4 gens in two minutes...

I keep putting off playing killer because its been non stop gen rushing at red rank but today l decided on playing and two games in l got gen rushed into oblivion. l downed a guy within the first minute of the game and than 10 seconds later l immediately find another guy, chase for 30 seconds and down him and l'm already at 1 gen left and forced to slug and camp after having a decent start to the game. They had two tool boxes and two prove thyself's... that's all they had and they got 4 gens in two minutes. l just want games to last longer and not have to slug and camp two minutes into the match because that's not fun for them or me.
I was going to make a joke post about the garbage responses this kind of thread normally gets, then thought better of it and deleted it all.
That said, Gens will fly if you aren't visiting them enough. If a Survivor is running you around mid for 30+ seconds, it's because they are stalling you while everyone else works on Gens. It sucks. As a Killer, you are "supposed" to chase and hit them, but they know that. They will present you with the Survivor that is confident in their ability to run you while Gens get done.
As such, my mindset for this game has completely changed when playing Killer.
First off, you aren't a BIG BAD Killer trapped with four Survivors running for their lives. You are an armed victim trapped with four intruders trying to break your home. YOU'RE the one on the defensive, not them. They are there to attack your stuff, and you are there to defend your stuff. If one of them is running you around for more than 10 seconds, you need to go look at your stuff because it means the other intruders are tinkering with it. The rats are after your cheese. Chase long enough to hit them off a Gen, or get them running from the Gen they clearly want to work on (most Survivors become fixated on the Gen they fingered, and won't often go look for the one they haven't touched yet). Patrol them, chase when/where you can. and only really commit if they run deeper into your defense zone. If they run you to the other side of the map, you got played and will lose a Gen. They are greedy, unforgiving cannibals that will sacrifice a rat to a hook so the rest and gorge themselves on your cheese. After that, it becomes mind games, game sense, and mechanical skill.
If Gens took a bit longer, or changes were made so Killers felt like more of a threat, it would be a different game. Maybe better, maybe worse. A whole new meta would pop up. Until then, you're a terrified home-maker with a knife, and those intruders are trying to break your stuff.
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I agree! I've been saying it since the beginning... it's because of the loops but I hope it will change with the rework of the maps ! Less loops, less time wasted to protect the generators!
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When the 4 survivors know how to looper, believe me, you can defend your cases with rage and sweat they will put a big pressure on you from all sides.. before you start to crack (go crazy)!😀
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Considering how I currently view playing Killer, I would say I cracked a long time ago.
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Youtube is your friend !
It's not complicated, climb to the red rank and you'll know it!🤣
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I play michael so l already have a slow start at the beginning, l stalk the first guy down him and immediately down someone else. what am l supposed to do down someone every 20 secounds????
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What are your perks? Corrupt is a must. It stops survivors jumping on gens immediately, stops them from spreading out, and shrinks the playing field during the early game so you can apply more pressure.
Right now I’m running Corrupt, BBQ, Undying, Ruin.
It’s quite strong. You’ve only got 4 gens to pressure for 2 mins and anytime you chase a survivor off the gens auto regress.
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It is necessary to limit the number of repairs... Two generators at the same time is enough!🤔
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spirit fury, enduring, brutal strength and bamboozle so l can end chases quick
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You have 0 Gen Defense and 0 Tracking. You only have Chase Perks which probably lead to a lot of tunnel vision.
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yet l found someone early in the match and downed someone quick after hooking him so what difference does it really make
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That's just what happens sometimes. There's nothing you can do, so don't even worry. Just play what little game you get, try to have fun, try to get as many hooks as possible or whatever goal you want to set for yourself. Actual genrushing isn't really a thing that can be fixed without screwing over every other survivor.
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With those perks on a Michael, I would 100% rush gens too. Myers is a killer that needs build up time like Trapper and Hag. Corrupt, Ruin, or Pop are a must. Myers in tier 1 is incredibly slow and if you are only chasing one person trying to tier up, the other survivors if they are smart, should be pounding out gens.
Those 4 perks you ran ain't it. That's be awesome once you hit tier 2 and maybe tier 3, but by the time you get there, the match will be over.
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Name 1.
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I play both. I'm a red rank Survivor and WAS a red rank Killer. The main thing I've learned is that doing well with Survivor is pretty easy. Do Gens, and get the best person with mechanical skill and game sense to run the Killer. In my SWF, that's normally me. I have run Killers upwards of 5 Gens and the Exit Gate.
Looping for a few seconds DOES give the team a bit of time, but it's just part of the game. It's also not 30+ seconds. If a loop looks bad and the Survivor is clearly going to cling to it, break the pallet. THAT Survivor will move to the next one, but it's also your cue to go look at what everyone else is doing. If that Survivor is using their time to get your attention for a chase, it's because it's their job. The others are doing Gens.
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Unfortunately right now I think Corrupt Intervention is almost necessary in red ranks. Survivors spawn across the map and usually on a generator so C.I. literally blocks them from working gens near them. They have to move around the map which increases the likelihood of you finding them and wastes their time because they aren't pressuring gens. C.I. blocks 3 gens so you only have to patrol 4 gens and you will find someone much easier. Also like some other people have said already and this is HUGE, you have to know when to drop a chase. If you're getting looped and hear a gen being worked on don't be ashamed to just drop the chase and defend your gens. I've noticed killers get that tunnel vision and refuse to drop a chase due to pride or because they are so focused on downing this ONE survivor which is a huge waste of time. Anyways good luck long post sorry.
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I chased the first guy off his gen and found the second guy 10 seconds after hooking the first guy... what the ######### am l supposed to do????
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I've seen every idea the forum has and they are all hugely flawed with overtly simple counterarguments. You seem to be the expert on preventing genrushing, so please do share.
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They were probably asking for strategies that work, not random stuff that someone came up with.
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I think you should always run Thano anything to buy some time a killer can destroy teams in the same fashion as how much time those gens got done.,that's actually the crazy thing but sometimes they do go fast you just have to patrol there effort's
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unfortunately l don't have corrupt
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Yup, that's a huge problem i think the devs need to address. It should be much easier to unlock perks because some of the locked ones are of course meta and almost required to use as a high rank killer.
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Right and I saw you mention that you play Myers.
Think about what’s happening. Survivors will be on gens within the first few seconds of the game, you’ll be stalking and chasing one and the rest will stay on gens. The gens themselves never lose progression unless you kick them and even then they regress at a really slow rate and only need a tap to cancel that.
In the early game the gens are far apart. Survivors will be on multiple gens. No way you can pressure them all consistently as Myers so you’re gonna lose some early. Then without regression if a gen gets 60 charges out of 80, and you chase that survivor that gen is staying at 60 charges.
I would honestly put Corrupt Intervention in that build. It stops survivors from jumping straight on gens and brings them into a smaller playing field towards you making stalking them easier.
You probably dont need enduring/spirit fury/ brutal strength together. Swap out brutal for corrupt.
I’d maybe swap a perk for Pop or infectious too. Pop to hard regress the gens or infectious so you can slug in tier 3 for pressure.
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Since you like playing Myers I would recommend looking up stalky boi on youtube. He's a Michael Myers main, and he equips various perks that work really well on him.
I like playing Myers too, but his game is really slow at the start which is why a perk like corrupt or pop is necessary. If you don't want a gen tracking perk, try Whispers.
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Toolboxes already got nerfed to the point that some of them aren't even worth taking anymore, unless you bring BNP, double charges, or are planning on using the toolbox as a sabotage toolbox.
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Off topic. You wanted to explain to me how killers are supposed to be in 4 places at once, pressuring 4 survivors at once, who all have every resource on the map still available to them and will just immediately go back on the gen the moment you look away.
And, for the sake of fairness, let's assume they have no items.
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A lot of difference, obviously. Maybe you don't need tracking perks, but this post is literally proving WHY you need at least gen defense perks. I second everyone else who is saying that you should have Corrupt. Ruin is also a good pick for Myers as even though he has poor mobility, he's really good at chasing people off gens because they don't want to feed him to tier 3. Discordance also seems to be a popular pick for Myers for obvious reasons (two survivors in one spot? More stalk! Also would have been helpful against Prove Thyself)
You definitely could get rid of a couple of your chase perks and replace them with anything else for gen defense.
That said, I'm not surprised that you had several gens fly by. With Prove Thyself and toolboxes, they definitely were planning on getting gens done fast. Most people don't run builds for gen rushing, but it does happen sometimes and there isn't much you can do about it if they dedicate their builds and gameplay to it (without anti gen rush perks and meticulous gen protection play). ESPECIALLY if you play a character like Myers who has a slow start.
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We were never talking about gameplay changes. We were talking about current, extant tactics. That's what you opened this with.
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Not that I disagree, bigger maps (not gen times) are problems on killers with slow early game mobility, but I think you could be exaggerating the times. Just a little bit.
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^This. There are a lot of things in DBD that can ruin everyone's fun. The complaints that survivors have for killers and vice versa are all pretty much legit. The way to get around this is to not care about the outcome of your matches. Learning not to care about ranks or pipping can make a world of difference. I realize that with some people that's easier said than done, but if you stop looking at DBD as a competitive game, that will make everything significantly better for you.
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I am a Myers main and believe me corrupt is your best friend on him for his stalk build up in early game.
A mistake a lot of corrupt users make is going to the corrupt gens looking for survivors because they think they likely spawned there. That is often true but your corrupt gens are not what you need to be going to. They are safe for the time being.
Unless you are facing potatoes the actual good survivors will go to the non corrupt gens. That's where you need to head to apply your pressure, and if you are playing Mikey get your stalk too.
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Gen times aren't the problem, it's bigger maps with slow mobility killers. Streamer who demolish or get demolished don't prove anything.
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Not to be that guy but that’s not gen rush you just didn’t pressure gens you can’t call gen rush if you only went to two people within that time letting the rest do gens freely as there isn’t much else for them to do if you aren’t chasing or pressuring them
A true gen rush is if they do gens and let their team die but that almost never happens
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Then the fault is yours, because your opening statement was just as applicable to the OP and them not wanting to learn.
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You ain't kidding, survivors have second chance perks out the yin yang! But what can ruin games for survivors is being matched against a killer that is far outside their skill level. With the MMR off the game is back to matching players by ranks, and since ranks aren't an adequate representation of skill, you could be matched against a killer that is far better than their rank indicates, and that's usually because the player stopped playing for a while or purposefully deranked. That's also not to say that newer players still aren't being matched against red rank killers as that continues to happen far too often.
There's plenty of frustration to be had in DBD, but there's a lot of fun to be had too, which is why it pays to not care about the outcome of matches.
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"most Survivors become fixated on the Gen they fingered, and won't often go look for the one they haven't touched yet"
That actually made me laugh wayyy more than it should have.Very true, tho! I'm not leaving that gen once I touch it with my dirty survivor hands! 😈
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thing is it hard to get survivors when they 4 of them only 1 of you how the game is.
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corrupt, early downs, slugging.
the only time i would say its completely impossible to stop an early game genrush is strong tiles you can chain together
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Sure, but what about the times when they conquer survivors at 5 gens? Is that proof that survivors need a buff?
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Well 2 30 second chases at the start of a match means 2 or even 3 gens are close to popping or pop before you even down and hook them. Eg if you chase a bunch of survivors off a gen and then only commit to that 1 survivor the others are just gonna come back and finish the gen because you've basically told them that you don't care about the gen popping and you'd rather chase that 1 guy. Then 1 big mistake in another chase, maybe you get screwed by the game or autoaim or hitboxes or whatever, and if they're an efficient team it'll likely cost you the game. There is a big RNG element to DbD but a lot of it is on you and your killer/build/playstyle. It takes practice and you can't really play nice anymore so slugging is one of the best things you can do to help give you pressure. And once you chase survivors off gens make sure they actually stay off them.
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I really like this explanation. As I have said many times before, the killer is the victim, and survivors are the toxic aggressors.
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What is going on brief me real quick.
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its not about rank or depiping for me l just want games to last longer
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complained about genrushing, while playin a low tier killer
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If the killer isxlow tier run corrupt to buy time. As much as it sucks to say multiple slowdowns is understandable. Also extremely sketch to say 4 gens in 2 minutes is a problem you caused.
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If you let 4 gens go off in 2 minutes then you really should look at your play style, you sure you wasn’t afk?
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I genuinely love how you wrote this
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Lol brilliant post and totally true on how it is. To quote someone, “you’re not locked in here with me, I’m locked in here with YOU!”
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Bring Sloppy and spread the damage. Depending on your playstyle, you may be better trying to sneak in for a cheap hit and pushing them off their gen, but don't be afraid to rotate targets.
Depending on the caliber of survivor you're against, they'll either heal (aka, not gen rushing you) or stay injured (yay, instadowns)
Might I also suggest being more territorial. Winning the game doesn't mean 5 gens left. Don't be afraid to let a super far gen die off. Plot out your end game, and find 3-4 gens to protect for later on, and be relentless about smacking em if they get any ideas about touching them.
Good luck with your games 😁