The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Game Timeout For Disconnecting

It doesnt need to be extreme.....but.....
People that disconnect, be it killer or survivor, should absolutely suffer a timeout.
I've seen games over the years implement this and it has an overall positive effect.
Again, it doesn't need to be an extreme timeout, maybe progressive though (disconnect once...5min timeout, twice...10min etc...).



  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    +1. Stable and good Internet is a requirement for online gaming, just like any piece of hardware. If you don't have it, don't play games that require it.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    My take on this is that when you DC, you get a time ban that increases every time. So the first time is 5 minutes, then 10, then 15, and so on until you're banned until the next rank reset. That way, it punishes DCs without being too harsh on someone whos internet might've cut out.

  • SoulBagel
    SoulBagel Member Posts: 19

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    While I would like to see people who rage quit often get punished, random DC's do happen. I was in a game the other day where 30 seconds in the killer found 3 of us, we scrambled and I got hit, ran into another survivor and used Dead Hard to avoid the next hit, and then the power went out for a second (someone took out a power pole near my house). To the other players it looked like I rage quit (Which I have never nor will never DC because "its no fair").

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @SoulBagel said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    While I would like to see people who rage quit often get punished, random DC's do happen. I was in a game the other day where 30 seconds in the killer found 3 of us, we scrambled and I got hit, ran into another survivor and used Dead Hard to avoid the next hit, and then the power went out for a second (someone took out a power pole near my house). To the other players it looked like I rage quit (Which I have never nor will never DC because "its no fair").

    Takes more than 5 minutes to restore power from a missing power pole. You wouldn't even notice it.

  • SoulBagel
    SoulBagel Member Posts: 19

    @Orion Actually no because the power didn't fully go out, just enough to turn off the PS4 and restart it.

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @SoulBagel said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    While I would like to see people who rage quit often get punished, random DC's do happen. I was in a game the other day where 30 seconds in the killer found 3 of us, we scrambled and I got hit, ran into another survivor and used Dead Hard to avoid the next hit, and then the power went out for a second (someone took out a power pole near my house). To the other players it looked like I rage quit (Which I have never nor will never DC because "its no fair").

    Which is why I think that a progressive timeout that starts small would be fair.

  • bringparagonback
    bringparagonback Member Posts: 4

    I don't think 5 minutes is a big deal to wait. Even if it's for your internet or because you quit. Even if the first time you get a warning and then after that you get the time limit would be fine. everybody shouldn't have to suffer because 1 person was like " nah I don't feel like playing now'".

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    What they could do is... Lock the character they used when disconnecting / leaving until they fully play another match with a different character. Then have up to a max of say 5 locked character if they keep disconnecting.

    That way they might think twice about disconnecting if they can't play another match right away with the same character they like to use.

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @TheBean said:
    What they could do is... Lock the character they used when disconnecting / leaving until they fully play another match with a different character. Then have up to a max of say 5 locked character if they keep disconnecting.

    That way they might think twice about disconnecting if they can't play another match right away with the same character they like to use.

    No...i want a straight up progressive time ban for the user.
    They have no issue punishing us....for example I just started a match, killer disconnected 20 seconds into the offering is gone and I lost a pip......ridiculous......there should absolutely be a progressive time penalty for DC's

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Orion said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    +1. Stable and good Internet is a requirement for online gaming, just like any piece of hardware. If you don't have it, don't play games that require it.

    Uh yeah actually no, I paid for the game so I get to play it, end of story.

    My internet is very unstable since I live in germany which has basically 3rd world grade internet in some regions, it's not my fault (except ofc for voting for parties that chose to build our TV network with a higher priority than internet but nobody ever could've forseen that the internet would be this big 10 years later)

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Doesnt matter, no game can differentiate between those two so they always treat DC/ragequit the same. Usually games hand out queue time punishments that increase the more you DC

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Orion said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    +1. Stable and good Internet is a requirement for online gaming, just like any piece of hardware. If you don't have it, don't play games that require it.

    Uh yeah actually no, I paid for the game so I get to play it, end of story.

    My internet is very unstable since I live in germany which has basically 3rd world grade internet in some regions, it's not my fault (except ofc for voting for parties that chose to build our TV network with a higher priority than internet but nobody ever could've forseen that the internet would be this big 10 years later)

    Um, yeah actually yeah.
    The fact you knowingly online game with unstable internet...that's your problem....but your problem affects everyone else...which is absolutely ridiculous.
    Stable internet is ABSOLUTELY a requirement for online gaming.
    Not caring how you affect everyone you play with is just plain selfish.
    There are 1000's of games you could play online, that a bad connection would not ruin the experience of everyone else...this is not one of them.
    I'm not saying you should be permanently banned...but a progressive time out should most definitely be implemented.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited October 2018

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Orion said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    +1. Stable and good Internet is a requirement for online gaming, just like any piece of hardware. If you don't have it, don't play games that require it.

    Uh yeah actually no, I paid for the game so I get to play it, end of story.

    My internet is very unstable since I live in germany which has basically 3rd world grade internet in some regions, it's not my fault (except ofc for voting for parties that chose to build our TV network with a higher priority than internet but nobody ever could've forseen that the internet would be this big 10 years later)

    Everyone else also paid for the game, but they don't have a choice not to play with you in their lobbies. Survivors don't have the choice not to play with a teammate/against a Killer who might disconnect at any point for any reason, and neither do Killers.
    You are purposefully making the game worse for everyone just because you can't take personal responsibility and play within your limits.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Orion said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    +1. Stable and good Internet is a requirement for online gaming, just like any piece of hardware. If you don't have it, don't play games that require it.

    Uh yeah actually no, I paid for the game so I get to play it, end of story.

    My internet is very unstable since I live in germany which has basically 3rd world grade internet in some regions, it's not my fault (except ofc for voting for parties that chose to build our TV network with a higher priority than internet but nobody ever could've forseen that the internet would be this big 10 years later)

    So because you dont have a proper connection, you make all players of the session suffer with you?

    I live in germany too btw :wink:

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    The devs obviously don't care. Since they haven't even lifted a finger in over 2 years.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I used to stand up for real disconnections, but I'm afraid I cannot do that any longer. Intentional disconnections need to be punished and they need to be punished before they reach the marginal percentage that BHVR is currently using.

    I have two recommendations, one of which has already been said.

    My take on this is that when you DC, you get a time ban that increases every time. So the first time is 5 minutes, then 10, then 15, and so on until you're banned until the next rank reset.

    Granted, I'd like for there to be a minor cooldown of sorts. For example, you DC three times in one day so you have had to wait: 5 ----> 10 -----> 15 minutes respectively. I propose that if this is implemented there be a minor forgiveness effect of sorts for example. Now in the example used, the user is at the 3rd tier of the punishment. My suggestion is that if they don't DC within 12 hours of the most recent offense they will drop a tier. This way, it will offer offenders the path of redemption. After all, we don't exactly have players to spare on any platform given the queue times.

    My other recommendation is to simply have a disconnection save a survivor's offering, but take their item instead. We've all seen survivors DC just to keep an item, well if you remove that option from them then fewer people will DC, simple enough eh?

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @HellDescent said:
    The devs obviously don't care. Since they haven't even lifted a finger in over 2 years.

    Thats not correct, they lifted their fingers tryping that there is automatic system detecting DCs to create the illusion that you will get punished for too much DCing. Just a pitty that players tested things, DCed like crazy and never got banned or even received a warning :lol:

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Orion said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    +1. Stable and good Internet is a requirement for online gaming, just like any piece of hardware. If you don't have it, don't play games that require it.

    Uh yeah actually no, I paid for the game so I get to play it, end of story.

    My internet is very unstable since I live in germany which has basically 3rd world grade internet in some regions, it's not my fault (except ofc for voting for parties that chose to build our TV network with a higher priority than internet but nobody ever could've forseen that the internet would be this big 10 years later)

    So because you dont have a proper connection, you make all players of the session suffer with you?

    I live in germany too btw :wink:

    I was about to say...I play with plenty of gamers from Germany that don't have terrible internet.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    @Orion said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Orion said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    +1. Stable and good Internet is a requirement for online gaming, just like anespo

    Uh yeah actually no, I paid for the game so I get to play it, end of story.

    My internet is very unstable since I live in germany which has basically 3rd world grade internet in some regions, it's not my fault (except ofc for voting for parties that chose to build our TV network with a higher priority than internet but nobody ever could've forseen that the internet would be this big 10 years later)

    Everyone else also paid for the game, but they don't have a choice not to play with you in their lobbies. Survivors don't have the choice not to play with a teammate/against a Killer who might disconnect at any point for any reason, and neither do Killers.
    You are purposefully making the game worse for everyone just because you can't take personal responsibility and play within your limits.

    Take personal responsibility? What am I supposed to do? Move? ´Living in germany is pretty hard, it's not simple to just move here like it's for example in the US where everything just gets handed to you. Inform myself everytime when problems are known and don't play then? LOL it's just a fuggin game, I'm not gonna put any work into it just to appease you.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @splatvybz said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Orion said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Should make no difference.
    If you're internet connection is not stable enough to play, you shouldn't play.
    Is a team supposed to suffer because of someone having bad internet....should players have to go through multiple long lobby waits because someone with crap internet is trying to host....the answer is no.
    I don't drive a car without gas either.

    +1. Stable and good Internet is a requirement for online gaming, just like any piece of hardware. If you don't have it, don't play games that require it.

    Uh yeah actually no, I paid for the game so I get to play it, end of story.

    My internet is very unstable since I live in germany which has basically 3rd world grade internet in some regions, it's not my fault (except ofc for voting for parties that chose to build our TV network with a higher priority than internet but nobody ever could've forseen that the internet would be this big 10 years later)

    So because you dont have a proper connection, you make all players of the session suffer with you?

    I live in germany too btw :wink:

    I was about to say...I play with plenty of gamers from Germany that don't have terrible internet.

    Gratz, I'm on one of the worst providers here but I save 10€/month that way, I don't have a job so 10€ is alot for me.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Aren't you screwing over the other players regardless of the reason why you disconnect?

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    Boss said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Aren't you screwing over the other players regardless of the reason why you disconnect?

    That's true. I am in no way supporting players who disconnect. I just stated a legitimate issue. And it also has been picked up by the devs whenever they have tried to punish the rage quitters. 
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Khalednazari said:
    Boss said:

    @Khalednazari said:

    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Aren't you screwing over the other players regardless of the reason why you disconnect?

    That's true. I am in no way supporting players who disconnect. I just stated a legitimate issue. And it also has been picked up by the devs whenever they have tried to punish the rage quitters. 


  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    It's ableism to think that everybody has good internet, if you don't work having internet at all is already expensive.

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @MhhBurgers said:
    It's ableism to think that everybody has good internet, if you don't work having internet at all is already expensive.

    We get don't care at all about how you affect those forced to play with you.
    Why are you still commenting?
    Couldn't you be out looking for a job, that provides you the opportunity to afford internet that would not only increase the fun you have playing games, but those you play with as well.
    I'm not hating on you....I'm just....hating on you.
    I mean you are telling us that you intentionally pay for the worst internet you can get because you don't have a job....maybe gaming shouldn't be a priority in your life right now.


  • TreblucFayle
    TreblucFayle Member Posts: 75

    People don't have control over losing their connection. You can have the BEST connection money can buy that is stable 100% of the time, but a small problem beyond your control can drop your connection long enough to DC you from a game like this. Also hardware glitches or just a simple game crash can DC people from games and should not be faced with a punishment.

    Punishing people for something they can't change/ control? That's just silly.

    Also, people can DC without affecting the team (at the end of match or before death). I do this when I want to de-rank a bit. But an automatic system would punish these people for no reason.

    I agree that people who DC a lot SHOULD be punished. But the Devs are already giving soft-bans for people who DC too much. That's enough punishment.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @splatvybz said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    It's ableism to think that everybody has good internet, if you don't work having internet at all is already expensive.

    We get don't care at all about how you affect those forced to play with you.
    Why are you still commenting?
    Couldn't you be out looking for a job, that provides you the opportunity to afford internet that would not only increase the fun you have playing games, but those you play with as well.
    I'm not hating on you....I'm just....hating on you.
    I mean you are telling us that you intentionally pay for the worst internet you can get because you don't have a job....maybe gaming shouldn't be a priority in your life right now.


    Ya I'm totally gonna slave my ass off so you can have a better gaming experience.

    Here's the thing, devs didn't put a minimum required internet connection on the store so I guess you have to deal with ppl like me.

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @TreblucFayle said:
    People don't have control over losing their connection. You can have the BEST connection money can buy that is stable 100% of the time, but a small problem beyond your control can drop your connection long enough to DC you from a game like this. Also hardware glitches or just a simple game crash can DC people from games and should not be faced with a punishment.

    Punishing people for something they can't change/ control? That's just silly.

    Also, people can DC without affecting the team (at the end of match or before death). I do this when I want to de-rank a bit. But an automatic system would punish these people for no reason.

    I agree that people who DC a lot SHOULD be punished. But the Devs are already giving soft-bans for people who DC too much. That's enough punishment.

    Not silly at I said, we aren't talking about a permanent ban.....if you "occasionally" "occasionally" get a "occasional" DC that is completely out of your control should honestly happen so infrequently that a 5min timeout would not affect your life.

    DC's should have a cool down period regardless of the cause of the DC

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    It's ableism to think that everybody has good internet, if you don't work having internet at all is already expensive.

    We get don't care at all about how you affect those forced to play with you.
    Why are you still commenting?
    Couldn't you be out looking for a job, that provides you the opportunity to afford internet that would not only increase the fun you have playing games, but those you play with as well.
    I'm not hating on you....I'm just....hating on you.
    I mean you are telling us that you intentionally pay for the worst internet you can get because you don't have a job....maybe gaming shouldn't be a priority in your life right now.


    Ya I'm totally gonna slave my ass off so you can have a better gaming experience.

    Here's the thing, devs didn't put a minimum required internet connection on the store so I guess you have to deal with ppl like me.

    Having any source of income at all = slaving my ass off
    Aren't you the ever amazing benefit to society as a whole.....


  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    How is DCing and issue? If a killer dc's don't the survivors get points for the match and an auto pip? If the survivors DC the killer gets point for it. Think that's a pretty balanced system. Not sure what all this fuss is about.

    And you can have really good internet and disconnect. I personally have my router randomly restart between 1-3 am every night. I had a power surge yesterday and lost power. Oh my! What if my internet has a day where it just keeps going off. I should have a 1 hour penalty for it.

    You realize if you add a 5-10 minute penalty on a dc.. The casual players are just like... Yep done with this game for the day. Just another way to lower the player base. Not that you really want a game full of DC'ers... But in this game they really don't matter.

    I'd much rather have a DC in Dead by Daylight in the game then a game that's actually competitive. DCing in League of Legends, Dota, Counterstrike... That's annoying. Dbd games last like 2 minutes.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @splatvybz said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    It's ableism to think that everybody has good internet, if you don't work having internet at all is already expensive.

    We get don't care at all about how you affect those forced to play with you.
    Why are you still commenting?
    Couldn't you be out looking for a job, that provides you the opportunity to afford internet that would not only increase the fun you have playing games, but those you play with as well.
    I'm not hating on you....I'm just....hating on you.
    I mean you are telling us that you intentionally pay for the worst internet you can get because you don't have a job....maybe gaming shouldn't be a priority in your life right now.


    Ya I'm totally gonna slave my ass off so you can have a better gaming experience.

    Here's the thing, devs didn't put a minimum required internet connection on the store so I guess you have to deal with ppl like me.

    Having any source of income at all = slaving my ass off
    Aren't you the ever amazing benefit to society as a whole.....


    I get 670€+390€ in benefits, if I worked I'd earn about as much but with a 40hour/week schedule and without all of the benefits that you get from being jobless.

    Anyways this isn't the topic, the topic is not everybody got so lucky in life that he can afford the best hardware and excluding them would be ableism

  • TreblucFayle
    TreblucFayle Member Posts: 75

    @splatvybz But my point is that an automated system can't determine intentional DC from uncontrollable DC. If someone has a problem that pops up, this proposed system is punishing them for something they can't control.

    The fact that this is only doing temporary punishments means nothing. It's still a punishment the player does not deserve.

    Also, considering how many players can have issues filling lobbies (for various reasons), this would compound the issue and make wait times go up.

    We need more players in the game, not fewer.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    @Khalednazari , @splatvybz , @Orion yes, yes, and yes. May sound harsh but it really isn't: if your connection is bad, don't play a game that requires a stable connection.

    I feel one exception should be made though: if one survivor disconnects early on, then maybe there shouldn't be any penalty for the rest of the players, killer and survivor. 3 guys, 5 gens can be tough for survs and not a challenge for a decent killer, who may prefer to move on to a game with 4 survivors.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @George_Soros said:
    @Khalednazari , @splatvybz , @Orion yes, yes, and yes. May sound harsh but it really isn't: if your connection is bad, don't play a game that requires a stable connection.

    I feel one exception should be made though: if one survivor disconnects early on, then maybe there shouldn't be any penalty for the rest of the players, killer and survivor. 3 guys, 5 gens can be tough for survs and not a challenge for a decent killer, who may prefer to move on to a game with 4 survivors.

    It doesn't matter if you think that, the game has no minimum internet requirement.

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @GrannyonAcid said:
    How is DCing and issue? If a killer dc's don't the survivors get points for the match and an auto pip? If the survivors DC the killer gets point for it. Think that's a pretty balanced system. Not sure what all this fuss is about.

    And you can have really good internet and disconnect. I personally have my router randomly restart between 1-3 am every night. I had a power surge yesterday and lost power. Oh my! What if my internet has a day where it just keeps going off. I should have a 1 hour penalty for it.

    You realize if you add a 5-10 minute penalty on a dc.. The casual players are just like... Yep done with this game for the day. Just another way to lower the player base. Not that you really want a game full of DC'ers... But in this game they really don't matter.

    I'd much rather have a DC in Dead by Daylight in the game then a game that's actually competitive. DCing in League of Legends, Dota, Counterstrike... That's annoying. Dbd games last like 2 minutes.

    No....say a killer for example disconnects right at the start of the will acquire a very small amount of points...nowhere near enough to maintain a pip however. An early killer disconnect will def result in a pip loss.
    I don't want to act like it's only a problem from killers either.....having teammates DC is equally frustrating.
    At least occasionally a killer will have pity on you for it happening and let you farm some points....but that's rare also.
    DC'ing is def an issue.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @George_Soros said:
    @Khalednazari , @splatvybz , @Orion yes, yes, and yes. May sound harsh but it really isn't: if your connection is bad, don't play a game that requires a stable connection.

    I feel one exception should be made though: if one survivor disconnects early on, then maybe there shouldn't be any penalty for the rest of the players, killer and survivor. 3 guys, 5 gens can be tough for survs and not a challenge for a decent killer, who may prefer to move on to a game with 4 survivors.

    It doesn't matter if you think that, the game has no minimum internet requirement.

    You need Ayn Rand. Seriously.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @George_Soros said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @George_Soros said:

    @Khalednazari , @splatvybz , @Orion yes, yes, and yes. May sound harsh but it really isn't: if your connection is bad, don't play a game that requires a stable connection.

    I feel one exception should be made though: if one survivor disconnects early on, then maybe there shouldn't be any penalty for the rest of the players, killer and survivor. 3 guys, 5 gens can be tough for survs and not a challenge for a decent killer, who may prefer to move on to a game with 4 survivors.

    It doesn't matter if you think that, the game has no minimum internet requirement.

    You need Ayn Rand. Seriously.

    Don't push your nose into other people's business.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @MhhBurgers said:
    Don't push your nose into other people's business.

    Don't make your bad internet other people's problem.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @splatvybz said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:
    How is DCing and issue? If a killer dc's don't the survivors get points for the match and an auto pip? If the survivors DC the killer gets point for it. Think that's a pretty balanced system. Not sure what all this fuss is about.

    And you can have really good internet and disconnect. I personally have my router randomly restart between 1-3 am every night. I had a power surge yesterday and lost power. Oh my! What if my internet has a day where it just keeps going off. I should have a 1 hour penalty for it.

    You realize if you add a 5-10 minute penalty on a dc.. The casual players are just like... Yep done with this game for the day. Just another way to lower the player base. Not that you really want a game full of DC'ers... But in this game they really don't matter.

    I'd much rather have a DC in Dead by Daylight in the game then a game that's actually competitive. DCing in League of Legends, Dota, Counterstrike... That's annoying. Dbd games last like 2 minutes.

    No....say a killer for example disconnects right at the start of the will acquire a very small amount of points...nowhere near enough to maintain a pip however. An early killer disconnect will def result in a pip loss.
    I don't want to act like it's only a problem from killers either.....having teammates DC is equally frustrating.
    At least occasionally a killer will have pity on you for it happening and let you farm some points....but that's rare also.
    DC'ing is def an issue.

    I just started playing DBD again about a week ago. The other day I had a killer DC against me at the start of the match. I was given BP's that equaled a pip exactly. Isn't that how it is working for everybody? If that's the system... I don't see why that isn't fair.

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @TreblucFayle said:
    @splatvybz But my point is that an automated system can't determine intentional DC from uncontrollable DC. If someone has a problem that pops up, this proposed system is punishing them for something they can't control.

    The fact that this is only doing temporary punishments means nothing. It's still a punishment the player does not deserve.

    Also, considering how many players can have issues filling lobbies (for various reasons), this would compound the issue and make wait times go up.

    We need more players in the game, not fewer.

    I don't agree with you...sorry
    DC for whatever reason should have a cooldown....and it should be progressive.
    Clearly this is my opinion and it seems I'm not alone in this.
    If for some reason my power flickers and I DC...I would not cry about having a cooldown.
    If constant cooldowns cause someone to not want to play....well....something very likely led to those "constant" cooldowns....I'd rather see one person quit for this over losing multiple leaving due to the frustration of not having any way to resolve this.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @Boss said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Aren't you screwing over the other players regardless of the reason why you disconnect?

    There are a couple instances where I understand it. Like if the killer is using hacks or one side is holding the game hostage. I can't really blame people for disconnecting in those circumstances. But the bad reasons outweigh the good. Most people who DC, from my experience at least, do so because they got a bad map, they got downed, they missed their DS, people aren't going to get them off the hook right away, their ruin got found at the beginning of the match, etc.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @George_Soros said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @George_Soros said:

    @Khalednazari , @splatvybz , @Orion yes, yes, and yes. May sound harsh but it really isn't: if your connection is bad, don't play a game that requires a stable connection.

    I feel one exception should be made though: if one survivor disconnects early on, then maybe there shouldn't be any penalty for the rest of the players, killer and survivor. 3 guys, 5 gens can be tough for survs and not a challenge for a decent killer, who may prefer to move on to a game with 4 survivors.

    It doesn't matter if you think that, the game has no minimum internet requirement.

    You need Ayn Rand. Seriously.

    Don't push your nose into other people's business.

    I didn't. I just do my best to argue for the best interest of those of us who want to play seriously. Not exaggerating when I say I had hundreds of games screwed because someone DC-d. If you have a temporary connection problem, that's a one-off and 5 minutes shouldn't hit you so hard. If it keeps up, then you should be considerate and stop ruining other people's games with your bad connection.
    And man. Saying that you have no job, you're on benefits but still have the face to demand people to put up with you wasting their time... that's beyond entitled.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:

    @Boss said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Aren't you screwing over the other players regardless of the reason why you disconnect?

    There are a couple instances where I understand it. Like if the killer is using hacks or one side is holding the game hostage. I can't really blame people for disconnecting in those circumstances. But the bad reasons outweigh the good. Most people who DC, from my experience at least, do so because they got a bad map, they got downed, they missed their DS, people aren't going to get them off the hook right away, their ruin got found at the beginning of the match, etc.

    I can understand that being on a time-out because you went against a hacker or got taken hostage would feel unfair.
    But i can't relate to it: Met only 2 hackers so far and i've NEVER been taken hostage. (I must really be annoying. ;) )
    Both of these cases just aren't common enough for me to think a time-out would be a bad implementation.
    The time-out wouldn't be drastically long anyway, you can do some menu stuff, something else on the device your'e playing on, something else in real life.

  • TreblucFayle
    TreblucFayle Member Posts: 75

    @GrannyonAcid In fact, even if you don't earn enough points for a pip the game automatically gives you a safety pip (black pip) if the killer DCs. You lose nothing when a killer DCs. The Devs changed that quite some time ago.

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @GrannyonAcid said:

    @splatvybz said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:
    How is DCing and issue? If a killer dc's don't the survivors get points for the match and an auto pip? If the survivors DC the killer gets point for it. Think that's a pretty balanced system. Not sure what all this fuss is about.

    And you can have really good internet and disconnect. I personally have my router randomly restart between 1-3 am every night. I had a power surge yesterday and lost power. Oh my! What if my internet has a day where it just keeps going off. I should have a 1 hour penalty for it.

    You realize if you add a 5-10 minute penalty on a dc.. The casual players are just like... Yep done with this game for the day. Just another way to lower the player base. Not that you really want a game full of DC'ers... But in this game they really don't matter.

    I'd much rather have a DC in Dead by Daylight in the game then a game that's actually competitive. DCing in League of Legends, Dota, Counterstrike... That's annoying. Dbd games last like 2 minutes.

    No....say a killer for example disconnects right at the start of the will acquire a very small amount of points...nowhere near enough to maintain a pip however. An early killer disconnect will def result in a pip loss.
    I don't want to act like it's only a problem from killers either.....having teammates DC is equally frustrating.
    At least occasionally a killer will have pity on you for it happening and let you farm some points....but that's rare also.
    DC'ing is def an issue.

    I just started playing DBD again about a week ago. The other day I had a killer DC against me at the start of the match. I was given BP's that equaled a pip exactly. Isn't that how it is working for everybody? If that's the system... I don't see why that isn't fair.

    Def not on console anyway....I literally just had it happen this morning....killer DC'd less than 20 seconds into the match....i earned a whopping 4k bloodpoints (that was with an offering btw)...lost a pip and my level 6 rank.
    I don't want people kicked from the game...please understand that.....a progressive cooldown would have an extremely minute effect on players that have occasional "whoops there goes the power/internet" but it would have a great effect on people that are doing it habitually.
    Progression could even reset with every new season/chapter.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @Boss said:

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:

    @Boss said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    The issue here is that the game cannot differentiate between legit disconnections and rage quit. 

    Aren't you screwing over the other players regardless of the reason why you disconnect?

    There are a couple instances where I understand it. Like if the killer is using hacks or one side is holding the game hostage. I can't really blame people for disconnecting in those circumstances. But the bad reasons outweigh the good. Most people who DC, from my experience at least, do so because they got a bad map, they got downed, they missed their DS, people aren't going to get them off the hook right away, their ruin got found at the beginning of the match, etc.

    I can understand that being on a time-out because you went against a hacker or got taken hostage would feel unfair.
    But i can't relate to it: Met only 2 hackers so far and i've NEVER been taken hostage. (I must really be annoying. ;) )
    Both of these cases just aren't common enough for me to think a time-out would be a bad implementation.
    The time-out wouldn't be drastically long anyway, you can do some menu stuff, something else on the device your'e playing on, something else in real life.

    Oh, I agree. I think a time-out implication is the best way to go about it. I just pointed out that there are some valid reasons for DCing and not everyone who does it does so for dumb reasons.

  • splatvybz
    splatvybz Member Posts: 25

    @TreblucFayle said:
    @GrannyonAcid In fact, even if you don't earn enough points for a pip the game automatically gives you a safety pip (black pip) if the killer DCs. You lose nothing when a killer DCs. The Devs changed that quite some time ago.

    Maybe that's something on PC....don't know...but i'm telling you this just happened this morning....def was not granted a freebie black pip.....i lost a pip and my rank from it


This discussion has been closed.