Nerf Hag w/o actually nerfing her

Buff urban evasion, and other perks that are good against her.

Urban Evasion: 100% faster crouching, cannot get aura revealed while crouching when the killer is within 16m, grunts of pain and breathing are 50% quieter while crouching.

This would make UA more viable in general perk builds, and thus UA would be used more often, slightly nerfing hag in the process.

wait... what other perks are even good vs hag #########.


  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Hag is perfectly fine. If anything she needs her flashlight counter removed so SWf stops walking all over her.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    idk i think hag is pretty top tier. soon i think we will see "hag has been over performing, thus she will get an overheat bar"

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Hags only strong if a team misplays and gives her the time to set up. Its like Trapper. If you get yourself into a 3-4 gen situation with all the loops shutdown its your fault for playing into their hands. You can also counter her in her entirety by just sprinting through nearby loops while shes hooking or chasing someone on the other end of the map. Then shes just a 110% killer with no anti-loop. Then theres perks and items revealing and potentially destroying traps.

    Hag doesn't see enough play as it is and as someone who tried playing her before her rework creating even more counters to her would make me never touch her again.

    Urban evasion is fine as it is.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Hag won't be nerfed anytime soon reason being her whole power relies on survivors making mistakes she has plenty of counterplay people just don't understand how to play against her.

  • Magnathema
    Magnathema Member Posts: 27

    Hag already has plenty of counterplay that some survivors just don't feel like doing, so they complain instead. She's fine, but I agree we might start seeing "she's unfun to play against, so nerf her" threads once some other killers get nerfed. Some survivors want to play the exact same way in every game and win easily, and I can't imagine what would even be fun about that.

    To answer your other question, Small Game tells you when there's a trap so it's kind of good against her (kind of...).

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Hag is fine lol. She has obvious counters and isn't hard too deal with. best advice is too activate as many traps as possible when she's carrying someone so she has to reset them.

    Stop trying too nerf killers simply because you don't know counterplay.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    i guess so. i only see a good hag player like.... once every 4 months, so i cant really learn what to do against her. when i see a good hag, its like hurgghh!!!!! then my camera gets jerked around, then i get smacked bc i was forced to walk into her phantasm.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited September 2020

    Hag is not fun to play against when you get Hags that love using Pop or other game slow-down perks. They're overkill for most matches and make games unfun to play and don't actually affect the matches where a Hag is getting destroyed because of SWF or just a really good group of solo survivors that know how to play against Hag.

    Otherwise, I love playing against Hag. I think she's a blast (except for lunge connections, then it's NOT a blast).

    Things like Sprint Burst also work well against Hag, who uses her power to get herself to stationary spots.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    pop and other slowdown perks isnt my issue with hag.

    my issue with hag is the fact that her traps jerk your camera around, basically forcing a mistake.

    Secondly, i hate her basement camping potential.

    Last: i fking hate mint rag MYC hag

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Well, they're MY issues with Hag (and should objectively be issues, but that's a conversation for another time).

    Camera flicks don't matter unless you have no idea where a Hag has placed her trap, and in that case, the Hag should be landing a hit due to her placing her trap somewhere you didn't expect. The trap camera flick only ensures you'll get hit and that dedicated servers or something else doesn't **** her over.

    Basment against Hag is always tense. Requires a lot of stealth and sacrifice for maybe only forcing the Hag to return and only re-secure one person on the hook (which can be very impactful).

    You should bring flashlights more often. I too, am not a fan as a survivor, but I think MYC should just remove the unhook loud noise bubble for the killer. Hag shouldn't be made to suffer because of bad perk design.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    I can already count the number of hag players I see on 0 hands, and I dont want that number to go any lower. She's not powerful enough to warrant a nerf, whether that be direct or indirect. She has her limitations and counterplay, and is in a good spot powerwise as is. Her addons could use some tweaks (not nerfs, just rank adjustments), but nothing major needs to be done.