A Nerf to Survivor's 360 Spinning, and Gen Rushing in Red Ranks?!?

Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

PS4 Player, Play both Red Rank Killer and Survivor; mostly Killer! Lately, I have been absent for a bit, taking a break from the game to cool down and play with other friends in other games! But, now I come back to finished of the Rift Pass and the new Descend Beyond chapter as the Blight or any killer for that matter! I feel very miserable playing this games, because of a few specific reasons!

First thing, I am a Red Rank Killer/Survivor; I played this game not because of my "more then average" Skillset; but instead it is because of i have been most actively playing this game to complete my challenges and tiers! I have been playing this game for over 3 years, since I got this game for Playstation Plus, so I know how I play the game and understand both Survivor and killer side! But, I miss the good old Deranking system, in which you go down two color ranks, instead of one! It sucks to be playing a new killer for the first time, only to be losing to Genrushing SWF team that want to end the game more then rather have fun! I can not even get the new Adept achievement and suffer over 30 Loses Matches because of it!

The problem:

1: Generator get down way too quickly, there are no other objective beside that and Escape! Experience SWF or not, can end the game way to quickly, and leave when they need to, by 99% the exit gates; not triggering the Endgame Collapse!

2: Experience Survivor are using Meta and very strong Perks that killer like me have to carefully or be afraid! They have Borrowed time to go for risky saves in front of my face, they have Unbreakable and DS to be completely immune from being "tunnel" and slugged, they have exhausting perks like Dead Heart to avoid neary any attack and traps! And Adrenaline, the bane of all meta Survivor perks; free heals ans speed boost by fixing the last gen; they would literally complete change the flow of the game from mine to theirs; with this play; heck, they can even do it while remaining injured and fixing the gen in front of the killer!

3rd: Survivor have way to many ways to avoid hits, besides perks! They have huge maps, know the loops very effectively and pallet stun when able, force me to break pallets that are safe for them, and worse case scenario, do a ridiculous 360 spin to avoid the hits! Every single time, i am sure I can land the hit; like I can see the blade hit them; it always miss by some strange reasons! This happens alot when they have or not Dead Hard, it screws with my tracking and attacks; and always gives them the time they need to get to the pallet or window!

Of course, I looking for some reasonable changes to make life playing as a new killer muxh more simple and fair; while doing something about the experience Survivor taking full control of the game majority of the time!

One change would be, to make Survivor only see about 270 degrees from back side to other side! It might killed Moonwalking; but I do not think Survivor should "abuse" the 3rd camera, to give the a edge in dodging a inevitable attack in front of the killer, without any nearby window or pallet!

Another alternative change would be to have all Killer's ranks be competing separate and completely reset to 20! That way, me and others killer mains, can start from scratch with our favorite and least played killers, and Rank up to our comfortable ranking system; while getting used to the Killer's playstyle! It no fun, playing in high ranks, whens the Survivors are not making it easy and being toxic!

Finally: I do want any changes done to Generator Speeds, because I do not think anyone likes spending more then 80 seconds by yourself fixing a gen! But, Survivors have toolboxes, perks, and excellent skill check awareness, plus the numbers of Survivor together; that they can literally end the game in less then 5 minutes; unlikely normal less experience Survivors whom take the time to be immersive, be afraid to go for risky plays and saves, and do totems/search chests!

I propose a change that do not directly affect Gen Rushing; but instead the Devs implement a new gameplay mechanical that involves stalling the games a bit longer! A new Objective Survivors, need to do; in order to secure a generator to repair and fixed up! They should find a car battery or something like to plug into the Generator, in order to begin work on it! There will be 7 batteries across the map, finding one will allow the Survivors to plug on their choosen Generator and be able to work it safely! Once the Generator is done, the Survivor needs to unplug the battery, like a item; and carry the battery to the Exit Gates; to charge it up! The Survivors will need to carry 5 car like Batteries to the exit gates to power it up! Once all the gens are done, any lit gen can be used to collect more batteries to used open the exit gates!

Also, the exit gates should regressed the longer the Survivor leaves it alone! If it takes 20 Seconds to fully power the exit gate; it should regressed like a Generator by default by 1/3 the charge rate (60 seconds, if left untouched)! This gives the killer a chance to punished any Survivor attempt going for the already open exit gate they left at 99%, as the gates would have lost about half their charge for about 30 seconds they left it! This would incentive them to open that gate immediately and Trigger the end game collapse or risk their teammates going down faster!

I appreciate any positive feedback, since i find it hard to enjoy playing in the Red Ranks; without the other side not making life so stressful for killer mains! I see alot of great killers mains, but I am not solid enough to be Red of all Red Ranks; especially the way SWF can ruin the experience!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482


  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    I think most of the game is OK and killer abilities compensate for any of these imbalances. Gen rushing is countered by slugging and camping, 360's countered by playing dumb and anticipating where they're gonna 360 to. Dead harding is countered by attacking early or attacking very very late in a chase, spending their dead hard as soon as possible kills it.

    DS is dumb though. Unbreakable is OK. Soul Guard is OK. Adrenaline sucks.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Just going off your subject line (as first commenter says, "TL;DR"): no. Turn up your sensitivity and do better at predicting survivor movements if 360s are an issue for you. As far as 'gen rushing': co-op gen speed was already nerfed months back, and survivors basically now have to do all totems if Hex: Undying is in play.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    360s are pretty much impossible to counter if your FPS didn't get fixed. You can try, but it's all up to the game wanting to work properly.

  • BadBilly
    BadBilly Member Posts: 13

    ahahaha this man is getting 360 and is mad about it. I am a red rank killer too, and 360s are the most hilarious thing to me, i hit them pretty much every time and its so satisfying to down them and then just do 360 on their downed body, letting them know they are the most ridiculous people trying such a noob tactic and then they dont do it anymore to me cuz they learned it doesnt work.

    Even though repairing a gen is pretty boring and I think they could add something like where you have to find parts around the map to bring to the gen to complete it or w/e would be interesting but as for gen rushing lol doesnt exist. The whole mindset in your post is clear, you want to be able to kill every survivor before they have the ability to finish the last gen and the game just isn't balanced like that and that makes you upset. You need to understand killers are not meant to 4k every game, but if you play well you won't be punished by the pip system. I've played games where I get rekt by survivors, fast gens and no kills. Then I've played games were I rekt survivors 4ks with 4-5gens up. Some of it could be tossed up to the killer you play and the map you get but for the most part it's just how you play and react to the situation. If you don't understand that or dont want to accept that I feel like you might need to drop some ranks so you play against people at your own skill level. Or...get good.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    I would much rather just make changes like Endgame Collapse automatically starting once the last generator is finished - forcing the game to have to come to an end without the killer having to close the hatch or open one of the gates for a survivor. I've successfully 360'd a few times in my playing, but not very often because of killer lunges and their turn capability (depending on killer).

    More often that as a Survivor, I'm getting slugged when I am mid-slide or just finished sliding over a pallet or window; or getting hit through a window while standing on the other side... stupid crap like that.

    The only 'fix' to 360-ing really is either preventing Survivor's from being able to rotate their camera to look behind them while in a chase or working on a generator ( absolutely logical; but Survivor-mains will cry about it because anything that makes the game harder on them is terrible). Or, give the killer collision physics - but... that leads to body-blocking Survivors into corners (and they cry again) when they mess up and get stuck in a corner or turn the wrong way... again absolutely logical, but will never see the light of day with the current Survivor playerbase.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Damn those survivors doing objectives and being able to run in a circle.

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