Are you giving blight a chance?

Everyone who is complaining about blight, how many games are you playing with him? I will admit I was frustrated at first and even got to the point where I told my friends i'm probably not going to play him anymore. But I kept at it last night and finally started getting the hang of it. By the end of the night I was downing people so quickly with his power and was dominating matches and having so much fun doing it.

Guess what i'm saying is this killer took me many more games to get the hang of than every other killer released for a very long time and i'm wondering if people are getting frustrated and giving up too early.


  • hex_fixGENS
    hex_fixGENS Member Posts: 14

    i just really dislike the 30 degree turning restriction it’s so easy to dodge his attack

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Im like everyone who play him i hate the turning restriction. He is really fast just that make him hard to handle now give him a restriction when he go for a hit and you have a weak killer in my opinion the number of time i have seen a survivor side stepping when they see me running into a wall

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    Well said, I agree completely. And yeah I got bullied pretty hard for the first several hours I was playing him. I completely understand people not wanting to continue with him if that's the case.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    One point many seem to ignore or miss is that Survivor also get better ... i see so many

    "i got a 4k with blight he must be insane"

    "you will do better and better if you just practice enough"

    Once survivor learn your turnrate is super bad they will 360° you / dodge in you etc. Its all very simlar to Onis Turnrate problems (and he has a instadown...).

  • Miraak
    Miraak Member Posts: 240

    I had some problems at the beginning, but after few hours of playtime with him, I understand how his power is working. It feels really satisfying when you down a survivor with him using his power. I still needs more practice with him but in general he is a lot of fun to play as a Blight.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I haven't even played since Monday, so I can't give my thoughts.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I'd love to play him, but there's a bug that randomly prevents killers from hooking survivors. So, until that's fixed...

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    I like him. Fun to zoom around at very high speeds and it feels cool when you ping-pong just right and get a nice hit. But I mostly just love the feeling of speed that his power offers.

    No clue how strong or weak I'd call him but at the moment I don't really care, I'm just having a good time.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I honestly think that is what they should strive for when making every killer. I agree. I am having a blast with him. I also really enjoy playing against him. His screams and flying around you are awesome. The people I was playing with actually screamed several times last night during chases which is something i've not heard in years lol.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that his power can damage survivors. People see that and think "oh, well it should be the normal way to play!" And then, shocker, it has counterplay. Like it should. Sure, I think it needs a little change, but not much.

    Personally, I get a few clutch hits in and his mobility does the rest. Constant, dangerous presence. I can force pallets so quickly in so many places just because the threat of a madman with a cane makes them drop it or get injured. Shack, if it has no gen, is genuinely not somewhere a survivor wants to be. Long wall jungle gym? You'd better hope there's nothing for me to slam out there, or that window is almost an auto hit. Ruin? Pop? MYC? Dragons Grip? Devour Hope? Thrilling Tremors? Undying? Retribution? Oh, so good.

    That being said, I do think I've picked him up a lot quicker than most. Something about the ping-pong alchemist just clicks with my brain. Which is great, because normally I suck.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think he’s fun. 🙂 I played like crap with him last night but that’s on my poor looping skills, not his ability. I didn’t have a problem using Rush, I did have a problem with losing people in the grass though due to his low point of view. And on a tangent the new graphics update seems to be causing frame issues for me, I had to turn down the graphics to High or Medium from Ultra and still was getting jittery frames for some reason. (I may have to turn down the resolution from 4k as well if that persists.)

    But if I was a better looper in general he’d be a solid killer for me. I was using Tinkerer plus Pop Goes the Weasel and it worked great since he can just Rush while Undetectable straight to a gen about to be completed and chase them off. Shadowborn seemed good too since the extra field of view helps him reorient after a bounce but I had turn remove that perk because it seemed to exacerbate the frame rate problem.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    His turning restriction isn’t a problem. Play him with no add ons. Go in expecting not to kill anyone. Just practice and see what angles you can pull off and which ones you can’t. Watch others play. It’s something new, it will take time. If it’s not for you, play Trapper I guess or have fun learning a new killer 😃

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I had that happen last night, but it was totally random. On swamp I had 2 survivors almost get to wiggle free before finally getting the hook to register, but then it was fibre the rest of the match. What gives?

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Blight is the best example yet of how much this game desperately needs a practice mode with bots for target practice.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    I went against a fantastic Blight last night. So good to the point where I was sure it was going to be a streamer. I think the Blight has great potential, just needs plenty of practice.

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159

    Yes, yes and yes. Mobile has it so there's not much of a reason main game can't have it.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    His one green add on that shows auras of survivors after slamming into something helped me a lot when i would lose someone because I was flying around like an idiot. It's very helpful and a little op for a green add on lol

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247
    edited September 2020

    3 hours and 4k'd almost every game. I don't think a killer with such limited lunge flick can be strong against good players. There's a massive performance disparity with this character against randoms who don't look behind them vs my friends who play survivor at a very high level. It's way too easy to dodge for good players.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    agreed. There is definitely a time to use his power in chase and others to just use it as map pressure. Which I feel like his map pressure alone is second to none and makes him a force.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    So far everyone has just 360'd my rush unless they are trapped in a small gap.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Not sure really. I thought it was just one of the games I played, but it's been happening in most games I play. :/

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Yes, I've tried him, and I hate him.

    The problem with Blight, is that the killer in game makes no sense at all. Pinball, wth?

    There are killers that I don't like like trapper, or hag, but I understand that they make sense for people who are good at them.

    Trapper and hag are just, not for me.

    But this killer? The feeling is different. I just feel it makes no sense, at all.

    Lore wise, this killer is nice, in game? The worst released killer.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Im just shy of 2k hours, consistently r1 even after cross play came out and im on console. Point being im not bad, not a God but not bad. Ive played 4 or 5 games with him. I just dont see his utility. Hes like billy but cant one shot, or legion that cant hit multiple people. The question becomes, why wouldnt i just play as billy or legion?

    His run should just be like legions, between the wall slam and not being able to hit multiple people hed still be sufficiently difficult to play to justify being able to down people mid run. Not saying one shot, just his turning mobility needs to be normal run like legion.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Spirit and billy have the same map pressure without having to slam into walls along the way. Its good dont get me wrong, but id say his map pressure isnt as good as theirs

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    I think I've only lost 1 game playing Blight and the first game was a draw. My 2nd game I got his adept in.

    His compound twenty one is absolutely broken and I wouldn't be surprised if that got nerfed.