Do you think flashlights should deafen the killer?

A lot of people say that flashlights are one of the worst items you could bring in a you think if they deafen the killer it would be worth to bring them?
Why would something that aims at vision affect hearing?
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That wouldn't help the reason they're bad at all. They're bad because people with flashlights want to use their flashlights, which means not doing gens.
Some people make some really great saves with them... most don't.
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Probably not that doesn’t fix why they are bad the main reason they are bad is because if you are using the flashlight in the primary way for saves that’s giving the killer free pressure even if you manage to get it which 9/10 times you won’t
I guess it’s alright if you are in a chase but it gets people to stay at unsafe loops too much and down cuz the killer hears them and deafening the killer would be a dumb way to award the survivor for bad strategy and wouldn’t make since since light doesn’t impair hearing irl
thats just my opinion on the matter
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No. Have fire crackers be a normal item one time use deafend killer blinded if not looking away
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i get blinded by them aiming at my ears when my face is buried in a wall so
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I can't hear you my screen is too bright
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Do you play killer? they already do deafen the killer.
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Facts. I still get blinded even when I turned away from the flashlight.
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Sounds are really bad from killer POV. Fix that and then we'll talk about this.
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No, why would it? Being blinded doesn't deafen anyone. That would be a Flashbang item. If Flashlights have a problem it is either they are difficult to aim, or people simply aren't spending the time to practice and learn how to aim them. Perhaps a tutorial added for aiming and use of the items. But deafness? No.
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I really like the idea, how about we make being hooked have negative impact on anything a survivor does since a hook went through the torso with each hook it gets worse. lel
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Are people saying flashlights deafening the killer? Because that has never been my experience. I find it pretty easy to follow people's footsteps and breathing after I've been blinded.
Oh, wait. I'm re-reading your OP and it seems like you're questioning whether flashlights should deafen people? Then that's a hard no. Just... no. That's not how light works.
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Wraith should be able to either attack from cloak while they're attempting the lightburn, or be immune to lightburning altogether. The fact that he has both restrictions at this point is absurd, up there with trapper being able to step in (and not over) his own traps.
Hag should be able to teleport to any trap within her radius within a few seconds of a trap being burned, or maybe the next closest trap to the one that got burned. Using the flashlight already illuminates the traps before they're even destroyed, she really needs SOMETHING to help her power stay viable when they're in play.
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you get hard countered by lightburn? Lol. Survivors trying to Lightburn me has gotten me more hits than if the survivor had kept running. Git gud.
Ignoring the huge troll face above, flashlights just need to not highlight traps within such a large radius (flashlights show auras of traps when the light beam is shone directly in the center of the trap). That's it. She needs something like the flashlight mechanic to force her hand at times. Otherwise, she can be unstoppable.
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Y es, also cripple them for a few minutes. Just teasing. ☺
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Let me turn down my radio so I can see this better.
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Flashlights making a killer deaf... LOL! WHAT?!
Here is something and prolly someone will take this as a rude reply.
Take a flashlight and shine it at one's own face. Does your ears ring? Probably not.
This is learned even before PRESCHOOL IRL.
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I Play a lot of those two killers, and those are NOT changes we need.
If you're getting lightburned a lot as Wraith start your uncloak around a corner or behind a tree. Usually they'll still go for the stun, but they won't have enough time and you'll get a free hit.
Hag and Trapper are big-brain killers. You need to place their traps carefully so that survivors can't see them and disarm them. Hag's traps are nearly invisible anyways, so I almost never have problems with flashlights. If you're trapping every hook and flashlight users are destroying them before getting the save... well that's just fair play. Don't trap hooks, trap the routes to the hooks.
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Nah flashlights are strong enough. Most people are just bad.
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emmmmm..... no? Maybe you shouldn't yell "gawddammit" when you get blinded?
I dunno... I can hear footsteps when they are close enough, and moans also just over the distance they need to stay to be in flashlight range.
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i mean, have you ever gone against a SWF with flashlights as those killers tho? because your counterplay goes out the window the second anyone can communicate where your traps are, or where your wraith shimmer is traveling to. As wraith in particullar with his shimmer and loud footsteps/moving corn and foliage/etc, a survivor can report you coming from a different angle so you have to sacrifice your positioning while decloaking most of the time to be safe from lightburn, which makes you much less able to get hits off the decloak speed burst. Even with a clapper addon, they can easily nullify the mindgame/lack of notification provided by being able to see from different angles and communicate that.
for hag? One person can literally just creep around you calling out trap locations, while another either flashlight burns them with ease when you're in a chase with someone else, too far away, carrying someone, etc. Technically they don't even need the flashlight when they know you're too far or unable to teleport to it. Trapper has the same problem obviously, which is part of why communication kills "big brain" killers like that.
Its not that the flashlights themselves are too powerful vs those specific killers, its that they are far too exploitable vs them. You're not going to run into it every game with them, but when you do it makes them feel pretty pathetic.
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Ah yes shining a light at a killers eyes should also deafen them, because magic?
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SWFs on comms are a threat to pretty much any M1 killer anyways. Going against them as Wraith is as rough as going against them as Trapper.
Hag, though? Nah. I often get teams trying to bully my Hag. It almost never goes the way they think it will, and the instant karma turnaround is pretty funny.
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Flashlights are almost as good as keys. They don't need a buff. Also, why would LIGHT affect your EARS?