My take on character sexualities

I’ve seen some arguments on Twitter lately so i was just wondering what the take on it was here.. personally I feel like there the characters shouldn’t have set in stone sexualities (lore clearly stating this is who they are and how they identify) I feel like it should be left up to the player to decide.. that way there’s room for new ships and what not..
although here’s how I personally would identify the characters.. I would love to hear feed back so feel free to lemme know if you agree or disagree with anything - !!!!!! EDIT: THIS IS MY OPINION AND IM NOT SAYING THIS SHOULD BE CANNON !!!! SORRY IF IT DOESNT MATCH YOURS !!!!!!
dwight - gay
meg - bi
claudette - straight or asexual
jake - straight/possibly pan?
nea - lesbian
Ace - straight (although he’s a bit flamboyant he strikes me as they type to be a bit of a homophobe)
Feng - Straight
David - Bi
Kate - straight/bi-curious
Adam - Straight
Jeff - Bi/Pan
Jane - Pan
Yui - Lesbian
Zarina - Bi
Felix - straight/possibly bi?
Its a video game... What is the world coming to.
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Personally I don't see Min (Feng) as straight; I see her as bi leaning towards men but not straight.
And I don't know why but Felix strikes me as straight up gay.
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This was simply to ask the community’s take on a current discussion even the devs have addressed.. sorry this makes you uncomfortable?
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you make a good point with feng lol.. and when I first saw Felix I felt the exact same lol but in his lore he has a girlfriend so that’s why I think hes bi
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seems like you're making deliberately almost everybody not straight because that's a cool feature to have in a videogame, my god, how can you even come out with such conclusion when the characters lore is so bland (except claudette, that might be reasonable), like Felix had a wife, seems pretty obvious to me.
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Eh, I agree we could use some representation, but I dont think making every character gay one way or the other is the way to go.
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I'm unsure why the sexuality of a character with like 3 paragraphs of actual written lore in a video game where they are literally meant to die matters. All of this is based off appearances...and I mean, judging people by how they look is kind of scummy.
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You aren't really "addressing" anything lol.
What I want to address though is Felix's random Pregnant Girlfriend. Literally came out of no where and had no real place in the story and made most of how they defined Felix to come into question.
Also: I ship Kate/Jeff forever.
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Felix had a girlfriend correction.. and a majority of the community agrees that Felix defenitly isn’t straight not to mention lore making a point to say he frequently drank and partied whos to say he hasn’t expiremented during that time too but anyways... meg, dewight, Kate, David and nea all have very popular gay ships or are just popularly assumes to be lgbt..
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Rule 34 🤷♂️
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I know, I think this is just what the OP wants, whether subconsciously or consciously. Like how do you get Jeff to be Bi/Pan?
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Why are you trying to assign sexualities to characters can't you just enjoy the characters enough without doing that
dwight - doesn't get any from either gender
meg - breaths too loud
claudette - Gender_XX_Preference not found its too sneaky
jake - is a chad yoga instructor
nea - entity don't need love
Ace - Gambler
Feng - Gamer
David - Too bloody too often to be with anyone
Kate - Too busy writing music to bother with the slim pickings in the entitiys realm
Adam - Known to throw pebbles in bed
Jeff - Spends too much time trimming hair/beard to have any left over to bother
Jane - Pan fried rice
Yui - tries to flirt but can't stop driving people away by bragging about moterbikes
Zarina - Probably straight because she is interesting in cowBOYS
Felix - Had a wife
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the community agrees on what base? it's like the meme that Dwight and David are a couple, despite living in completely different countries (and who knows, maybe times). That's the point, you wrote down an entire shopping list where you chose the sexuality randomly, like making every female bi or lesbian seems rather a fantasy to me. Why should Jeff be pansexual, any hints?
you can believe whatever you want, create your own story, just don't say "x characters are this and that, because many people said so, based on nothing proved, and many people saying the same thing it's the truth".
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He's an artist? 🤷
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This was simply my opinion on how I perceived the characters to be.. I stated this in the text.. sorry it doesn’t fit yours..
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This was my opinion.. based off lore I stated that.. thank u
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Felix wasn't married.
How have 2 people in this thread stated that he had a wife when he doesn't have a wife?
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He didn’t have a wife he had girlfriend read the lore.. and if there’s lore about character background why can’t sexuality be apart of it?
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Normally, I wouldn't really care about this topic. I just feel it doesn't have any place in a game where the characters are trapped in an eternal cycle of death until the ultimately lose all hope and become soulless husks tossed aside into an endless void. I think sexuality is the LAST thing on their mind given the circumstances.
That being said, BHVR did make a big deal about it during Pride Month, and we're still waiting on actions to back up those words. That is the price of making such statements during such a time: people start expecting action to support your words. BHVR has done practically nothing besides a few things DURING Pride Month, and if they did do something inclusive, it was so small that it passed under my radar. Which, considering I check these forums multiple times a day because I'm bored, would be impossible.
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Agree based on what though? lol
What does "the majority agreeing" mean? Does that make it more true? Answer: No it doesn't.
These things are left ambiguous for a reason, lol
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Not trying to hate, but i'm just saying that this is clearly based off of ships made by the community.
I know this because almost nobody is straight.
This is a joke, please take it as one.
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Ppl have addressed this topic multiple times before BHVR addresses it simply look up “dbd character sexualities” in google and plenty of thing will come up
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this was simply my take on the topic.. again everything stated here was simply MY opinon.. that was stated in the texted and multiple times to other ppl
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"Eventually, Felix's girlfriend announced that he was going to be a father"
oh no, I said he had a wife, while she was only a girlfriend. That's absolutely changes everything.
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Sorry but what does a characters backstory have to do with them being trapped in a cycle of death?
Example, why do we need to know that Kate was a musician who had a hard time playing pop music? Or that Meg's mom was terminally ill or that David's father was an ass? A character's sexuality is part of who they are, it is part of their backstory. It fleshes the characters out.
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Fans can ship whomever they want, since it's not canon. A game like this hasn't really opened a lot of story for characters to be developed like this. The only thing I'd seen is that someone confirmed one of the characters was gay (but hadn't said whom).
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But in your replies you're not presenting it as "your opinion". You're using words like "the majority of the community agrees" as if that's supposed to add water to your theory.
I don't care what their sexuality is; and it's quite obvious you're basing these things PURELY off of how their appearance, which is an absolutely AWFUL thing to do.
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Based only on appearences and the lore, my opinion is that Felix is pan, Kate bi, Jake, Jeff and Jane straight. The others characters I do agree with you.
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Seriously why does this kind of ######### need to be written out. Just let it be whatever you want it to be. Nobody cares.
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Perfect example!!! Thank uuu <3
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That’s literally what I said if u would’ve read the entire text.. THIS WAS ALL MY OPINON
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They are different things. If you are going to argue against some one use the facts instead of twisting them.
Its small, but it negatively effects your whole stance if you can't even be bothered.
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Posting a list shows you kinda care though.
Like what is wrong with just letting people use their imagination? Why do we need to define anything?
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again I used lore.. and again it’s my opinion.. have u never had an opinion backed by other people’s opinion?
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No you didn't. There's little to nothing in their lore that would suggest their sexuality at all - aside from them being in predesignated relationships. You can't say "I used lore" when it's not IN the lore. That's not it.
What you're doing (and it's okay!) is choosing these designations in your own preferential way. Which is 100% fine. It's left ambiguous for that reason, as I said. Just don't BS us by saying "it's the lore!" when there's nothing there to go off of.
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I posted my list because I wanted other people’s feed back and their opinions on what the characters sexualities might be as well
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Lore as in there actions, style and personality..
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And again, who TF cares?
Trying to label this kinda stuff is where the problem is.
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coming from bi guy this don't matter it video game characters let them be who you want.
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Personality and style do not designate sexual preference. That's like saying "that guy likes pink! must be into dudes!". That's an awful way of thinking.
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yes, maybe having a wife or a girlfriend is different. But having a child seems a pretty obvious hint (inb4, unborn child, does that changes anything somehow?)
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Ok so talk about it for the 1 guy with a girlfriend who was pregnant not make up sexuality for the other 22 to fit some agenda
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Pretty sure they all get ######### with knives.
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You don't care, we got it. Stop being so annoying and go find a topic of your interest.
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The problem here is, is how offended so many people are over a little representation..
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Isn't only like 4% of the world population LGBT? Coming from a gay man myself, at least 80% of the roster is likely straight.
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Liking a certain color is preference lol but someone’s personality and style definitely can show your sexuality.. example - MOST straight men don’t wear makeup or crop tops some maybe straight but a majority aren’t..
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It was simply opinon ✨
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Plenty of bisexual men marry females.. what’s your point?