Why is “respect the 4%” a thing?

So instead of picking the person up, I went towards the gen that popped. I eventually caught him, downed him, and hooked him again. They all died, 4 player SWF, and after the match they invite me to an XBL party and proceed to ######### on me for not “respecting the 4%”.
Depending on how a game is going, if I see someone 4%, I might not chase them. But to what end are you supposed to reward survivors for being lucky? He didn’t get tunneled, he even got back to full health. Am I supposed to let him heal and escape?
I’ve played over 1,000 hours, mostly killer, and there are a lot of just plain stupid unwritten rules survivors have, but this one is the most bizarre to me.
I can honestly say i have never heard that one before.3
What you did was fine. You did respect the 4%. He even got back to full health so like...
Disrespecting the 4% would be considered watching the person (facecamping) until they have every failed attempt gone, and if they do Kobe off the hook you instantly down them instead and just rehook to ruin any chance they got.
inb4 "Killers don't have to do #########" comments, let me just say, you're defeating the entire purpose of that luck 4% and being able to possibly escape on SUCH A SLIM CHANCE THAT ONLY HAPPENS 4% OF THE TIME. It's a low chance to begin with, and it's a dick move if you purposely facecamp just to make sure every chance they got is gone. It's not saying you can't do it, you most certainly can, but man even I wouldn't be a dick enough to do that.
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@Brady Lmao last time I "respected the 4%" as a Killer after literally downing all 4 people, all they did was teabag and loop me after I let them all reset back to full health states.
After that, sorry. These guys ruined it for all Survivor mains if I'm your killer.
Respect the 4% is just some bullshit rule Survivors made to make the Killer feel bad about doing his job, killing. Same with tunneling.
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@Brady said:
What you did was fine. You did respect the 4%. He even got back to full health so like...Disrespecting the 4% would be considered watching the person (facecamping) until they have every failed attempt gone, and if they do Kobe off the hook you instantly down them instead and just rehook to ruin any chance they got.
inb4 "Killers don't have to do #########" comments, let me just say, you're defeating the entire purpose of that luck 4% and being able to possibly escape on SUCH A SLIM CHANCE THAT ONLY HAPPENS 4% OF THE TIME. It's a low chance to begin with, and it's a dick move if you purposely facecamp just to make sure every chance they got is gone. It's not saying you can't do it, you most certainly can, but man even I wouldn't be a dick enough to do that.
The killer doesn't have to respect #########. He is there to kill the survivors that are trying to survive. Just because you got lucky and pulled your self off the hook doesn't mean you get away scot free. The killer is suppose to kill you just remember that big component to the game that clearly flew over your head..
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I have never respected the 4% and i never will. The whole "respect the 4%" rule is one of many made up rules by entitled survivors that think they deserve to have free escapes. If i see someone 4% in front of me i am smacking them with my hammer before they even have time to get up and that ass is going right back on the hook. When there is two people left and i have one slugged and another one that i have not hooked yet i will hook them and rev my saw in their face until they reach second stage. Its funny actually. I have had people kobe right into my chainsaw.
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@Zanfer said:
@Brady said:
What you did was fine. You did respect the 4%. He even got back to full health so like...Disrespecting the 4% would be considered watching the person (facecamping) until they have every failed attempt gone, and if they do Kobe off the hook you instantly down them instead and just rehook to ruin any chance they got.
inb4 "Killers don't have to do #########" comments, let me just say, you're defeating the entire purpose of that luck 4% and being able to possibly escape on SUCH A SLIM CHANCE THAT ONLY HAPPENS 4% OF THE TIME. It's a low chance to begin with, and it's a dick move if you purposely facecamp just to make sure every chance they got is gone. It's not saying you can't do it, you most certainly can, but man even I wouldn't be a dick enough to do that.
The killer doesn't have to respect #########. He is there to kill the survivors that are trying to survive. Just because you got lucky and pulled your self off the hook doesn't mean you get away scot free. The killer is suppose to kill you just remember that big component to the game that clearly flew over your head..
. "It's not saying you can't do it, you most certainly can,"
LOL I literally said that
My point was it's just a dick move if you really just stand there making sure they're completely #########. I'm not saying you can't do it, what kind of made up rule is that?
Stop being so defensive.....
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I've gotten off the hook 5 times and 4 of those times the killer was camping me with the 4th time face camping me. I finally had a match where i got off the hook and ran right for the exit and got the achievements. I don't ever camp and if someone gets off the hook when I'm on other side of map I'm heading that way as a standard move as if they'd been rescued.
It'd be nice to have a ultra very rare perk that'd give you a better base chance of getting off the hook but the law of averages will eventually work out (hopefully lol)
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"Respect the 4%" isn't a thing.
It's yet another survivor rule to allow them to survive in specific situations.
Just smack them and get them back to their place : the hook.10 -
Would be a real dick move if instead of getting off that gen and hiding from me, you just powered through it and finished it right as I get there and Sprint Burst to safety then.
I don’t call Survivors who want to ruin my game by bringing toolboxes and such to Rush the ######### out of the gens “using a dick move.” So why are Killers who camp and tunnel to “Rush” a Survivor to his death “using a dick move”?
You do your objective, I do my objective. How it gets done is how it gets done. There are no “dick moves” unless the game isn’t balanced for that play. Or is straight up exploiting and/or cheating. Rushing the gens to ruin my game is just a strategy you have, Camping/tunnelling some dude out to weaken the Survivor team as a whole to ruin your game is a strategy Killers have.3 -
It's probably a very old meme because I see several known streamers do that. Honestly I find it silly. Respect my 96% and go back on the hook!
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@Runiver said:
"Respect the 4%" isn't a thing.
It's yet another survivor rule to allow them to survive in specific situations.
Just smack them and get them back to their place : the hook.This exactly. If you're silly enough to unhook in front of the killer.. well...
This is a video game. A place you can be someone you aren't. If you unhooked yourself in front of a psycho maniac, what do you THINK he would do? I'll give you 2 weeks to research and study.
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Because people are entilted brat
Your reward for getting the lucky "4%" is a bunch of bloodpoint.
If any one think they deserve to be let of because they had a lucky "dice throw" they're delusional.
Do you think that survivor that beg for the "4%" would let themself get hooked if a similar luck based thing was on the killer side?
Spoiler => They wouldn't
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Survivor came up with some weird "code of conduct" how killer should play.
-Don't camp
-Don't tunnel
-Let the last one escape
-Respect kobe (4%)
-Don't use Noed
-Don't use Insidious
-Don't use the basementNowadays they are just social tools to use peer pressure to shame killer player into playing stupid and giving easy wins.
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@Wolf74 Those aren't so much survivor rules as they are personal rules imposed on themselves by killers who like to be kind. Any survivor who expects most of those is being unreasonable, because they're asking the killer to not play the game properly in essence. Although the first two of those are really unsportsmanlike and in my experience are only employed by killers who aren't good at the game or get triggered easily, the others are things no rational survivor would have a problem with. Sure the 4% thing sucks when you actually get it and then get put back on the hook, but if a killer does any of the last 5 things on that list I consider it a bonus of him being nice, not something I am entitled to.
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It’s just entitled Survivors making up rules. That’s all. I would just ignore them and play how you want.3
@Fibijean said:
@Wolf74 Those aren't so much survivor rules as they are personal rules imposed on themselves by killers who like to be kind. Any survivor who expects most of those is being unreasonable, because they're asking the killer to not play the game properly in essence. Although the first two of those are really unsportsmanlike and in my experience are only employed by killers who aren't good at the game or get triggered easily, the others are things no rational survivor would have a problem with. Sure the 4% thing sucks when you actually get it and then get put back on the hook, but if a killer does any of the last 5 things on that list I consider it a bonus of him being nice, not something I am entitled to.Sorry, but that is not my personal experience.
These sort of "rules" are only brought up by survivor mains.
I have never seen a killer main talking about playing stupid.
And I doubt you being a killer player when you call camping and tunneling "unsportsmanlike".0 -
@Wolf74 said:
@Fibijean said:
@Wolf74 Those aren't so much survivor rules as they are personal rules imposed on themselves by killers who like to be kind. Any survivor who expects most of those is being unreasonable, because they're asking the killer to not play the game properly in essence. Although the first two of those are really unsportsmanlike and in my experience are only employed by killers who aren't good at the game or get triggered easily, the others are things no rational survivor would have a problem with. Sure the 4% thing sucks when you actually get it and then get put back on the hook, but if a killer does any of the last 5 things on that list I consider it a bonus of him being nice, not something I am entitled to.Sorry, but that is not my personal experience.
These sort of "rules" are only brought up by survivor mains.
I have never seen a killer main talking about playing stupid.
And I doubt you being a killer player when you call camping and tunneling "unsportsmanlike".I agree. Camping and tunneling are just doing your job. Getting salty about it and attempting to make the killer feel bad is unsportsmanlike.
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@Fibijean said:
@Wolf74 Those aren't so much survivor rules as they are personal rules imposed on themselves by killers who like to be kind. Any survivor who expects most of those is being unreasonable, because they're asking the killer to not play the game properly in essence. Although the first two of those are really unsportsmanlike and in my experience are only employed by killers who aren't good at the game or get triggered easily, the others are things no rational survivor would have a problem with. Sure the 4% thing sucks when you actually get it and then get put back on the hook, but if a killer does any of the last 5 things on that list I consider it a bonus of him being nice, not something I am entitled to.i'm not good at the game. not on any scale really.... but i do i consider myself a kind killer. i play as fairly as i possibly can. i'm not motivated by points and rank. i just play to have a good time. the important thing to remember (for me anyway) is that the survivors are ppl having a good time too. i'm not gonna purposely take the fun outta the game just because i have that option.... i know eventually i'll be good at the game. but in the meantime, theres no reason to be a sweaty tryhard.... you have look past the ranking and the bloodpoints. theres is a vast difference between ppl who play to win and ppl who play like winners.... so even if i get wrecked, i know i played like a winner....
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@weirdkid5 said:
@Wolf74 said:
@Fibijean said:
@Wolf74 Those aren't so much survivor rules as they are personal rules imposed on themselves by killers who like to be kind. Any survivor who expects most of those is being unreasonable, because they're asking the killer to not play the game properly in essence. Although the first two of those are really unsportsmanlike and in my experience are only employed by killers who aren't good at the game or get triggered easily, the others are things no rational survivor would have a problem with. Sure the 4% thing sucks when you actually get it and then get put back on the hook, but if a killer does any of the last 5 things on that list I consider it a bonus of him being nice, not something I am entitled to.Sorry, but that is not my personal experience.
These sort of "rules" are only brought up by survivor mains.
I have never seen a killer main talking about playing stupid.
And I doubt you being a killer player when you call camping and tunneling "unsportsmanlike".I agree. Camping and tunneling are just doing your job. Getting salty about it and attempting to make the killer feel bad is unsportsmanlike.
you're right. they are. and it is.... but otoh, looping and gen rushing are also jobs being done. should everyone continue 'doing their job' without any consideration for the other? or should we maybe try to come to an understanding that 'our jobs' aren't the most important aspect of the game? i know none of us will ever be on the same page. but maybe we could try to ease up a bit on each other....
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Wolf74 said:
Survivor came up with some weird "code of conduct" how killer should play.
-Don't camp
-Don't tunnel
-Let the last one escape
-Respect kobe (4%)
-Don't use Noed
-Don't use Insidious
-Don't use the basementNowadays they are just social tools to use peer pressure to shame killer player into playing stupid and giving easy wins.
And don’t patrol gens
Hey don’t protect your hex totems
Why aren’t my flashlights working? Oh you’re using Lightborn, how dare you!
Hell, I’ve had survivors complain that I pick them up facing walls so their friends can’t blind me lol.1 -
@Brady said:
@Zanfer said:
@Brady said:
What you did was fine. You did respect the 4%. He even got back to full health so like...Disrespecting the 4% would be considered watching the person (facecamping) until they have every failed attempt gone, and if they do Kobe off the hook you instantly down them instead and just rehook to ruin any chance they got.
inb4 "Killers don't have to do #########" comments, let me just say, you're defeating the entire purpose of that luck 4% and being able to possibly escape on SUCH A SLIM CHANCE THAT ONLY HAPPENS 4% OF THE TIME. It's a low chance to begin with, and it's a dick move if you purposely facecamp just to make sure every chance they got is gone. It's not saying you can't do it, you most certainly can, but man even I wouldn't be a dick enough to do that.
The killer doesn't have to respect #########. He is there to kill the survivors that are trying to survive. Just because you got lucky and pulled your self off the hook doesn't mean you get away scot free. The killer is suppose to kill you just remember that big component to the game that clearly flew over your head..
. "It's not saying you can't do it, you most certainly can,"
LOL I literally said that
My point was it's just a dick move if you really just stand there making sure they're completely #########. I'm not saying you can't do it, what kind of made up rule is that?
Stop being so defensive.....
The way you said "What you did was fine!" sounded like if he would've done something else it wouldn't have been fine.
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@Wolf74 I am a killer player and a survivor player. I play killer to have fun, not for ranks or points, which I suppose is where the difference comes in. Camping and tunneling are unsportsmanlike, because they're not giving everyone a fair go, and it's deliberately making the game unfun for other people. You might say that the balance issues don't give everyone a "fair go", but that's not within our control. What I can control is whether I play the game fairly, doing my best to ensure that it's fun for me and for everyone else. I do that when I play as survivor as well. In short, I am 100% on board with everything @deadwolfwalking said. Yes, everything on that list is a legitimate strategy. Yes, it sucks that some survivors rage when killers aren't doing anything wrong and give the rest of us a bad name. And yes, the killers are just "doing their job". But if you're the sort of person who doesn't just care about yourself, there are more important things than "doing your job", like being a good sport so that everyone can enjoy the game together, fostering a dynamic of friendly competition rather than aggression and hostility.
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@Well_Placed_HexTotem said:
Wolf74 said:Survivor came up with some weird "code of conduct" how killer should play.
-Don't camp
-Don't tunnel
-Let the last one escape
-Respect kobe (4%)
-Don't use Noed
-Don't use Insidious
-Don't use the basement
Nowadays they are just social tools to use peer pressure to shame killer player into playing stupid and giving easy wins.
Also don’t use Franklins
And don’t patrol gens
Hey don’t protect your hex totems
Why aren’t my flashlights working? Oh you’re using Lightborn, how dare you!Hell, I’ve had survivors complain that I pick them up facing walls so their friends can’t blind me lol.
Why is everyone forgetting stuff? You forgot:
If a survivor burns a Blood Party Streamer you aren't allowed to kill them
You have to let survivors hit you with a pallet, no faking hits
If you kill all 4 people you're a noob so don't kill anyone
If you don't kill anyone you're a noob so kill all 4
If you don't camp then in after game chat they're allowed to say "BRUH U SHULDVE CAMPEDED"
Make sure not to knock someone down and leave them there, you must pick them up the second you knock them down no matter how many toxic flashlight survivors they have3 -
Why should I respect RNG, I dont see a reason.
But if you manage to juke me without looping me around pallets like an idiot, then you have my respect0 -
@deadwolfwalking said:
@Fibijean said:
@Wolf74 Those aren't so much survivor rules as they are personal rules imposed on themselves by killers who like to be kind. Any survivor who expects most of those is being unreasonable, because they're asking the killer to not play the game properly in essence. Although the first two of those are really unsportsmanlike and in my experience are only employed by killers who aren't good at the game or get triggered easily, the others are things no rational survivor would have a problem with. Sure the 4% thing sucks when you actually get it and then get put back on the hook, but if a killer does any of the last 5 things on that list I consider it a bonus of him being nice, not something I am entitled to.i'm not good at the game. not on any scale really.... but i do i consider myself a kind killer. i play as fairly as i possibly can. i'm not motivated by points and rank. i just play to have a good time. the important thing to remember (for me anyway) is that the survivors are ppl having a good time too. i'm not gonna purposely take the fun outta the game just because i have that option.... i know eventually i'll be good at the game. but in the meantime, theres no reason to be a sweaty tryhard.... you have look past the ranking and the bloodpoints. theres is a vast difference between ppl who play to win and ppl who play like winners.... so even if i get wrecked, i know i played like a winner....
@Fibijean said:
@Wolf74 I am a killer player and a survivor player. I play killer to have fun, not for ranks or points, which I suppose is where the difference comes in. Camping and tunneling are unsportsmanlike, because they're not giving everyone a fair go, and it's deliberately making the game unfun for other people. You might say that the balance issues don't give everyone a "fair go", but that's not within our control. What I can control is whether I play the game fairly, doing my best to ensure that it's fun for me and for everyone else. I do that when I play as survivor as well. In short, I am 100% on board with everything @deadwolfwalking said. Yes, everything on that list is a legitimate strategy. Yes, it sucks that some survivors rage when killers aren't doing anything wrong and give the rest of us a bad name. And yes, the killers are just "doing their job". But if you're the sort of person who doesn't just care about yourself, there are more important things than "doing your job", like being a good sport so that everyone can enjoy the game together, fostering a dynamic of friendly competition rather than aggression and hostility.With these two. Sure, 'winning' is fun. But ruining the chance the other party has, even if they aren't the nicest people, isn't really 'fun'.
I prefer giving everyone a chance. They fail, they failed.
They make it work, they made it work.
One good way to balance Flashlights would be either making it so only one flashlight can come before the start of the trial, or let killers have passive adapting powers (5 flashlights at max)2 -
I'm a survivor main and I've heard ALL of the unwritten rules. They are all garbage that whiney survivors come up with in order to get something for nothing. Original Poster, you did NOTHING wrong. Is it a nice treat to run in to someone that "respects the 4%"? I guess, but is it really that big of a deal? If you got out played how can you have the balls to blame the killer for not "respecting" something that you made up out of thin air?
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@Wolf74 I consider camping and tunneling something bad killers do to try to get a win. I don't believe the game was designed for one player to get screwed and be out of the game in less than 2 minutes just because he was seen first. That being said, if a killer is against a good survivor team he will ensure his own loss and low blood point total if the survivors sit on gens instead of crouching around the hooked survivor. The main problem is that it's unlikely anyone will pip in this situation (unless the survivors all get caught and go out the same way). Camping and tunneling are fun for no one. Hooking, unhooking, healing, running, stalking and mind games are fun for everyone. I'm not asking any killer to allow survivors to win, I just want them to play the game the way it was meant and designed to be played. If camping and tunneling were things that were meant to happen...you'd get huge bonuses for doing them. What you actually get instead is a safe pip if your lucky, a pitiful amount of blood points, and everyone had a boring game...including the killer.
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@ACoolName Or, run Light Born. You'd be amazed how useful that perk is against flashlights.
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@SaltyKiller You'd have my attention if you said, "Get rid of Decisive Strike". I'd be all for that. Giving us one anecdotal story about something that happened to you one time is sad. You literally want them to change the entire game because of something that happened to you once? Get a grip man.
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In essence, it's one of a dozen made-up rules Survivors expect Killers to follow and you're damned if you don't.
BUT, since they're made-up and not actually a thing, you're absolutely OK ignoring them.
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As a killer when one of the last 2 survivors unhooks themselves I let them escape. I do respect the 4% mainly because I know that achievement is a pain to get. If I can give it to them I will since I dont really lose to much on points if I already dominated the team anyway.
Same goes for the hatch. If im on my way to hook the fourth survivor and see the hatch then I give it to the survivor.
People thank me and I thank the killers if they do it to me. I feel its just the right thing but thats my opinion. If others dont then so be it.
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I like all this salt from killer mains, who claim survivors are entitled by bringing up all these "rules" they made, but failed to mention killers do the same. Killers are like:
- Don't bring a flashlight
- If you flashlight save, you are getting camped, so never do it
- Never pallet save
- Don't use instant-healts
- Don't use Self-care, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike or Sprint Burst
- Don't pallet loop
- Don't 360
- Don't rush gens
And more. Just so you know, I play both killer and survivor, but entitlement goes both ways. I suggest you take a good look in the mirror before starting to point at who you think is entitled. Survivors do not owe you anything either.
Toxicity exists on both sides and as long as everybody on one side does it, the other will as well. For every game where you tunnel, camp, etc there will be a game where all survivors run SB, DS, BT and SC, all with BNPs. Simply put, two can play the toxic game, neither side is entitled to anything.
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Feel free, to add to this document of survivor rules
So that us killers know when we are in the wrong and went to adjust ourselves to make sure, that your fun and comfort levels are at a peak 100%
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@SaltyKiller said:
@Swiftblade131 said:
Feel free, to add to this document of survivor ruleshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1voGlXvx2WIRi5iJIKOWcQIrAM4nBO30M_1OB0Ry_X50/edit?usp=sharing
So that us killers know when we are in the wrong and went to adjust ourselves to make sure, that your fun and comfort levels are at a peak 100%
I'll save you the trouble and all of their rules can be summed up in one image:
Lul, but where is the fun in that?
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You respect that 4% hook escape chance0
Onyx said:
I like all this salt from killer mains, who claim survivors are entitled by bringing up all these "rules" they made, but failed to mention killers do the same. Killers are like:
- Don't bring a flashlight
- If you flashlight save, you are getting camped, so never do it
- Never pallet save
- Don't use instant-healts
- Don't use Self-care, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike or Sprint Burst
- Don't pallet loop
- Don't 360
- Don't rush gens
And more. Just so you know, I play both killer and survivor, but entitlement goes both ways. I suggest you take a good look in the mirror before starting to point at who you think is entitled. Survivors do not owe you anything either.
Toxicity exists on both sides and as long as everybody on one side does it, the other will as well. For every game where you tunnel, camp, etc there will be a game where all survivors run SB, DS, BT and SC, all with BNPs. Simply put, two can play the toxic game, neither side is entitled to anything.
Compare that to the long list of crap entitled survivors complain about, it’s not a valid comparison. Yeah, some killers get butt hurt about stupid stuff. Hell, I have a video and picture saved from last week where I literally spawn standing in front of a hex totem on The Game and I cleanse it right as Huntress comes near, she face camped me the entire time on the hook and then told me it wa s because I cleansed his totem.
But the amount of stupidity on each side far outweighs the natural imbalance you should have considering there are four survivors and one killer.
Parts of your list are just common sense, too. “Flashlight save and you’re getting camped”. Well, doesn’t it make sense to get the flashlight save person out of the game? “Loop me and I’ll camp you”. That’s just strategy. Or should a killer let that person get unhooked and have to chase them
down again? You’re confusing entitlement with tactics.
I love playing both sides. But there’s no doubt a significant chunk of survivor mains in this game are delusional. lol I was just watching a stream and a guy went up against a face camping LF... instead of punishing him by gen rushing, they stand there trying to get saves. He saves the guy on hook but gets downed. Gets unhooked in struggle phase, downed, quits out of game. He gets no points, screws his teammates, rewards killer. After the match he sends killer salty message about the game when a little common sense would have spared him.0 -
@deadwolfwalking said:
@Fibijean said:
@Wolf74 Those aren't so much survivor rules as they are personal rules imposed on themselves by killers who like to be kind. Any survivor who expects most of those is being unreasonable, because they're asking the killer to not play the game properly in essence. Although the first two of those are really unsportsmanlike and in my experience are only employed by killers who aren't good at the game or get triggered easily, the others are things no rational survivor would have a problem with. Sure the 4% thing sucks when you actually get it and then get put back on the hook, but if a killer does any of the last 5 things on that list I consider it a bonus of him being nice, not something I am entitled to.i'm not good at the game. not on any scale really.... but i do i consider myself a kind killer. i play as fairly as i possibly can. i'm not motivated by points and rank. i just play to have a good time. the important thing to remember (for me anyway) is that the survivors are ppl having a good time too. i'm not gonna purposely take the fun outta the game just because i have that option.... i know eventually i'll be good at the game. but in the meantime, theres no reason to be a sweaty tryhard.... you have look past the ranking and the bloodpoints. theres is a vast difference between ppl who play to win and ppl who play like winners.... so even if i get wrecked, i know i played like a winner....
@Onyx said:
I like all this salt from killer mains, who claim survivors are entitled by bringing up all these "rules" they made, but failed to mention killers do the same. Killers are like:- Don't bring a flashlight
- If you flashlight save, you are getting camped, so never do it
- Never pallet save
- Don't use instant-healts
- Don't use Self-care, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike or Sprint Burst
- Don't pallet loop
- Don't 360
- Don't rush gens
And more. Just so you know, I play both killer and survivor, but entitlement goes both ways. I suggest you take a good look in the mirror before starting to point at who you think is entitled. Survivors do not owe you anything either.
Toxicity exists on both sides and as long as everybody on one side does it, the other will as well. For every game where you tunnel, camp, etc there will be a game where all survivors run SB, DS, BT and SC, all with BNPs. Simply put, two can play the toxic game, neither side is entitled to anything.
We never said killers weren't entitled either. You should read a bit more.
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@Well_Placed_HexTotem said:
I had a game recently on the corn fields where a guy was hooked, I was chasing the last person down, and he Kobe’d off. They had only a smidgen of one gen left to do, so before I could even pick the person up I’d downed, he completed it, and got Adrenaline to get back to fully healed.So instead of picking the person up, I went towards the gen that popped. I eventually caught him, downed him, and hooked him again. They all died, 4 player SWF, and after the match they invite me to an XBL party and proceed to ######### on me for not “respecting the 4%”.
Depending on how a game is going, if I see someone 4%, I might not chase them. But to what end are you supposed to reward survivors for being lucky? He didn’t get tunneled, he even got back to full health. Am I supposed to let him heal and escape?
I’ve played over 1,000 hours, mostly killer, and there are a lot of just plain stupid unwritten rules survivors have, but this one is the most bizarre to me.
Literally 2 words, "Entitled Survivors" just ignore them and kill that's the killers job.
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Well_Placed_HexTotem said:I had a game recently on the corn fields where a guy was hooked, I was chasing the last person down, and he Kobe’d off. They had only a smidgen of one gen left to do, so before I could even pick the person up I’d downed, he completed it, and got Adrenaline to get back to fully healed.
So instead of picking the person up, I went towards the gen that popped. I eventually caught him, downed him, and hooked him again. They all died, 4 player SWF, and after the match they invite me to an XBL party and proceed to ######### on me for not “respecting the 4%”.
Depending on how a game is going, if I see someone 4%, I might not chase them. But to what end are you supposed to reward survivors for being lucky? He didn’t get tunneled, he even got back to full health. Am I supposed to let him heal and escape?
I’ve played over 1,000 hours, mostly killer, and there are a lot of just plain stupid unwritten rules survivors have, but this one is the most bizarre to me.
silliness. if he was back to full health, he was fair game. just more whining because some people expect to win every time. i am careful to not camp unless all the gens are done and never rehook someone recently unhooked. trying to lead by example but it doesn't work. i have lately been getting on killers about camping/rehooking someone just unhooked and a common excuse is "i was working on a daily." really? camp x number of survivors to death? i must have missed that one.0 -
danvain said:
@ACoolName Or, run Light Born. You'd be amazed how useful that perk is against flashlights.
it truly is far more effect8ve than i had imagined.
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danvain said:
@Wolf74 I consider camping and tunneling something bad killers do to try to get a win. I don't believe the game was designed for one player to get screwed and be out of the game in less than 2 minutes just because he was seen first. That being said, if a killer is against a good survivor team he will ensure his own loss and low blood point total if the survivors sit on gens instead of crouching around the hooked survivor. The main problem is that it's unlikely anyone will pip in this situation (unless the survivors all get caught and go out the same way). Camping and tunneling are fun for no one. Hooking, unhooking, healing, running, stalking and mind games are fun for everyone. I'm not asking any killer to allow survivors to win, I just want them to play the game the way it was meant and designed to be played. If camping and tunneling were things that were meant to happen...you'd get huge bonuses for doing them. What you actually get instead is a safe pip if your lucky, a pitiful amount of blood points, and everyone had a boring game...including the killer.
bravo. whole-heartedly agreed. they should get 0 points for a sacrifice if they were within 32 meters at time of death and 0 points if someone is hit/downed or hooked in 30 seconds.0 -
It's not a thing. A survivor should attempt to kobe at the right time so to not get smacked right after the unhook.
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@danvain said:
@Wolf74 I consider camping and tunneling something bad killers do to try to get a win. I don't believe the game was designed for one player to get screwed and be out of the game in less than 2 minutes just because he was seen first. That being said, if a killer is against a good survivor team he will ensure his own loss and low blood point total if the survivors sit on gens instead of crouching around the hooked survivor. The main problem is that it's unlikely anyone will pip in this situation (unless the survivors all get caught and go out the same way). Camping and tunneling are fun for no one. Hooking, unhooking, healing, running, stalking and mind games are fun for everyone. I'm not asking any killer to allow survivors to win, I just want them to play the game the way it was meant and designed to be played. If camping and tunneling were things that were meant to happen...you'd get huge bonuses for doing them. What you actually get instead is a safe pip if your lucky, a pitiful amount of blood points, and everyone had a boring game...including the killer.The game wasnt designed either that gens pop in a few minutes and that survivors run in circles
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Well_Placed_HexTotem said:I had a game recently on the corn fields where a guy was hooked, I was chasing the last person down, and he Kobe’d off. They had only a smidgen of one gen left to do, so before I could even pick the person up I’d downed, he completed it, and got Adrenaline to get back to fully healed.
So instead of picking the person up, I went towards the gen that popped. I eventually caught him, downed him, and hooked him again. They all died, 4 player SWF, and after the match they invite me to an XBL party and proceed to ######### on me for not “respecting the 4%”.
Depending on how a game is going, if I see someone 4%, I might not chase them. But to what end are you supposed to reward survivors for being lucky? He didn’t get tunneled, he even got back to full health. Am I supposed to let him heal and escape?
I’ve played over 1,000 hours, mostly killer, and there are a lot of just plain stupid unwritten rules survivors have, but this one is the most bizarre to me.0 -
Sounds like another unwritten rule by Survivors. I have no respect if you managed to pull yourself off the hook, however I HAVE respect for the survivor who pulls himself off the hook and lives to tell the tale.