Freddy on Yamaoka Map too dark when asleep and unstable fps/texturing

widescreen Member Posts: 49
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

When asleep this map is way too dark to see anything! and then getting chased by Freddy is even worse; P3 Freddy is so dark and while asleep his red stain is extremely difficult to see on this map!

Also, wasnt this latest up date was suppose to fix dead zones by default to a more balanced tiles and juggle gyms for this map? Just got out of a match and there was many dead zones, unloopable tiles with a useless window that can't be fast vaulted from the inside! This is fooking doggy doo doo!

Next is the random spikes of fps drops and visual wavy texturing while playing; in some instances this game is unplayable! I know Im not the only one who is experiencing this Bull #########, bcs Ive see it on ttv streamers and from my friends game!

So ######### annoying to say the least...

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