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Why The Hate On Stealth?

This has confused me ever since I learned that the community hated stealth as a tactic. Some people have even said that the game doesn't reward that kind of play which isn't true:

Now I understand and get that you don't want a Blendette on the edges of the map self-caring herself all game, but what's the hate on stealth as a general style of play? Not everyone can play well aggressively, and there are some killers that it's actually good to stealth against in this game.

I'm really just curious because this honestly baffles me, seeing people get slammed for using things like Urban Evasion etc.


  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    Stealth is a legitimate tactic, and a good chunk of it is people being salty, but genuinely the biggest reason is that as a killer, stealthy players are so boringgg. Finding someone to chase is the least interesting part of the game, and a team of stealthy survivors just makes it so that I'm playing hide and go seek instead of DBD. And the fact that oftentimes stealthy players tend to be significantly worse in chase doesn't help this fact.

    At the end of the day, do whatever you want! It's your experience, you make of it what you will. Just understand that, from the killer's perspective, you're basically preventing them from playing the game they queued up to play.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    People don't hate stealth as a concept. Most survivors use stealth to some degree. They hate teammates who focus so much on stealth that they ignore their teammates and OBJ in lieu of not being seen.

    If your teammate is on death-hook and you've been Urban Evasion poop-scooting around bushes all match maybe you should take this chase in her stead, right?

    Also, you're not going to get better at 'aggressive' gameplay if you don't take some chases, and chase is just where the meta of the game is focused these days.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399
    edited September 2020

    My only issues with stealthing from a survivor perspective is that they don't tend to be the most altruistic teammates, or they literally won't get anything done because their play is to stealth off the second they hear a heartbeat. (Literally had a teammate get a crow from stealthing so hard yesterday.) I know that's not true for everyone who plays this way, but it's true for enough of them that I do have a slight issue with it. To have someone stealth around and not be a helpful teammate but then escape through the hatch is just super frustrating to play with. So if someone can find a balance of that, then I'm fine with it, but that balance comes less often than not.

    As a killer, I'm just repeating the person above. Finding stealthy players gets really boring. I'd rather get absolutely outplayed in a chase than spend forever looking for someone. I've played games where I can't find ANYONE for a while, and I know eventually that's on me once gens start popping, but if people are so immersed that I still can't track anyone down, those are the games I just open the doors once they're powered and start spamming my power for BP.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961
    edited September 2020

    As a killer, it depends on the level of stealth you would go to. If you're urban evading, locker using and running calm spirit then it's a really long drawn out game, i'd much rather you die or escape than be in a 30+minute match when it comes down to you and another survivor waiting for the other to die.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I think that people don't like survivors who overcommit to stealth. As a heavily stealth player myself, I can tell a good part of one's stealth skill is knowing when committing to it. Being stealthy 100% of the time gets people killed.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,350

    Stealth has it's uses and when used well it's good. The problem is a lot of people go full stealth to a degree that their teammates suffers for it.

    As a survivor, it's not great when you play with players who go full stealth all the time to the point that if they do unhook you they just hide leaving you to get tunneled by the killer off hook because they couldn't be bothered to try to take aggro. Often times you just get left on the hook to die because they couldn't be bothered to stop hiding to save you.

    As a killer, it's not fun facing a team of survivors who go full stealth that even if gens aren't getting done you are basically just walking around the map doing nothing. I've also had games where a single stealth player hides all game and now all but 1 of his teammates are alive and I don't want to kill the guy giving the stealth player a chance for a hatch escape when they didn't do anything.