Unbreakable is crazy overrated
People like to say that Unbreakable is one of the overpowered "meta" second chance perks. But it's not really and very few people actually run it. Almost every scenario where Unbreakable gets used is a bad one.
If the Killer is slugging multiple people, the game is going pretty badly and at best Unbreakable is just gonna stall out the game longer so you get more points. Also, even in a massive slugging scenario, the last people to go down get picked up quickly so there's no time to use the perk. If the Killer is slugging you because they think you have Decisive, they're just doing it for game slowdown and pretty much expect you to get picked up anyway.
Basically, slugging is a sign the game is going badly and the Survivors are probably losing. In a normal winnable game it's pretty uncommon and usually only momentary. Ironically, I think the situations where For the People counters slugging are more common than Unbreakable scenarios. (the Killer leaves a slug for a couple seconds to check for a flashlight/pallet save, to kick a gen, break a pallet or get a hit on a Survivor they saw)
Unbreakable is extremely powerful when paired with DS because it weakens one of it's counters.
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No Killer who's slugging for Decisive expects them to still be on the floor 60 seconds later. They're just doing it for slowdown.
And even in that scenario, For the People is faster and doesn't give the Killer as much time to come back so it gets more net value
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I wouldn't call Unbreakable overpowered at all. I call it strong when paired with DS since they both cover each other’s weaknesses, but that is about it.
If anything, a killer that needs to slug is losing, since they need the extra pressure of a slug.
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Unbreakable not only allows you to get up once from being slugged but it increases the rate at which you recover. Pair this with a coordinated team and you usually won't be on the ground long if the killer decides to slug. It's definitely a strong perk with DS.
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At red ranks, they're usually slugging with Infectious Fright at above 3 gens. A really good nurse, billy or oni will just eat the unbreakable and continue chaining downs.
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I still think a SWF with For the People and Flashlights would do a better job picking up and saving teammates than all using Unbreakable.
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Then Xbox red ranks is different to PC red. Or you keep getting the same people.
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When you have 3 survivors down, and are chasing the 4th, but someone pops unbreakable and basically resets the entire game; that is underrated? It's probably the premier crutch perk next to DS.
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Even in that scenario, Unbreakable allows you to recover faster, which means they can pick you up faster.
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I agree unbreakable is overrated, but so is For the people and for the exact same reason really. If I sluggdd someone its to slow the game down, using for the people doesnt help that much cause now youre broken and very likely going down too. Half the time I see it they do it when im very close and they both end up slugged.
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the perk is strong but on SWF because the rest knows u have it and you will make a play, and prepare for it, is insanely strong and a game changing perk when the killer needed to slug in order to win. is not overrated if any is underrated because is not very commun to see.
unbrekable allows to reset and win games wich were LOST entirely. tahts how strong it is of course sometimes wont make any difference because everyone is dead but it may give u a second chance to finish a gen, get hatch, gate or any other situation at least makes so u recover 35% faster wich is something usefull.
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I'm not suggesting For the People is a meta perk. It's not amazing in solo queue and only sightly better than Unbreakable in a SWF.
I think both of them are kind of mid/low tier perks and there are lots of games where they didn't even get used at all and just eat a hole in your Survivor build.
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It's come in clutch many times in our swf and that's with just one of us running it. It's a very strong perk. Also hilarious with flip flop, tenacity in sabo, breakout squads
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Unbreakable is only really powerful when paired with Decisive Strike, specifically because it creates a no-win situation for the killer. If they leave you slugged with Unbreakable, you can pick yourself up without needing a teammate to abandon an objective. In coordinated SWF play, that is pretty effective.
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Valid point, but I'd actually rather play the game than stay idle, no point in winning or losing when you don't even get to play the game.
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Unbreakable is overrated, on it's own, most matches you won't get slugged, if you're up against a mori you're definitely not getting any use out of it. It only gets reliable use with DS because the two have synergy, if the killer doesn't want to pick up and decides to burn out your timer, unbreakable actually gets a use.
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Unbreakable is a very powerful perk, even without DS.
As a Rank 1 killer main I'll admit that I do some tactical slugging to pressure survivors off of gens. Unbreakable can completely negate that tactic, even if people just use its secondary effect to recover faster. If I've got an entire team slugging and someone recovers off the ground then that one perk has just literally saved the entire team.
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I wouldn't call it powerful, it's situational, it completely relies on a killer slugging which is an extremely rare thing to do. You can easily go 20 matches and not be slugged once. When you do finally face a killer that slugs then it's strong because it's a perk that's a direct counter to slugging but the perk is very much a one trick pony.
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iron will and unbreakable are the best perk for survivor
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If unbreakable is used correctly by a team it can completely shift the winning side to the survivor side. If anything i think it needs a bigger drawback than "can only be used once" cause the extra recover speed cuts the recover time from 30->22 also