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Killers need to stop complaining!
With the recent updates, I feel that Devs are finally listening to Killers about how to make it more even. However, just like Rise of Skywalker... Instead of listening to people who know what they are talking about, the Devs decided to listen to all the whiney brats that are for some reason still complaining that dead by is survivor sided. The new argument being, "oh you have to pay to get any good perks as killer".... Likes seriously? Just save up shards, buy the character or don't... I don't care... But don't complain if your not willing to support the Devs... How do you think they earn their money?
Long story short... Stop being childish and learn to get better instead of saying how the game's survivor sided especially with these new perks...
I'm Alfredo Bagginz.... Thankyou for coming to my Dead Talk
Boo! You suck
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I agree that the devs tend to listen to the wrong people but it is both sides so I would reword your title
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Don't forget the weekly shrine, that lets you pick up teachable perks without buying that killer.
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Really? The main complaints I've seen about perks having to be paid for are the ones that help beginners out, such as Zanshin, Windows, Visionary, etc. And to be honest it's kinda justified imo atleast.
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I saw this one guy complain saying that survivors are way more op than killer because the majority of good killer perks are locked behind paywalls whereas all good survivor perks are base game.
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Okay, is one guys opinion reason enough to make a whole new discussion about though? I'm pretty sure I know the discussion you're referring to and if I'm right myself and others said in the comments when it comes to comparing perks power you should look at it from the maximum possible to achieve instead of what perks you start off with.
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DS, Dead Hard, UnbreakaBill? Just to name a few?
It does make me LOL whenever someone complains that I'm playing a Pay 2 Win killer. Do they think this is CoD or something?
They'll only ever have a point if the Devs drop a DLC shotgun for Legion. I'd still buy it though. You know... to support the devs.
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It is both sides but since there tends to be 4 survivors for every 1 killer. It's still survivor sided.
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I'm just pointing out how other people view this personally I don't really think it makes sense because there are ways around it all it takes is patience and you have all the perks in the game.
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I've been looking at the forums like every day for the past few days. I've mainly seen whiny Survivor's complaining about Spirit. Even from the random threads I looked at, none of them had to do with Killer's whining about perk availability. Can you show at least 3-5 example threads from recent times?
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You have to admit though that recently killers have been getting pretty decent buffs and perks the new chapter for example the killer perks are actually really strong but the survivor perks are a little boring and underwhelming
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Fair, I mean I was also just pointing out that I've seen a lot more people saying the more beginner focused perks should be base game than I have the argument OP mentions.
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With the recent updates, I feel that Devs are finally listening to Survivors about how to make it more even. However, just like Rise of Skywalker... Instead of listening to people who know what they are talking about, the Devs decided to listen to all the whiney brats that are for some reason still complaining that dead by is survivor sided. The new argument being, "oh you have to pay to get any good perks as survivor".... Likes seriously? Just save up shards, buy the character or don't... I don't care... But don't complain if your not willing to support the Devs... How do you think they earn their money?
Long story short... Stop being childish and learn to get better instead of saying how the game's survivor sided especially with these new perks...
I'm Some guy on the internet.... Thankyou for coming to my Dead Talk
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Personally I'm waiting for the attack chopper medkit add-on
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It has gotten better since the game released. I remember the days of sc meta, recover sb while running, insta flashlights, bnp, patch 1.9.2, MoM. However for every 1 thing the devs do right, they do 2 things wrong and they tend to cater to solo rank 20 survivors.
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You are correct when you say the devs are listening to the wrong people (They always do) but you cited the wrong people. Those points make some since. You clearly don't play killer a lot.
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I only feel like the dev's are doing it because they do a pretty abysmal job at explaining how to play the game it kind of reminds me of tf2's learning curve where the tutorials only get you so far but it fails to even bring up any advanced techniques I feel like they should do what battlefield do where on the main menu they link community videos or what SMITE does where it gives you a complete glossary of all and any technical terms
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As a fellow tf2 player, I always loved the fact they only went over the basics and only for some of the classes.
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Me too it just kind of got annoying when my good friends where rocket jumping all over the map and laughing and me because I can't synch shots ;(
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Yea I get what you mean I kinda preferred the old days where everything was dumb and broken because even if it wasn't fair it definitely made the game more interesting e.g. using ds on a killer who had enduring stuns them for a whole second xD
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I don't think the dev's play the game a lot...
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Killer mains trying being tough and sweaty in games, while they cry about everything on forums at the same time.
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...forgot to drop the mic 🎤👇🏽😉
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Soul Guard was recently added, and has quickly found it's way into the Second Chance meta pool. Survivors are still getting strong perks. IN contrast, Pyramid Heads perks weren't that great, and neither were Deathslingers.
Visionary probably won't see that same meta, but outside of the meta, it's a very strong perk. It helps with maps where gens are a pain to find, and lets you see if you are giving the Killer an easy 3 Gen defense.
Personally, I think the devs are dumping in perks they think are strong and seeing what sticks on both sides of the game. No doubt they want to try to dethrone the Second Chance meta, and probably want to see people running more than "BBQ&C, NC, PGtW/Ruin, and whatever else".
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I feel like the crying comes from both sides not just one side.
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Stop complaining about Killers complaining. Its getting old.
Not that complaining about Survivor complaints is any better.
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No offence but it just seems that at times killer complaints are a little petty and you can't flip the argument around because the survivor meta is fully based around the killer meta and killer strategies.
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Both sides are petty and both sides have legit complaints. Neither side has a monopoly on complaints and neither side is more "right" in what they complain about.
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I can agree on that I just wanna know where it all originates from.
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There should always be complaints. How will the game improve without complaints? How will the devs know something's wrong without complaints?
Just because things are getting better people should stop complaining? How stupid is that? It's like telling someone who's making $2 an hour to stop complaining because they're making $2.10 now.
Also you can't buy licensed characters with shards.
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But you can buy their perks with them
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Killers need to stop complaining... Why? Because the game is balanced? Because theres no BS? Are survivors still allowed to complain? Is the validity of the complaint based entirely around whether or not they agree with you?
Also, the fact that most decent killer perks are locked behind paywalls is actually a pretty big issue. Save up shards? Do to have any idea how long it takes to get shards? Some people have actual responsibilities in their lives.
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Maybe killer and survivor mains aren't so different after all
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I guess killer and survivor mains have that in common then.
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...forgot to drop the mic 🎤👇🏽😉
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😉...forgot to drop the mic🎤👇🏽
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This is true though.
Everyone complains about second chance perks but they forget that:
DS exists because killers like to go for people fresh off the hook & single out a target to not let play the game
BT exists because of camping
Unbreakable exists because killers like to slug (especially for 4k)
Soul guard exists because a combination of all the problems.
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Nah...the forums are filled with killer complaints.
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The big issue here is suggesting that Rise of Skywalker could have turned the sequels around even if it was not terrible.
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I find that it depends on the day whether it is killers or survivors complaining more.
The other day the forum was full of nothing but posts complaining about deathslinger, pyramid head and spirit and the next it was all about swf and second chance perks.
But you know you can always ignore that so you can say that it is always killers complaining.
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Baiting by acting like this is an entitled survivor post and then low key bringing to light that this game is pay to win lol.
You're not wrong
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To be fair, I can't see why the devs would put any effort into new survivor perks when everyone knows that people are still gonna run Adrenaline/Dead Hard, Unbreakable, Decisive Strike, and Borrowed Time.
Until those perks are nerfed (because to improve other perks so much that they are more appealing than the meta will make the game incredibly unbalanced) there's no reason to run anything else.
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That's not really true though is it? The only reason they are like that is because of how certain killers play there wouldn't be a need for borrowed time if killers didn't camp and tunnel.
Also the reason dev's are so focused on making new survivor perks is so that new playstyle can be made and people are less likely to use the so called "second chance" perks
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How often do you really get camped and tunneled?
I see this all the time as justification for these perks, but I never camp or tunnel, and yet as killer I constantly see hook dives, body blocks to soak the hit while they're invulnerable, multiple orbiting survivors whenever I down someone, survivors who hop in lockers or run right up to get downed while I'm chasing someone else so that they can get the DS stun, etc.
In my experience these perks are used offensively by SWF, and then justified because at one point in time someone actually did camp the hook.
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Lmao i agree the sequels were irredeemable, uninspired, copy paste trash with no plan from the get go.
Back to the topic. These forums are FULL of complainers. Literally any new killer is released: killer mains - hes underpowered trash wahh (lets pretend the exact same thing didnt happen with deathslinger, oni, and pyramid head). Survivor mains: hes overpowered wahhh. No one wants to take the time to learn and they jump to reactionary conclusions.
Theres alot more then just that lol nice being divisive when its the last thing this community needs like "killers need to..." or "survivors need to.." all this will do, will make said players feel attacked and the need to defend themselves thus making them completly ignore whatever point one was trying to make.
TLDR; This kind of post will only breed pointless arguing and anger.
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Imagine coming to this forum, where the most whined about things are "SPIRIT IS OP! NERF UNDYING! STOP CAMPING/TUNNELING! DS IS BUGGED!" and telling killers to stop complaining.
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If you have that mentality then clearly you have never played survivor I usually get tunnelled every match mainly because I can actually run a killer around I don't even use any "second chance" perks I usually just run gimmick builds because there fun to run.
It's annoying because at times I do want to use perks like adrenaline but that's only because the killer chases me the entire match downs me at the end and then face camps me to secure the undeserved kill on me.
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Like survivors dont complain about everything just as much. I cant even win a match without one of them crying in my inbox. I play about as fair as a killer can possibly play even