Please learn what a "Gen Rush" is before crying about it everywhere
Let's start with the current gen times of the game since people throw around a lot of numbers that just aren't true...
Base Generator Speeds, Great Skill Checks give 1% progression (Nerfed from 2%) meaning a fraction of a second off per check.
Combine this with Prove Thyself that adds a stackable 15% Repair Speed buff for each nearby survivor to each survivor up to a max of 45% (This has been confirmed by devs to be to applied to the already reduced speed), this does not stack with other PT but should still be run on 2 people per team for max uptime)
80 seconds solo (69.56s with PT maybe during the time someone is just nearby doing a totem within 4m or self-caring).
47.06 Seconds with two (41s with PT)
38.10 Seconds with three (29.3s with PT)
36.36 Seconds with four (25.07s with PT)
The Extreme Gen Rush
The extreme case end of a gen rush is with 4 Brand New Parts (15%~25% of the generator depending on if both special skillchecks are hit), 4 Engineer's Toolboxes with Wire Spool addons (+12 charges added to the base 16) allowing a 15.8s generator meme at the start of a match. Outside of that joke, a competent team will run 2x Prove Thyself and will spread out, trying to pair up as two only when possible and using the items on the back half of each generator to prevent Pop goes the weasel or pressure from having any real effect as apparently intended by the devs (they encouraged that playstyle as more "strategic" with the toolbox patch)… the game becomes virtually unwinnable (3K+Hatch or 4K) for the killer regardless of whether he tries to Mori or not due to the existence of second chance perks like DS, BT, Dead Hard (Nothing against those perks as that’s for another thread but there just aren’t any number of seconds left against this to spare to deal with those perks even if not playing “scummy” by the survivor’s handbook).
This is even after nerfs to Gen Efficiency, Toolboxes, and Addons, basically where the whole "slug for 20s if you suspect Unbreakable, 30s if you don't" maneuver evolved from to create more pressure. Even roughly tracking that in your head can be wildly rewarding when it all comes together as you get better and better at the game (One of the reasons I think R1 Killer can be more entertaining while survivor is more relaxing for me even in R1 solo queue).
Now realistically I get to watch people in post game complaining about getting “gen rushed” while taking 90s+ chases. When there are 0 Prove Thyselves, Green or Purple Toolboxes (nor BNPs) and the killer has 0 slowdown like Pop Goes the Weasel, Corrupt Intervention or even Hex: Ruin. After playing and tracking over 100 Rank 1 Killer games since this Rift opened, I counted 3 times where I’ve truly been “powerless” and gen rushed to the point where I couldn’t even play the game by a SWF (One actually intending to power gens and nothing else). Reminder - losing a game by killing 0 to 2 survivors doesn’t always mean you were “gen rushed". record your games and watch your own replays then be objective with yourself.
"For each Survivor other than you, gain a stack-able 15 % Repair speed buff awarded to all repairing Survivors within a range of 4 metres up to a maximum of 45 %."
It's been that way since the ver 2.5 change when it used to give 10% each. Then in ver3.7 with the Toolbox nerf when it was buffed to 15%.
You're thinking of OLD Prove thyself that gave 3~9% bonus to everything to yourself depending on nearby survivors, while Leader buffed others but not you.
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I agree.
Honestly, it's funny when you get one gen done in the first 40 minutes of a game, and they scream "ZOMG GENRUSSSHHH1H1HH"
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I never really understood the whole 'Gen rush' arguments. I mean, survivors are just doing their job. And before someone calls me a survivor main, because it ALWAYS happens for having an opinion, you could say the exact same for killers. Are they 'kill rushing' if they down everyone fast? No, because it's their objective. We can't be at 4 places at once, so gens are going to get done regardless. It just depends on how you play. I notice when I play survivor you'll see the killer just focus soley on one survivor for far too long, then when 2-3 gens are gone before they've even hooked, they complain. I've done it myself in matches as killer, but I've learned from that mistake. If you focus far too much on a single chase, of course gens are being done because what's stopping them? But, let's face it. People will always find some way to complain over things in this game for both sides. There's no pleasing everyone unfortunatly.
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See, you can't really say that either. Because survivors make the argument "killers are always tunneling and camping"...when they are just doing their job.
Genrushing does exist, but it doesn't happen nearly as much as people say it does. Just like camping and tunneling doesn't happen nearly as much as people say it does.
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I think when killers say gen rush they generally mean the survivors are pressuring gens too much that they're feeling way too stressed. So a match can last for 18 minutes with the killer running left and right trying to pressure the gens and they'll still call it gen rushing. Whether or not they are doing their job well enough or have the right perks to deal with it is another matter.
It's like ppl complaining about tunneling/camping. A good chunk of the time if you follow the original hard definitions of tunneling/camping then the killers aren't really tunneling/camping. What survivors are really saying is that they don't feel that the killers are giving them a fair chance.
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I even ask myself if people are just trolling or have a really bad perception. Had a Huntress with Iri Heads some weeks ago complaining about gen rush and being forced to tunnel "3 gens done by first hook" while the first guy actually was hooked at 5 gens and killed after the first was done...
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Facecamping has been fixed with the implementation of swivel hooks, yet survivors can still bock hooking.
Excuse the strawman, bit i just want to point out that our community will always complain by emotions, regardless of dacts or definitions.
If its feels "fast" to the killer, it will be genrush, for the lack of a better explanation ( same with camping, regardless of the 3 other survivor positions).
Personally, I'd call survivors priotizing doing generators over totems or saving others, genrushing too.
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I only say its gen rushing when I have like 3 gens pop at the same time, or when I see two brand new parts like yesterday when I was playing and all I could do was camp at the 3 near by gens. and defend them to my fullest ability. Yet for some reason when I play gen defence around 3 certain gens I'm called a camper when I'm literally being smart about it, and this was on Aravov ( One of killers worst maps ). So I'm called out for being protective over a important aspect of killer, how is that supposed to work?
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Genrush is survivors task only taking 160 seconds. that is all. It is to easy and fast to do with to many resources at your disposal (most of the time)
I played clown with pinky finger and had a survivor on the hook at all times and at one point they were all near the basement. They still got the gens done. BECAUSE IT IS TO FAST AND EASY.
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I would also not call that gen rushing, not necessarily, because it could be simply random progress across all 3 gens, delayed after being chased off or by leaving the gen for an unhook or whatever and by coincidence at some point the 3 gens pop at the same time. And if you mean at the beginning of the game, it could also be that survivors started separately, having one gen each and the killer simply lost too much time on first chase. Or leaving one chase because he noticed a progressed gen, chasing this guy and the first just takes over. So this would be just a lack of pressure if it takes that long. Killers just need a quick first hook to get the game rolling, or gens will just fly.
So as everyone has its own understanding of gen rushing, I'll just add mine as well. I think @Raptorrotas has a pretty good thumb rule when the smooth definition of genrushing is entered: if a survivor prefers to do gens over altruism or totems, it is an indication of gen rushing. As I said: smooth definition. You can't call it gen rushing if you progress just a bit further, you don't have to jump off the gen as soon as someone goes down. Also finishing a gen that is on 80+ before you go for the unhook is not genrushing imo. But if you let someone die or go on struggle or just risk one of these for the sake of a gen, you should deal with being accused of gen rushing.
Another point: A single toolbox, even a BNP is not gen rushing. If at all, that guy has to run PT at least to remotely call him an intended gen rusher. But to be honest, a toolbox lasts for half a gen at max, and most toolboxes don't even give you 10 seconds of bonus. A BNP gives you 15 seconds if you hit both skillchecks. It makes surely a difference, but I wouldn't call that rushing. Also don't forget that this is on one gen only, depending on when you get pushed off the gen, the toolbox can have even less value than that. Probably being eaten completely by Ruin.
If 3 or 4 survivors run commodius or engineers toolbox with yellow addons or BNP, then this is a bit different. Also when the team runs a combination of Better Together/Bond and PT to efficiently team up on gens and teams sticking together to run down gens, I would call it gen rushing. Just to mention: gen rushing is also a legit strategy. If you do stuff like that or bring perks and make efficient use of them, then eat the genrsuher title. Otherwise it would be like Insidious killers saying "I'm not a camper, I just use a perk". Also on that one: just bringing PT doesn't necessarily mean gen rushing. You have to use it. And for longer than for half a gen
EDIT: another thing just came into my mind. I think most people tend to call out gen rushing when too many gens get done too fast in the early game. In my opinion, gen rushing is either a thing that counts for the whole match or to a specific survivor (or multiple survivors). If gens simply get done early and then the flow stumbles because the killer gets control, it is no gen rushing. If you do gens without pressure (and being pushed off the gen to go for an unhook is also pressure), then you don't gen rush. I think gen rushing is a playstyle, you don't say "let's do some gen rush at the beginning and at the end, maybe a bit on the third gen if I got nothing else to do".
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It's only a genrush to me when three gens pop in just over one minute into the game, but that's why at red ranks you see killers that can make it to those gens in time to stop it , it's really the lower tier killers that suffer from a true genrush because by the time they find someone at least 20-30 seconds have passed and a good survivor can stay up at least 20-30 seconds minimum against a m1 killer no problem , then by the time you hook them that's probably another 10 seconds not counting the 10-15 seconds it will take you to get to another survivor , that basically proves playing killers with low pressure has a gen time problem because if they're doing the objectives you don't have to play bad and three gens are gonna pop on you unless they just decide to not do gens at the beginning , it's not that killers feel as if every killer is in need of a buff as much as we want more variety at the top and not have to rely on certain killers or add ons to feel like it's a fair match
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I play against competent SWF teama pretty rarely. But if i do two gens pop in thirty second and i'm bubba lol.
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Gen rush is when I watch all my virgin teammates die on first hook while my chad self keeps doing gens cuz that’s what a real man does 💪
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I disagree with everything i didnt read.
the act of touching a gen is gen rushing and the penality is death by hooking
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I was told to get gud basically for my input but anyway, breaking off from a chase to go chase a healthy survivor is moronic on the killer's part you can go to the gen that's being worked those said survivor's are usually running sprintburst and or urban evasion, so say you chase that survivor off the gen it's going to take you generally 180s to capture this new chase that's if you hit them with a basic attack and or you're power both times meanwhile his swf had urban or just walked and hid while went into that chase and it could be more then one in the area so you lose that gen regardless, if you decide to break off from that chase and go back to the gen the two other survivor's will just simply go to another gen and this process just starts over so typically you're lucky if you get a 1k or any sacrifices at all combined with spine chill and leader, resilience if you manage to hook a survivor most swfs run Barrowed Time so pretty much kiss that kill goodbye oh and if you try and hook that hooked survivor again then you have to face dead hard and decisive strike I'm not sure if 7ou guy's don't think if it's a tough game killer side but it is and survivor's basically have all the power what's the point in running corrupted none because 3 generator's are blocked while at least four others remain
Coincidentally I was playing against a team like this last night before a discussion about this popped up in another discussion, @SloppyKnockout still waiting for you're proof of rank sir ?
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The smartest survivors spread out and each one works on a gen. So if he chases one, ends the chase prematurely and chases a second one, 2 gens get popped until he hooks one or can chase the other 1 or 2 off the gen. It's nearly impossible not to lose the first 2 or 3 gens in the early mid game to smart survivors.
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When there's two or three gens left this the only time it feels like you can capitalize in the match against high percent survivor's if you have a perk to slow the game, if not time to that l.
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Only ppl complaining about gen rush is salty survivors pretending that killers are complaining about it. Survivors complain about everything.
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Here's a newsflash for everyone in this thread. The entire term "gen rush" is made up. You won't find it in the dictionary anywhere. It's player jargon. The great thing about player jargon... or any jargon really. Is that the users define the words themselves. So there really aren't any 'wrong' ways to use jargon. But it is the case of majority wins.
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I feel like an average match will be between 9 to 14 minutes, if everyone is playing to the best of their ability then you'll have a match that goes from 14 minutes to 25 minutes. There's literally no way to describe what a 4 minute match becomes but a gen rush. I guess you can say the were objective focused but, where's the fun for killer in that. There's some people who just want to see you fall just to be mean spirited,they wanted to play fair right you could give the Killer his two hooks for each Survivor but this was still give the killer brutal and technically everyone wins but like I said, some people are just mean-spirited and they just want to see you lose bad, and I don't expect competitive players to just give me free hooks because that actually wouldn't be fun.when survivor's gen rush it's not even close to fair for a killer,But like I said I don't mind competition,I just need the time.
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Genrush=1hook after 2-3min with like 3 pallet drop and 2gen and a half done. Unless survivor start ######### up you'll have a hard time. I play swf with non meta perk and my team is usually not sweaty but as long as I have an other survivor than can waste 1-2min before getting down the killer with have a 2k at most. I will literally do a gen right next to a survivor getting chase and if the killer dare dropping his chase he'll just lose even more time before getting a down.
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Pretty sure, gen rush still isn't a thing.... just survivors doing their objective as swiftly as possible
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I think you're just saying that because you're afraid of them changing gen speeds
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Which they don't have to I'm find the way thing's are but it's a common factor and we can't deny it happens
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Nah. If I was a survivor main, then maybe. But if gen speeds are reduced, the game will be near impossible. I literally just had a gen camper play against me and all he did was chase people off gens the whole hour long game. So if anything, gens need a boost to counter people stalling the game since BHVR can't seem to actually give a crap about reports since stalling the game (which gen camping is, btw) goes against the terms of service and is on the list of reportable offenses. But Gen rushing really isnt a thing. It's just people doing gens. Gen rushing is an idea created by Killers to complain about losing. I've never had to deal with this idea of gen rushing because I use discordance for 1. For 2, survivors have 1 goal. Survive and to do that you need to do gens. But killers complain because killing is hard. Get over it and stop calling it gen rushing cause that's stupid. Any survivors saying they gen rush are trolls trying to get you riled up.
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Gen camping? What the ######### is that? At most you'll have two gen right next to each other but if you force yourself into a 3 gen it's your fault. It take more than a minute to do a full gen patrol and doing a gen solo take 80 sec so how the ######### can a killer camp a gen?
Gen rush is a thing. Even if the killer find a survivor in 30sec or less, if the survivor is decent enough and don't ######### up he can easily do a minute long chase which result in 2-3 dropped pallet and 2-3 gen being done for a first hook.
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Can this post please be forever stickied to the top of the forum. Please and thanks! <3
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Gen camping is a thing. I just witnessed it. The killer kept camping gens when they are almost complete and then runs to go to another gen. It's definitely a thing.
See what I did there? You believe gen camping isn't a thing but Gen rushing is? Dude. As a person who prefers killer, there are many things to keep people from completing a gen fast at the start. Case and point, Discordance. If you skip all gens and go straight for the gen they do, you will make it there before they complete it every time. Corruption! Keeps them off all but 3 gens and they are closest to you for 3 minutes! So bring them losers to you! But Gen Rushing is definitely not a thing. It's just completing their objective swiftly.
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erm... when he walks away get back on it. Gen regression is a fraction of gen progress. He can't win doing that.
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So basically you're saying discordance is useless at this point if there's one guy on the gen now being boosted by leader,pts, and or just spine chill hey that guy is a survivor main and he's probably just trolling. I've literally heard survivor's exclaim let's gen rush him.
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You can be if you're a survivor. If a gen is around a strong tile you're asking for a 20s chase for a single hit , if there's 3 others or even 2 then 1 working a gen you've got a minute to sort that out. They can just camp the next gen or a far away one.
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He's gonna waste more time kicking the gen and patrolling than anything else. If there's a possible 3gen then ofcourse he's gonna try to protect that 80% gen but in most cases he better down a survivor than just wasting time patrolling. Also if everyone play immerse and wait 1min till he leave than what can I say? Just get some balls. I often do gen right next to a survivor in chase and if the killer drop the chase for me then he lose pressure on an injured survivor who can find someone to help and he's gonna waste lot of time on me.
Also camping gen=staying next to a gen yet you say the killer is patrolling so I guess he's just patrolling a possible 3 gen, in that case taunt him to get into a chase and get someone on those gens. It's a non-issue, really.
I'm rank 1 on both side and it's not rare to see at least 2 gen pop around the first hook and if the killer is unlucky enough to find a good looper than it's 3 gen done in less than 5min.
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That's no god squad, you made a ton of mistakes there. You've got a hit on the felix, you hear the gen being worked on, you've got ruin, and you commit to felix, allowing the gen to be done for free.
You went for way too many open field power shots, instead of zoning, you weren't using your trails, and you gave up pressuring gens with one remaining.
On top of that, you dont track very well, bbq would suit you better than thrilling.
I'm very killer sided, but you just got outplayed in that one.
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It wouldn't have mattered chasing the survivor off that gen the felix was injured, if I had gone for that first gen, I would have probably injured him but now I'm in another chase which is probably going to last 80s by this time the same amount of gens would have gotten done the felix knows the gen is being worked on so he'll probably go to that one it's best to down a survivor to create pressure and get one survivor off the gen for the rescue, but that's what I'm also explaining in the video why are survivor's expecting the killer to be much better than them if you have some skills you can't just call a killer trash because you are I'm going to say better but have much better information than killer,pyramid heads POTD is very situational and one miss also gives the survivor more time to create distance so, I down the felix chase the feng mange to down the feng and three gens we're completed in 2 minutes there's not much room their for manoeuvring outside of that when I patrol gens with no map pressure and is one the slowest chasers, which as soon as I got in chase the Jake came and finished the feng's generator the felix went for another gen I mean it's *not very hard to dodge pyramid heads power, like I say it's very situational the range attack with them being on mics and knowing the map which they put up the offering all you can really do is try, also the auto aim can be exploited as the Jake some how mange to 360 out of the corner which pc players tend do alot exploit console autoaim I'm not sure what more I could have done but put pressure on survivor's instead of map because it's a large map
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Hag can be in various places
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I mean I'm just saying it's a thing while people keep saying gen rushing isn't real but it's very real I'm not looking for changes either because it can be easily countered with thano and dying light or ruin my whole argument was in another post with @SloppyKnockout and he says I don't face top prencters every match almost and I'm like every survivor I face is really ######### good like those guy's.
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The whole point of new ruin is pushing survivors off gens, those three gens popped because you didnt apply any pressure to them. You hit and run, every hit you get applies pressure, they either have to stop and heal, or they're easy pickings later.
I would have pushed them off the gen, got the hit, then swung back around for felix, who would likely be trying to repair that gen.
If your playstyle is more suited to chases, you need to be running corrupt and pop, not ruin.
You know that the misses are costly, but you still kept going for them. His true power is zoning.
Out of curiosity, what rank are you? I'm guessing 8 or 9 based on your playstyle
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Well there about to change his zoning and,I'm rank one ill have you know but now I'm rank two because I was trying out the new killer all of those guys we're rank one and rank twos Dean Winchester you don't what you're talking about you're just throwing tips based off one preview of my game play come by my stream sometimes and then you can give me a few tips to see what's really happening.
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@Dwinchester that's just a demonstration to show what kind of survivor's I face
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Please learn what "Tunneling" is before crying about it everywhere
For me "genrush" is when every surv focus on that objective and the game ends in 5 minutes, it's just not fun (chases are my favorite part of the game both sides). Never complain about it when I play killer, I just don't optimize my game, but like when as surv you get an hard and intentional tunneling is not a fun game that's why ppl complain.
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I'm not trying to insult you, I'm trying to help you. Honestly, those survivors are nothing special, that's pretty average play, at least compared to what I get. I'll happily watch your stream, when do you stream?
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There is no such thing as Gen rush. It's the objective to do gens to leave. What else does one do, hide? Sweat the killer? I come in, do gens and leave unless the killer wants to camp or tunnel in which case we take turns running him silly, blinding him and smacking him in the face with pallets and giving him false hope that he'll actually get any of us 🤷🏽♂️
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Around 10 am, sometimes earlier depends how much food I eat and, how much sleep I get then I'm up much earlier and thanks, I didn't realize you're trying to help out sorry for being rude but, I do face alot of strong teams I play on console so faces high skilled player's on pc are pretty difficult ngl but I mange somehow.
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Ok , that sounds really funny tho.
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Ok. I will look for you. All good man, I know how toxic these forums are, not many people genuinely want to help, it's all insults and git guds.
I know the feeling, I basically had a year of trial by fire of ridiculous pc teams, 10 times my hours, playing as efficient as possible. I picked up a lot of tricks and learned how to compete against them.
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The counterpart of gen rushing in the killer side is not "kill rushing", is tunneling =).
Far too long a chase? Unless you use Corrupt Intervention if you spend 30-45 secondds of chase, less than a minute, one gen is done in the time you down, grab and hook the first survivor and potentially another gen is almost done or with the half of progression, Is not killer's fault, the gens are done too quickly, even more if the survivors are equiped with toolboxes, if the survivors die quickly is their fault for only know how to hold M1 and not juking, mindgaming and looping.
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Alright because I could use the tips I saw a killer do things I'd never seen before I'm always willing to learn more
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Yep, if multiple gens pop at the start, if the team does not heal at all, does neither totems nor chests and lets ppl hanging into second stage just to crank out gens, you can safely call them gen rushers.
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The problem is there will always be games where the opposite side use tactics you weren't expecting. I would say the majority of players like myself play solo queue and to us survivors getting gens done isnt always possible. Ive seen very efficient and over powered killers stop us from even doing one gen. As ive seen teams work well together eho can keep the killer focused and we get away without one hook. These are both extreme ends of the scale and they will happen but the majority of games I play, I die and don't it make it ouf the trial but if I've done enough to help the team I still pip. Thats the sort of average game I see more often than not. Playing a full swf is the hardest part for any killer but if you bring the right perks you'll give them hell.