Blight is the WORST killer in the game

I don't know if he's the worst but his definitely one of the worst, and its not even his power (mostly) its how the maps are made; 80% of the time you get stuck on some random object. I've played around 8 hours of him 5 on PC and 3 on PS4 and honestly how did they expect console players to aim with him, they def need to add a sensitivity option on him. Also can y'all please keep the token mechanic constant? When Bubba uses a token the entire meter goes down and it has to recharge all the way to get a token back, but with Blight each section on the meter is a token, like what. anyway yeah he has compound 21 but hes still really bad. I see two solutions either they give him a rework or the fix all the map hitboxes.



  • wownicedeadhard
    wownicedeadhard Member Posts: 35

    Sooo your openly admitting that if survivors just stay in a cluttered area his useless, thanks PLUS he really does suck on indoor maps.😁

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    He's pretty good at camping. Rush away and right back as survivors are going for the save.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    I prefer to rush in the hook when i camp its more fun and survivor have a good laugh XD

  • wownicedeadhard
    wownicedeadhard Member Posts: 35

    read the other comments homie, and stop being negative😁

  • wownicedeadhard
    wownicedeadhard Member Posts: 35

    your second point exactly why i think his terrible, plus if you think his gonna hit you with his rush you can just dead hard, im not denying his mobility but he is ALMOST just an m1 killer.

  • wownicedeadhard
    wownicedeadhard Member Posts: 35

    i got like half of the the adepts without even trying its prob because i have no life lol😂

  • wownicedeadhard
    wownicedeadhard Member Posts: 35

    everyone opinion is valid,and i see where your coming from homie but one single good game, and the with the busted matchmaking it may have been a game full of green ranks.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    From what I've been playing is that he can be good. But the reward didn't amount to the effort it takes to play him well. Better of just playing spirit.

    Legion is worst at being a killer. And get punished for literately just breathing. 🤣

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285
  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I know, right?

    I've played maybe 15 Blight matches tonight and the survivors have only finished the gens once.

    For a killer who sucks so much people sure seem to be DCing against him a lot.

    ...well, okay, in fairness survivors DC against every killer I play (which is all of them).

  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    He's a killer with a higher than normal skill cap, which I believe is something killer mains have been asking for?

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Funny I heard he’s getting a nerf lool

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 972
    edited September 2020

    I got Blight because of his history to the game lore. While I don't hate him. And don't really regret getting him. His learning curve as of now is difficult (for me, and yeah I know... git gud) but his POV IS kinda weird to get use to. I recently got him. And wanted to experience his Mori. That too was kinda disappointing. Not to mention. Right off the bat a survivor whined my head off all about it. Even when I hooked everyone first before I ever Mori killed anyone of them. His pinball effect feels heavy for a character that's supposed to be fast. He ain't heavy like Oni. But way slower than Oni to turning out his dash. His addons dont much help it either. And also all I'm getting is Blight Rats and Monicles each bloodweb. But then again. I got him at level 34 at the moment. 🤷‍♂️

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Completely agree. Honestly I feel like he should be able to whip when he swings while using rush. Like Oni can. Just that little bit of movement would be a good needed buff to him.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    "They were potatoes"

    Alright, I see where this is going. Just going to wash my hands of this.

    I was watching ohTofu before it went live and he really got the hang of it. So go watch a few of his vids. Might glean some tricks off him.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 972

    Imagine him using that cane of his not just for slashing at survivors but to hook the edge of a environment obstacle justvas he dashed. So that he makes a sharp turn or something to that effect. With an addon. May be able to focus it into a pinpoint direction of his choosing. 🤷‍♂️

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    I completely, absolutely, wholeheartedly disagree. I played him for the last two days and maxed him out already. Stopped using add-ons completely after I hit prestige 3 50 and I'm getting perfect game after perfect game after perfect game. He is a beast. If you think the maps are an issue then just take a second and realize when you can use your power and when you need to loop/M1. You bust em at the loop and cut them off when they try to run, avoid survivors hiding in large jungle gyms. Everyone keeps saying hes pinball killer, no this is wrong, he is a billiards/pool killer. Precise geometry shots. Furthermore, I think the blights token system works well with his power and it would be boring if every killer was the same.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    I'd personally say he's possibly A tier already, personally I'm consistently shitting on people and winning with him, not even used any addons yet either (the compound 21 is OP af and will obviously be gutted) - even though you are totally right about the counterplay being too easy, his fatigue is only 2.5s, and 2s with a yellow addon. He zones you so well with this I feel he might be overly strong/oppressive if he were buffed. As someone who is probably gonna main this guy, I actually don't even want him to be buffed. Top 10 killer IMO

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    false; clown exists

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    You should watch tru3 play him for reals. He's a pretty good killer overall but for some reason when it comes to blight he's really good with him. Like super good. Watching him has already made me realise that hes better than I thought.

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    I'm waiting until people have more than 72 hours available for general play.

    I feel like once people adapt and optimize, he's gonna be extra scary.

    The community needs to learn to WAIT when things are new. Give changes a few weeks before we decide things are broken or bad.

    Unless it's a big, exploit, etc.

  • JinX_Of_Fire
    JinX_Of_Fire Member Posts: 38

    Bro why tf are you in every thread defending the devs. They arent going to give you whisperer. Give it up.

  • xavyq_
    xavyq_ Member Posts: 6

    He's not bad at all, I've seen Monto play him and the survivors get destroyed, OhTofu played him and destroyed the survivors. I've played him and only got 1 game with less than 2 kills and it was my very first game, and yes I'm console so I can't even flick. He's very viable. I will admit he's very perk dependent but he is very viable. Also I'm a green ranks and most of the games I versed red rank survivors even though rank means nothing and I have less than 100 hours in killer and was still getting 2ks, 3ks, and 4ks. He's very, very viable. The only buff he needs is a free lunge out if his power for chase but he has such good gen pressure that you can waste time in a chase and still pressure the gens.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    The Clown and Legion would like to speak to the manager

    jokes aside, I agree

  • hex_fixGENS
    hex_fixGENS Member Posts: 14

    I think he’s medium b tier and that’s only because of his map pressure his lethal lunge is terrible because of the 30 degree turn lock if they change that I’d say he’s high tier

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2020

    Ironically "top 10" puts him mid tier lol

    I've been destroying with him as well, however as survivor in solo queue we've been destroying him as well. So my point is the results are quite polarizing.

    I feel like a lot of people just don't know what they're doing against him. From the survivor side I can count on one hand the amount of times I've actually been hit by a rush out of many, many games. The counter play just seems too easy and I can see him getting abused as heck when you actually going against some survivors that are even semi decent.

    I think I'm on like 12+ 4k (almost all yellow and below addons, no offerings) win streak as him and a 12+ 3-4e win streak as survivor in solo queue as well (not counting mori games obv)

    Prob more on both those, but that's being more reserved with my estimates and I wasn't counting exactly. Like I said, polarizing results eh?

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202
    edited September 2020

    I do think he's kind of weak but also with a particular play style and a certain add on he can be very strong. To be strong with him you kind of need compound 21 (which in my opinion is a bit too OP).

    How to make the most out of him is using aura reading to your advantage. Most specifically compound 21 combined with the new hex perk or other aura reading perks and you can basically know where survivors are at all times.

    Use your initial rush into a wall, If you see no aura, you know nobodys around that area so you can you speed away across the map bump into another object and do that over until you find someone which with his speed you most likely will. Alternatively you can use tinkerer or other perks to see auras from a distance, dash over to them and when you get to them know exactly where they are thanks to compound 21.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    His power gets hits at so many "safe" tiles.

    Cow tree- Rotate the survivor counterclockwise and bounce off the mini wall to rush through the pallet and swing

    Autohaven cranes- you have tires on either side and can bounce off the pallet. The survivor HAS to drop the pallet to avoid being hit at this tile. Even if they run up the ramp, you can rush up the ramp, bump, and swing at the window but you have to be quick

    Jungle gyms- actually easy. If they take the window, you bump on the wall behind the window, the short wall at the pallet, and then either hit at the pallet or back at the window. Even easier if they don't take the window because then you only need one bounce to get a hit.

    I could go on. Point being, this killer takes time and some geometry. I have a background in mechanics/engineering, so I've picked him up quickly.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    That'd make him so broken and easy to use. He definitely doesn't need it, you need to be more careful with your lunges and practice him a lot to make him work. He's not a killer you can pick up and know everything there is to know about him in a day like 90% of other killers in this game. It's like people who want rat liver to be base-kit on Demo, you don't know what you're asking for.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    I mean I'm a survivor main and I think he definitely needs a buff.

  • GeminiCrow
    GeminiCrow Member Posts: 55

    What you're really talking about is how you're overusing his ability. You shouldn't be using it every time it refreshes.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Hes fine. Learn how to play him. I did and I now double pip every match. He'll never be as good as nurse though.

  • EternalEngine
    EternalEngine Member Posts: 5

    This whole post is maximum kek. You've played him a grand total of 8 hours, and because you're not getting 4k after 4k, he's bad? The killer has barely been out for a few days and it makes me laugh whenever I see the stereotypical "ermergerd new killer bad buff/need" when people haven't even minmaxed the guy yet.

    Like plenty of other people said, he's map dependent, because his power involves moving at mach 7 over to your location and hit you. If there's a lot of obstacles, then of course this power is going to be less effective or require much more practice/mastery to be effective with. Doesn't mean he's bad. You can make the same argument about most of the killers in this game, in some fashion.

    I'd say play him more. You're expecting top tier results way too soon.

  • TheGhostofZgor
    TheGhostofZgor Member Posts: 334

    This would mean more if people didn't say this every time a new killer is released. Also, I think its heavily up to the player, I mean, clown is my killer main and I do great with him almost every time, yet folks still say hes the worst.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    He's something of a pub stomper. He's extremely good vs bad survivors. However, against good survivors he struggles a lot more. I'm not saying he's a bad killer because of that but it does mean that you really need to master him as soon as you start versing good survivors (when I say good survivors I mean rank 1 and rank 2s) . A rank 1 or rank 2 survivor can easily cost you the game unless you really have your angles down.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    He is at least B-Tier, with a flick and minor buffs most likely A-Tier. He has pretty good addons.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    He's a great killer.

    Only held back by the devs' stupid limitations which in this case is his flick potential. If they give him the ability to turn more similarly to Oni's he's easily Top 5.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited September 2020

    he is at least better than the following killers due to his traversal and potential to get hits

    • clown- no map pressure, arguably does the same thing by using power to catch up to survivors.
    • legion- no way to down injured survivors, can't always use power for traversal unless more than 2 survivors are injured otherwise you might waste it.
    • trapper- swf and just good survivors waste too much of his time, no or barely any map pressure.
    • pig? maybe? her ambush is extremely situational in a chase. no map pressure instead has stalling which can still be rushed through by survivors without RBT's.

  • guyDDDfieri
    guyDDDfieri Member Posts: 9

    He's definitely not the worst, that crown goes to wraith or trapper. If they buff his lunge range in lethal rush and changed is first person height he'd be a lot better.