Am I toxic?

So I was playing Ghostface running both iridescent add ons and a ebony mori. My perk loadout was Franlkins demise, NOED, Barbeque and Chili, and Blood Warden. I basically found one survivor, chased and hooked them, then facecamped. I then waited for the teammate to save them only to down them again. I did this for 2 other survivors until I got to the last survivor. I downed them, then carried them to hatch, but instead of letting them escape, I put them down, closed it in front of them, then moried them. Is that toxic? Honestly I think the pesky survivor mains are just entitled and greedy. /s
That Does sound Pretty scummy; but there could be more Context like.. did That survivor do something to You? Do you recognize them? etc.
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T-bagging is missing. So're barely toxic.
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... Double Iri add-ons? That's so weak on Ghostface.
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Damn that Ghostface really got under your skin lmao
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Honestly, using whatever perks, addons or tactics you like is technically allowed, but I don't think i would have fun playing with you in a match. Then again given your build and the silly childish move of closing the hatch in a downed survivors face, i get the impression that this doesn't concern you much. You do you at the end of the day, no rules to say you have to play nice, but a game like this would be a disappointment to me since I'm the sort of survivor who tries very hard to avoid their own side's 'toxic' stereotypes.
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Ummm I'm pretty sure the OP is trolling and just naming every toxic killer behavior, in order to see how many people say it's not toxic.
I can say this, using a disguised hypothetical post while posed as a killer to try to prove killers find reasons to justify those behaviors is toxic. So yes if the story is true 🥱, that was obviously toxic... If not true as I suspect, YOU are just toxic to the community.
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Bringing surv to the hatch and closing it in front of him is toxic, the rest is not. Mori isn't nice though.
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First off: I play Killer aswell (rank 11)
Yeah it is very Toxic especially if they don't have anything done to you.
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It sounds like you were being entitled and greedy.
You went out of your way to try and make sure those survivors had as miserable a time as possible for no good reason.
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/s ???
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Nice b8
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There aren't toxic survivors or killers. Only toxic players.
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damn yall i was just trying to be funny
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There's no technically allowed in it. Your allowed to do anything you chose with builds and in play t-bagging
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Survivors love being moried. It's the most exciting thing you can do as a killer.
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What? You chased a survivor? You're definitely toxic.
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/s is shorthand for sarcasm. This guy is just trolling to get reactions out of people.
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Don't fall into his trap guys. IT'S A TRAP