Why there is such disproportion in killer achievements?

There is no comparison in what you have to do as Myers to do his achievements, and what you have to do as Demogorgon to get its specific achievements. Why can't you normalize the way all killers get their achievements (either towards easier or harder side)?

There is big difference in "down 30 people with killer power, doesn't matter how many games" and "kill all survivors with your power in one game BUT your power won't let you kill them UNLESS you have an ultra rare addon; you can also use 2-3 perks that lets you mori survivors but it probably won't be a good build to play against them unless they are potatoes".

Someone might say "Why do you care about achievements?" or "Then don't play for achievements.", but it won't resolve that issue. The issue is, there are achievements hunters out there that want to have 100% (or as someone familiar with Playstation might name it "Platinum"). Also, the developers with each new DLC adds some new achievements - so they clearly has some idea behind it, that some people might want that 100% and they will have to either grind or buy every new DLC. But it is kinda not the point, there always were easier and harder achievements.

My point is, could you make killer achievements glued to their kit - not to their addons or perks (apart from adept achievements). In which i would suggest to change achievements like "Evil Incarnate" to down 100 survivors on Tier 3 Evil Within, or nurses "From Void She Kills" to grab 15 survivors after blink. Or if you want to make it harder makes something like "with hag, down 40 people while they are suffering from exposed status" or "with blight down 10 survivors while they are suffering from blindness and hemorrhage at the same time".

So it may be confusing after all that letters what I want - it is easy. I want some unification in achievements, doesn't matter if it will be towards the easy side "do something x time with killer power" or hard side "do something very specific with 3-4 requirements once".

Also, just to prevent any pointless comments like "git gud" i would like to say i managed to get all hard achievements. But this thread is not for me - it is for future achievement hunters, to make their journey easier or more challenging so that squares won't be just for posh (there is word like that, right?).


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Unfortunately, achievements are seldom ever changed and probably never will be again. The only instance right off the top of my head is Legion's. I don't think there's ever been another time.

    Most upsetting to me as someone who goes for them all legitly is Huntress's. Why do they have to be downed from that far, and not only hit?!

  • Bulbasaur2008
    Bulbasaur2008 Member Posts: 85

    This achieve without iridescent head is reaaaal pain in the lower back. Have you done "Evil Incarnate" with Myers? This one is real bullock as well - many survivors will just disconnect when they see you have "Judith Tombstone" or they will go into lockers and fuq your achievement hunting real good. If you haven't done it yet, then i truly wish you good luck - it can be truly awful to get.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I was able to get it in a different era of DbD, before the dark (disconnect frenzy) times. My survivors thought I was friendly perhaps, just let me stalk the daylights (pun intended) out of them. I also did it on Lery's, as the map is much smaller. Very grateful I did without having to grind more of those blasted pink add-ons, as one day I will P3 him. He' still waiting to be prestiged, haha.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    The reason is they started with them being difficult. When they decided they wanted them to be more reasonable, the console companies refuse because if they're still possible then they won't change trophies.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731
    edited September 2020

    They can't change achievments on console unless a change to the game make's it unacquirable. Microsoft/sony don't let them.

  • ZandoFox
    ZandoFox Member Posts: 15

    I got extremely lucky, and got Evil incarnate on my third attempt. Granted, I did depip to rank 9 or so to make sure I wouldn't run into sweat squads.