Same perks every d**n game

Unbreakable, DS, IW, BT, DH, OoO + flashlight + key

Dont you swf get bored of this build every single game? Legit the sweatiest build at least 15 games straight tonight. What is it with late night swfs?

I can count with my fingers the amount of time Ive ran noed or bring mori without a daily. FFs try something else!


  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I don’t SWF, my solo build is Empathy, InnerStrength, SB & We’ll Make It;

    but I have experienced the same perks almost every match...

    BBQ Pop Ruin Thana Infectious M&A NOED

    I do agree, it’s good to try sth else.

  • iTsJustTooEasy
    iTsJustTooEasy Member Posts: 10

    Killers got it way too easy

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It is what it is and I don't really see the point in sweating it. The devil you know is always better than one you don't. Yes, I always assume they will have DS. I always assume there will be BT (for example) and choose my targets and when I pick them back up accordingly. Just as I tell Survivors who complain about Killer builds that they are being entitled, I say the same thing to Killers who complain about the Survivor builds.

    Now, in regards to SWF that is an issue which isn't going to go away. the 5th Perk (Comms) is a headache and there is nothing you can do about it but leave a Lobby if that is what you think you are facing, or just get ready for a slog. :)

  • wraith_nea
    wraith_nea Member Posts: 54

    Thats the thing solos dont run such sweaty builds even when their the ones whos odds are stacked against. Its always the sweaty swf with OoO that need want to make it even easier for themselves.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Yeah, I’ve gotten solo queued w known TTV/YT 3 prsn SWFs that were all over the killer an it felt like it was a business where they were getting paid by a boss to do a job or sth.

    Likewise, I’ve been in matches w 3 prsn SWFs who played w/o all the sweat (many bare bones) an it was a really fun experience for everyone.

    Hard to argue the facts...

    SWF drastically altered DBD an made it less fun for killer/ solo survivors.

  • wraith_nea
    wraith_nea Member Posts: 54

    By 'we' Im asuming you mean suvs? Yeah I run kindred n dead hard just for the same reasons you said. But rushing gens in killers face caue of ds or kamikaze hook saves cause unbreakable security? I mean common OoO on a 4 man is just cheating at this point.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I mean that’s kinda how meta works... I use a lot of the same perks throughout my killers as well

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I like being the exclusive survivor who's not running meta perks. I currently run Alert, Dark Sense, Breakdown, Iron Will. As for killer, I barely use BBQ and don't use NOED.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    One because those perks actually help you in game while the other 50 perks are just situational at best and most are completely garbage

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I like to experiment but it feels like every time I take off BT the killer face camps.

    Every time I take of DS I get tunneled to death

    Every time I take off spine chill it's a stealth killer

    Every time I take off ruin/corrupt intervention/pgtw I get gen rushed

    Every time I take off NOED the survivors don't cleanse bones

    I'm all for experimenting with different perks but eventually the game kinda forces you to use the best of the best.

  • wraith_nea
    wraith_nea Member Posts: 54

    Yeah but I trust killers need more variety to complement their powers. Survs can have builds that do so much like locker, diversion, ambulance, houdini or looping build yet swf still use the same meta from 2 years ago. Might as well just have David, Bill and Laurie as the only survs cause god knows when I last saw we'll make it or dance with me in sweaty late night swf.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    it's a cycle:

    Some big names started running those perks to secure wins to feel good about themselves -> lotsa people started to believe the game MUST be played like this and run the same perks -> it makes the game frustrating for the other side -> other side starts running certain perks (maybe/prolly after a big name started it) -> rinse and repeat.

  • wraith_nea
    wraith_nea Member Posts: 54

    I respect that and thats still an interesting build as its got info, stealth and anti camp stuff. Unfortunately the meta for swf just amounts to getting more chances at not dying even when youve made a number of (intentional) mistakes.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    My own build is Prove Thyself, Leader, Streetwise, Better Together.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    People can win with no perks, and in terms of the meta those perks are not always given a chance to use, let alone they are standalone, one-use perks.

    I randomize my perks every match and play with them, because at the end of the day either side can use meta perks, but they mean f- all if the basic skills are not there.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    That pretty much explained why these perks are the current meta right now. Yesterday I did feel like trying the classic meta being SB, SC, Bot, and Spine Chill or Adrenaline, and while it's still good, it really pales in comparison to the current meta, if the killer camps or patrols the hook you really need BT, and if you get tunneled you really need DS. So it's not hard to see why the classic meta died for the new one.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838
    edited September 2020

    When can we rid this game of entitled people like this guy and the SWF they faced?

  • wraith_nea
    wraith_nea Member Posts: 54

    I get that, but cant people not easily realise when the other side isnt playing sweaty or scummy and chill out a bit? If its mori or OoO then genrush and tunnel all you like, its the only choice.

    When you know its a bunch of solos running no milther/lithe or a trapper without a bag is there still a need to even proxy camp or pre drop every pallets while your team genrushes in 5 mins?

    When its solos I let them safely unhook and just slug when there's no obsession just so that we can play the game a bit more. If Im in a swf Ill purposely 99 gens or go loot/cleanse so that each surv gets a chase with the clown. We dont have to sweat it out every game.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I'm sorry but what is IW?

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Well, as a killer main, when I play survivor I will run strong perks, because every game I have a stridor spirit with bbq pop and noed. Its both sides.

  • throwaway1234
    throwaway1234 Member Posts: 11

    wait wait wait. Can I add my unwanted build into the mix?

    I play both sides and enjoy both sides so I know the pain of each side. For now I run ruin, brutal strength, noed, and whispers but I am removing noed once I get a better perk and trying to get a better perk to replace ruin. I'm still fairly new to trapper and noed rarely works anyways.

    For surv the only "meta" perk I use is dead hard but I also run resilience, for the people and quick and quiet. I really like the idea of helping other survivors while distracting the killer and if i ultimately screw up im not gonna use ds or unbreakable to get a second chance. If i get camped oh well. If my teammate gets camped I'll try to figure out a way to save them, I've done it before. If im tunneled I'll go to the next game.

    People take this game way to seriously though. It might be ranked but it's a game, not some hardcore survival simulator. You aren't getting money for being the best player or team. But hell, you do you.