. someone mentioned camping. Why would you not go and check on people on hooks once and awhile? And yes, sometimes sitting there and staring at them isn't a bad thing. It's good to do if you wanna play a somewhat quick match.

    Also why on Earth would I go for a completely healthy person who hasn't been hooked when an injured person who has already been hooked was just unhooked? That's.. low-key kind of weird but okay whatever if that's how you wanna personally play go ahead.

    I'll stick to downing and hooking someone (IDC who. Sorry if it seems like Im targeting you but I just go after whoever I find first and can hook. I don't pay attention) and making sure they die and you can.. do whatever it is you do.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I tunnel, I think it's a good tactic sometimes.

    For some reason survivors disconnect sometimes when they're tunneled which is a bonus.

  • Member Posts: 967

    It's tunnelling when u go after the person who just got unhooked whether there are blood trails or the rescuer can't be found, or whatever else excuse u have.

    That being said, u can tunnel all u want. Instead of trying to justify it, than using that justification to say that it is not tunnelling. Dumb dumb dumb.

    Just keep tunnelling, survivors won't like it, but u won't care. So who cares. U do u.

  • Member Posts: 4,186

    A general accepted sign for "I get camped, do gens" is spamming the action button resulting in your character doing gymnastic exercise on hook visible for all other survivors.

  • Member Posts: 123

    I can't tell if you're survivor sided and just don't care anymore, survivor sided and chill, or just chill, but I like you.

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2020

    I'm normally the first one on 3rd hook with 5 gens remaining, thankfully some survivor have BT which let's me get a good distance away before being knocked and hooked again.

  • Member Posts: 387

    I legit did not know this and I'll watch for it. I thought people did it because they were bored lol

  • Member Posts: 375

    šŸŽµ I will Tunnel him

    šŸŽµ Tunnel him wherever he may go

    šŸŽµ And camping I Always shall be

    šŸŽµ For nothing can keep me away

    šŸŽµ He is a teabagger

  • Member Posts: 375

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