Tunneling really do be the strat huh?

Maybe its just my luck, but I've been playing against tunnelers all day, (and im not a toxic survivor btw) if there is anyway to avoid tunnelers i'd like to hear it. (I already run DS as well btw)
Run UB too. Go smol pp.
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Maybe I gotta be more immersed
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Lightwight, Urban evasion and Iron will. If they still find ya.. GL!
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Killer's just be in a bad mood atm haha, with the recent hooking bug, some survivor's take advantage of it and bodyblock even more than usual for the killer on the way to hook. chances are the survivor will wiggle off 90% of the time while trying to re-align so he can hook.
Then again, a survivor accused me of tunneling him the other day while i was playing PH, he found my ruin early on and kept trying to cleanse my ruin totem repeatedly in the space of 3 minutes between being hooked and caged, as if i'd let him cleanse it without taking action.
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Just run decisive strike with deliverance, maybe play with a friend and tell them to use borrowed time.
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Toxic survivor here. It may be counter-intuitive but taunt the killer. Press 2 to do the "Come here" motion and run the killer around a safe loop once or twice and pallet slam him. They'll generally take that to mean that you want to be chased and leave you alone.
But I mean if he does wanna tunnel after you pallet slam him once or twice, all the pallets are still up. Take him on a tour of the place. If you get hooked and he tunnels you again right after though I'd plug pull, but that's just me.
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Recently I play both side (but main Killer more)
Tunneling is just equal to Gen rush. Where a side do their main objective "focused".
Hook 1 survivor, then another one. Just like survivor do Gen 33% then go to another Gen to do 33%. And you see its really stupid for survivor side.
I dont tunneling as Killer until 5 Gens done.
As Survivor I suggest to use chase build rather than go immersive, sometimes Killer just happens to walk directly to ur position and then the game is over. My fav build is Lithe, WindowO opportunity, DS, Kindred. Extend the chase at maximum time that I can.
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There is a logic to this. I know that, when I play Killer, a rule of thumb I follow is if a Survivor is actively trying to get my attention, do not give it to them.
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Hmm yeah you're right, the bug does add another aspect to it. Thx for the feedback!
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Honestly, first and foremost you should check to see whether you were actually tunnelled. I know I sound condescending, but I've defended 6 killers today against salty teammates that call them out for tunnelling for no apparent reason, so I've learned to be cautious.
Second, if the killer is tunnelling you, play super safe. Drop pallets quick, don't risk hits. If you have DS, screw it. Jump in a locker. Force it or force them to wait it out. Normally I'm against that sort of thing, but normally I don't see tunnellers/tunnel people myself.
If you're getting tunnelled, you're screwed. But if you can buy as much time as possible then go for it.
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just because you get unhooked and then run into the face of the killer doesn't mean you were tunneled, you just made a bad decision, or if you jumped on a gen or tried healing right next to the killer. Not tunneling doesn't mean that the unhooked survivor gets X amount of time grace before the killer can hit them for it to not be tunneling.
Tunneling is specific targeting of a player at the expense of targeting other players / throwing the game. A killer generally has to go out of their way to actually tunnel. Tunneling also isn't against the rules and I suggest you learn to live with it because people are going to do it no matter how much you don't like it.
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It is not avoiding but run DS and Head on.So if you get tunneled,than hop in a locker and DS the Killer just to hop in again and give him Head on.So you just give your Team more time to do Gen's.
Otherwise.Run stealth Perk's like Iron will Quick and quiet,Dance with me or Lithe.
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Since there is a bug with DS that triggers the stun to only 2 seconds and not 5, I literally stopped playing the game until it gets fixed. The amount of tunnelers that are gonna abuse this bug is hillarious and makes the game even more frustrating than it is now. Maybe the DS is overpowered in it current state, but the mechanics like this perk are reasonable to stop people from playing like a scums. Thank you.
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They aren’t “tunneler” they are just playing killer in the current meta That’s why DS UB BT are used so much is because killers have to tunnel, proxy, and slug to get a win since it’s almost impossible to 12 hook and win
Its not because you or they are toxic it’s just cuz of how this game works
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Well some killers dont get stunned when they wiggle off so...
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I play both killer and survivor, but when I play killer I really don't pay that much attention to who I'm downing. I'll try to avoid obvious DS, but that's about it. That being said, if someone aggressively uses DS I will absolutely tunnel that person out of the game. So, I would say if you don't want to be tunneled use DS defensively and not offensively.
That being said, I've thrown quite a few games tunneling a DS user, so if you are ok with getting tunneled it's a decent strat to give your team mates time to do gens while you get tunneled into the ground. And if you do manage to escape you'll really feel like you deserved it.
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Don’t take offense to this, but the killer may have seen you as a “weak link”. Some killers will focus on the weakest survivor, to get them out of the game early to turn it into a 3 v 1.
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Show them your smol pp and combo unbreakable and immerse yourself too i guess.
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Even if i'm not the first found, there seems to be a great chance for other survivors to kite killer to my position, and sandbagging, setting off a domino effect.
Today's matches have mostly been absolutely frustrating with killers hell bent on tunneling and survivors who pick me off hook just to give killer a free shot.
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Which is testament to weak game design.
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Yeah it all seemed to have started when they changed ruin before looking at the bad gen speed, map, and survivor spawn design
so now it’s tunnel, camp, slug or lose against good players
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Laughs in Nurse.
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Ye, atm almost every killers do this. I don't see any fun in doing it but well... devs have to adress the problem by bringing a huge loss of points for tunneler/camper.
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If you're being tunneled, I'd suggest Deliverance, DS, Unbreakable, and Adrenaline or Soul Guard.
You could swap out Deliverance for an exhaustion perk, in which case I'd suggest SB, if you get up from unbreakable or use DS, being able to sprint away is great.
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Tunneling and camping may not make you popular but they are without a doubt the best strategies.
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What you guys need to understand (I play both sides, more killer, but somehow I'm better ranked as survivor, I think is 'cause I don't give that much of a ######### when I'm playing as) is that slugging is needed, at least in one moment in the game, if the killer wants to win, It's not playing scummy, It's just strategy.
It's not survivors' fault either (even when some SWF are toxic and BS as hell) it's the game core mechanics that force you to do it, you need to pressure the map and just chase - hook - patrol - chase (rinse and repeat) it's a garanteed way to lose a match.
Edit: Sorry, I saw a lot of ppl telling to run Unbreakable (?) and just went full on assuming it was about slugging.
Ok tunneling. Still a viable strategy as a killer, so you can get rid of one player before there's just 2 gens left. Still, if someone goes out of their way to tunnel you, that's kinda scummy and if you know how to loop it will cost the game for the killer (unless some meghead unhooks you in the face of the killer without BT).
Run DS if you think you'll go down in a minute after being unhooked or just play immersed and let another teammate be the unlucky one...
I personaly don't mind being tunelled (if the meghead doesn't show up I'll probably just run the killer for 3 to 5 gens) but the depip or black pip (and low BP) kinda sucks.
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Honestly be good at looping, the more you make a fool out of the person the higher the chance killer will drop chase. Sometimes they just look at you and be like nah, not again gonna go right for somebody else.
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I disagree, I don't main killer, but when I do play Killer I've managed to 4k without needing to tunnel or camp. Just need to have a good strategy, sometimes you get out played or the strategy doesn't work, it happens, but you win some you lose some, no big deal. You're not really going to improve as a killer if you're focused on securing one kill at a time though.
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Well it depends right?
When you see that survivors do take it slow, no need to be a dick and you can give free unhooks np. However when gens do pop left and right, you gotta do what you gotta do.
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Everyone wants that sweet Hexy money. Gotta hone in that campo and tunnel skillz for the next tournament.
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I won't disagree there, I just disagree when he said and I quote "it's the best strat" tunneling and camping really aren't the best strategies a killer can use, they're cheap and can be effective, but the best? Nah definitely not. It can be devasting to solo players, but if you face a well organized SWF who also play well, it does more harm than good because you've lost all your pressure as you camp the hook or tunnel the one that wants to be chased.
But like you said it depends, not everyone is a God Nurse as killer, and sometimes you get a bad map for your specific killer.
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Just curious how good are you at looping?
Because if you're not strong at looping and you're at red ranks, that may be the reason why the killer is tunneling you. Especially if the other survivors in the game are strong survivors.
The best way to reduce the chances of you being tunneled in a match is to improve your looping ability, there are many good tutorials on Youtube to help you get better. A killer can't afford to chase a strong survivor at a good set up, otherwise risk losing the match. Most killers will give up the chase once they realize a survivor knows what they're doing, go for the weak links instead.
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Problem is the current design outright encourages tunneling and to some extend camping. There is so much tactical advantage to eliminating a pair of hands early in game. And it does not attempt to balance out activities to all participants as evenly as possible.
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I prefer the "big swinging D" build....lol....no healing and no exhaustion perks.
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That would me no mither + mettle of man + self care. hahahaha
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lol nice, that be the strat
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Im a pretty decently good looper, and I'm at yellow ranks currently
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use small PP, great if you get tunneled since the killer can't slug you to avoid your DS and even if the killer doesn't tunneled DS + UB let's you do stuff without the killer being able to stop you ie. finish that gen that's close to done that the killer is patrolling hard or go for the save on that survivor even if he's nearby.
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There's a difference between looping at yellow ranks, and looping at red ranks.
There's your answer to why your being tunneled, you're playing at yellow ranks. At yellow ranks, the killers are still relatively new to the game, so they don't know any better. They barely know how to play the game, so will just chase the survivor they see without much thought process/reason behind it.
Yellow rank killers will always camp and tunnel, which is only natural for new players to do. I suggest ranking up as you'll get better quality matches against better/more experienced killers.
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