Dose Dead By Daylight need a new mode?

Hello to all Dead By Daylight gamer's I ask you all on your opinion's if Dead By Daylight needs a new mode i have been thinking about it and what i have for my opinion is that you have 2 killers 10-12 players 8-10 gens that have to be done and 3 exit gate's but that's just my opinion tho it will not happen its just an idea.
Yes. The Two killers idea is not gonna happen though. And honestly it kind of makes sense on why it is not gonna happen...imagine the doctor and Deathslinger back to back?
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We only need a battle royale, with a lot of dance emotes, and guns, lot of guns.
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Map sizes would have to be factored in as well
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We need a mode without SWF, a laid back version of what we have. Maybe everyone gets random perks or something but no comms.
If they're going to bring in MMR you need a casual game mode where people don't have to stress about pips or kills etc.
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Dead By Fortnite.
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Fortnite Is Dead
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Fortnite will never die.
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Yes, pls.
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I've always liked the idea of a kill the killer mode. Survivors need to find items to be used in a ritual that will destroy the killer. Once they get the items and start the ritual, an egc style timer starts. Every so often the killer can see the aura of a survivor, get the survivor performing the ritual, and it adds time, and changes which survivor which survivor is the target, get all 4 and you win, egc runs out and survivor wins.
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They should iron out the base game before doing anything drastic.
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God yes! The game can be fun in spades, but doing the same thing over and over wears thin real quickly. It needs something new.
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An actual training and tutorial mode is needed. One where you can actually play using various perks, add ons, and killers. That way you won't be stuck with players who don't know what they are doing.
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I don't think we need a new mode.
What we need is more killers with powers that force the survivors to play differently, like Huntress or Nurse for example. When you have to play differently against each killer it makes the games feel more unique from one another.
You currently play near exactly the same against like 75% of the killer roster. To me that isn't good design.
This is the same reason we need huge amounts of perk reworks so that we can have a larger diversity of perks to make each match feel differently. There are currently just too many perks not worth touching and a few perks that are so over the top that they cloud all the rest out.
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The problem with a new game mode is it splits your player base. If both modes are popular you split your player base and make que times longer for everyone. If only one mode is popular the other just gets abandoned after awhile because if fewer players play it makes que times long which makes more people not play and so on.
As others have mentioned it would be better to just balance the game in a way that makes alternative playstyles more viable.
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Prop Hunt!!
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Theres a prop hunt video on yt thats funny af
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I think it needs more interesting chases.
The running around the rock can feel stale sometimes.
Imagine if we got chases where you could interact with more parts of the environment.
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A new mode would be very nice, they could completely remove gens and add other objectives to do instead. Apart from being a breath of fresh air this also could give them the opportunity to maybe make the game more balanced around the new mode at least.
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I feel like an unranked game mode would be nice, fewer sweats than ranked. And everyone can have fun (aside from a few toxic players here and there). I think it'd be beneficial for everyone, so if people get tired of sweaty ranked with tunneling/killers, they can go to casual where everyone can vibe.
In casual, keys, and moris would be removed just to prevent arguments about that.
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that is a great idea and i'm so with you on that one they do need an area were you can test out killers before buying them, because there is one thing that gamer's don't like and that is gambling. not gambling will bring more people knowing that this game is not a gambling game and it can get more popular off of that fact.
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another i idea is a prop hunt on the indoor maps i'm not sure how that would fully work but they can just have it were the survivors gets a perk that can only be used in game were any thing that they use they become and the killer can only play trapper or hag just no TP there are some ways that could be done and i think people would like that even new players all they have to do is make it a LTM and then see what people think if they like it then maybe make it a mode for good if not think of something else
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Yes that is a great idea they need a think like that so they don't gamble on a game because there is one thing that gamer's don't like same with new players and that is gambling if you get rid of that then DBD might get more players on.
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I just want a mode where killers and survivors can only use the perks assigned to that specific character.
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this is never gonna happen, because no one would be able to play this game with friends plus every killer would only ever play in this mode and just get easy games
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Doctor and legion. Everyone bleeding in the ground party!!!!