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General Discussions

Don't buy the new Kate cosmetic, it's really poorly made and a waste of your money

I'm a Kate main and I was already a little bummed when it was revealed that the head would be locked in with the dress. But after buying and playing with it, I can say with full confidence that this is a poorly made cosmetic. Every part of it has its own issues and behavior needs to fix it.

The head is mostly fine, it only has one issue: it's locked in a set for no reason. After looking at the individual parts of the outfit that make up the set, there is no difference between where the set's head piece ends and where a normal head piece ends.

The torso is also mostly fine, the only issue with it is that the white cuffs around her biceps are attached to the torso instead of just wrapping around her arm.

As you can see here, because the arm cuff is attached to the dress it creates easily avoidable situations where it stretches and looks bad. If the cuff had been separated the cuff would've looked fine.

The skirt part is where ######### really hits the fan. The physics are awful to the point where I'm not sure if the developers even tested this before shipping it off to be purchased.

As you can see in the first image, they gave her skirt a slit so it could move properly. However, instead of helping it look better it just makes it look worse. Whenever you wear the skirt, the fabric at the hips stick out for no reason and it never goes away. Because of this the rest of the skirt also doesn't act like a normal skirt, and usually folds in on itself and looks messy. Did you guys even test this? Also, when you carry a Kate wearing this the skirt covers half of your screen, which is a huge oversight.

In the in game store I couldn't tell that the physics were this bad, and now I feel like I've been cheated out of my money. If you aren't going to bother fixing these trash physics, can you at least let us equip the flower crown separately? The fact that you released this as a product that costs money is embarrassing.

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  • Member Posts: 72

    Yea this is pretty much the exact same thing that happened with the Jane skin that came out a few months ago.. the head being locked for no reason, the awful physics, the slit making it look weird and the skirt giving her akwardly bulky hips

  • Member Posts: 434

    Wait when tf did the skins get released???

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Aw, it’s so cute tho... completely disapprove of linking of sets. Surely they can make them work as mix n match. Still heavily contemplating buying this.

    Maybs they’ll drop the cost a bit?

    Hope Meg’s new skin isn’t all weird, ‘cause I wanted to get that one too.

  • Member Posts: 891

    The only thing this thread has done has made me rush and go look at the new skins & now I badly want the Kate & Felix skins.

  • Member Posts: 487

    I would love that head but I'm not wearing lurid orange and green. I'm not ######### Aquaman.

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