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I take my words back, Blight has an enormous potential in shutting down loops

I take my words back, this killer can do something. I played a few games with that addon earlier and didn't see the power behind it because I didn't use the right way and claimed it as "learning addon". However this addon is extremely strong on that killer and is basically a must-have if you want to be effective. Here's why:


So when you slam into the wall, this addon INSTANTLY aims you at the nearest survivor. You don't waste precious seconds when looking around for survivor, aiming precisely and so on, which is especially difficult because of low camera.

C7 basically removes that burden from you and skips necessity of aiming yourself which saves you time. Do you know what it means? It creates windows of opportunity to shut down loops which you were previously unable to do effectively as you wasted time on aiming.

COMPOUND SEVEN ALLOWS TO SHUT DOWN LOOPS if there's an obstacle in front of pallet.

So basically in any loop where there is a setup like that, where's an obstacle in front of a pallet

you can charge into that obstacle and make an instant lethal rush into pallet with a hit which either forces a survivor to waste a pallet or get hit.

It doesn't matter where the pallet it, as long as you can charge into ANYTHING which is within ~1/3 of lethal rush distance of a pallet you can shut down a loop.

Optionally it could be a window, the trick is to do everything fast, without thinking: slammed into the wall and INSTANTLY pressed lethal rush.

In closed maps like Midwich, Blight with that addon can become really dirty with some loops:

He basically spams rush as fast as possible until he creates a configuration like in pic 1 where he slams of an obstacle in front of a pallet which he follows up with a hit/lost pallet.

You also can add Spirit Fury&Enduring to that strategy in order to maximise you profits and use Blighted animals addons to give even more speed to yourself which could potentially unlock new possibilities in shutting down different loops or minimize time survivors have to react.

That principe could be applied to basically any spot on the map, when there's an obstacle in direct sight of a survivor that you can slam in, you slam in it and perform an insta lethal rush. Like in shack. Survivors would rarely have time to evade apart from performing a juke

I haven't see anyone use that methods/techs so I would call myself its inventor in some way, lul.

