Blight is the worst killer I have seen since PTB Ghostface

How can you release something so unfun to play as to live. Should have taken feedback from ptb for once.
And they want 8€ for this chapter without even a new map lmao.
I feel like they actually did take feedback from the PTB. They buffed his addons, fixed collision, and increased his turning speed. I see a lot of people doing well with him when they use his power correctly.
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Try playing more than 3 trials as The Blight first.
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You do realize he is one of the hardest killers, he’s probably as hard to master as nurse except he is less punishing when you mess up since he is 4.6 killer .
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PTB was a week old version of what they had at that time.
These changes from PTB to live are already done even before us testing the PTB. This live version of killer should be what we test during PTB.
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I haven't downloaded him yet, but I'm super excited to try him. I wouldn't get too judgemental about his ability just yet; it's still day one and Blight's ability seems really hard to use and will take a lot more skill than other killers.
I was watching PTB matches from streameers like Tofu. They all flubbed their early games, but they seemed to figure him out by the time the PTB ended
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I dont think they fix the hit box i rush 3 time the same tree and i could not see the tree. If they really increase his turning speed he really dont feel like it because billy turn better but he can insta down
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he shouldn't have been released until he was in a really good place. What is the point of the experimental branch if you're going to make adjustments to the game after the initial feedback but don't allow players to test it first? BHVR, your priorities are ######### up. Most of the community would actually respect you for postponing product launches to get it right first. Some of the changes to Blight are good, but he's still very ineffective overall.
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He honestly is in a pretty good place right now. Watching good players is showing his potential. The gameplay I've seen is more fluid than PTB.
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I don't see why you mention €8 without a new map when maps were free in the first place. It has always been €8 for the killer and survivor while the map was free for everyone.
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Not having a map is just lazy tbh.
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OP’s username...
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Yeah try using him without compounds 21 and 23 and see how good he is. His basekit is ass.
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His skill ceiling and over-all power is also WAY lower because he can't completely ignore most/all survivor's anti-chase mechanics.
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They were focusing on map updates btw, which is still refreshing.
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Dude, it hasnt even been 24 hours
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Agree, but the DLC should have been 6 if a big piece was missing from it. I think think dbd needs quite a lot more new maps
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He's rated Hard, not Easy. Try and get good with him before commenting harshly.