General Discussions

General Discussions

PeetPeeves 2.3.0

Patch 2.3.0

-DS has been feeling worthless at times. I was in a match where I was about to get hooked & landed mine right b4 getting hooked, I could even hear the confirmed chime that it landed but still got hooked! I couldve gotten away that match or even equipped another perk if DS was going to be this worthless.
-Also wth is dribbling?(I know what it is) At times I feel as if I’m playing with a little kid who is trying to figure out what each button does. Imo it should be reduced to a max of 3 drops so that killer has to be strategic rather than consecutively triggering DS (when i’m Obsession) and unable to even wiggle/struggle.
-Even boilover tier 3 feels worthless now, half the time I feel that it just helps the killer when it randomly "struggles" forward towards the hook which not to mention is like 15 ft from another hook.
-The pallet drops still feel a bit screwed which trigger late that result in the survivor getting hit/Dropped but at the same time stunning the killer. I was playing against the hag & I passed 2 pallets where I pressed the drop pallet action & it didn’t even trigger at all, it may have been a buggy match (same match I triggered DS with confirmed chime).
-What is up with the Dark Sense perk being useless on Freddy?? It be nice if devs include a note like "ineffective against the nightmare". Not sure if object of obsession works on him, but it kinda sucks that there are exclusions to perks like that. I get having perks that negate abilities, like having bbq & chili, then countering that with sole survivor for example but other than that why should you be excluded from a perk if you can’t counter with a perk?
-Lastly, how the hell do u get into dying state when a killer pulls a healthy survivor off a generator or when healthy survivor is unhooking another survivor?? Lol I was pulling someone off a hook as a healthy survivor, as I was doing this the killer pulled me off & picked me up, as this happened another survivor was cleansing a totem nearby so the killer dropped me to chase the other guy. When he dropped me I noticed my player was in a dying state on the floor all of a sudden lol Come on now devs at least have the killer hurt the survivor it’s pulling off with some sort of action so it’s believable that they are in dying state other than just falling & “bleeding out” from a simple pull.

I like the direction the devs are taking & that they are addressing issues but some of these have been going on for a while now. Overall they can frustrate you in matches, especially when a killer tunnels you the whole match, or camps the crap out of you when they already have some OP perks/add-ons or even moris equipped that you can’t even counter with DS or your boilover perk, which instead of helping you it hurts you by the above mentioned.
I’m not trying to be toxic about this, these are simply my observations from having played a bit under 3 months. I’m a tier 2 survivor & possibly a 12 killer(havent played in a couple weeks). I know the forums can have some toxic people responding that I should “get good” or stuff like that, but let’s be honest that the game isn’t perfect & the last few updates have been leaning more in favor of killers that needed buffs, etc. (maybe to influence more killers? Idk?).

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  • Member Posts: 647

    the pull and drop has always been a thing

  • Member Posts: 14

    @Zanfer said:
    the pull and drop has always been a thing

    I understand but devs should at least add some sort of action, even a simple head punch or something so that it's more believable. I saw it for my first time & was trying to figure out how my player is bleeding out from a grab lol

  • Member Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2018
    I'm not denying that the game has flaws but most of your complaints are either about things that really aren't that big of a deal (dark sense, pull offs) or really are just something you need to get better at. People dribble survivors with decisive strike because it's the only way to counter the perk. Boil Over is a bad perk in general though.
  • Member Posts: 14

    @ClogWench said:
    I'm not denying that the game has flaws but most of your complaints are either about things that really aren't that big of a deal (dark sense, pull offs) or really are just something you need to get better at. People dribble survivors with decisive strike because it's the only way to counter the perk. Boil Over is a bad perk in general though.

    true, but imagine playing a game & seeing that for the first time & wondering if it's a bug or something. I'm usually pretty good about not getting pulled because I watch my surroundings when repairing. For this specific situation I had borrowed time to help the guy off the hook so that we could both escape, i just thought it was really cheap that as a healthy I'd get downed like that since I've never experienced a pull until that moment.
    As for the dribbling, I still think it's a cheap move lol Just as cheap as people who can't hit skill checks during repairs & constantly use baby steps for repairing.
    As I mentioned these were things i've observed during gameplay as being a new player. In no way do I consider myself a pro & I understand that compared to other long time players, i'm deemed as an "unskilled" or "inexperienced" player, which is ok, we all are newbies at a game at one point or another. The game you're good at may be a game i'm not good at, but the same goes for other game titles as well.
    All in all i'm at least happy that the devs are working on the game & trying things out, even though it may frustrate the hell out of ALL of us whether we're survivor or killer mains :) thanks for the feedback.

  • Member Posts: 2,582
    Like almost every game there's gonna be things that are confusing the first time it happens. And as for dribbling I can promise you it's more frustrating for the killers who have to deal with Decisive Strike regularly. If dribbling is a cheap move, it's only because decisive strike is twice as cheap, hence all the discourse about it right now.
  • Member Posts: 14

    That may be very true but as a killer it can't be that hard to catch a survivor that is already hurting, not to mention easier to track. Also if the survivor doesn't land it, they are still losing that 4th perk & are left with the 3 (hoping they don't have another 1 time use perk). Usually when I use DS I tend to save it for my last hook as a last resort escape (as it should), and again, that's if i'm lucky enough to land it. I do land about 80-90% of them as long as it triggers in time & i'm not right at some hook. I've had other instances where I wasn't the obsession & not once was I able to fill up 30% to trigger it because I would be like 10 feet from a hook (which at least they have now nerfed hook distance from what I understand). It's good that there's going to be a rework but the real question is how will they fix it so that it isn't too one sided & that both killers & survivors can deem as acceptable. I think that's why the devs are really taking there time with it. Other than that it would just be a cheap temporary fix that will be broken until the next update.

  • Member Posts: 2,582
    Once you're experienced, not only is it extremely easy to get the skill check, but that 4 second stun gives you a lot of breathing room and a second chance to loop the killer and waste their time. Dribbling is literally the only real way to counter it and that's situational at best. 
  • Member Posts: 14

    I guess I may have to put in a few more weeks into the killer to really explore. In the beginning of the game I've been mostly playing survivor but I have started killing a bit as Mikey. I noticed rank 15-20 I had a really easy time 4k'n the survivors. It does get a bit more difficult as you start going into the lower tiers. I can only imagine playing against tier 1-5 survivors. Thank you for your insight, I appreciate you not bashing on my discussion post, as I mentioned this was merely my observation of gameplay :) happy killings

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    DS worthless?
    Sorry, but I stopped reading here

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2018

    @DeadByFlashlight "DS worthless?
    Sorry, but I stopped reading here"

    Then why bother posting lol this is merely for conversation & discussion, if you had finished reading then you would've seen that I gave examples of my experience, which may have resulted from a bugged game.

  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Get your information up, read killer powers @ freddy. You are encouraged to do your homework on the killers and play the game to pick up on the more nuanced things. The emblems made it easy for people to rank up, ds is not useless. No one with experience would say that. You cannot use d strike when someone presses the hook command so no one should use dstrike that close to a hook. 

    Tier 1 mike and freddy can't be read without some condition. Mike has to go to tier 2 and survivors have to be asleep to see freddy's aura. Also, you gotta be new. For people in the top rank, using no perks should not be an issue, it's skill that makes a player, not perks. Losing one perk for a possible instant escape is low risk very high reward. Also, as a survivor main you don't know the concept of timing in this game. You really should think more in depth by rank 8. Survivors have 6 objectives, killers have 12. Prolonging a hook phase by any amount is beneficial for survivors. 80 seconds about to fix a gen solo, 4 people, do the math. The longer a person takes to be hooked, the worse it is for the killer. 

    Once you think of the game in terms of time and the advantages you have, you'll be fine and see survivors have the upper hand in most games. More people need to understand this. You don't need perks to be viable survivors, but most killers need perks. That's why survivors can run no mither, no perks, bad perks etc and still do good, because the mechanics of the game is based on time, not perks. Maximize your results in the shortest amount of time possible. 
  • Member Posts: 4,104
    @nh_hapz Rather than rely on DS, how about you just evade the killer?
  • Member Posts: 23

    DS isn’t useless. The killer has to perfectly time the hook to DS so it’s basically luck. Also, why should DS work, if you’re already on a hook? Dribbling is also a completely viable strategy and shouldn’t be nerfed because of the sole reason that decisive strike has been the most broken overpowered perk in this game for about 2 years

  • Member Posts: 14

    Thanks for breaking it down & giving an in depth explanation, It is nice to see that we can actually discuss it rather than a snobby "get better" response from killer mains LOL
    As i mentioned before I have only played for 3 months & am still learning the mechanics of the game. Cheers

  • Member Posts: 14

    @Peasant said:
    @nh_hapz Rather than rely on DS, how about you just evade the killer?

    It's not about relying on it, there are times where a killer tunnels you & i'm literally running the whole damn time, dodging, evading, juking, etc. but the killer is STILL on my a$$. The best I can do at times is give enough time for my team mates to do generators & have a better chance at escaping.
    For example yesterday I played a match against Michael, the whole damn time he chased me through the match. I would hide, dodge, juke, & he would ignore every team mate in front of him & specifically went for me. There's only so much you can do at times & that's frustrating. but yea, I'm guessing your a killer main & you're advice is to "rely on skills & get better". thanks.

  • Member Posts: 14

    @Bananaplanes said:
    DS isn’t useless. The killer has to perfectly time the hook to DS so it’s basically luck. Also, why should DS work, if you’re already on a hook? Dribbling is also a completely viable strategy and shouldn’t be nerfed because of the sole reason that decisive strike has been the most broken overpowered perk in this game for about 2 years

    I wasn't on the hook just yet, the killer was about to hook me & right when he got up to the hook is exactly when I landed DS. I get being hooked & unable to trigger it, but for this specific example I mentioned that I landed it in time & heard the chime. There have been other occassions where I wasn't hooked & landed DS but never triggered properly, that was both in ranked match, as well as in a private lobby with friends.
    All in all, DS has to be reworked in a way where it's not a nuisance for killers but not overpowered for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 624

    Good god. You have perks and trees and debris to prevent you from being seen. You want MORE. You have perks and vaults and loops to prevent you from being hit. You STILL want more. You have perks to prevent you from being DOWNED. And yet you STILL want more. NOW you have perks and map designs to prevent you from being hooked at all. BUT you complain because you got hooked??? One of us is playing the wrong game.

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2018

    Same for killers that complain that survivors have too much. Maybe in lower tiers you play against better survivors because they have been playing the game since it came out. ONCE AGAIN, I MENTIONED THAT I HAVE BEEN PLAYING FOR 3 MONTHS & THIS WAS MY OBSERVATION. I'm just saying mechanics have to be believable in a few places, & certain perks INCLUDING DS need to be reworked so that the game doesn't feel to one sided.

    OH yea btw, i'm on PS4 to be clear

  • Member Posts: 624


    Maybe if you tried to develop a more stealthy playstyle rather than attempting the ochido fanboy standard bullshit, you wouldn't even depend on decisive strike and such.

  • Member Posts: 14

    dude... I mentioned that I use DS as last resort when i'm on my last hook when the killer specifically targets me. Hell, there are even matches where I don't use DS at all. Those types of matches are nice. I'm not the greatest but at the least I am moderate & usually am a good teamplayer to help others when they are tunneled (bodyblocks, unhooking, luring killer away, etc.) but other times it does suck when you don't have good team mates to help you out. I play pretty stealthy & avoid running too much, usually equipped with URBAN EVASION, sometimes self care. Recently I've been trying to practice being a team player with perks like auto-didact & deliverance to practice in chases without relying on other main perks.
    Can you please share what kind of survivor build you play? TIA.

  • Member Posts: 624


    First of all, i ******* hate playing survivor. Its boring as ######### to me. I'm here fixing this ******** generator while somewhere else on the map theres a ######### getting chopped up with a chainsaw. **** skillchecks, i wanna see THAT. But on the rare occasion that i play survivor, i run Bond, Urban Evasion, Borrowed Time and Saboteur. Now my apologies if you play stealthy. Usually the ppl who complain about decisive strike not functioning correctly are toxic little guttersnipes.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    This was painful to read.

  • Member Posts: 1,857
    nh_hapz said:

    Thanks for breaking it down & giving an in depth explanation, It is nice to see that we can actually discuss it rather than a snobby "get better" response from killer mains LOL
    As i mentioned before I have only played for 3 months & am still learning the mechanics of the game. Cheers

    Np man, how you wrote it will get responded to rather than the issue. The root is you need experience and to learn and it comes out as frustration. I see you're not trynna be an anusface so you're cool in my book. Some people here aren't bad but how you worded it could make people a little defensive, people are used to salty survivors complaining. I'm on ps4 as well.

    If you have any questions you can let me know and once again ask around at the players and or devs. 
  • Member Posts: 14

    @deadwolfwalking Yea I get that. Other times when I'm playing with friends & d!ck!ng around I'll do some teabagging & get merked on (which I totally would deserve at that point lol) Usually I'll even msg the killer with a GG for sportmanship..
    I think in general there's a mix of decent (& kind) players who will even let you get away if they feel you deserve it, other times there can be a lot of toxicity within survivors & killers.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515
    DS being useless because of hook priority and dribbling

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