I take my words back, Blight has an enormous potential in shutting down loops

I take my words back, this killer can do something. I played a few games with that addon earlier and didn't see the power behind it because I didn't use the right way and claimed it as "learning addon". However this addon is extremely strong on that killer and is basically a must-have if you want to be effective. Here's why:
So when you slam into the wall, this addon INSTANTLY aims you at the nearest survivor. You don't waste precious seconds when looking around for survivor, aiming precisely and so on, which is especially difficult because of low camera.
C7 basically removes that burden from you and skips necessity of aiming yourself which saves you time. Do you know what it means? It creates windows of opportunity to shut down loops which you were previously unable to do effectively as you wasted time on aiming.
COMPOUND SEVEN ALLOWS TO SHUT DOWN LOOPS if there's an obstacle in front of pallet.
So basically in any loop where there is a setup like that, where's an obstacle in front of a pallet
you can charge into that obstacle and make an instant lethal rush into pallet with a hit which either forces a survivor to waste a pallet or get hit.
It doesn't matter where the pallet it, as long as you can charge into ANYTHING which is within ~1/3 of lethal rush distance of a pallet you can shut down a loop.
Optionally it could be a window, the trick is to do everything fast, without thinking: slammed into the wall and INSTANTLY pressed lethal rush.
In closed maps like Midwich, Blight with that addon can become really dirty with some loops:
He basically spams rush as fast as possible until he creates a configuration like in pic 1 where he slams of an obstacle in front of a pallet which he follows up with a hit/lost pallet.
You also can add Spirit Fury&Enduring to that strategy in order to maximise you profits and use Blighted animals addons to give even more speed to yourself which could potentially unlock new possibilities in shutting down different loops or minimize time survivors have to react.
That principe could be applied to basically any spot on the map, when there's an obstacle in direct sight of a survivor that you can slam in, you slam in it and perform an insta lethal rush. Like in shack. Survivors would rarely have time to evade apart from performing a juke
I haven't see anyone use that methods/techs so I would call myself its inventor in some way, lul.
So essentially, he's pretty bad without his add-on. His power his heavily add-on dependent and without it, his power is damn near ineffective aside from traversal and the most beneficial of situations.
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I’ve also been using this perk and it’s almost a must-have, it’s also pretty good for locating survivors too, ESPECIALLY in corn fields. It always surprises them.
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Kinda. You can still play w/o addon, though it would extremely difficult and rather ineffective.
I would preffer to think about it as musthave fast charge addon on billy of at least grey quality so he fit into timings. Same story here.
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So what I am hearing is, it should be base kit from the start.
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Somewhat it's good for locating, though there are better choices for that like an addon that reveals survivors' auras when you rush or slam.
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to be fair i find him fun in the open, i think he's worth the 4 $, now with this addon h'es worth 6, but since i wanted felix i have the best deal i guess
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This killer is all about triangles.
You? Are you trying to survive? Have another TRIANGLE. NYEH heh heh heh.
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They should have made it similar to Hag's teleporting, how she is facing the survivor upon teleporting. Blight should just automatically face the survivor after bouncing. It'd make his power much better and less rebouncing off a wall by mistake and letting a survivor gain distance.
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aslo i think with time and skill this addon can be pass over to the one that reveal auras, just saying but idk we will see about that
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Sounds like Nurse's add on that shows you where her blink will land. Only stronger. I imagine once people catch on they will demand nerfs and the devs will cater to them.
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That and his lunge needs SOME sort of turning freedom. Currently you can just briskly walk to his side and not get hit. Also, the new tiny lunge they put on him coming out of a dash makes you run right past a survivor and miss if you are too close. He is somehow worse from the PTB.
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Nah, that just takes control away from me. I'd rather face where I want to face. Consider it a part of his skill cap.
I'm totally fine with a difficult killer that's real good.
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The thing is that it aims you instantly, which means you can perform chain rushes without a delay which can be a surprise for survivors.
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This all sounds well and good, but what if the Survivor, you know... moves?
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you forgot the fact that survivor can change their movement at any point or just press dsaw/asdw when you are close and completely dodge your ability
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Well, you should assume that survivors aren't standing in pallets and are just reaching it, I was too lazy to draw their path as well.
The thing is that blight can perform 2 short rushes followed up with a hit in less than 1.5 seconds, which is insanely fast.
So basically survivor is like on the corner and blight is 1/2 of wall behind, he charges forward and by the time survivor comes close to pallet, the Blight is already on them. Somewhere it works better, somewhere it doesn't work. I haven't tried him much in T-L loops and in ormond loops, but I assume you can just power through them or use obstacle tech if there is a possibility.
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You'll have less and less problems with that when you practise that on blight more.
But I assure you, if the survivor is near the pallet, the last thing he'll try is juking, because when he suddenly sees Blight cutting off a corner at mach 20 speed, he'll be in so big panic at that moment, that he'll just run to the pallet to try to drop it. Then you either hit them or eat pallet.
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Honestly i've just been stacking speed addons for the last 4 hrs. its not op by any means but i absolutely love running at billy speeds.
won around 80% of my games. was some of the most fun i've had since oni since he has counterplay, but is outright amazing at shutting down inbetween loops and even in buildings if you have god tier aim.
double speed addons leaves little recovery time, amazing map control and easy catch ups.
double recovery allows for builds around make your choice where you transport yourself to a hook save, and just down the saviour instantly. also less punishing.
aiming addons allow for compensation when your not perfect at his aim, or aren't on a great map for him.
his ultra rare instant down addon, with the 4 rush addon can be neat although not op expecially on tight maps.
his basekit is honestly perfect outside a lil wonkiness. i kinda wish his break addon was basekit/that he could attack out of a slam (ie he slams and can instantly m1.)
his aura addons are actually great for awareness and anti stealth. let alone the fact that their basically free im all ears constantly.
i also wouldn't mind the ability to slam off of survivors with an extra, slight stun. ie if theres absolutely nothing in the open, you can slam off a survivor, and get pushed back further giving them time to dodge, but still giving you an opportunity to attack.
Vigos notebook is incredibly fun with the speed addon. losing terror radius and being halfway across the map, can lead to fun suprises for survivors. let alone using tinkerer on him my lord.
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Honestly that sounds like something that should just be base kit
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bad survivor would panic, good survivor doesnt give a #########
ive played him all day and i can confidently tell that his power cannot be using to counter loops unless a survivor makes a mistake
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Right, but see here's the thing.
Survivors can turn. A rushing Blight can't.
Blight loses.
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This works assuming the survivor loops 100% of the time in the traditional direction and that the survivor isn't taking the tightest possible corners (which they should).
I applaud your ingenuity, but I fear this isnt a perfect world
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I feel like at normal pallet loops, if the survivor plays well enough and immediately reacts to the rush of The Blight, he will still be able to get around the loop enough to be able to avoid the lunge of The Blight. But I admittedly haven't used that Compound addon yet.
I still think his actual strength lies within getting to survivors when they are trying to get from one tile to the next one.
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You read that wrong and thats ok, the addon does a big part of the work for you, you can still play to that level without it you just need to make up the difference the addon made with skill and experience
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Quoting OP.
'Kinda. You can still play w/o addon, though it would extremely difficult and rather ineffective.
I would preffer to think about it as musthave fast charge addon on billy of at least grey quality so he fit into timings. Same story here.'
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im 4king consistantly without every using the training wheel addons
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Even if this is the case, he is incredibly dependent on the map layout. These are absolutely ideal scenarios that will not pop up on a regular basis.
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So you're saying he has potential when running a specific addon... thats the sign of a bad killer 😂
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But with 33 you will destroy pallet and slow him and get free enduring
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Well, he's also good without this addon if you got fast reactions.
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you lose consistency without addon because you have to aim extremely fast yourself, which means you must guess where survivor is supposed to be. addon makes everything much easier + it is instant which you will never achieve with fast reactions.
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I assure you, that the only chance survivor might get to escape if they go AWAY from the pallet which means they a ######### anyway because of you short CD and the pallet is now blocked with your body.
When you perform a lethal rush in the pallet you press an attack somewhere 1-2 meters before collision which leaves little time for reaction.
If the survivor tried juking, you press attack a bit earlier, it's hard to describe though, you should see for yourself.
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that's an ultrarare.
It's strong, no doubt, yet it doesn't give you the instant turn which you can use to shut down basically any loop if there is something to bounce off in the pallet.
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I agree, I think the Blight's power is not as bad as it seems and has vast untapped potential.
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Yeah that's true, but multiple survivors at one spot can trule mess you up if they realise you got that addon.
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yeah, that's one of downsides you have to deal with.
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you do not need add-on to do this. The issue is that even when you perfectly line-up everything, they can still dodge your swing. This isn't even counting perks like Dead Hard that mess you up by force. this really cripple swing really hurts so much. I really hope they up the swing turning by like 20 degrees. It would help him so much. I mean, I still 4k against most players but his ability vs good survivors is really lackluster. Imagine nurse with this lunge.
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Like I said, with addon you turn instantly, thus you can literally smap rush button to chain them very fast, without an addon you have to waste a bit of time for turning
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This is hard countered by pre-throwing pallets though. He's short a charge if the survivor makes two 90 degree turns during the rush. Yes, resource management would become an issue in solo queue because players are allergic to gens, but he still has issues against good players no matter how you slice it.
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I feel like he should be able to target a survivor the same way Freddy can target a generator, and then hit the alternate power button to lock on to them, so that you instantly face them (so long as they stay within X meters) after you slam something. Make him a little homing rocket. With appropriate cooldown after successful hits, of course.
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They probably will xD
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That's expected within the first couple weeks. People new and old swam DBD when there's a new chapter. Then you have the rest who are adjusting to the new Killer as they learn how to effectively survive against him.
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This guy is not about using his ability on loops. Blight all about M1 at loops and using his ability between transition of loops. Yes it is possible to make reads at windows or constricted choke points but that is not his main purpose and you do not need his add-on do this. Blight is really good at getting into chases quickly with his mobility, so his tracking is top notch. Your playing him wrong. Blight is not bad, just really bad lunge in his power feels like it adds counter-play for survivor when they are out of position and blight is weak in loops, so only part in where killers are strong, he is bad at in his ability. I got no complaints playing survivor vs him but playing as him feel awkward. Just my opinion.
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In theory? Yes. In practice? If the survivor isn't complete garbage, it doesn't take much movement to completely avoid that. Of course you may have less opportunity with the addon, I doubt it shifts it that much.
You can't exactly say "Lole I invented this theory" and all of your basis for it is "In theory he could be amazing" Yeah? Go try it for yourself on some decent survivors.
Plenty of people do this without addons already, the difference is sometimes they don't take the window and take the pallet, or the other way around. The problem is, again, dashing right at a survivor doesn't negate a survivor ability to deal with you by virtue of your lunge having no control.