What would you do if someone stole your key?
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If you don't put in your buck O five, who will?
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TBH: if i'd witness something like that playing killer (as in, I could see there's drama going on and it might involve an item), i'd knock the surv down and give the original owner 10 seconds to get the item and make a run for it.
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because that way I know where the key IS
another playing having the key means they picked it up, something I would otherwise not have been aware of.
This way I have more control over things. I can down the keyholder again and make sure the key goes pooof, or I can see about hooking them last and keeping them away from the hatch should I fail to sacrifice people before it spawns
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Let them keep it.
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Wow. Just wow.
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seems like you're the reason survivors run DS and unbreakable and bring keys in the first place.
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Okay - so I experienced that today. Except it didn't include Franklins, and I was the one who "stole" the key.
Story goes like this:
It was Wreckers Yard, Autohaven Wreckers. I spawned in, did a gen. Killer found me, killer left me. They found someone else while I'm doing a gen by the hill, caught them, hooked them. They hooked them next to me as I finished the gen. They didn't come to look for me for some reason. So, being that the hill was on the edge of the map, I walked the edge of the map toward the hook (which was also on the edge). When walking, I found a skeleton key on the ground. Obviously it was dropped there. So I yoinked it. Skip to the end, someone died, 3 of us were left, me and a David escaped with the key...Zarina died. Turns out she brought the key, and apparently tried to hide it.
I don't know if I consider that stealing, though.
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It is annoying when it happens but I wouldn’t DC. As in both scenarios I’ve lost the key, but by staying in the match I have a chance of getting it back if that survivor gets hit and I will still get BP regardless. DC is rarely the answer unless you’re legitimately bugged and unable to play.
I’m the type of player that will pick people’s items up and give it back to them when I find them again. I’m the entity’s own Uber Eats.
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Stalk them from a distance until they get tunnelled and died of course.
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I never bring keys, not even for hatch challenges, but I had a David steal my purple med kit after I saved his ass off hook and took a protection hit when the killer returned (you know that switching tech some people do when you're trying to heal them).
I find stealing to be very rude and in that particular game, I was relying on that med kit because I wasn't running Inner Strength and I usually don't trust team mates to heal me. So I ran to the killer to get hooked. That David died soon after.
As for other situations when you happen to stumble upon items on the ground, I only pick them up if my team mates are dead.
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I wouldn´t. You hide the key to prevent it from being destroyed by franklins.
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If someone steals an item during a trade with someone else or if they just won't give the item back after Franklin's I'll either let them die on hook or just go spam the unhook button and let go until they die and take my item back
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I would dislike them for doing so, then keep playing.
I've got dozens of 'em, i'm not gonna be petty over 1 finally being taken from me after playing for dozens of trials.
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At least not DC and frig the team... probably just sandbag the thief
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Basement locker roulette till they got hit lol
All jokes aside it hasn't happened before.
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I'd just let it go. If I lose an item to Franklin's then it's better for someone to at least grab it than to let it go to waste on the ground.
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It’s part of the game. They brought the key...they lost the key...someone else found the key.
I say fair play.
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I actually wish I could encounter this as killer, just so I could Franklin's someone and cause drama. It'd be more entertaining to watch than actually chase them.
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Report them to Batman so he can beat them up and give back my key.
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Unless you leave the trial with an item, it isn't yours, and thus cannot be stolen. The second the match starts, consider the item gone until you escape. If you're not willing to lose an item, don't take it in. The randoms you play with are under no obligation to "give it back."
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Honestly wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I don't take keys into trials, if i find one in a box..yay, otherwise who cares? If i drop a key, i drop it with the knowledge that i risk someone picking it up. If i carry a key around, i live with the fact that if a killer spots it, my ass is getting hooked and tunneled. If an item gets knocked out of my hand and someone picks it up, well lets hope its useful. Yeah some people can be real cheeky about it, but i tend not to stress and get petty over an item i likely have dozens of in my inventory.
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Nothing keys aren't really fair and props to the surivor that stole it
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Finders keepers
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Lol, i did this once. I was gonna give the key back to the Kate after some tbags but apparently she couldn't live 15s without it and Dc'd, then added me to say i suck at the game.
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He lost it, so it was not his anymore? Items are there to be picked up by anyone no matter if they are in a chest or on the ground.
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Lol I do perfer killer but I still feel dirty when I get a key as surivor
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"Stealing" an item from someone does not hurt the team, because the item still exists. You personally no longer having the item is not necessarily antithetical to teamwork. The other person might even put it to better use.
Or not. This is a game where you're lucky if your teammates don't farm you.
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That is... VERY funny. If I was in that match I would've pointed and laughed.
Seriously, every time someone on my team brings a key I get left behind to die. I'm very pleased there's a way for killers to hard-counter white wards and the milky glass addon. I've been using the buffed Franklins a bit just because it's funny, but I'll only ever equip it against a combination of 3 or more medkits and keys.
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As a Killer, I could care less what the Survivors do to each other, so I'm not getting involved in their squabbles. If another Survivor picked it up I'm likely to knock it out of their hand too so I can use it as bait. I may just Mori whomever is holding a Key at a location on the map that I think will keep another Survivor from finding it. Again, the Players can screw each other over all they want; it is not my business.
If I am a Survivor and somebody else picks up my Key, I'm going to go "RATS!" but not take it personal. Dem's the breaks. It seems a kind of silly thing to get caught up in when a game is so short and I have Generators to get online now that my plan b has been grabbed by someone else. Life is too short.
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nobody really 'owns' anything. Even THE ENTITY is like "where do you think you're going with that?" at the exit gates.
what a poor sport to DC over this...
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Sadly, this is pretty normal behavior for survivors (from my experience). Just yesterday I had a rank 1 Blendette DC because I knocked her yellow no-addon flashlight out of her hand.
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Screwing your team and tanking a match because you can't do a challenge is understandable? Because to me it just seems incredibly selfish and petty.
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This isn't a single player game. You go into a match with 4 other people who are also looking to have fun. If you quit and ruin their chances at having a good time because "something something I paid money for cosmetics something blah blah", then yeah. That is selfish.
It is. It just is. It's selfish. It is.
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If I think there isn’t enough time to heal under hook, I’ll drop my Medkit before I unhook and run away. It’s a survivor team so the items need to benefit the team to escape the killer. It’s not a big deal to lose an item
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Part of the game playing with randos.
While I never steal, what I like to do if I'm running my Plunderer's build is just pick up the dropped item and set it back down for them to get later. Solo survivors get screwed enough without having other survivors do it to them.