Surv. are EZ & The Selfcare, D-strike, Sprintburst & Adrenaline Metaperkcomb is to much and OP

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415


topic says all. In my Opinion Survivors are to ez and they have to many Outs. It doesn´t matter wich Killer you play or how good you are. If the Survivors running theese Perkcomb or if they are good. Theres no Chance and no Counter for the Killer because if you camp you will get punished and if you play fair you will get punished to by the Emblem System because you can´t Kill someone. The second thing is more and more Survivors are disrespectful and toxic high 10. Theres no Motivation to play Killer and it´s not Fun and very Stressfull on Highranks. I hope the Devs realize that too




  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    sry for my bad english and my bad grammatic. Yeah it´s true, survival need´s to be difficult. It is rly hard to kill someone with this Perkcomb or if he/she´s good and there are 4 Survivors. 1 VS 4 so Balance will never happening this Game and i will stop asking for it. Some people saying play Billy and Nurse.. believe me i will and i have but the Result is the same and i hope the Devs change some stuff in the Future or the Killer Community will die. But thats only my opinion

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    After encountering some hardcore SWF who just wants to make me suffer, I either go into full toxic mode as killer or switch to survivor and get bored because of the easy escapes
    I honestly cant understand why this game is still so popular^^

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    Self-care is really only a big deal against Freddy. Killers have Nurse's Calling and now a new Clown perk to help counter it. Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike, on the other hand, are completely broken, with Decisive Strike being a punch in the face to the killer and Sprint Burst being another get out of jail free card that also hard-counters the abilities of certain killers such as the Pig. Adrenaline isn't that bad, though it can be nasty when an entire SWF group are running it.

    Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike absolutely need to be reworked, but I think those are the only truly broken survivor perks.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    And yet killers keep playing and I never have to wait more than 2 minutes to get into a new game. The constant whining from some people just doesn't mesh with the reality.

    Yes, certain killers need buffs, yes some survivor perks could use a nerf, yes there are toxic survivors. But the exact opposite could be said as well. Nurse needs a nerf, Hillbilly's instant chainsaw is OP, Doctor with the right perks and add ons is a hellish experience. There are plenty of toxic killers who body block survivors in the basement and go AFK, who hard camp for no other reason than to ensure a particular survivor gets no BP, etc. There are survivors and killers who team up to farm randoms.

    Stop acting like killers and survivors are two separate classes of people. Stop whining about how one side or the other has it so hard and being teabagged or called a noob or being camped and hit on the hook is just so hurtful. It's a game, if you choose to take it seriously that's on you. If you have no motivation to play then don't.

    You haven´t been around for long have you?
    Missed last Summer, where survivors had to wait 45+ minute queues, only to get dodged.
    Yes, those were fun times! Devs had to nerf WGLF, remove region lock and give killers BBQ. All in an attempt to give killers an incentive to actually play killer.

    3 out of 12 killers are viable at high ranks: Billy, Nurse and Huntress.
    Every other killer needs a buff.

    Have you tried playing nurse yourself? Nurse has the steepest learning curve.
    Billy has no instant chainsaw.
    And the doctor makes you scream, wow... so OP!

    I have over 850 hours. Half of them as survivor and i´ve never been held hostage by a killer. NEVER!
    But survivors sure have held the game hostage by using DH to reach unreachable spot and then go afk. Or by abusing a glitch. Crotus Penn was famous for having unreachable spots for the killer.

  • kimukipi
    kimukipi Member Posts: 137

    And funny thing is it has been proven again and again that survivors don't even need perks to play optimally. Its widely accepted that if 4 survivors decide to just do the gens and get out, there is absolutely nothing the killer can do no matter whatsoever. While the same cannot be said for killers and yet we have threads asking "how bbq is fair", "wglf needs a buff", "ds is fine","remove nurse from game". lmao.

  • theagitatedapricot
    theagitatedapricot Member Posts: 78
    @Tsulan I have more than double your hours, but nice try. I never once waited anything close to 45 minutes. Those were matchmaking issues, anyway.
  • theagitatedapricot
    theagitatedapricot Member Posts: 78
    Also I'm not sure why you're saying they had to remove region lock like that's some crazy change. Most games let you play with people all over the world.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited June 2018

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    @Tsulan I have more than double your hours, but nice try. I never once waited anything close to 45 minutes. Those were matchmaking issues, anyway.

    Sure mate, whatever you say.

  • theagitatedapricot
    theagitatedapricot Member Posts: 78
    Tsulan said:

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    @Tsulan I have more than double your hours, but nice try. I never once waited anything close to 45 minutes. Those were matchmaking issues, anyway.

    Sure mate, whatever you say.

    I play solo and on PS4. But ok. Tell me more about my personal experiences.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @The_Manlet said:
    Self-care is really only a big deal against Freddy. Killers have Nurse's Calling and now a new Clown perk to help counter it. Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike, on the other hand, are completely broken, with Decisive Strike being a punch in the face to the killer and Sprint Burst being another get out of jail free card that also hard-counters the abilities of certain killers such as the Pig. Adrenaline isn't that bad, though it can be nasty when an entire SWF group are running it.

    Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike absolutely need to be reworked, but I think those are the only truly broken survivor perks.

    Selfcare is strong no matter what killer you face, it makes this game a solo-viable and this shouldnt be a thing in my opinion.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615
    edited June 2018

    You have spoke the truth. Your grammar is buggin' the crap outta me (I'm a grammar nazi), but your message is loud and clear and too true. The advertisement videos for DbD says that the Killer is the power role when the only power that Killer has is the ability to block the basement stairs to secure the kill on that tbagging, DS using, flashlight spamming, pallet looping a$$hole lol

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Jack11803 said:
    The way to balance killers and solo is to buff solo to have SWF style comms. With this they’d be equal strength to SWF, so both could be nerfed without gutting and making solo impossible. That’s why survivors aren’t nerfed as is, it’s make solo to weak. So if solo is as strong as SWF, it’d no longer be to weak, and a PROPER NERF could be applied, making the comms not a problem, and achieving the closest thing to balance we’ve had in a while.

    I disagree. I just feel that we need to reduce the number of pallets or add a secondary objective to make gen rushing no longer a thing or something along the line of that.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    @Master said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    Self-care is really only a big deal against Freddy. Killers have Nurse's Calling and now a new Clown perk to help counter it. Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike, on the other hand, are completely broken, with Decisive Strike being a punch in the face to the killer and Sprint Burst being another get out of jail free card that also hard-counters the abilities of certain killers such as the Pig. Adrenaline isn't that bad, though it can be nasty when an entire SWF group are running it.

    Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike absolutely need to be reworked, but I think those are the only truly broken survivor perks.

    Selfcare is strong no matter what killer you face, it makes this game a solo-viable and this shouldnt be a thing in my opinion.

    While Self-care has certainly subverted the intended game design and the fact that every single survivor runs Self-care if they have access to it is alarming, can you imagine the game without it? Killers would pretty much win by default. And at least wounding someone wastes a lot of their time by requiring them to heal themselves.

    @Judicar said:

    @Master said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    Self-care is really only a big deal against Freddy. Killers have Nurse's Calling and now a new Clown perk to help counter it. Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike, on the other hand, are completely broken, with Decisive Strike being a punch in the face to the killer and Sprint Burst being another get out of jail free card that also hard-counters the abilities of certain killers such as the Pig. Adrenaline isn't that bad, though it can be nasty when an entire SWF group are running it.

    Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike absolutely need to be reworked, but I think those are the only truly broken survivor perks.

    Selfcare is strong no matter what killer you face, it makes this game a solo-viable and this shouldnt be a thing in my opinion.

    Please, killers think literally any viable perk survivors have in their arsenal is OP. There's a guy in another thread here saying frickin' Iron Will is OP for gods sake. Some will never admit it but the truth is they won't be happy until survivors are stripped of all perks. Funny you never hear any survivors complain about bloodlust even though that was never originally in the game and it essentially made any player, no matter their skill level, competent against good survivors.

    Bloodlust is a band-aid meant to prevent survivors from being able to infinitely loop the killer around certain obstacles. A band-aid for bad level design and hitbox issues allowing for looping. Bloodlust does almost nothing other than allow the killer to hit you if he loops you around the same pallet for over half a minute.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Judicar said:

    @Master said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    Self-care is really only a big deal against Freddy. Killers have Nurse's Calling and now a new Clown perk to help counter it. Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike, on the other hand, are completely broken, with Decisive Strike being a punch in the face to the killer and Sprint Burst being another get out of jail free card that also hard-counters the abilities of certain killers such as the Pig. Adrenaline isn't that bad, though it can be nasty when an entire SWF group are running it.

    Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike absolutely need to be reworked, but I think those are the only truly broken survivor perks.

    Selfcare is strong no matter what killer you face, it makes this game a solo-viable and this shouldnt be a thing in my opinion.

    Please, killers think literally any viable perk survivors have in their arsenal is OP. There's a guy in another thread here saying frickin' Iron Will is OP for gods sake. Some will never admit it but the truth is they won't be happy until survivors are stripped of all perks. Funny you never hear any survivors complain about bloodlust even though that was never originally in the game and it essentially made any player, no matter their skill level, competent against good survivors.

    Why is it used by every survivor then, quite alarming if you ask me...
    Two survivors are working at a gen and you come across them:
    SC scenario:
    Hit one and "tunnel" him down, if you hit one and then try to get the other one, the first one will simply SC and you lost time overall

    no-SC scenario
    Hit one, then go for the next.
    The injured guy has now search for another team member to heal him. Unless they play SWF (thats a problem I wont discuss here) it can take ages to find another survivor while trying not to get too close to the killer because of the injure sounds.

    Overall, you basically take one survivor out of the game while you chase the second guy. In the first chase this would mean the difference between a 2gen chase and a 3gen chase (assuming experienced survivors)

    Now another thing, survivors always cry about tunneling the unhooked guy
    With SC_
    There is a injured guy and a healthy one. The injured guy has already advanced hook progress, so he will die sooner on the hook.
    If I now let the injured guy go and chase the healthy one, the injured guy will SC in a few seconds and I lost all my pressure while the other guy loops me around
    There is literally no reason why you should not tunnel the injured survivor who just got unhooked

    I always thought that this is a thing every survivors hates, isnt it? Yes it happens because of SC

    Without SC:
    Let the injured guy go away and chase the unhooking survivor. The unhooked guy has to find another survivor now to heal him (will be a bit easier than in the previous scenarion because he saw the other survivors on the hook)
    This means that during my chase of the healthy guy I still have the injured guy pressured by seraching another survivor or even the other survivors searching the injured guy.
    This pressure might be enough that the killer considers this kind of strategy more effective than tunneling

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @Tsulan said:

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    And yet killers keep playing and I never have to wait more than 2 minutes to get into a new game. The constant whining from some people just doesn't mesh with the reality.

    Yes, certain killers need buffs, yes some survivor perks could use a nerf, yes there are toxic survivors. But the exact opposite could be said as well. Nurse needs a nerf, Hillbilly's instant chainsaw is OP, Doctor with the right perks and add ons is a hellish experience. There are plenty of toxic killers who body block survivors in the basement and go AFK, who hard camp for no other reason than to ensure a particular survivor gets no BP, etc. There are survivors and killers who team up to farm randoms.

    Stop acting like killers and survivors are two separate classes of people. Stop whining about how one side or the other has it so hard and being teabagged or called a noob or being camped and hit on the hook is just so hurtful. It's a game, if you choose to take it seriously that's on you. If you have no motivation to play then don't.

    You haven´t been around for long have you?
    Missed last Summer, where survivors had to wait 45+ minute queues, only to get dodged.
    Yes, those were fun times! Devs had to nerf WGLF, remove region lock and give killers BBQ. All in an attempt to give killers an incentive to actually play killer.

    3 out of 12 killers are viable at high ranks: Billy, Nurse and Huntress.
    Every other killer needs a buff.

    Have you tried playing nurse yourself? Nurse has the steepest learning curve.
    Billy has no instant chainsaw.
    And the doctor makes you scream, wow... so OP!

    I have over 850 hours. Half of them as survivor and i´ve never been held hostage by a killer. NEVER!
    But survivors sure have held the game hostage by using DH to reach unreachable spot and then go afk. Or by abusing a glitch. Crotus Penn was famous for having unreachable spots for the killer.

    Yup I have probably about the same amount of hours or more and until the last couple of months I never really played killer and not once have I been held hostage. Although I never play like a piece of ######### either maybe there is a correlation.

    I play on console and right now the lobby problem is real. If you want to play SWF past 9pm EST you will be waiting over 30 minutes or more for a game and don't think of bringing anything with you or the killer will dodge. He will probably dodge because you are 4 loading in at the same time. Do I fault them? not really, they can easily get another game in 1 minute since no one is playing killer. Not my game below but someone posted it on facebook, killer's skill aside the point is that if mid tier killers are getting these types of games and the stress that comes from them I can see why people would just rather play SWF and deal with no stress. I started a new account and at rank 18 I am getting full perked out survivor teams with their flashlights and all that mess.

    Inb4 run franklins, note the hotswitch. How is this not something that devs have addressed. I get hotswitches to 4 flashlights far more than I ever should. I would switch franklins on if I could..

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    And yet killers keep playing and I never have to wait more than 2 minutes to get into a new game. The constant whining from some people just doesn't mesh with the reality.

    Yes, certain killers need buffs, yes some survivor perks could use a nerf, yes there are toxic survivors. But the exact opposite could be said as well. Nurse needs a nerf, Hillbilly's instant chainsaw is OP, Doctor with the right perks and add ons is a hellish experience. There are plenty of toxic killers who body block survivors in the basement and go AFK, who hard camp for no other reason than to ensure a particular survivor gets no BP, etc. There are survivors and killers who team up to farm randoms.

    Stop acting like killers and survivors are two separate classes of people. Stop whining about how one side or the other has it so hard and being teabagged or called a noob or being camped and hit on the hook is just so hurtful. It's a game, if you choose to take it seriously that's on you. If you have no motivation to play then don't.

    You haven´t been around for long have you?
    Missed last Summer, where survivors had to wait 45+ minute queues, only to get dodged.
    Yes, those were fun times! Devs had to nerf WGLF, remove region lock and give killers BBQ. All in an attempt to give killers an incentive to actually play killer.

    3 out of 12 killers are viable at high ranks: Billy, Nurse and Huntress.
    Every other killer needs a buff.

    Have you tried playing nurse yourself? Nurse has the steepest learning curve.
    Billy has no instant chainsaw.
    And the doctor makes you scream, wow... so OP!

    I have over 850 hours. Half of them as survivor and i´ve never been held hostage by a killer. NEVER!
    But survivors sure have held the game hostage by using DH to reach unreachable spot and then go afk. Or by abusing a glitch. Crotus Penn was famous for having unreachable spots for the killer.

    Yup I have probably about the same amount of hours or more and until the last couple of months I never really played killer and not once have I been held hostage. Although I never play like a piece of ######### either maybe there is a correlation.

    I play on console and right now the lobby problem is real. If you want to play SWF past 9pm EST you will be waiting over 30 minutes or more for a game and don't think of bringing anything with you or the killer will dodge. He will probably dodge because you are 4 loading in at the same time. Do I fault them? not really, they can easily get another game in 1 minute since no one is playing killer. Not my game below but someone posted it on facebook, killer's skill aside the point is that if mid tier killers are getting these types of games and the stress that comes from them I can see why people would just rather play SWF and deal with no stress. I started a new account and at rank 18 I am getting full perked out survivor teams with their flashlights and all that mess.

    Inb4 run franklins, note the hotswitch. How is this not something that devs have addressed. I get hotswitches to 4 flashlights far more than I ever should. I would switch franklins on if I could..

    Playing killer ends up being stressful and everything but fun.
    A match like this feels like hard work. But only for the killer. Survivors have their fun playing with the killer.
    Devs don´t seem to see that. Or they don´t care.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Judicar said:

    @Master said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    Self-care is really only a big deal against Freddy. Killers have Nurse's Calling and now a new Clown perk to help counter it. Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike, on the other hand, are completely broken, with Decisive Strike being a punch in the face to the killer and Sprint Burst being another get out of jail free card that also hard-counters the abilities of certain killers such as the Pig. Adrenaline isn't that bad, though it can be nasty when an entire SWF group are running it.

    Sprint Burst and Decisive Strike absolutely need to be reworked, but I think those are the only truly broken survivor perks.

    Selfcare is strong no matter what killer you face, it makes this game a solo-viable and this shouldnt be a thing in my opinion.

    Please, killers think literally any viable perk survivors have in their arsenal is OP. There's a guy in another thread here saying frickin' Iron Will is OP for gods sake. Some will never admit it but the truth is they won't be happy until survivors are stripped of all perks. Funny you never hear any survivors complain about bloodlust even though that was never originally in the game and it essentially made any player, no matter their skill level, competent against good survivors.

    Actually I was there when the steam forums of DbD were filled with 'Bloodlust is OP' threads. So your statement there is wrong and it never even helped and what you refer to as 'good' survivors are just the people who run in circles around a piece of wood or a near-infinity and the Bloodlust was supposed to be a counter to that even though it took 20 seconds before even getting the first tier of it. So you're wrong again. But I will agree with you and state that Iron Will isn't OP. It really isn't. But man don't try and make false accusations. Please don't try and pull that $hit.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Tsulan said:

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    And yet killers keep playing and I never have to wait more than 2 minutes to get into a new game. The constant whining from some people just doesn't mesh with the reality.

    Yes, certain killers need buffs, yes some survivor perks could use a nerf, yes there are toxic survivors. But the exact opposite could be said as well. Nurse needs a nerf, Hillbilly's instant chainsaw is OP, Doctor with the right perks and add ons is a hellish experience. There are plenty of toxic killers who body block survivors in the basement and go AFK, who hard camp for no other reason than to ensure a particular survivor gets no BP, etc. There are survivors and killers who team up to farm randoms.

    Stop acting like killers and survivors are two separate classes of people. Stop whining about how one side or the other has it so hard and being teabagged or called a noob or being camped and hit on the hook is just so hurtful. It's a game, if you choose to take it seriously that's on you. If you have no motivation to play then don't.

    You haven´t been around for long have you?
    Missed last Summer, where survivors had to wait 45+ minute queues, only to get dodged.
    Yes, those were fun times! Devs had to nerf WGLF, remove region lock and give killers BBQ. All in an attempt to give killers an incentive to actually play killer.

    3 out of 12 killers are viable at high ranks: Billy, Nurse and Huntress.
    Every other killer needs a buff.

    Have you tried playing nurse yourself? Nurse has the steepest learning curve.
    Billy has no instant chainsaw.
    And the doctor makes you scream, wow... so OP!

    I have over 850 hours. Half of them as survivor and i´ve never been held hostage by a killer. NEVER!
    But survivors sure have held the game hostage by using DH to reach unreachable spot and then go afk. Or by abusing a glitch. Crotus Penn was famous for having unreachable spots for the killer.

    Yup I have probably about the same amount of hours or more and until the last couple of months I never really played killer and not once have I been held hostage. Although I never play like a piece of ######### either maybe there is a correlation.

    I play on console and right now the lobby problem is real. If you want to play SWF past 9pm EST you will be waiting over 30 minutes or more for a game and don't think of bringing anything with you or the killer will dodge. He will probably dodge because you are 4 loading in at the same time. Do I fault them? not really, they can easily get another game in 1 minute since no one is playing killer. Not my game below but someone posted it on facebook, killer's skill aside the point is that if mid tier killers are getting these types of games and the stress that comes from them I can see why people would just rather play SWF and deal with no stress. I started a new account and at rank 18 I am getting full perked out survivor teams with their flashlights and all that mess.

    Inb4 run franklins, note the hotswitch. How is this not something that devs have addressed. I get hotswitches to 4 flashlights far more than I ever should. I would switch franklins on if I could..

    Playing killer ends up being stressful and everything but fun.
    A match like this feels like hard work. But only for the killer. Survivors have their fun playing with the killer.
    Devs don´t seem to see that. Or they don´t care.

    No offence but your gameplay of Huntress is cringy.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415
    edited June 2018

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    No offence but your gameplay of Huntress is cringy.

    None taken, no offense but your reading comprehension is cringy. As I said not my game, someone on console posted it. Was just showing what level 12 killers deal with. Aiming with a joystick isn't the easiest so I can sympathize with him a bit

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615
    edited June 2018

    @Shipthebread said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    No offence but your gameplay of Huntress is cringy.

    None taken, no offense but your reading comprehension is cringy. As I said not my game, someone on console posted it. Was just showing what level 12 killers deal with. Aiming with a joystick isn't the easiest so I can sympathize with him a bit

    I didn't even read your comment I just watched the video and assumed it was you. My bad. And yeah I noticed it was controller play with the prompts and it just was so cringy >.<

  • theagitatedapricot
    theagitatedapricot Member Posts: 78
    Yeah that was a tough watch. You knew they had flashlights and just kept picking them up right out in the open when survivos were swarming around you like flies. You kept trying to throw hatchets through objects for some reason. And they spent so much time going for saves that they barely made any progress on objectives, which allowed you to kill 3 (I'd say the DC counted as a kill).

    Playing aggressive isn't "bullying." It's part of the game. Is tunneling bullying?
  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    Yeah that was a tough watch. You knew they had flashlights and just kept picking them up right out in the open when survivos were swarming around you like flies. You kept trying to throw hatchets through objects for some reason. And they spent so much time going for saves that they barely made any progress on objectives, which allowed you to kill 3 (I'd say the DC counted as a kill).

    Playing aggressive isn't "bullying." It's part of the game. Is tunneling bullying?

    Again wasn't my game. The point I was trying to make was that right now there is a lack of killers, the guy in question is rank 12 or whatever and these are the kinds of games he is getting. For a mid tier killer 2 DS and a lot of flashlights certainly isn't fun. Not everyone is playing this game for anything but some good fun, is the game in question fun or frustrating?

  • theagitatedapricot
    theagitatedapricot Member Posts: 78
    You don't get to decide how games go. I don't have fun when I don't use any obsession perks and still end up being the obsession and tunneled and camped until death. Every single game I play varies between fun and frustrating. If you don't want a challenge go play Solitaire.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    And yet killers keep playing and I never have to wait more than 2 minutes to get into a new game. The constant whining from some people just doesn't mesh with the reality.

    Yes, certain killers need buffs, yes some survivor perks could use a nerf, yes there are toxic survivors. But the exact opposite could be said as well. Nurse needs a nerf, Hillbilly's instant chainsaw is OP, Doctor with the right perks and add ons is a hellish experience. There are plenty of toxic killers who body block survivors in the basement and go AFK, who hard camp for no other reason than to ensure a particular survivor gets no BP, etc. There are survivors and killers who team up to farm randoms.

    Stop acting like killers and survivors are two separate classes of people. Stop whining about how one side or the other has it so hard and being teabagged or called a noob or being camped and hit on the hook is just so hurtful. It's a game, if you choose to take it seriously that's on you. If you have no motivation to play then don't.

    You haven´t been around for long have you?
    Missed last Summer, where survivors had to wait 45+ minute queues, only to get dodged.
    Yes, those were fun times! Devs had to nerf WGLF, remove region lock and give killers BBQ. All in an attempt to give killers an incentive to actually play killer.

    3 out of 12 killers are viable at high ranks: Billy, Nurse and Huntress.
    Every other killer needs a buff.

    Have you tried playing nurse yourself? Nurse has the steepest learning curve.
    Billy has no instant chainsaw.
    And the doctor makes you scream, wow... so OP!

    I have over 850 hours. Half of them as survivor and i´ve never been held hostage by a killer. NEVER!
    But survivors sure have held the game hostage by using DH to reach unreachable spot and then go afk. Or by abusing a glitch. Crotus Penn was famous for having unreachable spots for the killer.

    Yup I have probably about the same amount of hours or more and until the last couple of months I never really played killer and not once have I been held hostage. Although I never play like a piece of ######### either maybe there is a correlation.

    I play on console and right now the lobby problem is real. If you want to play SWF past 9pm EST you will be waiting over 30 minutes or more for a game and don't think of bringing anything with you or the killer will dodge. He will probably dodge because you are 4 loading in at the same time. Do I fault them? not really, they can easily get another game in 1 minute since no one is playing killer. Not my game below but someone posted it on facebook, killer's skill aside the point is that if mid tier killers are getting these types of games and the stress that comes from them I can see why people would just rather play SWF and deal with no stress. I started a new account and at rank 18 I am getting full perked out survivor teams with their flashlights and all that mess.

    Inb4 run franklins, note the hotswitch. How is this not something that devs have addressed. I get hotswitches to 4 flashlights far more than I ever should. I would switch franklins on if I could..

    Playing killer ends up being stressful and everything but fun.
    A match like this feels like hard work. But only for the killer. Survivors have their fun playing with the killer.
    Devs don´t seem to see that. Or they don´t care.

    No offence but your gameplay of Huntress is cringy.

    No offence, but that´s not my gameplay...

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    This thread just exist as evidence this community is divided beyond repair.

  • TTVRaddyCent
    TTVRaddyCent Member Posts: 2

    To put this in the simplest of terms, Killers should be feared at all times, not toyed with...

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736
    So uh how about this...

    Get rid of survivors (op perks) killers gotta either give up noed or nurses..and once you hooked a survivor you can not hook that survivor again for at least 1-2 mins..
    Killer mains cry about the perks that survivors have yet they have noed..nurses..BBQ (which you can not counter) and blood lust..yup blood lust main be for the pallet Loopers but if you're trying to get rid of SB and all our good perks you can't go any fast either...or have any perks that make you go fast like fire up..fighting fire with fire isn't the way to sovle a problem..but here are the killer mains yet again bitching about the op perks that survivors have yet yall have some too..
    Just chop off our arms and legs so we can't move then maybe y'all would be happy..
    But then again you'd find something to ######### about....
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @MrsMaliciousX said:
    So uh how about this...

    Get rid of survivors (op perks) killers gotta either give up noed or nurses..and once you hooked a survivor you can not hook that survivor again for at least 1-2 mins..
    Killer mains cry about the perks that survivors have yet they have noed..nurses..BBQ (which you can not counter) and blood lust..yup blood lust main be for the pallet Loopers but if you're trying to get rid of SB and all our good perks you can't go any fast either...or have any perks that make you go fast like fire up..fighting fire with fire isn't the way to sovle a problem..but here are the killer mains yet again bitching about the op perks that survivors have yet yall have some too..
    Just chop off our arms and legs so we can't move then maybe y'all would be happy..
    But then again you'd find something to ######### about....

    Noed and BBQ can both be countered easily, you dont even need a perk to counter it, just some brain :wink:
    But sure, I will gladly throw oaway Noed and BBQ and fire up if we can get rid of survivor meta perks, any time :lol:

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @Master said:

    @MrsMaliciousX said:
    So uh how about this...

    Get rid of survivors (op perks) killers gotta either give up noed or nurses..and once you hooked a survivor you can not hook that survivor again for at least 1-2 mins..
    Killer mains cry about the perks that survivors have yet they have noed..nurses..BBQ (which you can not counter) and blood lust..yup blood lust main be for the pallet Loopers but if you're trying to get rid of SB and all our good perks you can't go any fast either...or have any perks that make you go fast like fire up..fighting fire with fire isn't the way to sovle a problem..but here are the killer mains yet again bitching about the op perks that survivors have yet yall have some too..
    Just chop off our arms and legs so we can't move then maybe y'all would be happy..
    But then again you'd find something to ######### about....

    Noed and BBQ can both be countered easily, you dont even need a perk to counter it, just some brain :wink:
    But sure, I will gladly throw oaway Noed and BBQ and fire up if we can get rid of survivor meta perks, any time :lol:

    LOL He says they can't be countered. 1 has a hard counter and the other can be countered fairly easily with mind games. Then says by giving those up we got to allowed 1-2 min between hooks. So when someone gets hooked they get off and area allowed to do 1 gen before being allowed to be hooked again? The comment by this survivor main shows just how out to lunch some of the survivor community is.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Alright you say that they are Meta Perks?
    I don't get it..Killer mains COMPLAIN about everything..first there was too many pallets so they took some out, now that there are less pallets..they are still complaining about "infinite" looping..which is easily avoided..I play both survivor and I play killer..and yes it is more stressful on the killer (which it should be) your job is to kill..we get that..they also said that the hooks were spaced to far not only have more but they are basically side by side..I don't get it..and now its all about SC DS SB ... like i said if you want these gone get rid of the perks that help the killer the most..people say that SWF is op...well yeah it can be but not every SWF know what they are doing...9/10 if im SWF ill let myself get killed before anyone else..but that's just me...Now when you play with randoms its basically a death sentence. They not only get you off the hook in front of killer they also try to heal right off of hook..I dont know how many times ive gotten killed because of randoms..which is why I say someone who has just been hooked should have a cool down. Its not my fault that the teammates are doing it ..and there is no way for me to stop that would be an easy kill for the killer..Most of the time you will be able to tell when someone has SB they will let you get real close..either follow through with it or go find someone else...You see if you say that BBQ can be can SB and DS..but no one wants to admit that there is a way around it..they just want the game to fit their wants and needs..if you need someone to get rid of SB or DS or something else like that then maybe playing killer isn't for Like i said I play both sides..Im the same rank on both ...Im not just a survivor main or killer

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    @TTVRaddyCent said:
    To put this in the simplest of terms, Killers should be feared at all times, not toyed with...

    I dont know who doesn't fear the killers..i still do half the time i dont make it out alive..and when i dont its fine they are better than I am..but you will always have people that will toy with you..No matter what changes they make lol..

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Master said:

    @MrsMaliciousX said:
    So uh how about this...

    Get rid of survivors (op perks) killers gotta either give up noed or nurses..and once you hooked a survivor you can not hook that survivor again for at least 1-2 mins..
    Killer mains cry about the perks that survivors have yet they have noed..nurses..BBQ (which you can not counter) and blood lust..yup blood lust main be for the pallet Loopers but if you're trying to get rid of SB and all our good perks you can't go any fast either...or have any perks that make you go fast like fire up..fighting fire with fire isn't the way to sovle a problem..but here are the killer mains yet again bitching about the op perks that survivors have yet yall have some too..
    Just chop off our arms and legs so we can't move then maybe y'all would be happy..
    But then again you'd find something to ######### about....

    Noed and BBQ can both be countered easily, you dont even need a perk to counter it, just some brain :wink:
    But sure, I will gladly throw oaway Noed and BBQ and fire up if we can get rid of survivor meta perks, any time :lol:

    LOL He says they can't be countered. 1 has a hard counter and the other can be countered fairly easily with mind games. Then says by giving those up we got to allowed 1-2 min between hooks. So when someone gets hooked they get off and area allowed to do 1 gen before being allowed to be hooked again? The comment by this survivor main shows just how out to lunch some of the survivor community is.

    It has nothing to do with being a survivor main. It has everything to do with killer mains crying about the swf and the voice chat..when half the time the random survivors are more deadly then the gosh darn killer..this is make it so that the hooked can't just be farmed..i get that they dont get the points..but if i cant stop the survivor from doing it what the heck is the point? yeah borrowed time blah blah they are randoms they dont care if they have borrowed time or not..and for killer mains they dont see it this way, they see it as well they were hurt more than the others so im just going to tunneling them until they are dead, when most of the time the hooked survivor didn't even stand a chance lol

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    Hello, the fact is it doesn´t matter wich Killer you play. Nurse or Billy or other makes no diffrent. If you camp then like a death you didnt pip and if you play fair you didnt pip too cause they have to many outs. I know its a 1 vs 4 and swf is a special thing. Balance will be never happend, but surviving needs to be challenged. If you has alittle bit experience theres no challenge. Why the devs don´t rework the complete Gen progress or make it much harder for ranks 10 - 5 - 1 ? ... when finally comes the new league System with rewards and the new Reportsystem ? you see? questions over questions. But back to topic: I play both sides on Rank 1 and in my Opinion Survivors are OP.

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    D-STRIKE is not Over powered, it is alot of times hard to hit the skill check.
    But I do kind of agree that survivors are easier than killer.

  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    @swenpai said:
    D-STRIKE is not Over powered, it is alot of times hard to hit the skill check.
    But I do kind of agree that survivors are easier than killer.

    That feelin' when someone hit me with a d-strike and ran me for an extra minute on lerys.
    That fee'ilin' when an extra sacrifice was robbed by a d-strike near the gate in the same game.
    That feelin' when you're wrong.

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259
    Markness said:

    @swenpai said:
    D-STRIKE is not Over powered, it is alot of times hard to hit the skill check.
    But I do kind of agree that survivors are easier than killer.

    That feelin' when someone hit me with a d-strike and ran me for an extra minute on lerys.
    That fee'ilin' when an extra sacrifice was robbed by a d-strike near the gate in the same game.
    That feelin' when you're wrong.

    I can barely understand anything that you're saying will all of you feelin' fee'in' slangs but I'll repond about what I understood.
    The fact that you can't catch a injured, slow survivor when you're almost as twice as fast is a problem.
    And I am even a killer main.
    Try to get a little better at catching survivors maybe.
  • dragospk
    dragospk Member Posts: 6

    I think the style of the survivors should be to hide by the map and avoid confrontations with the killer, that would be balanced, but today the game took a very different course, just remember when you started playing, you would not run after the killer alike You do it today, and it's not necessarily because you got very good, but because you realized that the killer is weak, you're not afraid of him anymore, and that's the big problem, the killer needs to be buffed so that if you cross with him you lose and not him, this is not arguable, I want to feel the impression of fear again.

  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    @swenpai said:
    Markness said:

    @swenpai said:

    D-STRIKE is not Over powered, it is alot of times hard to hit the skill check.

    But I do kind of agree that survivors are easier than killer.

    That feelin' when someone hit me with a d-strike and ran me for an extra minute on lerys.

    That fee'ilin' when an extra sacrifice was robbed by a d-strike near the gate in the same game.

    That feelin' when you're wrong.

    I can barely understand anything that you're saying will all of you feelin' fee'in' slangs but I'll repond about what I understood.
    The fact that you can't catch a injured, slow survivor when you're almost as twice as fast is a problem.
    And I am even a killer main.
    Try to get a little better at catching survivors maybe.

    Injured survivors run slower? Since when? Oh wait.. since never. So thanks for bringing that up.

    Seriously man, its like totally so hard to run away from someone that is stunned and then you get to a window or something that gives you distance because you vault faster than the killer and then you do circles around obstacles and drop a pallet... then you go back to the window and do it in an another direction.. so hard.

    I've hit rank 1 numerous times as killer and survivor and it is not hard as survivor. Don't pretend that I need to L2P when in reality it is the game that is completely broken. If there is a map that has a building then I guarantee I could run you around it for 5 gens unless you get lucky with the nurse or use broken add-ons with the other ones (insta-down hatchets, etc.)

    The game is completely broken with map balance and DS is broken on top of that broken map balance.

    I keep coming back to this game anticipating when they will finally address the balance issues and they dance around it because of people like you. Stop pretending the game/perks are fine when they aren't. A good chunk of high rank killers agree that DS needs a nerf.

    Anywho, the hatch and all the other crap are minor issues (slug the 3rd survivor) and I don't feel like grinding for cosmetics so I'll be back when they finally get rid of that broken perk and stop balancing this game around rank 20 play.