Why is nobody talking about Blights POV Height?

I love how his power works but after playing 5 times in a row on a corn map i started to hate the killer, is literally impossible to see anyone in the corn or am i alone on this?
A medium height killer with a camera on his crotch.
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I have a headache while playing as him with his POV, yet playing hag is fine for me. Pretty sure hags cam is positioned higher than his. His FOV is super scuffed.
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It is his built in disadvantage and advantage at the same time. He is harder to see coming as he can use terrain, but his POV (particularly on some maps like Swamps) sucks. He has to make up for it with speed, which he can do.
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Esp. Rotten Fields is beyond stupid. You don't see anything bc of the corn, and it's also so empty in the corn that you can't really use your power, bc there's literally nothing to bump against.
But not just the corn maps, my first game with him was Backwater Swamp, all the reed and his low pov made me constantly lose survivors. That made me think if maybe Stridor is required for the blight, so when I loose sight, which happens way to often, I could at least hear them.
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I think the problem though is that he is actually a bit taller than the field of view on him would suggest. It does feel a bit too low.
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Can't wait to play Blight and feel like this dude
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I hope they aren't paving the way for chucky, because this view is what i would expect his to be like...
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Yeah, his camera is super broken. He even spontaneously grows taller after picking up a downed survivor.
Not gonna stop me from maining him, but his height makes it so hard to see.
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He has a hunchback of the size of Mt. Everest, what do you expect him to see over clouds?
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He's as tall as Ghostface standing up and has much brighter cosmetics than him.
He's not tall but he definitely can be seen over obstacles quite easily.
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imagine how chucky would feel lmao, you probs wouldn't even be able to see over windows
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Sometimes I wonder if this killer was supposed to be chucky, they didn't get the license, then just recycled him into the rainy day alchemist they teased like 2 years ago...
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It's pretty bad, they need to move it up a bit.
I assume Killers game play uses a free camera unlike the camera you see in spectator mode so I can't imagine it being that hard to fix.
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There is a question regarding this in the Q&A section, so vote that up if you want an official answer from the devs!
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Yeah, grass is my mortal enemy with Blight, it's like having mini-corn fields on every outdoor map. I don't have a problem using his Rush but boy do I need a weed wacker!
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yea the camera being so low with a fatigue effect after a disorienting stun is a little much. I have lost track of a few survivors because of it.
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He's a hunch back killer. It's sorta expected he has a lower POV. After maining hag, this isn't that much of a change for me personally.
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I haven't bought him yet but it sounds like I might have to start running bloodhound just to play him.
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I don't think anybody is arguing the view isn't thematic in that sense. π
Also Hag's low point of view isn't as tough for me to work with because she doesn't actually chase survivors that often, she mostly sets traps and teleports in for a quick hit when they go off. Sure she chases now and then but I think if you're usually in long chases with Hag you're probably playing her wrong. Blight, though, is entirely about foot chases so is more susceptible to corn and grass blindness and not being able to see survivors over generators, etc.
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I talked about this a lot during the PTB as it's extremely debilitating for an often-M1 killer to not be able to see over loops that the survivors can see. If it's not been changed since the PTB, I tested in KYF and his FOV is placed somewhere around his chin (the floppy bit if I remember correctly). Stand next to a pallet with a friend and see for yourself.
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He's as tall as ghostface but has a PoV lower than Hags.
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I brought it up and many others brought it up on the PTB feedback forums. If they didn't change it either it's intended or they don't read the majority of feedback. The POV is awful because the grass on the reworked maps is higher than the cam it's actually frustrating to play those maps as him if survivors run into a grassy area.
This is what I plan to do when I eventually find the perk.
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He's a hunchback, so it makes sense his camera would be a bit lower. But right now it feels like someone strapped a GoPro to his ankles.
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I have been running Shadowborn on him and have yet to get a corn map so that could be part of the reason I haven't had any issues.
He just feels like a lowrider killer lmao
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I hate running hag without M&A simply for the FOV increase, the TR change is great(and is the only reason I use it over shadowborn) as well, but legit its just so i can see survivors more easily on the afore mentioned maps.
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Yeah I was talking specifically about running Shadowborn on Blight. Hag is better off running other perks like M&A I agree.
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Talked about it since the PTB lol. Many thought it was bugged but it was apparently a feature. RIP my eyes
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Really? I don't have a problem seeing him coming. He's waving that stick around broadcasting his location, after all.
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I've missed him a few times with medium to high terrain. He is so fast he can go behind it move closer and then launch and he moves so quickly that by the time you hear the heartbeat he is already on top of you. That is the most effective use I've seen so far.
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I just posted a Thread regarding that. I get very dizzy and disorientated while playing him. Also, losing Survivors in plain sight isn't very fun either.
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I ran Shadowborn but that doesn't improve looking over grass, just around it. Also as of this patch I started running into frame rate issues and ended up taking Shadowborn off to lower the strain on the graphics a bit (not that has much to do with Blight, just mentioning that I had to take it off.)
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Honestly i dont know why they havent changed his pov, maybe its something to do his animations?
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Reminds me of Oddjob from Goldeneye. I hope they don't change it. If they do, they should add a short killer.
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Thst happens with extremely narrow FOV (like the base killer FOV), particularly when you spin frequently or shift camera frequently...which is literally Blight's whole gameplay. Shame he's gonna be a "get to 40 for his perks" killer for me :( id love to play pinball wizard but not at the cost of wanting to puke after every match.