The billy nerf makes sense now (remember that??)

JinX_Of_Fire Member Posts: 38
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Hey yall. Remember when billy got nerfed and everyone pissed and ######### on the floor? And now that the blight is out everyone makes fun of it?? I think because the new devs made the blight and realized billy was just mechanically better, Billy got nerfed. Now idgaf about billy as a huntress main, but blight seems so far horrible and nerfing billy was to make blight look strong. Thoughts?


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    I really don't see how billy is better than blight pre-nerf. They both function differently. Also, blight is decent at indoor maps.

  • JinX_Of_Fire
    JinX_Of_Fire Member Posts: 38

    Damn. Blight is at a loop? I wonder if he's going to ping pong to my general direction??? Hmm maybe if i just throw pallet like i do with clown and fast vault it he wont get me?? Blight is ridiculously easy to counter at major loops and indoor maps, and outdoor maps he's worse than billy. My comment above wasnt poking fun at billy mains (which you obv take camp in) but to show the disparaging difficulty between the two and who has the upper hand.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    The Blight is just a worse version of Hillbilly. Why would you play a killer that can't one-shot, when you could play one that can one-shot at any time and cross the map in much less time?

  • JinX_Of_Fire
    JinX_Of_Fire Member Posts: 38

    Again, dont know if this was understood, but i'm saying noone asked for a billy nerf. A billy nerf was added. The blight comes out 2 months later. Noone makes the conecction to the 2.

  • JinX_Of_Fire
    JinX_Of_Fire Member Posts: 38

    I've watched tru3's channel for quite some time, youtube and twitch alike. You can pick a couple of fringe moments, but it doesnt mean the new killer is any good. You bring up the concept that billy has to curve , have knowledge of his curve mechanic, and give him the disadvantage of an indoor map when MOST are open field? You havent even brung up once that billy nerf may be because of blight being added, which was my whole Point. (Also your 3 day comparison? Absolutely garbage when realizing ptb has been out for how long?Tru3 is a content creator, someone who will put up any opinion if it means pleasing the masses for a pay check. And ######### are you talking about? Obv billy cant chain walls but it doesnt mean he's bad lol?? That would mean all killers are bad because they cant chain walls. Thats blights whole schtick and its still clunky af. "Ooo yeah lets have the killer actively miss and telegraph his movements to show the survivor what we're doing next, AND give him slower movement speed during his ability. Def not taken out of billy homebook #1"

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Billy is still a one shot pro! When I meet him he always manages to do One shoot in loop (without addon).

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    I think its a bit tin foil hat to say Hillbilly was changed to make Blight look better, but there is at least some merit to the claim. However i think its a bit unfair to just say Hillbilly is a strictly stronger killer than blight.

    They have mobility in there arsenal but thats the only similarities. Hillbilly does have more lethality with his power, but it is alot harder to land than Blights lethal rush, as well alot harder to use to traverse the map.

    Blights ability to sprint across the map is alot stronger imo since it doesn't have a large noise attached to it, and is alot more controllable and thus flexible in changing direction. His lack of an instant down is of course a huge negative in the comparison though that i do agree.

    There are other factors of course, like the Blights frankly absurdly good addons, and his very high skill floor meaning he is alot less inviting to play than Hillbilly, but i wouldn't say one is just 100% better than the other. They both have there strengths and weaknesses

    Ultimately, Blights a cool addition in my eyes, and a different take on the "cross map fast and annoy survivors" style of killer. Like the Ghostface to The Shape, its not a strict powercreep, just a different flavour

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Blight is as strong as Billy ever was, Instasaw and Crack Billy notwithstanding. People just suck at him and assume it's the killer being weak, not them having no skill with him because they didn't give it time to develop.

  • Milanceee
    Milanceee Member Posts: 161

    Idk about the far im having fun killing pesky survivors with 1000iq calculations.Imo blight is really strong if you know how to play him(on larry map might as well delete the game as him lol).

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Just make a thread about a billy buff, see the people who come in and say no, those are the ones that did nothing but cry for a nerf on him. To say nobody asked for it is an understatement.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    pls this is not even a comparison, a decent billy will shred most of the survivors at a single loop

    while blight is getting braindamage

  • Chilidawg
    Chilidawg Member Posts: 58

    The blight is insanely good what are you talking about?? Been getting consistent 4ks with him at rank 1. Have you considered you're not that good with him because he's literally new?

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I could see it. Once people really start to perfect his bumping the mind games are going to get crazy. Like passing you and coming all the way around from the otherside crazy.