My second match as Blight and I got T bagged already

Dear T-baggers,
Would it be a big effort not to T-bag at least for a week if you see a Blight player?
I don’t really get why is it good to them or anyone, and why they gotta be even sweaty during those games.
Just start being toxic back and have fun with it, it's never gonna stop and it doesn't matter who you're playing as there will always be survivors like this , I find when you're toxic back they get their panties in a bunch and either DC or throw the game trying to bully then message with salt about X or Y reason that you beat them and how you're getting reported lol
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Well, obviously it triggers you. So they achieved their goal.
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That killer is stressful on default, you know. But why does it matter to you whether I am triggered or not?
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Where you the blight at crotus prenn? If so, I was the Laurie. I wasn't teabagging, I was just crouched to bodyblock/not make you grab the felix you downed right at the exit. Cheers!
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This is why I think it would be good to port training mode from mobile onto main game. Practice a new killer and perks there without getting put with toxic players that ruin the fun.
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I dont think that Killer is stressful. But I dont get triggered because Survivors are spamming Crouch.
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Don't let it get to you. The killer litterally came out today with a new playstyle and new power. All survivors are the same. So if they wanna feel superior and good about themselves that they outplayed a NEW killer, that's fine.
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just play better im already 4king with him
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Dear diary..
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Step 1: Get good with Spirit
Step 2: Get a ton of the best add-ons.
Step 3: Get a good pair of headphones
Step 4: Play nothing but Spirit with the best add-ons and Stridor. When survivors complain tell them to stop getting triggered.
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i think this reply is rather unnecessary.
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Which platform are you playing on?
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And I think getting upset about teabagging is unnecessary. Like, you get upset because another player is spamming his Crouch-Button. Especially with a new Killer, it is whatever. Ofcourse OP will not do well, nobody will do, the Killer is brand-new. So he should care even less if a Survivor feels like he is dominating the Killer, because OP should know that the Survivor is not doing anything special.
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Try it on PS4, you will understand when I said he is stressful, even tho at least he is not lagging because of his power like (demo, deathslinger,legion)
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Could you tell if your perks worked or not? I couldn’t.
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How do you mean?
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i didn't know you could see me through the screen, do you like English black tea?
with or without sugar? what about milk?
i'm being 100% serious i literally had tea last match as survivor.
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Uhmm okay
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Because they are asshats and want this to show you.
I play Survivor a lot too(Killer too) but since a few weeks (I know this was befor but...) Survivor's became more and more disgusting. Espacially since the Hill glitch was out.
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Playing killer is stressful on default.
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If you know that you are just starting to learn him why do you care if they T Bag?
You know you aren’t as good as you could be because he literally just came out, so why do you let them bother you?
Just move on to the next match.
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Perks for Blight didn’t seem to work for both matches I played. One round as killer, one as survivor. Saw zero auras near totems. Nobody screamed or got exposed working on gens. People that got hit are still able to throw pallets immediately after.
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Actually I left for gym, but like I don’t understand their motivation behind it. It doesn’t make much sense, since they didn’t need me to get triggered to win.
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God forbids killers for asking survivors to not T-bag.
But seriously, what's wrong for people asking others to be nice? Is it really that hard to not mashing that control button?
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I tried the one which block palletts and the insta down if they touch the kicked gen, both seemed to worked. Tho i don’t remember if the survivor screamed or not
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It isnt. Thats why I am not doing it.
But to repeat it - you get mad for people "mashing that control button".
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I can almost guarantee that they button smash control button with the intention of making people mad. There is no other significant reason other than this.
So, you're actually blaming the victim here. If you don't want to symphatize, then just keep quiet. No reason to make the victim even more miserable.
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Good to know. Guess I’ll have to try again later. I do think that these perks should be reworked a little. Neither Blood Favour or Dragon’s Grip should have time limit, and the range limit on Dragon’s Grip should be doubled for starters.
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Excellent point. You'd like to think that survivors would have more class when a new killer comes out.
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Yeah, and apparently they got what they wanted. Whats the problem with ignoring it? Being upset because you get teabagged is as childish as teabagging itself.
You guys are taking teabagging way too seriously. Like if you get emotionally crippled if someone does that.
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New killers bring out the worst in the player base for some reason. The amount of BNPs that survivors are using right now is insane, so while yes teabagging is whatever. People are being dicks while everyone is learning a new killer and it's disappointing.
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Humans aren't robots.And we've discussed often enough. "It's not just spamming the Crouch-Button." That's like saying to somebody who was just insulted "Why are you mad? He is just making a sound". It's communication. It has a meaning. It's used to disrespect and humiliiate. And yes, playing a game where you are constantly engaged and on a timer is stressfull. Maybe for you. But for the average person it certainly is.
And under such circumstances, it's just normal and human to be a little bit mad and just ask for others to be nice. It might be useless. But it's understandable. At least more understandable than humiliate, talk down or just want to feel superior about somebody else.
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Like I said in another post, those Survivors are not doing anything special. Nobody is good with the new Killer at this point and most people dont even have decent Perks. And honestly, if they think they are godlike, because they beat a Level 8 Blight with 2 Perks, I would just laugh it off.
(At least I think it is the easiest to not be mad when you clearly cannot do better with the Killer, because he is new)
The thing is, you dont have any control of what the other side is doing. If they want to teabag, they teabag. The only thing you can do is not being that person who tries to mock other players. But you have control over how much it affects you, and in the end, this is a game and it is supposed to be fun.
But could be just me, because I am quite used to toxic communities.
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For me it just rolls off my back, but it's still disappointing and I do genuinely believe these people are that delusional.
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Grow a thicker skin, is my advice. Two games in you should be focusing on learning Blight at his basic level, who cares if you vs t-bagging survivors? You should just be practicing Blight and not caring about the result of the match or the calibre of survivors
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Honestly, as toxic as most people playing are, I'm surprise you were not t-bagged on the first match...
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Welcome to Dead By Daylight!
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They all stopped doing gens to come try to abuse me on my first round. I just burned the nice guy rulebook.
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It's only some dudes spamming crouch button, why the heck are people still getting triggered at these things?
If you actually ignored it, it'd be way better, you're giving it way too much importance which it doesn't need.