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Im done playing solo queue

Man when i first started playing this game i loved the no mics and it just being you hiding from a killer and trying to do gens with other survivors, but as an experienced dbd player now i find that solo queue games are extremely unfun to play about 90% of the time and heres why.

When you load into a solo queue game you have to have good game sense and map knowledge in order for everybody to escape but the majority of the time you get potatoes!

Almost every match will have some of these if not all of them

* Urban evasion & self care on at least 1 if not 2 survivors

* No one will come to save you and you hit struggle state for no reason even with kindred

* Despite you looping the killer for 5 minutes straight somehow no gens have popped

* You will save multiple team mates only to be left behind when you get hooked

* Team mates will have no game sense and will bring the killer to you every time your gen is almost finished

* Team mates will think there gods and loop the killer at your hook untill you hit struggle instead of leading him away.

* Team mates wont know how to pull off a save in front of a camping killer

* Someone will bring the killer to your hook and unhook right in front of them without BT

* You will get tunneled by the killer and no one is willing to help or take a hit

* Team mates will self care all game instead of doing gens against a killer with sloppy thana ect

* Randos will waste every pallet in first minute of the game because they cant loop

* Last but not least and i think everybody's biggest issue... STOP KILLING YOURSELF FIRST HOOK OR DC SOON AS YOU GET DOWNED YOU SORRY SCRUB NUGGETS!!!!

Nothing is more frustrating than being 50% done with the first gen and someone goes down and just DCS or goes for the kobe and fails then just dies even if someones coming to save.

I understand vs certain killers sure like iri head huntress ect but i mean people are doing it vs the easiest killers like legion and ghostface ect i mean cmon once the game is a 3v1 its pretty much GG unless all 3 of the remaining survivors are very experienced.

These are just a few of the reasons why imo solo queue games are becoming less and less fun.

With basic comms in the game i could at least coach my newer team mates on what to do in certain situations like a face camping killer ect

Would be nice if they would just add comms and balance killers accordingly but i know thats not going to happen.

Just here to rant as i just played a match vs a legion on haddonfield and he had undying ruin combo one of the totems was at the very end of the street behind like the tiny concrete blocks, rando was doing the totem was like 80% of the way done when legion was coming down the street, i move over to the other side of the rando to take a hit and he just took off.

Cant stand playing with people with no game sense, what other reason would another injured survivor be standing next to you while your doing a lit totem and move to the side the killer was coming from and stand in front of you for?!

To take a hit duh now im taking a hook state and we didn't even get the totem.

Alright end of my rant lol

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  • Member Posts: 552

    I feel you. All week it seems like I've been getting left on hook til struggle phase to the point where I've been considering bringing deliverance.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    As said I dont WASTE time. If there is the safe option to go for a save off hook. I will. But I dont repeat the same mistake when THEY get themselves caught again no sooner than I helped out.

    It's best to assess the situation so all outcome is in your favor.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Never play solo q it's not worth the trouble

  • Member Posts: 230

    Well, that's life. It's not your place to tell others what Perks they're allowed to use. I can't even believe you left out the fact that in some games you get total idiots that never heal themselves or anyone else. "HEAL STUPIDS! HEALLLLLLLL!". Also, I disagree. Buffing Survivor's by adding in-game comms will NOT automatically fix all of these issues and will instead bring about numerous other issues such as Mic Spam. This is an issue that should supposedly be resolved once BHVR re-releases the new matchmaking system so it pairs you with other Survivor's of similar skill. My only suggestion is to stop whining and deal with it. For now.

    Also, here's this, you're required to listen to this for one hour before you come back and try to defend adding in-game comms:

  • Member Posts: 1

    Is your whole entire account really being an annoying survivor and complaining about killer when survivor is and has been way stronger? Killer is not strong. Neither Is slugging. I play both sides to red ranks, survivor is 1000 times easier and even in solo que at that. Killer I can have all three on death hook and be on 5 gens and they'll still pull it off either by only hiding, using a key, or cranking the toxicity to ten. Killer games are tense and frustrating. Survivor games I just toy with the killer and win easily, even solo que with bad teammates. Solo que is definitely still fine, especially with the gen speed right now. 3 gens can pop in a minute no problem if you are solo que and know the other three will just do not gens, granted you have to be good at looping.

    Point is I solo que only got to rank 2 survivor. And it was easier than rank 3 killer by ten miles.

  • Member Posts: 13

    Survivors have much more power than killers in this game. So many second chances and outs. You can mindlessly hold m1 while completing objectives the killer must manage and monitor everything and know exhaustion timers and understand how many downs they are on for DS etc. Watch a top level killer main on twitch and then watch a top rank survivor main you tell me which looks incredibly casual and meme like and which stream looks like game management and knowledgeable plays with anticipation and understanding.

  • Member Posts: 113

    I feel your pain. Most solo queue survivors are complete dipshits.

    Without comms, it's borderline unbearable.

    12 yo. Entitled Killer mains would disagree.

  • Member Posts: 742

    Sad but true.

  • Member Posts: 742
  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Did you create your new account just to disagree with me?

    I haven't played to Rank1 for the first time, but for a long time. It is not hard to reach rank 1 so the fact you reached rank 1 means nothing. I refuse to believe you play enough solo to have that opinion. Most matches are a bloodbath I can promise you that, especially at red ranks. The outcome of the match directly depends on the killer, the killer they are using, and the perks/addons they are using. Looping does not work for half the killers so the only defense is rush gens asap which is exactly anti-fun. Stealth does not work for most of the killers, you now have a new killer with a wallhack addon so stealth is thrown out the window. Killer is a walk in the park unless it is 4man on comms on cocaine. You shouldn't have to join a party to have an equal chance at winning, that's horrible balance.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I agree. You need to be helping out with everything. Not just doing one thing the entire time especially when theres 3 other emblem categories to achieve.

  • Member Posts: 266

    You should've said that instead of what you said previously. 2 completely different comments. What you said here I actually agree with but just focusing only on generators and not doing anything else I didnt agree with.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Sounds boring. Exactly the looping is the only fun part about playing survivor, to outplay the killer. Pressing m1 requires no skill in becomes boring pretty fast in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 1,013
    edited September 2020

    Well. To me. Gens are more important 🥴

    Most my trials other survivors play too damn risky. I'll go for a save but I will make sure it's a safe save. And if they rush save next to the killer. I'm gonna focus on gens and get out. I only wish survivors didnt rely on 2nd chance style. I will save. But if I see risky plays after. They're on their own 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 1,013
    edited September 2020

    Well then I guess I'm boring.

    Oh wait, I'm alive. 🥴

    This use to be a Horror Game with actual killer mindsets. Now days it's Ring Around The Rosey Tag Me. Might as well not be horror themed.

    If you think about it, pressing WASD/stick is basically the same thing. It's basic movements. Doesnt take much more than being a ninja in game. Never being found out

  • Member Posts: 2

    Is there not a way the Devs can only allow chat between survivors while your in the countdown lobby then it gets disabled once the game starts? Being able to communicate for a limited time would at least let the potatoes know what to somewhat do..

  • Member Posts: 1,013
  • Member Posts: 415

    Once you play at rank 1 long enough you realize thay this game isnt about escaping. Its about making sure everybody survives.

    Dbd is boring af if all you do is hide do gens then just do the door and leave.

    Thats no skill, real skill comes from looping, using your perks to make experienced plays, and saving your team mates.

    Probably why swf is fun af because your team mates actually save you and work as a team to try and get everybody out. Where solo queue is potatoes just doing everything solo and only worrying about getting themselves out.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    I'm a comfortable rank 4 (or 5 on average) in survivors. Where Rank doesn't mean anything anyways 🤷‍♂️ I dont need to rely on anyone. I use my perks to their advantage. I dont use DS (I'm crap at hitting Great Skill Checks with it, I will admit) If this game would ever give me BT I would use it. But I dont care for Bill. So I only prestiged him once. But for you to opinionate that all solo are potato is simple minded. I dont care how you play. The fact that you fart flower pooperi doesn't bother anyone. It doesn't take skill to running around. Or else it would have a Skill Check.

  • Member Posts: 415

    😂😂😂😂 this man literally just said that looping takes no skill and holding m1 on a gen does.

    I cant even reply to you anymore.

    You win, i can see your dbd mindset is clearly superior to mine.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    Again. I said it doesn't take that much skill and I never compared them as the exact same 🙄

    You LITERALLY don't know how the word Literally is used.

  • Member Posts: 8,589

    Pretty much my thoughts on solo queue. It's borderline unplayable as an experienced player unless you're a masochist. We don't even need an MMR system, just a system that doesn't allow a player with 100 hours to somehow be a red rank survivor. Half the time I get annoyed with a teammate, I'll check their hours and go "Oh, that makes sense."

  • Member Posts: 1

    Immagine having Bond as a default "perk" when people plays SoloQ.

  • Member Posts: 415

    This chart says trapper is the most popular killer and thats a joke 😂😂

    I play 1 trapper a week and 100 spirits a day.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Yeah and i agree. You just needed to clarify your previous comment and you did now. Playing like that is definitely understandable.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Not enough to teach them everything but I mean getting out "hey guys please do gens and save when you know you have the chance" might mitigate some??

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    Honestly, these forums taught me a valuable lesson about comms. They're not worth it lol.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Sounds like this is how the game was balanced. Not

    "I will go save, bob and jerry keep doing your gens on the opposite side of the map"

    "I don't have anything left after this pallet, someone come and block the killer for me"

    the killer is x

    the totem is y

    my gen was at 99% when the killer found me. go do it

  • Member Posts: 1,192
    edited September 2020

    The worst ones are when you have a strong start and then people suddenly seem to loose their minds. Just had a game where we were at 4 gens done. One nea goes down at the basement so the kate goes running in and cue hook swapsies down in the basement till they are both dead. I've managed to unhook and fast heal all three of them at least once before this. I finally get caught by the killer, we're still one gen to go, im on my first hook and the vomit comet isn't camping.

    I get a front row seat as detective tapp proceeds to move from locker to locker for the full length of my hook and struggle phase.

    The game could use some tinkering, but as far as coms go? If it had a mute button sure, because it would be permanently on. I've seen how people talk to each other on the forums and in after game chat, i don't want to hear everyone's rage insults because they got downed first or i didn't play the game exactly the way they want.

  • Member Posts: 1,873

    Okay, cool, but I'm one of your bad teammates and I don't know how to save when the killer is camping. How do you do it?

  • Member Posts: 415

    You have to fake the unhook, so you run up and grab me for a second then let go so that the killer hits you. He will have a cool down from when he attacks you and then you make the save.

    If you have BT hopefully the guy you saved moves to take the second hit so you dont go down or you trade and do what is refered to as a 1 for 1 where your going to trade 1 hook state for one of your team mates hook states.

    You can be hooked 3 times each game, so before your team mate hits struggle stage or what would be his second hook state you would save him and then be on your first hook.

    Good survivors will just trade hook states vs a face camping killer while still doing gens and everybody can escape.

  • Member Posts: 154

    I’m really feeling this right now, used to play more solo survivor than killer, but I can’t anymore. Pipping is too easy as survivor and even then it gives me green and purple as a rank 3.

  • Member Posts: 2,144
    edited October 2020

    DbD is a game where your own survival matters most.

    Helping teammates is optional.

    And yes, I'm a solo querer. Have gotten to Rank 1 several times no perks solo queuing. Maybe just work on not getting hooked?

  • Member Posts: 266

    Well at least you clarified yourself from what you said previously. But either way you sound individualistic. However so, I do agree there are times when you know for a fact your team is not making it because of no competence being shown so I would just do generators while sparingly helping them out by unhooking if able. I just think having a team mentality is always key in this game because it's what guarantees a 4 escape and an overall fun time. I dont know what it is but.. when it was just xbox players only (xbox player) that I played with I always had skilled teammates but now with crossplay it's like I'm lucky to even get into a lobby with like-minded survivors who actually know what they're doing. Its becoming a nuisance to even click on the survivor role because of the bad teammates. I can rant about this crap but dont want to.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I agree with you. Just not on the swf is fun and solo que is potatoes because that's not true for all solo que players.

  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited October 2020

    I mostly only solo que and 8/10 games it's still a GG. Sure, one of those points mentioned from the OP can happen, but it's pretty rare they happen all in one game. You just need to focus on yourself. You might not escape, but you can at least get a black or save pip most of the time, no matter how good your team is. The most common thing i see are Survs struggeling on the hook because the others prioritize to finish the gen first. Which normally is the better decicion as many killers proxy camp anyway and you have 1 minute per hookstate. Which is 2x4 minutes in total. That's 8 minutes for gens, which is more then necessary.

  • Member Posts: 368

    What's the point though? The best possible outcome (assuming the 2nd player has BT) is both get away from the hook, but both are likely injured at this point and the Killer is (I would assume) chasing one of you and probably not the one with BT. Unless the unhooker is a decent looper, the hook isn't in dead zone, or all the gens are already done, this is probably going to end up in a short chase, another down, and the Killer camping someone new. Compound all of this if the Killer can insta down.

    So if the rescuer is on a gen, they've now taken time away from a gen, gotten someone off a hook/probably traded hook and the hooked person now has to spend time finding a gen and/or healing to try to get the new hooked person down.

    In short, it seems like this strategy, while probably effective for getting the person off the hook, wastes more of the teams' time and resources than it contributes to getting objectives done and could lead to multiple downs/sacrifices before the gens are getting popped. I can understand it as a later game strategy when 1 or no gens remain and everyone is just trying to get out at that point.

    And I mean this against hard campers, not killers who just patrol tightly, giving a greater chance for both players to escape.

    However, there could be some other overall benefit that I'm missing here in general.

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