Adept Hag is super hard

Hag does not get clean 4ks. She soft camps and slugs a lot. And because of her setup time she always loses generators early game.... especially since in you can't run Corrupt Intervention on Adept.
I've been trying for a while. Getting a 4k with Hag isn't the issue, its getting a clean 4k that meets all the emblem requirements because Hag simply doesn't play that way. Chasing, map pressure and giving free unhooks just doesn't fit her style
I like to yell 'Here comes the fiiiiiinger!' when I'm chasing people on Hag. That seems to help my emblems.
Granted I did it back with old Ruin when it made skillchecks red but I don't remember having issues with Hag. I just made sure I had 10 traps down at all time and chased people until a trap popped and hit left ctrl instantly.
It'll come.
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Don't trap the hook. It's incredibly scummy. Do trap areas where they might run to after an unhook. You can delay healing.
Do trap cornfields and middle of loops. Trapping right in front of a pallet is asking to be stunned.
I also randomly dot traps in odd places to catch immersive players. They typically can't loop so easy down.
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Them changing the Adept achievements really broke it for a lot of killers. Even back then, they were difficult, and I got Pig on the first try and Hag on the third for just getting 4Ks. She has a better setup, being 3 hexes, but that doesn't give her an innate advantage due to having stronger perk synergy elsewhere. They really should just change it back to a 4K, because she relies too much on Third Seal and Devour Hope to make hers happen.
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I usually go for adept instantly after a new killer gets released. I got mine for magic dwarf already.
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With the hag achievement a "The Game" Offering helped me tremendously.