What if killers had a fifth perk slot?

It's common sense that the game is unbalanced towards killer's side, so what's your opinion if they had a fifith perk slot as a trying for balance both sides?
No, that would just make killers op.
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It would be bad, it enables some broken builds.
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I mean, tbf:
survivors can technically have up to eight or nine perks...
edit: to explain:
while the 4+ perks aren't permanent, there's a lot of favourable perks that apply to all nearby survivors: kindred, leader, ace in the hole etc.
so, depending on your team's build you can run around with at least 5 perks as survivor
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A 5th normal perk slot is literally unlocking the good killer's potential to become gods. Do you really want 5 hex sniper doctor? A stridor and 4 anti gen spirit? All chase billy? It's wayy too much, it's just 1 extra perk, but 1 more can make all the difference
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Maybe yes.
SWF players are already the gods of the game, it's just a matter of fairness.
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Uh... No? That sounds insanely strong. 5 perk slots opens up some ridiculously OP possibilities.
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How would Five perks work with Haunted grounds assuming you used four other hex perks since haunted grounds requires two totems ?
I think a better solution is to make Corrupt Intervention basekit for Killers and Borrowed Time basekit for survivors. While the game is survivor sided at the highest level of play its relatively balanced at most other levels and killers getting a fifth perk would ruin that.
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A dedicated hex slot would be interesting, especially to make the support-hexes more viable (thrill and the new one).
Personally, I'd add a perk slot for only the teachables of any given character, maybe even survivors. (Sadly could/would create survivor meta).
Although, the concerns about perk strenght in regards to perk slots are legit, especially with an unrestricted fifth slot.
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If you need 5 perks to win as a killer you’re doing something wrong.
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Four survivors, four perks.
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Hex: Haunted Ground poses a problem then, if you're doing a full-on Hex build that includes that Hex Perk.
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The amount of broken OP builds that would allow would be crazy.
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I‘m guessing anyone who doesn‘t agree with you doesn‘t have common sense right?
Also how hasn‘t this game been changed within the past 4 years? The game has seen massive balance changes within the past.
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Most killer addon provide effects of perks like aura read and haemorrhage. You still want a 5th perk on top? I wish for one day they would revert the live build to how it used to be in 2016-2017 so maybe some of you scrub new killers could actually see how much killer has been buffed and survivor hammered to the ground
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Yeah, it totally was not riddiculously unbalanced and a total ######### show back then. Git gud you new Killers!
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One word: No.
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killer OP lets give em more power. am i missing something I don't get the point of this. Maybe force killers to always use one of their own perks and 3 whatever. Be a lot of upset people though.
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Or have a passive ability because some killers already have that like spirit with the phasing
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Saying the game is unbalanced is pretty funny ngl lol
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Do you have any data showing the game is unbalanced against killers? Because the balance goal from the devs is around a two kill average per game and the last stats they released had killers averaging a little above that. Is there any evidence that killers actually get lower scores or get 3-4 kills less often than they get 0-1 kills per match? If so that would support your case and it would be interesting to see. If not then I’m skeptical.
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That's indeed not mind-blowing, that's a nerf.