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Chapter Idea - The Black Sun chapter (with survivor and killer)

Sigmalx Member Posts: 39
edited October 2018 in Creations

Killer: The Desert Demon
Role: relentless pursuer
Power: Jewel of the Desert:
Passive: Survivors hit become blinded for 10 seconds, and survivors that (while out of the chase) remain inside the killer for an extended period of time (30 seconds) take a state of damage on a failed skill check.
Active: Can channel aura reading abilities to find survivors quickly within his terror radius, channel lasts for up to 8 seconds and takes as long to fully recharge, and you cannot attack while channeling. Upon detecting a survivor, you'll gain a brief movement speed increase in their direction for a second and the survivor's last known position is marked for 3 seconds after channeling has finished.

Origin: Egypt
Realms: Majra (The Dig Site, The Tomb, The Town)
Realms cont.: The Dig Site is a city in ruins, partially taken over by desert with plenty of dunes to crawl up and jump off of, exposed stone structures act as buildings to run and hide in. Old fashion generators and lockers in the place of the normal ones (it is the late 1940s after all). The Tomb is the direct realm of the Desert Demon, a labyrinth of tunnels and areas that light barely shines in, one large open area beneath the Dig Site is the only direct light from the sky, the remaining light comes from torches and primitive flares that bask the maze like tomb in vibrant colors and almost total darkness. Generators on the Tomb create light when completed. The Town is a village nearby the ruins made of sandstone and adobe, it to is in shambles like the Dig Site however it is from its abandonment.
Realms Feature: Increased FOG thickness, no grass, and sandy surfaces track your footsteps for 3 seconds before fading into the wind.
Speed: 112%
Terror Radius: 36 m
Weapon: Khopesh

Perk 1: Raging Sandstorm:
- Kicking a generator causes the next skill check to be a hex skill check, and causes the Sanded effect to be applied to the generator. Sanded increases the speed at which decay progress commences (10/25/50%), and increases the time to repair by 10/25/50%, until the generator returns to 0% or 60 seconds have passed; while Sanded is active, only Hex skill checks appear.
Perk 2: Consuming Dread:
- Every downed or dead survivor increases terror radius by 10/20/30%, and increases the difficulty of all skill checks by 10/20/30% (25% to not play the warning sound before a skill check)
Perk 3: Decay
- After hooking a survivor, for 60 seconds the perk activates which unlocks its powers. Hitting survivors causes the exhausted effect, while downed survivors gain the broken status effect. Both last up to 60 seconds, however can be cleansed by consuming a medical kit. (Broken is cleansed but the damage isn't healed, consumes the entire medical kit save for a green with additional charges, or a purple without add-ons)

(Will have description and effect)

Ankhs: Changes effect of channeling ability.
- Rusted(uncommon[yellow]): A relic from the dig, covered in rust due to improper storage, faint whispers can be heard at night. Increases the duration of channeling slightly(+2 seconds).
- Gold(Rare[green]): A pristine relic from the dig, it's polished golden shine whispers evil power in the dark. Increases the duration of channeling moderately(+4 seconds).
- Bloody(Very Rare[Purple]): A pristine relic from the dig, soaked and stained in human blood, cries of agony and torment can be heard from within. Greatly increases duration of channeling(+8 seconds), and slightly increased range(+12 meters).
- Broken(Iridescent): A shattered relic from the dig responsible for rampant paranoia and dread among the workers, presumed to be the Pharaoh's personal ankh in life. Reduces the duration of channeling moderately for greatly increased range(+24 meters).
- His(Iridescent): A relic pried from the Pharaoh's sarcophagus, it oozes evil and malice. Gains an obsession, channeling is removed and becomes passive perception around himself. Gains a Mori against the obsession once another survivor is sacrificed, or against any other survivor is the obsession is sacrificed beforehand.

Bandages: Changes terror radius
- Rotten(common[brown]): Bandages falling apart at the lightest disturbance, however not thick enough to muffle one's heartbeat. Terror radius is increased lightly(+8 meters)
- Pristine(Uncommon[yellow]): Bandages that look as fresh as they can be after being entombed for millennia, hides the exposed flesh to lightly decreased terror radius(-8 meters)
- Bloody(Rare[Green]): Bandages soaked fresh from the kill, dripping blood to intimidate those gazing upon his form. Moderately increases the terror radius (+12 meters)
- Human Skin(Very Rare[Purple]): Bandages made from skin torn off the most recent victims, dripping blood and iridescent resins creates a terrifying display in the dark. Doubles the terror radius, and bleeding survivors blood is illuminated while out the chase.

Scarabs: Aura changes
- Living(uncommon[yellow]): A small beetle commanded en-mass to seek out survivors who are hiding, speeds up the time required to cause a scarab check to appear moderately (-10 seconds)
- Jade(Rare[green]): A jade colored piece of jewelry in the shape of a scarab, increases the difficulty of the scarab skill check, with a 15% chance to not play the skill check noise
- Bloody(Rare[green]): An aggressive swarm of blood soaked insects hunt rapidly, greatly increasing the speed in which a scarab skill check occurs(-20 seconds)
- Gold(Very Rare[Purple]): A solid gold scarab can do no harm to mortals, however cause curses to be applied. Upon a failed skill check, applies one of the following status effects: Exhausted, Blind, and Exposed.

Canopic Jars: Special buffs
- Stomach(very rare[purple]): Holding his endless hunger for power, increases the regression damage dealt by kicking a generator moderately (+25%)
- Heart(very rare[purple]): Holding the black heart that was thought to have been consumed by Anubis, grants immunity to being stunned, however pallets can still stop you.
- Brain(Iridescent): The twisted mind speaks through the jar, driven by the lust for slaughter, upon hooking a survivor once, all attacks against that survivor deal two states of damage, after a second hook, can kill any survivor by your own hands.

Embalming Supplies: Applies debuffs on hit
- Knife(common): A sharp knife specially designed to cut open bodies to remove organs, causes hemorrhage/mangled on hit
- Saltpeter and Peppercorn(uncommon): To dry the skin and mucus membrane, causes hindered on hit
- Embalming Fluid: A toxic chemical to preserve flesh without rot or decay, causes exhaustion on hit.

Offerings: increases chance to go to Majra
- Dig Site licenses: An approved document from the Egyptian government to allow archaeologists into the Majra dig site, lightly increases chance to go to Majra (+10%)
- Tool Order Receipt: A document of all ordered tools and equipment to be sent over from the town for the dig site's use, moderately increases chance to go to Majra (+25%)
- SOS Telegram: A telegram detailing the last words of the archaeological team leader, written madly warning about awaits in the tomb below, greatly increases the chances to go to Majra (+50%)

LORE: (tbw)
(note to self: don't write these when you have class in less than 30 minutes, ADD IN THE LORE AND THE SURVIVOR AFTER CLASS! [you dummy])

Name: Matthew Edwin
Role/Title: Reckless Explorer
Appearance: Indiana Jones like explorer. Loose and rugged, missing hat. Tanned skin with rough shave, brown short hair.

Change log:
10/4/2018: Reworked ability to be more dynamic, added Add-ons, and looking for a way to compress text. TBD: Write lore for killer, and make the survivor, his lore, and his perks. Otherwise, Killer is just about finished, would like feedback and critiques to make him better.
10/5/2018: Minor rework to third accompanying perk, hooking enables the effect for 60 seconds (might turn it down to 30)
10/6/2018: forgot to add the changelog on 10/5/2018 for the tweak to Decay. im a dumbass...

Post edited by Sigmalx on


  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I haven't read any of what you just said...apart from desert. A Desert realm would be so good. I want to follow footprints in the sand.
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    First update for 10/4/2018, one coming later in the day, stay tuned ;)

  • The_Fallen_Utopia
    The_Fallen_Utopia Member Posts: 441
    Good job on these. Though I feel like Decay may need to be a Hex perk or have some other requirement to activate. Seems a bit too powerful. Overall though I'm a huge fan of Egyptian themed stuff so I would love a chapter like this to come out. 
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2018
    Good job on these. Though I feel like Decay may need to be a Hex perk or have some other requirement to activate. Seems a bit too powerful. Overall though I'm a huge fan of Egyptian themed stuff so I would love a chapter like this to come out. 
    Reasonably, could make it function like Bamboozle where it only happens afternoon someone is hooked
  • Blood_Coil_Viper
    Blood_Coil_Viper Member Posts: 199
    I was about to comment on Decay but saw someone else already mentioned about the power. I think the hook requirement should activate the perk for 60 seconds or so. Would make the survivors a bit more afraid to rush the hook. As for everything else they all seems fairly balenced to me. Then again I'm not balence expert lol. 
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    so with the Decay changes, how is everyone feeling, opinions, critiques?

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    will be writing lore sometime over the weekend, so we know where "he" comes from

  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39
    ######### school, argh.  No time to do anything.
  • Sigmalx
    Sigmalx Member Posts: 39

    well, I have been dead off the radar for months. I really don't know where to go with this chapter. should really invest or re-invent the idea of the desert demon. otherwise im moving on to other chapter concepts, like my newest one "Blood in Neon". stayed tuned.