Blight has very high skillcap for a very low reward.

Should I add more?
His power is very easy to dodge - just move right/left a bit and he cannot land a hit because of turning rate&lunge handicap.
It is useless in 90% of loops because you don't fit into narrow windows of opportunity to hit survivor as it takes too long to windup lethal rush.
It is entirely useless in closed maps unless you are a masochist and enjoy torturing yourself
The only situation it can potentially be useful apart from traversing the map - trying to hit survivors moving from one loop to another, but it work only if survivor isn't looking back to notice you charging at him and perform simple juke that you cannot counter because of turning handicaps.
His power is heavily dependant on the map spawns and if you don't get lucky spawns to potentially bounce in loops you are forced to walk and if you get spawn where everything is blocked by different tiles you still can't use your power because you simply can't move in these labyrinths of walls.
Blight in his current state is an example of how killers should never be made. He has a lot of learning demanded to do at least anything with his power and no matter how much effort and time you invest into learning him, you still are heavily dependant on tiles spawns and maps. On top of that, any survivor who has at least some experience against billy would dodge his rush without any difficulties.
This killer needs a lot of QoL changes, buffs or a rework. I'm disappointed in Blight and I'm really looking forward to his changes.
P.S. I'm not even talking how clunky it still feels to play him, his lethal rush attacks are somehow not basic and his camera is insanely low for a killer who MUST always keep survivors in his field of view.
P.P.S. Don't even dare say that "but you haven't even learned him". I have been playing him for 2 hours straight since release, not to mention a few days on PTB, a lot of KYF testing on both sides and watching other people play blight. That amount of experience was enough for me to figure out most tricks on any other killer I started from scratch. I have tried to use his power in any way I could imagine and it has proven itself to be rather useless and heavily dependant on factors that the Blight player cannot control. So I've come to the same conclusion as many other players - Blight sucks and needs a lot of changes.
EDIT: If you still want to play this killer for whatever reason, keep in mind that he is very addon dependant, in particular he is unplayable without compound seven which makes his power somewhat useful, though not much, but it'll certainly help.
EDIT: Apparently I have discovered that his grey addon which supposedly should be like learning addon for noobs is actually a monstrous thing. More about that here -
Upvote to the bank man. Completely agree he's a ABSOLUTELY worse legion. The whole chapter as a whole isn't bad but man if all they could come up with is a pinball killer then jeez. Wish they just had a FNAF chapter instead.
24 -
Ok, you can play Nurse. :^)
1 -
and I will play Nurse because even her double cd feels fun compared to Blight.
25 -
I can't imagine testing this killer internally, seeing the feedback from the PTB, and STILL coming away from it thinking the lethal rush lunge turn radius was fine. Stop solely listening to feedback from 50 hour Andys. Let us have an actual reward for investing time and effort into these killers.
19 -
guess I'll have to stick back to old killers who at least reward an effort put into them.
6 -
Yes. He absolutely needs a TOTAL rework. His slam does not even do damage on a connection. He has all of the weaknesses of Legion, Hag, and Nurse combined with none of the strengths. You cannot even do a lethal lunge without first hitting some random obstacle, which makes it completely useless unless you happen to be really good at pool and really lucky that the survivor runs into it. Not only that but you have to wait until all five charges are ready to use a single one.
16 -
Here we go again lmao.
4 -
I remember the ptb was outdated because for some reason they put up a week old build. Maybe they thought their updated build was fine enough.
3 -
If I were trying to make a bad character on purpose I would have made Blight.
24 -
It wouldn't have been "again" if we, I don't know, had actually tested the killer before getting him on live servers and team took the feedback? Sounds insane, I know
15 -
Yeah, I normally try to wait a bit, but he really isn't impressive. I'd like his power a lot more if it had a lower skill cap but yeah, right now, his power seems like a power on the same level as Legion, meaning in most situations, it hurts you to use it to try to down Survivors.
3 -
I've been playing him for nearly four hours straight now. He's very clumsy. Even when you get the hang of his dash/bounce, competent survivors find it easy to dodge most of the time. Honestly who ever made the comparison of him being a weaker version of the Legion was very apt there.
I just unlocked his two achievements, and have no real desire to play him again.
7 -
Lowering skillcap isn't what he needs honestly.
He needs increased reward for performing well or changes that make him less dependant on circumstances beyond killer's reach like map spawns or survivors doing easy juke which is barely countered.
1 -
It's more likely that they will make his power easier to use than change it entirely, I think.
0 -
I think it's wrong to compare him to Legion, since their powers only look different.
0 -
This chapter Imo puts the idea of not having a fnaf chapter to shame, I would take that then... this.
0 -
at this point I would rather get FnaF, because Springtrap would at least have a decent power that is not flawed and horrible even in general concept.
Although I would like to get FnaF, I would've definitely preffer a chapter about hallowed blight over FnaF, but now, now I would've changed my mind and chosen FnaF.
1 -
You know what also would've been insane? Is if you played him for more than a few games worth and practiced with him a bit instead of making a post like that on day 1. This killer isn't Freddy, he takes some getting used to.
0 -
Yeah for a while my mind changed too, though I still wanted a Fnaf chapter but this just makes me want it even more, I didn't think Bhvr would create a killer that's power literally does technically nothing except become pinball man
0 -
> I have been playing him for 2 hours straight since release, not to mention a few days on PTB, a lot of KYF testing on both sides and watching other people play blight.
I had enough playing him. You can watch any other Blight gameplay to see what I am talking. I will make such posts day one because I don't need to play #########, random and flawed killer for months to realize he is #########, random and flawed.
Also, if you think I didn't have enough experience on him, then you must be thinking my points about his power are incorrect. You are welcome to prove me wrong.
Good luck proving that his power is not map and spawn dependant, it cannot be dodged easily by anyone who knows who to dodge billy and that it is can be used in most loops to effectively shut them down.
It would be fun to watch you try.
11 -
You might aswell chase as a default nurse without blinks and get an m1 faster than blight using his power in the whole match.
Seriously though, the idea of his power is terrific, more rushing killers but this one is straight up... silly.
What kind of idea is it to bump your head into a wall to lose sight of the one thing you're never supposed to miss? (The Survivor)
I REALLY wish we had some sort of projectile throwing alchemist or some stuff like that, I wish they didn't come up with this power and instead they brought something different and more interesting for the character.
4 -
Hes an M1 killer with insane mobility between loops. Yes his power is UNDENIABLY useless inside of a loop. But if the survivor makes it to the next loop without getting injured or downed you are doing something wrong. In most cases if you loop well you can down them after a single loop because they cant run between tiles. That's the high skill reward aspect. Admittedly hes also like playing a nurse with "No blink through walls" addon... which is challenge to get used too.
0 -
Change his turning speed and give him a flick like Oni. That fixes some of his many flaws immediately.
0 -
I just played my first hour of Blight and he is one of the most enjoyable killers I've played in a long while. Getting tricky bounces feels just as satisfying as getting tricky slinger/huntress shots. This might be the first killer since OG Doctor that I take the time to prestige.
It doesn't even matter if he's not particularly strong. Not every killer has to be S tier to be playable. I still play a lot of Trapper, Wraith, and Legion even though they're weaker killers. It just makes it all the more satisfying to win matches with them.
Blight's power is just straight-up goofy fun.
1 -
I wanted him to have syringes with blight which he either injects in himself to get some special ability or injects into survivors to make something bad to them. These syringes either regened over time or on special tables which alchemist can interact with to restore syringes and which can be sabotaged by survivors to slow restoration.
2 -
Let him brake pallets with slam as basekit.
Raise his camera.
Increase his lunge range in lethal rush
Make lethal rush attack a basic attack.
At least that if we're stuck with that killer.
7 -
He's okay but to be honest his power is only viable to traverse around the map but that's it, it is kinda boring but if you don't have any perks to loop then he is in a lot of trouble
0 -
I'm still leveling him up, so I'm just using what slowdown perks I've been able to scrape together so far.
There's definitely a lot of builds that I want to try out on him. Brutal Strength/Enduring for shattering loops, Dark Devotion/Tinkerer for being a sneaky bounce-meister. I wonder if you can get grabs in your power like Legion does? That would be VERY funny IMO.
0 -
Tried it you can't, but hate to say hes just meh, without perks hes probably worse then legion,
0 -
Typically players will suck and/or not use something to full potential at release. You might want to give the killer a few days before judging it so harshly.
I've seen posts like this time and time again in other games and it turns out the player base just doesn't know how to use the new toy.
3 -
This killer is a huge dissapointment. Made me realize i should just learn Nurse. So much more reward. Hes boring as fuk to play as. minimum range to dash after hitting a wall to attack is stupid at its core. Allow blight to be able to lunge off a wall directly without initiating a dash. Turning rate while dashing is abysmal and seems unnecessarily slow. His super-low camera (lower than hag, it seems) gives me a massive headache, first killer i've ever felt like Shadowborn is necessary to alleviate my eyes and mind.
Post edited by zeplore on0 -
Stop jumping on the this killer is weak unless they r broken like pyramid head or deathslinger bandwagon. Just wait at least a few weeks before you start making claims like this. Remember when spirit first came out and ppl thought she was bad?
1 -
Right now all youtubers are uploading 4k red rank games with this killer. He is easy peasy, almost 0 effort needed to 4k with him. The same day he is released everyone already can 4k with him. The easiest killer in dbd history. :^)
0 -
The question is can somehow this killer be buffed?
0 -
what a surprise, dbd players with thousands of hours of experience 4k with a new killer, never thought it was possible.
You sound like a cheap troll at this point.
6 -
Knowing their hitbox problems, I can't imagine how this power concept got past the initial recommendation stage. Did nobody at the table stop the group and say, "guys, we struggle to get a killer around a pallet without their hit box causing them to get hung up, maybe a pinball killer is not the best idea right now?"
Nope, sounds good! Trapper got stuck on a bush just now, but we got this!
3 -
As a survivor I'm actually having fun going against a killer for once. He's not broke or OP. Also no one-shot ability. Actually balanced.
0 -
You mean when we complained about Onis turnrate being so low that it was horrible to play and they had to fix it? The Blight has the same Turnrate Problem you will not get rid of it with "practice" and his power is not as complicated that it needs days and weeks to learn. When the blight is about to attack you run into him and it will be impossible for him to turn fast enough to get you unless he predicted it before. Same for his first rush you can just run at him if you see he goes for a long rush (similar how people run towards nurse). Nothing will go away with practice and waiting weeks and month.
5 -
Good luck proving that this killer can't do what literally every other killer can't except Deathslinger, Spirit and Nurse can do, and proving that he's not spawn and map dependent like, again, literally every other killer bar a few exceptions? I'm not saying he's one of the best killers in the game, but he's definitely not one of the worst. His PTB version was horrid, and 2 hours is not nearly enough time to get a full opinion of something.
1 -
This Killer is heavily disappointing. His chase music just isn't that great, his power as you said demands a lot for low reward, and you're better off 90% of your chases just following and doing an M1. You can get more use out of Demo's Shred than you could with Blight's Charge, even if you're not a Demo main.
1 -
I'm getting my 4ks i don't know what you're talking about. This is the most fun and viable killer i've had to play. But to be fair i main legion so
1 -
A lot of the posts I see complaining about Blight are simply trying to shoe horn in his Rush to get a hit in every chase. That's not what it's for. Blight's biggest strength is map mobility, his Rush is maybe the best map movement in the game. He can run at the same speed as Billy's chainsaw sprint (9.2 m/s versus survivor's 4 m/s) but can do course corrections in any direction he wants mid sprint assuming there's something to bump into. He can also start his Rush instantly with only a minimal cooldown of 2-10 seconds between Rushes so he can and probably should be Rushing pretty much everywhere when he's not in a chase because there's really minimal downside when he's just moving between tiles. And after he gets a hit or breaks a pallet he can pretty easily use the Rush to very quickly catch back up to the fleeing survivor and possibly get a hit from Lethal Rush or, worst case, be very close to them to do a normal 115% speed footchase.
What he won't be good at is using Lethal Rush mid-chase at loops to get hits. And that's fine since the time he saves between chases and catching up to people after hits makes up for the extra time it takes him to get a hit with a basic 115% footchase.
My guess is he's going to be an average killer, not "top tier" but good enough to win if you outplay the survivors (same bucket as most killers.)
0 -
Your topic name is a cheap bait at this point.
Monto just uploaded Merciless Achievement video, too, and he say - "I actually love this killer. He's decently good. I'm not gonna lie. He's good." (At the end of the video - 16:03)
Gotta go get the new killer, too.
0 -
think again homie. Though maps with a lot of obstacles like the bottom of the game area can be really bad for him.
0 -
I'm not a fan of Monto's loud, in-your-face attitude, but he's a legit player. I've gone against him a few times as killer and he's friggin impossible to catch.
I've played about an hour of Blight now and while he's not a top tier killer he is Fun. As. Heck.
I'm laughing my head off at people calling him a 'pinball killer' like it's some sort of insult. I guess they can go back to their Forever Freddy builds now. I'm going to be busy boinking off walls for a good long while.
0 -
Yeah that's what I mean
1 -
Can you people please stop with your game for 10 year olds? Every single thread you guys come in and ask for your children's game to have representation.
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I agree with you mostly but he needs a couple of QOL things, they need to give him a flick, because survivors can just casually stroll to the side to avoid his power. Potentially also being able to bounce off of survivors.
2 -
He feels like he was made as a delivery system for Hex: Undying.
"Well I got that perk unlocked. Never gonna play him again".