End the game when a survivor leaves 10 secs into the game.

Please just end the match , I lose my add ons I lose my offerings, just so the killer can hook one of us and slug the other 2, other games end their matches when there are not enough players a couple seconds into the game, why cant dbd?
Surrender should be in the game, or subsequent DCs are safe, like how Dota does it.
if I’m playing a 3v1 I shouldn’t have to suffer or be punished because someone else quit
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Or put in a decent DC punishment to curb this behaviour.
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As much as I love this idea, I think it would be unfair for both sides, if the killer is trying to get their killers adept trophies the survivors can just surrender, and steal it from them, same thing for survivor's. They fixed all the gens, the killer can surrender, and ripb adept as well as points from the survivors.
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The timer was fine, but it still ruined the game they d/c'ed from for the other players.
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3 minutes is nowhere near enough of a deterrant. I don't think making the disconnect timer bigger would fix it either as it doesn't stop people. There needs to be a much better method of punishing people who DC so they stay in the game rather than quit and screw over their team mates. Maybe make them play the next game without any perks or items, or apply some status effects.
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HEEYYYY!!!! Don't forget when the killer leaves too >:(
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I completely agree
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Yes I like the idea, a "game is safe to leave" for a person that does dc, no harm done, no bp nothing.
I don't think dota way is good there, they basicly put the people that do dc against each other for x amount of games. I prefer cs system, add cooldown to be able to search for a match, everytime it gets worse and no reset.